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Topics - safarirun123

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Praise / ~My Uncle Jock~ R.I.P~
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:14:53 pm »
Well recently, my auncle passed. away and my family, members were very" upset of course in the beginning he was fighting a horrible and I mean horrible infection threw out his body. my family members' with planning a funeral thats how bad it was but he won the battle.. the next time he fell and broke his ankle and he couldn't walk anymore for the rest of his life, and yes he was over weight. so he didn't have much of a good immune system and then the next time my auncle got toxins in his head and namonea in his head' so sadly' enough he was gonna, die from it he was there was acutally no choice on how to live it was impossible and also his liver failed. and then "He passed on" so this is my praise to my uncle even though. I havn't spent alot of time with you I still love you Rest in peace... <3 :'(

Praise / For the admins,mods,staff to read. ;]
« on: September 24, 2012, 06:24:42 pm »
1. I would like to say thank you for all you done your. hard work and your understanding aginst things its really appreciated and I would love to thank you all staff,mods,admins for all your Work. and designing thank you very much.  :) you guys are forever.     Appreciated Thank you

Discussion Board / What did you do today?
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:04:53 pm »
Hi just wondering how did you spend your day today? ;3

Discussion Board / "Funny" discussion = On bernard the bear
« on: September 22, 2012, 05:36:39 pm »
Do you like benard the bear? hes a funny polar bear that hurts himself alot got a favorite episode? post 1 here                                                  -Hope you like-   

Forum Games / Type backwords
« on: September 22, 2012, 01:48:33 am »
Well first off you type what you did today but backwords or you type something random and the next person has to guess what you said here we go.... I tliub A    etaretil       edirp      yadot.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Several Ideas
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:23:58 pm »
Hey so I thought this hunting/smelling in this game called "Wolf, quest" was a amazing idea here's the video link.(EDIT) I also thought you should be able to drag the prey back to your pride/pack)... I just thought it would be neat for others to Track your scent like that and you can follow them it would also be alot more realistic especially with the "Hunting detail" I know its something everyone wants and it will take alot of time for the builders, I understand that also I think weather should be added to the map? whats a world without weather? and yea I think when the seasons change in the map the tree's go pink or when it becomes fall the leaves start falling and then a pile of leafs will appear ""Somewhere"" also I personally think snow should be added and if so when you run around in the snow You should leave like paw footprints in it or just with a map with snow "Made by FH" so yea and when it rains puddles should be created and mud etc... Also I heard this idea about a ragdoll affect" when you fall down a hill or a mountain it would be realistic for your body to move like a ragdoll as you fall "Like mufasa" falling off the cliff and he died all-though sense there probaly wont be a survival affect you dont have to die you could pretend") also I think there should be a "Lick action" and a "Nuzzle action" Where you click on a player or something.. and you have these choice of actions lets say one of the actions said "Nuzzle" and you clicked it then on the players screen should appear nuzzle-pending Accept or no? but so that dosn't annoy people there should be a thing for it like the paw prints for friend requests'  also for the lick action just the same thing but you can choose to lick behind the ear the head. 'THANKS for reading my ideas'

Discussion Board / 2012 Halloween
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:52:22 pm »
Hi what are you guys gonna do for halloween if' you know what are you gonna dress are you gonna hang with a family are you gonna stay at home or... are you just gonna have a dinner.. "AFTER halloween"  and once you guys have tooken pictures or something post them here Id like to see how you spended your halloween. (Sorry if there's another topic about this) ...You can also post videos. ;D Anyways I think im gonna be a indian,

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for mesh makers
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:16:07 pm »
Hey so I need trusted experienced members that know how to make meshes ill put up links for the photo's of the meshes I would like                                                                                                                                     They make the links so long! DX I also need a realistic log that's just realistic.. also I need any realistic plants for a realistic nature map ;3 like make it smooth and shiny? maybe.. I also need diffrent types of grass safari,grass etc.. and I would like the texture of this dirt but also I would like a black berry bush like this    Also I need some bee particles with bee's that fly around also I need a fish particle a butterfly particle and I still need some fog. ;i anyways you guys dont have to get this all  I can -karma but all would be appreciated

Discussion Board / Anxiety?
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:20:10 pm »
So lately I couldn't get any sleep I had these whispers go threw my mind of "evil thoughts" like ok im to scared to mention it but it involves a doll anyways  :-[ I cant get sleep I have a twitching problem with my bones now my body twitches every secound and its not a small twitch its big and my head is going plain flat out crazy I think something is gonna come and I dont wanna say that either.. but anyways its been keeping me up I get so scared from the thoughts I have to turn on tv and loose even more sleep si I need help! its scary and bothering me.  :'(

Request/Find Meshes / I need this RIGHT AWAY Very urgent!!
« on: September 11, 2012, 08:46:44 pm »
I need medival meshes crates for food watermelon bananna's, etc.. anything medival a dragon mesh a chamber throne's etc... and witch stuff like where a witch makes potions in? and I need a bottle of potions etc... just anything medival please I can karma!

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