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Topics - sarabi26

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Game Help / How do I..
« on: June 01, 2012, 08:07:13 pm »
Upload presets? I'm so confused and I want to know, please.

Discussion Board / HEEEEEEEEELP!!!
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:01:35 pm »
HELP! I am boiling and theres a heatwave this week and its getting hotter & hotter & HOTTER! I am just gonna explode! Please tell me things that can keep me cool! (I drink something every.. 5 minutes! + Tommorow I am DEFINATLY putting on sun cream)

Discussion Board / The cutest video you will EVER SEE!
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:16:08 pm »
This are the cutest video you will ever see:

tiger boo-english version
I just couldnt resist giving this!

Discussion Board / Which Is Better?
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:47:51 pm »
I was just thinking.. Whats better, WolfQuest or FeralHeart, I think FH im on it everyday 24:7, WolfQuest.. Tbh im never on it lol..!

Site/Forum Help / Awards?
« on: May 10, 2012, 08:49:08 pm »
I've heard of awards, what are the ones I could earn right now? I really wanna know ;(

Game Help / HELP ME! -Clings to your leg crying!-
« on: May 10, 2012, 07:42:54 pm »
-Fast Speaking:- Ok so i've tryed to download FH+ TEN! YES TEN! TIMES! And it says, threat found! And it just deletes FH+ not giving me any choice! HEEEEEEELP! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Species / My First Species! (More coming soon!)
« on: May 09, 2012, 08:42:37 pm »
Here comes a new specie!

The Smilidon!

Let me show you the Male Smilidon first, and what to choose:

Ok, to the Female Smilidon:

The Smilidons live in hidden places, such as:

Last Cave
The Pride Lands (Download Link (REQUIRES WINRAR): )

Thats where they can turn up, but you may put them places that AREN'T their habitats, it'd be nice to see them in their, real habitats though. Ok, one more thing, you will need the Mass Markings pack in order to have the markings, heres the mass markings(think this is it):

Thanks for looking, I hope to see THOUSANDS of Smilidons!

~ Sarabi26

Videos / What Makes You Beautiful! (Screenshot Vid)
« on: May 07, 2012, 02:40:29 pm »
My best FH vid i've ever made you gotta watch! Enjoy!

What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction - FeralHeart Version

Discussion Board / My Spanish Talent! (Ty GT: Google Translate!)
« on: May 05, 2012, 08:02:53 pm »

Stories / Neverending Love 2: The Troubles! (Chapter 1)
« on: April 29, 2012, 12:42:04 pm »
Neverending Love 2: The Troubles!
The sunrise had a beautiful touch to Ashla's slicky fur, but then while she was still sleeping.. She got woken up by 3 little cubs.. Lily yelled and pulled Ashla's ear 'Muuum! Come on come on wake up!' Ashla's eyes opened as she looked at Lily and her brothers, Max and Ash she sighed 'I'm getting up..' Leonardo looked at Ashla and got up too. Ash shook Leonardo's leg growling but nicely 'I'm hungry!' Leonardo looked at Ashla as he sighed ' Come..' They walked over to the hunting grounds, it inluded, elephants, hippos, gazelles and wildebeest! Max looked up at Ashla and asked 'Mum, can i hunt the elephants?!' Ashla sighed no.

End of chapter 1

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