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Topics - Minxy

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Game Help / Is the server throwing fits?
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:18:38 pm »
I'm not quite sure what's happening, whether it's just me or not. But my FH is closing down o.o. I get into the plains and then BAM. Closes. But I have noticed Fluorite Plains user amount has gone down from 160/160 to in the seventies. I just wanted to make sure it's not /my/ game. Sorry if this is bother to anyone. c:

Request/Find Meshes / Realistic Den/Snow Mesh's needed. c:
« on: October 15, 2012, 07:59:50 pm »
rAlright, so i'm making a new map. My FH objects got absolutely wiped, when I had to re-install FH. I forgot to back it up. ~Facepaw.~ Anyway, it's a snowy map, for the snow mountain ranges in America. Any one have any mesh's that would be suitable to use?

If possible, i'd like something with snow covered trees, rocks, possibly some snow materials, so I can change the default den to snow. Also some realistic looking dens. c: All things like that, I'd very much appreciate it!

Okay, so,this is my first /real/ map done and I wanted to know what you guys think of it. I would like comments on how to improve it and ways that maybe it can be the best it can be. I do plan to make another version, but with that, I need to know what's good and what needs improving on. The Territories shown are from Fire, Air, Water/Ice and Earth. So, here's the pictures and I would appreciate it if you would comment!:3 (Not sure if post goes here.)

Water-fall in Air's terri.
More views of Air's.

Water's land now.

Attempt of some Glaciers.
No mans land.
Earth's main den.

Fire's land nows.

Water's main Den in the night time.

That's all the screenshots so far, tell me what you think. c:

Game Help / Game help, please?
« on: October 04, 2012, 06:06:23 pm »
Okay, so, I had exported my private made map, and my friend told me they couldn't see what I could, so I said, "Okay, I'll re-export it and see the files." I tried that, but it wouldn't re-export, and then, I tried opening up my game again, and it won't work. Any help here? >.<

Request/Find Meshes / Needing Volcano mesh.
« on: October 01, 2012, 08:09:07 pm »
Not sure if this goes here.. o_o .. but yeah. xD Anyway, so I'm doing an Elemental map, i'm on Fire's territory, but you see..I need a volcano. I was wondering..does anyone have one? I'm in dire need of it. xD
I would very much appreciate it!

Game Help / Terrain Mask help. x.x
« on: September 30, 2012, 12:19:42 pm »
I don't really know where this is supposed to if anyone knows, please say.
Anyway, on to the real subject. I'm in need of someone to do me a six colour terrain mask, you see..I cannot do it.x.x

Anyone that would, would be very much appreciated. Drop me a PM or comment.

Okay, so i'm trying to make an Arctic map for my friend and I's Rp, but having so much trouble trying to find meshes. x.x
If anyone could link me to things, it would be amazing.
Like..Frozen over water?Or better known as Ice.
Trees, rocks, water-falls, ice bergs, you know, things like that. Does anyone have any clue whatsoever?
Would really appreciate it!
Also, I'm looking for someone to convert some of these .obj's for me, anyone know how to and I will PM you the links. x3
Thank you very much!

Game Help / Game wont dang start.
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:12:01 pm »
Okay, so. When I try to start FeralHeart, I click it, the black screen comes up. It will stay for a few seconds before disappearing completely. Nothing else comes up. I've tried uninstalling and installing again, restarting my computer, but nothing will dang work. >.<! Does anyone have any idea's? >.> I'd appreciate it.

Member Bio & Journals / ~Minxy's Biography 8D~
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:18:24 pm »
The Biography of the one, the only, Minxy. 8D ~Bows.~

Real name: Brogan. I hate it with a passion, stupid Mark being at my birth. ;c              
Gender: Female. Surprise? xD

Age: Born 18th August, 1997.

Where I live: England, Essex.

How I am (Personality): Not much to say here..other then i'm cold hearted. Even as a baby and toddler, I was a nightmare. Breaking everything, being a weirdo etc. I get called a lot of names under the sun, most of them bad, mind you. xD I laugh at bad things happening to people. I laugh at things I shouldn't. I like violence, but only with people I dislike. I'm very protective of those I keep close to me. I joke around a lot, although, it will come out bishy to some people. I'm awful stubborn, I have come to grips with that. ~Facepaw.~ I don't think about myself in a good way, I know i'm a cold hearted brat. 8D I help those who I see need it. If I see you as someone who needs protection, I will take it upon myself to be your protector, no matter what.

I'm not one to tell of my 'History' but why not give you a bit of more information, right? X3
I was bullied in Primary school (Which is part of the reason, why I am what I am today.) So, when that finished, I guess I turned into the sorta bully.(I do not ever do what a bully did to me. I'm just harsh to people who are harsh to me) Due to me staring at the computer screen and t.v screen too much, I need glasses. Well, I have them but I only wear them sometimes.I went through a 'hard time' and now have a few 'problems' with eating and other things, but focus on the happy now. I had a neighbour called Elaine, I guess you could say all my happy memories were in her backgarden or house. Used to make grape juice by picking the grapes off her tree, putting them in the buckets then stamping on them Helped her with gardening. Helped her decorate her room. I loved it. 8D Hmm..what else..My pets! They were also my good memories. Although, when I was little I ran my kitten into the road. -.-" I've had about..4 cats, a Guineapig and two rabbits. Pancake (Netherland Dwarf Bunny), Muffin/Tiggy (Kitten) and George (Guineapig) were my favourite pets. I loved them to pieces, I used to watch George swim about in my paddling pool, watch Pancake go crazy in the garden and Tiggy used to sleep on my shoulder, I loved them. But sadly, George died. Pancake had to be given away and my mother got rid of Tiggy.

Hmm Family. I live with my Mother, Father and older sister. My father had been married twice before my mother, he had two children, a boy and girl with his second wife. Paul and Kerry. I currently have no pets, although I'd love to have a WolfDog Hybrid or a Husky.

Hobbies. I love to read, i'm a book worm. People call me weird because of it, but stuff them. 8D I love to draw, I find it fun. I used to go Horse riding, i'd love to go again. Sleep is a hobbie of mine..I can sleep for days on end, believe it or not. xD If daydreaming and arguing are counted as hobbies, then they are on the list! XD

I've played a few games, E.g Wolf Quest. But it got annoying. I do play FearlHeart (Obviously xD) I go on PWI (Perfect World International) occasionally, my main Character is Firelooloo, level 77. Hrmm..I go on ChickenSmoothie sometimes, as well as Howrse. I've played Endless Forest, Pippa Funnel Ranch Rescue, Shaiya and Furcadia. I love good games. xD

Hrm..Favourite things: Music. Wolves. (I find them beautiful and unique.), Books, Greek Mythology.

Like: I love the bands: Three Days Grace. Skillet. The Fray. OneRepublic. Nickelback, HollyWood Undead, He Is We, The Script.  Panic! At the Disco. Rascal Flatts. Goodnight Nurse. The Calling. Owl City. 3 Doors Down.That's all of the bands I can think of right now. 8D I love Taylor Swift, Phill Collins, Faith Hill, Hmmm..can't think of any more. xD Films, E.g. Pearl Harbour, Harry Potter..I LOVE HARRY POTTER. I. LOVE. HARRY. DANG. POTTER. It's all about Draco, baby. (Dramione shipper over hereeee.)~ Ever need a conversation starter? Say HP. ;D I really do love Harry Potter. I'M A POTTHEAD. (HP fans will know what it is) ALWAYS. My boyfriend, obviously. xD His name is Daniel, he's 17 and a tall twit. xD

Dislike: Spiders. (Phobia of mine), People who are full of themselves, People who 'judge a book by their covers'. Vegetables. (I eat none..xD) The dark (Another Phobia..I know..i'm a baby. xD) The water, I hate the water, even though I find it beautiful and mysterious, I cannot be in the sea/Rives/Lakes etc. People. I generally hate people. xD The Hunger Games (Do not even mention that around me o.e).

Hrmm..Friends. Lovely topic..I have a bestfriend, his user is Sir-Eats-A-Lot (Used to be WolfLover77). He may live in Florida, across the ocean, but that doesn't stop him from being the best friend I could ask for. He is generally better then any one I have in real life. Phatom, is a rather close friend of mine. So is NeonWolfeh, Crinneh(Crin), Zarago (Obviously :3)..Who else..not really sure right now.

I conclude my thing. xD Enjoy? No? Don't care. :P

Game Help / FeralHeart just wont load.
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:34:14 pm »
Okay, so. Thank you to whoever reads this. I'm getting very annoyed with my FH. It was perfectly fine earlier, when I was making a Map. But I needed to re-start FH, so I did. But I clicked the FH icon, everything was fine. Came up with the OGRE thing and I verified it and it went white then black. Then it shut off completely. It's doing it every single time now. I'm hoping I don't have to re-install it because of everything that I did on the maps..downloads..meshes etc. Is there anything I should do? I've ran my computer for virus' just incase. Got rid of the threats..not sure what to do now. >.<

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