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Topics - PartyyRockinn

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Leaving / It's Been Great, Feral-Heart.
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:29:19 am »
So the time has come. I never thought I'd see this day. PartyyRockinn/SoCal/BabySomeday is leaving Feral-Heart.
It all kinda started when they closed down (Or as they called it, "moved") my favorite rp, The Great Forest. Then I moved to Changing Abstain, where all my friends were. Now they've shut it down too. Even though I've become super inactive, I kept coming back only because of that rp. It's where all my friends were, but now we're all apart. I just don't think we're all gonna reunite in another rp. It's just... not realistic, y'know?
Feral-Heart ruined my summer 2012 in a way because all I did was sit here playing it day and night. But it was worth it. All of you people I met are more than amazing. I wish I knew you in real life so I could come give you a hug! All of the memories are things I will never forget. The time Wolffox said hi to me (ohmygodilovehersomuch), the time we tried to revive The Seventh Generation, the time I got mad because we were talking about the new president in Fluorite Plains and the mod had to warn us to stop, the endless dance lines, the illiterate encounters and the mapless one-on-ones, I swear to God I'll NEVER forget you guys. When I'm taking my last breath in a rocking chair (hehehe) I'm gonna be thinking, "Wow, I wonder what all of those Feral-Heart kids are doing."
Don't forget me. When and if I ever come back, I don't want to whisper someone and they ask who I am. NO. You can't forget me, okay? Don't forget rp'ing with me. Don't forget anything about me. I won't forget any of you at all.
I swear I'm gonna cry, omg.
Let's just hope this is one of those things where I change my mind the next day.
But I have a feeling that's not the case.
Seriously, I can't say it enough. I love you all to the ends of the earth, okay? Thanks for being there for me when everyone else wasn't. When real life was hard, I came here to escape. And it meant the world to me. All of you still do mean the world to me. I wouldn't trade you for anything.
Now I don't want this to be like my former friendships on different games. I don't want to drift apart from you guys. I don't want to come back to this website a year later and PM your inactive accounts. That can't happen. So if you want my Skype (preferably) or dA, just ask. I'd be more than happy to let you have them.
Now just pretend I'm hugging you. This hug is really tight and lasts about 10 minutes. And pour little water drops on your back, because if I was really hugging you I'd be crying.
I love you guys so so so so so much. With all my little heart.
And for the last time,
PartyyRockinn/SoCal/BabySomeday out. <3

Praise / The Staff <3
« on: January 05, 2013, 07:24:32 am »
Oh hay durr.
I just wanted to praise the staff!
You guys are AMAZING! You're hilarious and outgoing and cool and... God I just love you.
I love yall's accents ohmyfrigginlawd
And one time Wolffox said hi to me and I like died inside because I am her #1 fan and I love her. Like legit I squealed a little.
I don't think you even realize how wonderful you are. I'm just a 13 year old girl but iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou
ANYWAYS, Thanks for everything you do!
LOTS of love! xxx
~ PartyyRockinn

Other Games / Xbox!
« on: January 05, 2013, 05:11:45 am »
Hey guys!
I just wanted to see if anyone plays Xbox, having Live or not. I've been looking for a new game to try.
I really prefer that it has multiplayer, so I can play with my friends. But hey, if not, might as well consider.
Here are games I already have: Call Of Duty 4, Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops, Black Ops 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Asassin's Creed 3.
I'm a huge COD fan. Oh my lawd.
But I really wanna get out of my COD obsession and try something else.
Please suggest something for me.
Thanks ~

Screenshots / Ivorypaw ~
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:19:42 pm »
Hai dere. I took a screenie of Ivorypaw, being sure to include all of my favorite mods I've downloaded. So here it is... (NONE OF THE MODS ARE MINE.)

Characters / PartyyRockinn's OOC Charries ~
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:26:33 pm »
Hay durr.
These are my two OOC charries that I use. c:

~ Chylannia ~

~ Reckless ~

(Tis the one in my default. c:)

So yep, they don't have any special bios or anything, they's just purty. Okay this is getting awkward bye

Member Bio & Journals / PartyyRockinn ~ {Updated 7.1.14}
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:20:15 pm »

Hi I'm PartyyRockinn! (Call me Rachel)  I'm sure you've seen me around somewhere, I've been around a while.

~ Age ~

~ Height ~

~ Location ~
Kentucky, USA

~ Little Facts ~
- I mainly RP wolves, and the occasional warrior rp. c:
- I can download maps! ^^
- I'm obsessed with downloading mods. I have waaaay too many.
- I have 3 accounts; PartyyRockinn, BabySomeday, and SoCal. I really only use PartyyRockinn though.
- I either want to be a plastic surgeon or ER physician when I grow up ^^
- I've been through alot these past few months... diagnosed with clinical depression and the list goes on. I've kind of lost feeling for alot of things so I'm kinda unsure of what to even put for these answers.

~ Things I like ~
Fall Out Boy
Tropical Things
The Beach
Mexican Food
Australia :-)
Animal Crossing
The Last of Us
Call of Duty
The Fault in Our Stars
Making 8tracks Playlists

~ FH Friends ~
InsaInsaWolf, Sargent_Ramirez, WinterCrow, squishysword, Jupiteria, BulletCatcher

~ Favorite Animal ~

~ Characters ~
Lavina (Onyx Chain)
Jacaranda (Scout in Letim Caelum)
Taurus (Initiate in Eveiller)
Amnesia (Fire Bloom in Caliviine)
Alaska (Addict in The Catacombs)

~ Other Games ~
Toontown Advanced (Semi-Private Toontown Server that I'm admin of)

~ Favorite Movie ~
Hangover 3

~ Favorite TV Show ~
The Walking Dead

~ Favorite Song ~
Gorillaz vs. The Killers; Amazing Remix. Somebody Told Me To Feel Good:

~ Favorite Color ~

~ Favorite Store ~

~ Favorite Restaurant ~
Outback Steakhouse. :D

And now... a picture of me.

Taken April 2014.

I've "left" FH like... 3 times. But its 2014 and here I am. Still here. It's impossible to leave you people, I swear... you've sucked me in. xD

By the way I do have skype and if any of you wanna add and chat sometime feel free! Just tell me who you are.
Username: RachelxRawhr

I also love to Snapchat c:
Username: lilsafan

Anyways thats me~

Game Help / Map Maker Crashing
« on: October 10, 2012, 06:01:20 am »
Okay so everytime I press Map Maker to try and get in that, fh crashes. I reeeeeally don't wanna reinstall because I've dont that SO many times and I'm tired of having to go back and find meshes and maps. Help? :(

Game Help / HELP! I need to get my map up for download.
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:24:18 am »
I have been looking for a tutorial FOREVER. I need someone to DESCRIPTIVELY help me with the full process of getting a map onto mediafire. From finishing the map on map maker to uploading to mediafire. I need help. If anyone knows, PLEASE help me! <3


Other Mods/Creations / Need several items o3o
« on: August 01, 2012, 04:50:37 am »
Kay! Making a map where people can just come dance. :3
I need a dancefloor, disco ball, even some pretty lighted neoneh particles.
Whatever you think would be good for a map where your just chillin, comment!
I'll also need palm trees, bridges, and good waterfall. :)

Game Help / Map Maker Messed Up
« on: July 02, 2012, 05:59:45 am »
Everytime I get into MapMaker and start messing around with the map I'm working on, I'll start working with the height and boundary stuff. And it always stops responding. Anyone know what to do?

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