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Topics - DangusMangus

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Game Help / My friend has LARGE problem
« on: February 09, 2013, 02:15:17 pm »
Hello there.

Well, how tittle says, my friend needs help. The problem is... HE can't log in FeralHeart, it says "Failed to connect to front server". I told him to go to FH forum and restore character home. Well... He tryied... His chrome wont load Feral Heart forum. Can someone please help?


Request a Preset/Marking / Looking For PROFESSIONAL Preset Maker!
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:25:29 am »
Erro there :3

So, how tittle says, I am looking for professional preset maker who can make very detailed preset as shows in picture. Take a look ~>

Preset Number ~> 4
two sided ~> no
Coding ~> /yea, trasperent and glowing eyes.
Wings ~> na-a
Picture ~>

Other stuff added ~> ugh, I don't think so.

So yeah, anyone can make this preset? But can you make very detailed? Thank you ^.^


  Large mountain appeard from no where. Mountain was very large, touching clouds. Color wasn`t very light. It was like dark mud mixed with pebble rocks. You are very interested, from where the mountain came from. You slowly look around, but then, when you turned back, A path came from no where! You are surprised. You manage to take a look inside mountain. You step forward, walking faster and faster. You ran in path, walking through tunnel. Strange glowing yellow, lime green and red eyes appearing from both sides. You started to run, faster and faster. But then, path ends! You slipped, and fell in dreamless sleep. When you woke up, you appeard in magical forest Elwynn Forest. One female wolf walked to you, and said. "Welcome to Elwynn Forest..."

Hello, And Welcome to Elwynn Forest!
Ok, lets start from our rules. :3

1. Roleplay literate.
2. No drama if you want to get attencion.
3. Please, please no illiterate peoples.
4. In pack just 1 wolf! It`s a limit!
5.If you want to mate, go somewhere else, in den or forest, but not straight in middle of camp or pack meeting.
6. No trolling.
7. Raping isn`t allowed.
8. ONLY PACK MEMBERS CAN DOWNLOAD MAP! Don`t public it without MY permision! Only I can public the map.
9. Don`t break the rules and enjoin!
+10. Don`t powerplay or god mod.


Pack 1.

Status - Taken.
Name - Bolt Pack.
Specie - Wolf.
Alpha female - Darta.
Alpha Male - Aether.
Application - Look here ->

Pack 2.

Status - OPEN.
Name -
Specie -
Alpha female -
Alpha male -
Application -

Pack 3.

Status - OPEN.
Name -
Specie -
Alpha female -
Alpha male -
Application -

So, yeah. That`s all. Thank you for reading!

Stories / A Shadow Wolf Nightmare... (Creepypasta)
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:39:33 pm »
Ugh, Hi there! Thank yah for reading this Creepypasta. Rate from 0->10. So, lets get going on!

 After school, I went back to my home with school bus. I never do that, but I though it will be better than going home in cold and cool winter air. Well, like usual - I told driver where let me go, he did. I was really close to my home, when I started to though what should I do at home. My mother will be sitting next computer, father... Probablly sleeping. I though, I will draw stuff or write stories. I arrived next our flat house, I opened doors, it loudly clinked as camera flashed. I lookedup, frowned. Then, I needed to press right buttons for password!
<me> 3718.
I pressed them, doors slowly moved as they opened right next to my nose. I frowned again. Then, went up stairs to our flat home. I took my keys, un-locked doors. I went inside, then closed doors behind me. Locks doors as rolls another locker.
<me> mom? Dad?
I shouted out loud. No one was there. I went in kitchen, turned on lights as they went through whole corridor of kitchen. I went closer fridge, there was a note. "Hi hunny. We are in city, will be back at home in evening. In fridge I left some yesterday chicken with potatoes. Please eat. In fridge side will be banana juice. Love you. Mom. PS: feed fishes and cat, I had no time." I grined, took cat food and pulled in bowl. Took a step away from bowl, as pitch black walked closer bowl, meowed and started to eat. I smiled, went to large aquarium. I took lots of big leaves and pulled in aquarium. Then, I happily walked in my room. I dropped down my backpack, took off my pelt. Dropped on my bed. Then I sat on chair and rolled next computer. A large screen came out from desk, keyboard lifted up with mouse on it. Computer said hello. I said hello back, then with mouse walked to internet, wrote ''. It loaded in few seconds. I fast took a look how many playiers are online. All it worte 'Game server is offline'. I was like 'why?'. I went in news, took a look again. Now it wrote 'Game server is online with one user playing'. I grinned, as went chroome down. One time pressed on Fera-heart icon. It loaded up, but everything was wrong... My game background was pitch black, with realistic wolf laying on ground dead, head ripped off. Then, Black Shadow wolf appeard in my computer screen. I fell from my chair. Backed off a little, then, sat back on chair. I wrote my password, but everything went worse... My whole bunch of characters dissapeard, no arrows moving to switch characters, create a new character button was gone. I pressed on arrow, it uploaded a black wolf with glowing red eyes. It name was 'hElLoO'. I waslike 'what the..?' I logged on it, arrived in Fluorite. It wasn`t very strenge, peoples were talking, looking peeps in their roleplay. I was like 'everything is fine with others'. Then, I zoomed to ficho tunnel.I arrived in it... Ficho wasn`t what he used to be! Ceiling was black, walls were like...Pattern. Walls next ceiling were... Strange. There were dripping black thing from up of it. Water was blood water, floor was black wood. I very slowly walked to place, where crystal should be... THERE WERE NO CRYSTAL! In crystal place were dead human, with rope over humans next... I was like 'WHAT THE HELL IN GOING ON?!' I was shocked out. Then, some kind of black wolf appeard next my character. I was about to log off, but Idea came to my head.
<me> Who are you? What`s going on here? What`s happeing?
Questions were usual for me. Who? What?
< > You...Me... Blood... Come... Or... I... You...
<Me> What?! No. no no no. Leave me alone!
I logged off, I shut down conputer, then I went to rest my eyes after accident. I turned my head, becouse I knew someone was behind me... It was... Shadow wolf! Same one! It bit my head!
I woke up.
<me> It was just a dream...
I rubbed my head, then I rolled on my other side. I touched someones nose, scent from mouth was sick... Blood, flesh... I started to scream. Shadow wolf growled, then bared teeth at me. I started to scream loudly, as I felt and saw blood in my hands. I stod up, light up my room, took a look on mirror... My veins were out... A deep and big wound on my neck as from it falls blood down...

Inspired by others, it took few hours =D

Rate guyse!


Game Help / I can`t go in fluorite >.<
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:14:00 pm »
So yeah. How tittle says - I can`t go in fluorite. Right now or few mins ago, fluorite had 19 playiers online. When I went in fluorite, all it says 'feralheart.exe has stopped working'. anyone can help me?!

Characters / Wolfen`s wonderful Charries!
« on: January 04, 2013, 12:09:32 am »
Hey! You there! Hai and welcome to My wonderful Character thread! Can`t wait? Me also! Now, lets check these wonderful faces!

Name - Darta.
Specie - High ranked hell/wolf.
Gender - Female.
Age - 1 year.

Mate - Aether.
Pups - N/A.
Crush - N/A

Father - Vexus.
Mother - Vanity.
Siblings - Combo, May.

Personality - Kind, sweet, loyal, friendly, smart, strong, powerful, trust-able, honest, pretty female wolf who doesn`t likes being ordered.

Pack - Bolt Pack.
Rank - Alpha female.

Long waited picture....

Yeah, she has new markings and their color, new ears that looks very cute on her *.*
And soon is coming her preset with ALL new fur, underfur and other stuff!

Name - Daemon.
Specie - Demon/Hell wolf.
Gender - male.
Age - 2 years old.

Father - Columbus.
Mother - Hetera.
Siblings - Kulka (sister), Remera (sister), Raksha (sister), Lucius (brother), Yinsho (sister), Todd (brother).

Mate - N/A (yes evil females, he is single >:D ))
Pups - N/A.
Crush - N/A.

Personality - Harsh, un-friendly, strong, powerful, raised to kill haven wolves and the ones, who listens just sky wolves, mean, sometimes flirty, smart.

Pack - N/A.
Rank - N/A.

If he is hell/demon wolf, of course he has few powers  :P

Powers - blow fire, kill just with blink, power of darkness, Eyes of stone.
Abilities - Blow Fire power doesn`t kills you, it just makes horrible pain in your whole body. Kill with blink... He uses this power for emergency. Darkness power summons lots of his size wolves, who can kill in 5 bites to neck, not very easly to be killed. Eyes of stone... If he looks at you for 3 seconds, you will turn in stone. It`s not very easy to don`t look at those eyes, they hipnotizes you.

Yea, you can`t see his fur and underfur, it`s black...

Hello there and welcome to "More than less..." RolePlay! Read below.

In this role play, you can meet not exciting aniamsl in the world. Like, Centaurus, Tauren, Night elves, Dragons, Dinos and a lot more. Web site is on the way, map too. Now, let me introduce rules and other information.

1. No rude being for no reason.
2. Mean peoples can go to hell and stay there (I mean, don`t join this rp. Yes, yes I wont accept rude and mean peoples in this rp).
3. Wars can`t be easly made.
4. Don`t use bad words -content removed by moderator-
5. Listen to pack/clan/group/pride leader.
6. You CAN`T change forms.

You can mate, but deep in forest, where no one can see.
You can create relationships.
You can born pups/kits/babies.
You can use these animals - Centaurus, Dinosaurus, Wolfs, Lions, Humans (from 1 to 4), Demons, Hell hounds, All flying creatures, Dragons, Taurens, night elves (from 1 to 10), Whisps, Shadows, Horses, Deers, Foxes, Dogs, Cats, All water animals, All mammals, Basilosaurus, Entelodontidae, Tasmanian Wolf, Quagga, Turanian Tiger, Caspian Tiger, Steller's Sea Cow, Carolina Parakeet, Spectacled Cormorant, Dodo, mammoths, Saber Tooth Tiger and sooooooooo on...
Ranks with be with groups. Group of wolves, leader make his/her own ranks. Pack/pride/group/clan role play in party chat or public.

Map download - In progress.
Web Site - In progress.


Application -

Name of character ~
Username in game ~
Picture/description ~
Specie ~
Time zone ~
Gender ~
Age ~
Role Play sample (needed!) ~

That`s all for now. For news, I will post in top of page. Thank you for reading! ^^


Game Help / I NEED HELP!
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:10:32 pm »
  Well, hello there! I have a BIG problem - in other computers like southpole texture is snow. For me its african grass! Even in map maker I cant change into black texture or deep grass... Can someone help me to fix this problem..? Please

Presets & Markings / Airless preset thread!
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:47:30 pm »

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