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Topics - catsanddogsandbirds

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Discussion Board / Those made-up words
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:00:31 pm »
 Do you have any made-up words that you know about? Words that are totally random or words that are a changed version of real words? Well, here, you can share 'em! :D
Confuzzled = Extra confused
Yeppers-peppers = Not really a word, but a sort of made-up-word phrase. It means a sort of hyper "yes"
Cutafied = To make something cute.


Game Help / "I replied!"
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:41:11 pm »
 Lol, I have this funny glitch on my "Show new replies to your posts" thing. I replied to the Forum Game "Slap your keyboard" and I go back to the "Show new replies to your posts", and it's still there. So I go to it and I check it out. Yes....I replied...

 I check again.
 Still there.
 Yup. Still there.

 I don't really mind it, but it would be nice if someone knew a way to help. XD

                                                                                                                     Forever replying,

Discussion Board / Interesting emote you have there...
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:36:31 pm »
 Are there any emotes that you sometimes use and you have to explain what they mean? The common ones like XD, o.o, e.o, O:<, >:), :I, etc are often used and understood by most people to mean a specific emotion. But what about those fancy ones that you came up with, or someone else came up with and you use sometimes? Share them here, so that maybe it'll become a popular one along with the others! But, remember, even if it doesn't, coming up with sometime original and being creative is its own reward. :) [<---Example of a common emote)

 Mine are:

I:)> = Unabrow-beard person (I = unabrow, : = eyes, etc)
>o-- = Duck (> = beak, o =head, -- = neck/body)
\/_\/ = EPIC BLINK (\/ = blinking eyes, _ = mouth) (To make the \/, do a \ then a /, not a 'V')
/\ __ = Home (/\ = tent/home, __ = pathway) (Can also be done without pathway: /\)

 Random. I know. XDD

Other Games / A FeralHeart Version of Plants vs Zombies ~Crazy Idea Here~
« on: December 30, 2012, 03:16:33 pm »
 (( Should this be in the Advertisement Board? If so, please move it, mods and admins. x.x ))

  Have you ever wanted to play Plants vs Zombies on a virtual game like FeralHeart? Well, have I got a surprise for you! I just had a light bulb idea--have players make characters from the Plants vs Zombies game and play it! Don't know what this crazy Veggies vs the Undead thing is? Well, look here -->|3875|plants.vs.zombies||S|e|9389296008&gclid=CKro3vmzwrQCFS-RPAodV0YAhg .

 Anyway, for those of you who play the game, do you want to help? I am hoping to make a P vs Z group for all of us to have fun in! You can be a zombie, a plant, the planter, sun, a grave, and Crazy [insertnamehere]! We also would like a map so that we can have a more real experience. :)

 Here is a few examples of short character applications that you can post here on the forum if you'd like.:

 Name: Repeater
 What are you?: Plant
 Other: "I used to beat up ol' Peashooter, but then I got this job fighting zombies, and I realized what true good is."

 Name: Pole Vault Zombie
 What are you?: Zombie
 Other: "My trusty steed iz my pole."

 Name: Sun
 What are you?: Sun
 Other: "Happy, jolly days! Getting absorbed by plants to destroy zombies! Pretty, beautiful days!"

 Name: Bob
 What are you?: A HUMAN

 Crazy idea, right? But remember, the craziest ideas, are the best ones.


                                                                The Dragon Clans is.... a story that is currently a WIP. The basic idea is that a young Earth dragon named Naythok discovers that he is part Wind dragon because of a hidden mark on his wing. Naythok splits away from his Clan to find his real parents, but eventually gets lost.
 In this story, there are twelve dragon Clans:
Clan of Lava: Big, fierce, and impulsive dragons that are red, black, and orange in color. They have the strongest fire of all the dragons.
Clan of Earth: Bulky, strong, and level-headed dragons that are green, brown, and black in color. They can sense anything that happens to the Earth in a limited range that grows as they age.
Clan of Wind: Smart, curious, and fearless dragons that are white and gray in color. Their slender bodies and massive wings make them the fastest flyers of all.
Clan of the Sky: Free, happy, and optimistic dragons that are blue, white, and chalky gray in color. They are almost always in the air--they can even sleep in the air!
Clan of the Moon: Wise, mysterious, and quiet dragons that are usually dark blue, black, and deep gray in color. They can blend in with their surroundings, and are very much feared for their knowledge and quietness.
Clan of Water: Sneaky, comedic, and intelligent dragons that range in colors--including rainbow. They live in the water their whole life, but all need to breathe air. They can also blow a watery mist that they can heat to make into water or cool to make into ice.
Clan of Ice: Fierce, aggressive, and large dragons that are white, gray, or black in color. They are very strong and tempered, and they are nearly 5-7 meters tall and 9 meters long!
Clan of the Ground: Mischievous, comedic, and sneaky dragons that are brown, black, or rusty in color. They live underground and like to play pranks on each other and other dragons.
Clan of Storms: Mysterious, aggressive, and terrifying dragons that are blue, white, or dark gray in color. They are a rare sight, but once you meet one, they immediately attack with fierce and non-ceasing blasts of electricity.
Clan of Mountains: Massive, friendly, and funny dragons that are dark gray, black, or golden in color. These dragons are huge, but they are gentle giants. They are also quite intelligent and good at telling jokes.
Clan of Stars: Long, armless and wingless, as well as quick dragons that are black or silver in color. These dragons are the most terrifying because they have no roar, thousands of thin, poisonous spines down their back and tail, as well as jaw extensions where teeth would be. Their eyes are tiny.
Clan of Oaks: Giant, aggressive, and territorial dragons that are dark brown in color. They are the biggest of dragons, and are known for their aggression and strength.

Right now, I could use your help with plot, characters, and a good title. Also, anything else you think could be a good contribution!

                                                Current Characters
Naythok-- a young, smart Earth/Wind dragon that from the start has more of a connection with the sky than his peers. Massive wings, small claws, small head, and green in color. Main character.
Redwing-- an orphaned Lava Dragon who is very aggressive and cruel, but later starts to feel sympathy for dragons after meeting Naythok. Long-bodied, slender, broad wings, massive claws, and red and orange in color. Main character.
Borock-- the leader of the Clan of Earth, and Naythok's father. Small wings, thick body, thick but blunt, claws, and brown and green in color. 

    Wanna help? You'll be put in the credits :).

Discussion Board / ~The Dream Corner~ Talk about your dreams!
« on: December 28, 2012, 02:10:55 am »


Alrighty, so, I, as many people, am obsessed with dragons. *points to avatar and siggie* I draw them, I am currently writing a story about them, and I dream of them. My obsession rating would probably be a 100. [100 is the top] I, in fact, had a dream about these Dragon Orbs, which summon dragons that do whatever you want, but you only have ten minutes, then they vanish. The Real Dragons--the physical living ones that stay for years--are much different. Every person in my Dream-World has one, but only half of those people have the ability to use Dragon Orbs.
 So, I had a dream where I was the only person for miles who could use the Orbs, and this man was trying to get them from me to use them. I think his name was Roila or something. I'm just gonna call him the Orb-Snatcher, or Os for short XD.
 Anyway, Os was chasing me down a wide road, and finally, I came to a dead-end. The man, with his triangle-headed minions (ikr) attacked me and stole the Orbs.
 {{ Interruption: There are four types of Orbs: There are Red Orbs (Second most powerful), Purple Orbs (Third most powerful), Green Orbs (least powerful), and White Orbs (The top-most powerful).}}
 Luckily, I had on me fake Orbs, but he wouldn't find that out until he put it on an Orb Stand (A little bowl in which you put the Orb to make it work)

 Eventually, he tried to kill me with the few weak dragons he had, since he only had three Purple Orbs, while I had twelve White Orbs and five Red Orbs. I killed him, his army of triangle-head minions, and started a giant Society of Dragon Orb People. It was awesome. XD

 Then the other night I had a dream that a stegosaurus (big dino with plates down his back and spikes on his tail) took a Red Orb from me and I was chasing it...o.O...

 What dreams have you dreamt?

Other Games / Istaria Chat
« on: December 26, 2012, 10:49:47 pm »
Anyone play Istaria?

Discussion Board / We're scared. Can we talk about that?
« on: December 26, 2012, 08:38:59 pm »
 Listen, many people out there have phobias. Some are severe, some are minor. Some are big fears, others are small. For example, you can be afraid of bees or afraid of germs. You can freak out when your high or you can simply shudder. Whatever your phobia (if you have one) you shouldn't feel ashamed. So, for all the people out there with phobias, here's a place to talk about it--perhaps with another person that has that phobia!

 Do I have a phobia? Why yes, I do. It's called melissophobia--the fear of bees (and wasps). For me, I'm in the middle, yet I lean more to the severe side. When bees are near me, I crouch on the ground and try to protect myself in any way possible--including using a human shield XD. And guess what? I've never been hurt by any sort of bug--ever. It's purely psychological. I nearly flunked my English test because there was a bee in the room. I could hardly concentrate! Anyway, when I can see bees from afar, I sometimes scream, but always dash off and hide, or just keep running. My fear kicked in when I was around 7. From then on, it's been getting worse.

 What about you?

Other Games / Virtual Dragon Games?
« on: December 26, 2012, 02:12:47 pm »
Hey, does anybody know a free game where you can be a dragon and fly? Perhaps go on quests but mainly be in a natural environment?

 And NO, I DO NOT want a game where I RIDE a dragon -_-

Poems / ~~Twizzlerr's Little Desk~~
« on: December 26, 2012, 03:13:29 am »

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