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Topics - kayla1235

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Misc. Roleplays / 'Camp' Plasma... A Pokemon Rp [Inactive since 28/12/2013]
« on: September 16, 2013, 12:14:38 am »
Two Teams... Team Black, and Team White.
Both of them compete in many events, and many pokemon enter in these events because prizes are big...
Some prizes will be them earning their freedom to get out of this horrible horrible camp but the chances of that prize is very rare...
There are horrible people keeping us pokemon as slaves in this so called 'camp' and that camp is the one... And the only... Team Plasma!
Team Plasma is holding us captive in this 'camp' and there is no way out unless you earn the rarest prize of your freedom in the events that they hold. Probably one or two pokemon a year get the prize of freedom and that's when the real fun begins... The Team Plasma members keep out all of the pokemon that are staying in camp out of their cages so they will attack the pokemon that earned their freedom. Like I said, this was rare because the pokemon can also get killed by all of the attacks the angry pokemon use on them. Will you get chosen to be one of the members to get their freedom, and will you survive the angry pokemon...? Find out...That is, if it happens...

Well, these are what the cabins look like in the Black camp... Pretty lame right? I know but at least they aren't complete messes! Anyway, in the Black Team cabins, they decorate inside and after the decorating, most of the cabins are nice and cozy witch makes half of the pokemon in that team want to stay in their cabin forever witch they will if they never get the chance to win the prize of freedom.

This is the White Teams cabin! It looks so much cozier doesn't it? Well, you're wrong on that sadly... Team White are never able to decorate their cabins because the plasma guards there think its stupid for them to decorate but the thing the White Team does love to do is use their attacks on the plasma guards!


Name~ Shard
Pokemon~ Shiny Keldeo
Type~ Water/Fighting
Gender~ Male (I know most are genderless but you get to pick genders)

1. I will pick the prizes during the events in RP
2. Don't go out of hand with cursing!
3. You may attack members from other teams
4. If I give you the prize of freedom, please join back as another pokemon if you like the RP

The Four original clans... ThunderClan,RiverClan,ShadowClan,and finally WindClan, were destroyed in a battle against eachother... Windclan was first,Thunder second,River third,and Shadow fourth witch Shadowclan died of their wounds... A few months after, four new clans were brought into the world of warrior cats and those clans are... Dustclan,OceanClan,GrassClan,and DuskClan. Witch clan will you choose to join? Well, find out now!

Dustclan is known for being the strongest fighters,and the swiftest of the other three clans. They are also well known for the ceremonies that take place after winning a fight. The ceremonies after fights usually include some apprentices being made a warrior for proving to Starclan that they are ready.

Oceanclan, they are known for their braveness in battles and for being the only clan that likes to swim. Oceanclan has a lot of respect for the warrior code as well for Starclan. If any cat in Oceanclan would disrespect either Starclan, or the warrior code, the punishments would be high with possibly a cat getting kicked out depending on how much disrespect.

Known for their courage, and good lands, Grassclan is considered one of the nicest clans of all four of them. They like to ally with Oceanclan because  they also have the same respect for the warrior code and Starclan unlike the other two clans, Duskclan mostly though. Grassclan has good prey but their weakness they have feared always since they came to be was fire. Fire that would ruin their land and chase out all of their prey...

Duskclan is known for their disrespect against Starclan and for the Warrior code. Everyone knows there is at least one evil clan in stuff like this so this clan is that evil clan you always see. Duskclan is an enemy to all clans mostly but yet, they are right now allied with Dustclan because of their strength and their thought out battles during fights. Duskclan also is attached to Dustclan because they are almost like them but their respect for the warrior code and Starclan are in the middle.

Clans Ranks~





Clan Weaknesses~
Water,Fire,and Loosing Fights

Loosing Fights,Darkness,and Disrespect.

Fire,Loosing Fights,Darkness,and Disrespect.

Loosing Fights,Brightness,Happiness,and Respect.

Sign Up~~~

Username~ kayla1235
Character Name~ BlackStar
Clan~ DustClan
Rank~ Leader
Gender~ Male(Tom)
Picture/Description~ Above
Mentoring~ None
Mate~ None
Kits~ None'
Siblings~ None
RP Sample~ Blackstar padded out the clearing of camp, the evening patrol following close behind. "Hurry up!" Blackstar hissed. "You act like you're the slowest clan on earth!" He huffed and stopped for a moment to sniff the air. "Some rabbits, and a vole or two are near, get ready to hunt..." Blackstar whispered and got into a hunting crouch. After a moment or two, Blackstar spotted a vole. Carefully, Blackstar came closer to the vole and pounced on it, gripping it in his jaws. "Alright, we got some fresh kill now..." He whispered to himself then carried on the path to patrol more of the area.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / *Lurking Shadow Empire* Open and Accepting!
« on: September 15, 2013, 03:56:08 am »
The human race has been wiped out completely but luckily the animals are still surviving in the world. The new race that now seems to run the world are the dogs. Yup, dogs are the new rulers of Earth! There is a large castle in Great Britain called the Lurking Shadow Empire. All kinds of dogs live in the empire. Big and small,happy and sad,rich and poor! But the ruler of this empire is Isaiah. Isaiah... The Shepard that runs the empire, but what happens next will shock the entire dog race...

Isaiah hopped off his throne and started to pad toward his guards. "Hello there." He said dipping his head to the guards then continuing on until he reached the outside of the castle and looked around seeing nobody walking on the streets yet. "Well that's odd..." He muttered and lifted his head to sniff the air around him. "The empire is never this quiet, I think something might be wrong here..." He said until he heard a evil laugh behind him. A shadow like creature stood behind him in the shape of a human. "The human race shall rule the world again!" The shadow laughed crazily then disappeared along with the empire and all of the dogs that were in the empire...
Isaiah roamed the streets for a few days to look for some dogs that saw the shadow figure. "Hello?" He called out and perked his ears to ear a response,even the slightest sounding response he just wanted a response to see if anyone was alive. "Hello...?" He called again and laid down his ears still perked. "No need to be afraid of me, I'm the king of the Lurking Shadow Empire and I would like all that saw the shadow creature to please, speak up. I'm afraid if that shadow creature gets what he wants all of the races of animals will be gone forever!" He said and waited.


Will you help find out what the shadow creature was? And why it wants to wipe out another race...?

Character Name~
RP Sample~

Good luck helping the pack. You are taking many risks to go on the quest because many of these creatures are now lurking the streets and they will do anything it takes to stop you from getting close to their leader...

"We've been waiting for you to come..." A dark voice sounded with a slight evil chuckle. "I'm Subject 18... I am the evilest of all of the so called 'Subjects' here..." He said with a grin. "Now, you've just made a stupid mistake by walking into this facility, because once you're in... There is no way out..." Subject 18 started to laugh, his orange glowing eyes staring straight at you. "Good luck trying to survive...." He said and flew off toward the head doctor of the facility who was calling him.

The Hidden Subjects

There was once a place where everyone thought was nice until the doctors took over... Many animals that lived there were captured by creatures called humans. All of the humans assigned cages to the animals and some were locked up with no food and water witch are the ones that they like the most. The head doctor of the group had his attention to only one test subject and that one was the dangerous Subject 18. Subject 18 is a dragon, he looks evil and he gets let out of his cage every once in a while but the other subjects get let out of there cage every day. When the test subjects are let out, they often go to the play pen where they spend most of the day till dusk arrives or the doctors feel that they need to go back in the cages. There are three types of cages and those are the small cages for small subjects. The medium cages are for the bit larger subjects. And the other types of cages are for the larger and more evil and insane subjects.
18, is put in one of the larger cages since he is probably one of the most evil subject of all the facility subjects. Most facility subjects like their time outside because its their time to run free but there are some things that might cause the subjects to miss their playtime... Some examples are testing,and punishments. Punishments would be hurting the subject like beating them,never letting them out of the cage,making them insane,and most of the stuff I hope you can think of. When a subject is hurt for a punishment, a healer is not to help them since they deserve it from whatever they did... Well, that's the information but we will have more below!

((I got Subject 18's look from a game called dragons prophet, and the game does have a dragon called subject 18 so that's also where I got the name))

Lead Doctor
Healer(Heals the subjects that are in need of help)
Guard(Guards the facility at night)
Lead Subject(That would be Subject 18 also, 18 is me)

Character Name~(Example: Subject 224 or, Dr Midnight)
RP Sample~

It does not matter what order the subject numbers go in, but if a number is taken I will tell you.

Somewhere, in a forest there are four breeds of endangered canines, and felines. They struggle to survive in the forest they live in because many still kill for fur in the forest and scare all of the prey out of the forest. Will you survive the life of one of the four endangered species?

The Mexican Wolf~

The Mexican wolf is the smallest gray wolf subspecies present in North America. Reaching an overall length no greater than 1.2–1.5 metres (3.9–4.9 ft) and a maximum height of about 80 centimetres (31 in), it is around the size of a German Shepherd. Weight ranges from 27–37 kilograms (60–82 lb). In stature, it resembles some European wolves, though its head is usually broader, its neck thicker, its ears longer and its tail shorter.[2]

The African Wild Dog~

Lycaon pictus is a canid found only in Africa, especially in savannas and lightly wooded areas. It is variously called the African wild dog, African hunting dog, Cape hunting dog, painted dog, painted wolf, painted hunting dog, spotted dog, or ornate wolf. The scientific name "Lycaon pictus" is derived from the Greek for "wolf" and the Latin for "painted". It is the only canid species to lack dewclaws on the forelimbs.

This is the largest African canid and, behind only the gray wolf, is the world's second largest extant wild canid. Adults typically weigh 18–36 kilograms (40–79 lb).[2][3] A tall, lean animal, it stands about 75 cm (30 in) at the shoulder, with a head and body length of 75–141 cm (30–56 in) plus a tail of 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 in). Animals in southern Africa are generally larger than those in eastern or western Africa.

There is little sexual dimorphism, though judging by skeletal dimensions, males are usually 3–7% larger. It has a dental formula of for a total of 42 teeth. The premolars are relatively large compared with those of other canids, allowing it to consume a large quantity of bone, much like the hyena.[4] The heel of the lower carnassial M1 is crested with a single cusp, which enhances the shearing capacity of teeth and thus the speed at which prey can be consumed. This feature is called trenchant heel and is shared with two other canids: the Asian dhole and the South American bush dog.

The African wild dog may reproduce at any time of year, although mating peaks between March and June during the second half of the rainy season. The copulatory tie characteristic of mating in most canids has been reported to be absent[5] or very brief (less than one minute)[6] in the African wild dog, possibly an adaptation to the prevalence of larger predators in its environment.[7] Litters can contain 2–19 pups, though ~10 is the most common.[8] The time between births is usually 12–14 months, though it can also be as short as 6 months if all of the previous young die. The typical gestation period is approximately 70 days.[9][not in citation given] Pups are usually born in dens dug and abandoned by other animals, such as the aardvark. Weaning takes place at about 10 weeks. After 3 months, the pups leave the den and begin to run with the pack. At the age of 8–11 months they can kill small prey, but depend on the pack kills for most of their food. They do not become proficient hunters until the age of 12–14 months. Wild dogs reach sexual maturity at the age of 12–18 months.

Females will disperse from their birth pack at 14–30 months of age and join other packs that lack sexually mature females. Males typically do not leave the pack in which they were born. This is unusual among social mammals, among which the core pack tends to consist of related females. Among African wild dogs, females compete for access to males that will help rear their offspring. In a typical pack, males outnumber females by a factor of two to one, and only the dominant female can usually rear pups. This atypical situation may have evolved to ensure that packs do not over-extend themselves by attempting to rear too many litters at the same time.[10] The species is also unusual in that some members of the pack, including males, may be left to guard the pups while the others, including the mothers, join the hunting group. The practice of leaving adults behind to guard the pups may decrease hunting efficiency in smaller packs.[11]

The Dhole~

The dhole (Cuon alpinus), also called the Asiatic wild dog or Indian wild dog, is a species of canid native to South and Southeast Asia. It is the only extant member of the genus Cuon, which differs from Canis by the reduced number of molars and greater number of teats. The dholes are classed as endangered by the IUCN, due to ongoing habitat loss, depletion of its prey base, competition from other predators, persecution and possibly diseases from domestic and feral dogs.[2]

The dhole is a highly social animal, living in large clans which occasionally split up into small packs to hunt.[3] It primarily preys on medium-sized ungulates, which it hunts by tiring them out in long chases, and kills by disemboweling them. Unlike most social canids (but similar to African wild dogs), dholes let their pups eat first at a kill.[4][5][6] Though fearful of humans, dhole packs are bold enough to attack large and dangerous animals such as wild boar, water buffalo, and even tigers.

The Island Fox~

The island fox (Urocyon littoralis) is a small fox that is native to six of the eight Channel Islands of California. There are six subspecies of the fox, each unique to the island it lives on, reflecting its evolutionary history. Other names for the island fox include coast fox, short-tailed fox, island gray fox, Channel Islands fox, Channel Islands gray fox, California Channel Island fox and insular gray fox. The small size of the island fox is an adaptation to the limited resources available in the island environment. The foxes are believed to have "rafted" to the northern islands between 10,400 and 16,000 years ago.[3] Initially, fox populations were located on the three northern islands, which were likely easier to access during the last ice age—when lowered sea levels united four of the northernmost islands into a single mega-island (Santa Rosae) and the distance between the islands and the mainland was reduced—it is likely that Native Americans brought the foxes to the southern islands of the archipelago, perhaps as pets or hunting dogs.[4]
Engraving of the Island Fox from the Pacific Railroad survey of 1855

Based on the limited fossil record and genetic distance from its gray fox ancestors, the northern island fox subspecies are probably the older subspecies, while the San Clemente island fox has been only resident on its island for about 3,400–4,300 years, and the San Nicolas island fox established itself as an independent group about 2,200 years ago. The Santa Catalina island fox is potentially the most recently evolved subspecies, having been on its island for about 800–3,800 years.[3][5] The fox did not persist on Anacapa Island because it has no reliable source of fresh water; Santa Barbara Island is too small to support the food demands of the fox.

The Felines!

The Fishing Cat~

The fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is a medium-sized wild cat of South and Southeast Asia. In 2008, the IUCN classified the fishing cat as Endangered since they are concentrated primarily in wetland habitats, which are increasingly being settled, degraded and converted. Over the last decade, the fishing cat population throughout much of its Asian range declined severely.[2]

Like its closest relative, the leopard cat, the fishing cat lives along rivers, streams and mangrove swamps. It is well adapted to this habitat, being an eager and skilled swimmer. Fishing cats are the largest of the Prionailurus cats. They are about twice the size of a domestic cat and have a stocky, muscular build with medium to short legs. The coarse fur is olive-grey with dark spots arranged in horizontal streaks running along the length of the body. The face is elongated with a distinctly flat nose and ears set far back on the head. The underside is white, and the back of the ears are black with central white spots. There are a pair of dark stripes around the throat, and a number of black rings on the tail. Their head-to-body length typically ranges from 57–78 cm (22–31 in), with a short tail of 20–30 cm (7.9–12 in), which is one half to one third the length of the rest of the animal. They weigh from 5–16 kg (11–35 lb).[3] The face is spotted and the ears are short and rounded. Black spots run longitudinally across the body, and six to eight dark stripes run from behind the eyes to the nape. The underside fur is longer and often overlaid with spots.[4]

Their feet are less completely webbed than of leopard cats, their claws incompletely sheathed.[5] Webbed feet have often been noted as a characteristic of the fishing cat, but the webbing beneath the toes is not much more developed than that of a bobcat.[6

The Bay Cat~

The bay cat (Pardofelis badia), also known as the Bornean cat, Bornean bay cat, or Bornean marbled cat, is a wild cat endemic to the island of Borneo that appears relatively rare compared to sympatric felids, based on the paucity of historical as well as recent records. In 2002, the IUCN classified the forest-dependent species as Endangered because of a projected population decline by more than 20% by 2020 due to habitat loss. As of 2007, the effective population size was suspected to be below 2,500 mature individuals.[1]

Bay cats have historically been recorded as rare and today seem to occur at relatively low density, even in pristine habitat.[3] The bay cat is much smaller than the Asian golden cat. Its fur is of a bright chestnut-colour, rather paler beneath, the limbs and the tail being rather paler and redder. The tail is elongate, tapering at the end, with a white central streak occupying the hinder half of the lower side, gradually becoming wider and of a purer white towards the tip, which has a small black spot at its upper end. The ears are rounded, covered with a short blackish-brown fur at the outer side, paler brown within and with a narrow brown margin.[4]

In the years between 1874 to 2004, only 12 specimens were measured. Their head-to-body length varied from 49.5–67 cm (19.5–26 in) with 30–40.3 cm (12–15.9 in) long tails.[2] It is estimated to have an adult weight of 3–4 kg (6.6–8.8 lb), but too few living specimens have been obtained to allow a more reliable estimate.[5]

The short, rounded head is dark greyish brown with two dark stripes originating from the corner of each eye, and the back of the head has a dark ‘M’ shaped marking. The backs of the ears are dark greyish, lacking the central white spots found on many other cat species. The underside of the chin is white and there are two faint brown stripes on the cheeks. Body proportions and the extremely long tail give it the look of the new world jaguarundi.[6]

The Black-Footed  Cat~

The black-footed cat (Felis nigripes) is the smallest African cat, and is endemic in the south west arid zone of the southern African subregion. It is one of the lesser studied African carnivores, and is listed as Vulnerable by IUCN since 2002.[2][3]
The black-footed cat is one of the smallest cat species. Adult resident males weigh on average 1.9 kg (4.2 lb) and a maximum of 2.45 kg (5.4 lb). Adult resident females weigh on average 1.3 kg (2.9 lb) and a maximum of 1.65 kg (3.6 lb).[3] Males reach a head-to-body length of 36.7 to 43.3 cm (14.4 to 17.0 in) with tails 16.4 to 19.8 cm (6.5 to 7.8 in) long. Females are smaller with a maximum head-to-body-length of 36.9 cm (14.5 in) and taills 12.6 to 17.0 cm (5.0 to 6.7 in) long.[4] The shoulder height is about 25 centimetres (9.8 in).[5]

Only the pads and underparts of its feet are black, which gives the black-footed cat its name.[6] The fur varies in colour from cinnamon-buff to tawny, and is patterned with black or brown spots that merge to form rings on the legs, neck, and tail. The skin, however, is unpigmented pink, unlike that of other spotted cats. The backs of the rounded ears are the same color as the background coat color. The eyes are very large.[7]

And last but not least..
The Marbled Cat~

The marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) is a small wild cat of South and Southeast Asia. Since 2002 it has been listed as vulnerable by IUCN as it occurs at low densities, and its total effective population size is suspected to be fewer than 10,000 mature individuals, with no single population numbering more than 1,000.[2]

The species was once considered to belong to the pantherine lineage of "big cats".[3] Genetic analysis has shown that it is closely related with the Asian golden cat and the bay cat, all of which diverged from the other felids about 9.4 million years ago.[4] The marbled cat is similar in size to a domestic cat, with a more thickly furred tail (which may be longer than the body), showing adaptation to its arboreal life-style, where the tail is used as a counterbalance. Marbled cats range from 45 to 62 centimetres (18 to 24 in) in head-body length, with a 35 to 55 centimetres (14 to 22 in) tail. Recorded weights vary between 2 and 5 kilograms (4.4 and 11 lb). The coat is thick and soft, and varies in background color from dark grey-brown through yellowish grey to red-brown. Spots on the forehead and crown merge into narrow longitudinal stripes on the neck, and irregular stripes on the back. The back and flanks are marked with dark, irregular dark-edged blotches. The legs and underparts are patterned with black dots, and the tail is marked with black spots proximally and rings distally. In addition to its long tail, the marbled cat can also be distinguished by its large feet. It also possesses unusually large canine teeth, resembling those of the big cats, although these appear to be the result of parallel evolution.[5]

When standing or resting, marbled cats assume a characteristic position with their backs arched.
Ranks Canine~
Alpha(Mexican Wolf and Dhole Taken )
Beta(Each in need)
Delta(Each in need)

Ranks Feline~

Co-Leader(All in need)

Username: kayla1235
Character Name: Consuelo
Type: Mexican Wolf
Picture/Description:(Mine is up above)
Gender: Male
Rank: Alpha
Mate: None
Pups: None
RP Sample: Consuelo lifted his head and opened his maw to catch scents of any prey, or dead animals that the humans killed for fur like always in the forest. Consuelo shook his head and walked on with a sigh. Along the way he thought a bit because there was no sign of food anywhere in this forest anymore. "Blasted hunters..." He muttered and walked on growling to himself at some of his thoughts about the hunters. "They chase off all of they prey for us carnivores, and wait for us to starve to death..." This time he about ran off toward the village because he hated the humans, and I mean HATED them. But soon, Consuelo came across a dead rabbit witch isn't a surprise for a meal since all that was left was small prey like rabbits and mice but he shrugged and laid next to the rabbit enjoying the meal that he came upon.
Photobucket is where I got the pictures and Wikipedia has the facts I got and you can go there to find even more!

Welcome, this is now a battle field for creatures Zoid and Zoid teams!

~What are Zoids?~ Zoids are huge, robotic/mechanical creatures that can be used in combat battles against team battles. Team battles usually include two to three people tops but there can be four people. Also, there are many different types of zoids used in these battles and many are real life animals (Animal names) some can go back a long time to were the dinosaurs were. There are wild zoids, along with tamed zoids witch can be used for team battles mostly. Zoids have moves also, along with some tamed ones armored with weapons like guns and all of that stuff.

~Human/Team Ranks~
Team Leader
Team Warrior
Judge(The judge is a robot but its also an important part of the RP so we need about 3 active ones))
Zoid Repair(Repairs the broken down Zoids))

~Some Types of Zoids Along with pictures~

Command Wolf

Liger Zero

Shadow Fox

Gun Sniper

Bio Raptor

Shield Liger

And Finally... The Lightning Saix!

If you want to get more looks at some zoids, here is the first episode of Zoids of New Century!

Character Name:
Zoid Type:
Zoid Moves:
Wild or Tamed:
RP Sample:

I hope you find this interesting! And if you don't like any of these zoids, google some more because there are lots to choose from!


Oh hello there! Does this seem interesting to you? Oh wait please hear me out on this one, some of you may like this RP if you give it a chance and read everything that I will tell you about.

~The Tests~
Some Pokemon were already captured by the lab and hate it. They can change the colors of Pokemon like if you're an umbreon, you can be changed to be albino(White) umbreon. The scientists can even change your type. Now, one umbreon I know was taken to this lab and got its type changed to a Poison/Dark umbreon. I also got my colors changed by it was just my umbreon markings, they decided to keep my pelt underfur and the rest the same. I was injected with a strange disease that can affect another Pokemon if I bite them. Therefor, I never learned crunch or bite because I would never want another Pokemon to get the same disease I have injected in me. The other umbreon along with me look a lot like this...

Yup... We have green markings, but we don't really care because if we were turned albino, we would ruin the whole entire umbreon name and type but then again, that's just our opinion.

All types of Pokemon are welcome in this RP! Shadow Pokemon,Shiny Pokemon,Regular Colored Pokemon,exe... It doesn't matter what type or color, you can even change the color of the Pokemon like me and the other umbreon did to ours. It's your character therefor you can decide what it looks like,its colors,and what type of Pokemon it is.

Yes, we indeed do have some rules because I see some people that do lots of things I hate!
2. Don't argue out of RP, if you don't like what a group member is doing, whisper it to me
3. If you want to fan make a Pokemon, please tell me what it will be called,what moves,and the type(s) of the Pokemon.
4. Cussing is a loud but don't do it all the time or you will get a warning. If you get three warnings, it will become a kick from the group.
5. Don't disrespect others in the group, it is very rude. If you have a problem, once again whisper it to me!


~Human Ranks~
Here are some of the epic human ranks that humans can choose from in this RP!
Head Doctor(Lab testers/Scientist)
Nurse(Healing lab tests if needed)
Guard(Guards the lab at night)
Testing Council(Decides what a test should be)

Username: kayla1235
Character Name: Verdure
Picture/Description of Pokemon:

Pokemon(What Pokemon are you again?): Umbreon
Type: Like any other Umbreon
Extra: Verdure was injected with a sickness that could make any Pokemon he bites sick. Therefor, he refuses to learn the move bite or crunch.

Well, I hope this RP interests you all! :D

Tracks in The Snow~ (I am giving Hotdogsrule some help! :3)
The two tribes, Tribe of SnowFalls and Tribe of a Thousand Suns were the best of allies. Until  The Tribe of a Thousand Suns were accused of assassinating the Snowfall's chieftain at the time, Galmund The Great. The Snowfalls were merciless fighters, but lacked strategy. They did, however, bribe packs lingering on the edges of their border to become soldiers, witch could be a factor of their victory. There's bad blood between the tribes now, and the Thousand Suns can't hold back forever... Who will win? What secrets will be upturned? What will cause you aid? What do the Darkened Nights have to do with this...?

The Tribes~
The Tribe of Snowfalls...
The Snowfalls are all generally arrogant and hotheaded. Stubborn and fiery, the warriors of this tribe often compete in tournaments down at the arena in the SouthEastern area of their territory. They enjoy partying, and can come up with the silliest ideas for one. But beware, if you attend one these parties, there is usually a fight or two, and more than enough loud howling and tipsy Arktos wobbling around. This tribe is known it's excellent parties, and expertise in combat skills, although they lack to be open minded and admire brawn over brains, therefor horrible strategists and  wanting to attack as soon as possible with little or no organization in their 'plan'

The Tribe of a Thousand Suns...
The Tribe of a Thousand Suns is an upbeat and laid back,strategic,bunch of Arktos. They have created many sorts of sports and games, most forgotten or thrown away. A favorite is Paw-Gnaw, a game much like Soccer, using round clods of moss as a ball. They also enjoy races, but never life threatening tournaments. The Celebrations here for the most part, organized,and very fun, although lacking in the craziness that makes Snowfall parties unique and enjoyable. Thousand Sun's combat skills are good,yes, but nowhere near mastered as the Snowfall's. They instead focus on how well thought out the plan is, and that could get them very far away, or keep them vulnerable. It all depends on the plan.

The Darkened Nighs Tribe...
The Darkened Nights Tribe is very well known for being evil. This Tribe is mean, and an enemy to the two other tribes, but the shocking thing is that the two other tribes fear the Darkened Nights! *Gasp* SO SHOCKING! Nah... You could've guessed XD.  The Darkened Nights Tribe are skilled at fighting,killing(Dur...),Hunting,and Training. I bet that's also a shocker to hear! xD Once again, not really. Anyways... It's best to keep away from this tribe unless you want to commit suicide, because that's where you'll be heading. They love to stalk fights that the two other tribes get into, but it's not a pretty thing for them to stalk in on fights. This tribe will jump into any fights the two other tribes get into. (Yup.. The two tribes have a death call during fights xD) This tribe has a tendency to get headaches when they are in the light to long, they naturally stick to the shadows.

Now that introducing the three tribes are over... Lets move onto ranks!
Chieftain(Tribe Leader)
Deputy(Second in Command)
Recruits(New members)
Ladies(Preggy with a puppeh xD)

Since the Ranks are done... Let me tell you some other things...
Use canine model for you character
Eyes~Darker Shades of green,blue,grey,and red.
Noses~Lightly Colored noses witch are Pale Pink,Baby Blue,White,and tan. If you're in Darkened Nights the noses are darker.
Ears~Normal,Back,Sharp,or Ripped(Ripped for Darkened Nights).
Diet~Elk,Caribou,Moose,and Geese.
Wings~Arktos wings are colorful,yet large in size. The more color full and large it is, the more attractive you'll be to the females. (Unless you are in Darkened Nights, you have evil looking wings XD)
Pelts~Cream,Light/Dove Grey,White,or Rusty Brown. (Dark pelts if you're in Darkened Nights)

Character Name:
Age: 2 or less(Pup),3 to 4 (Teen),5 to 29(Adult),30+(Elder)
Alliance: Pack or one of the Tribes?
RP Sample:

Adder looked around and sniffed the air. A scent of humans filled his tiny nose and they were nearby him to. "Hmmp..." Adder huffed and started to scramble off but it was not long before he was grabbed and put into a tiny cage. The humans looked at one another and grinned running away with me in the cage. "Let me out!" I squeaked pawing at the bars with my tiny paws. The humans threw the cage into the back of their truck and drove off toward a strange place. "I've heard of this place!" Adder squeaked. "This is Animal Testing Facility!" He said, soon being let out of his small cage and into a large cage. "But what will the do to me...?"

Darkened Days

The First taken...

It all started when a black rat named Adder was taken... Yep... That's me. I didn't know what was going to happen to me but I soon found out. This place is not only for testing, its also for keeping dark memories... Evil memories if you put it that way. Once you first enter the lab you know there is something wrong. Evil surrounds every part of the lab and by evil, I mean doctors... The doctors take you in the testing rooms and the tests are painful! It hurts! You'll be squeaking your tail off when you start the tests! But after, you're thrown back into a large cage witch can fit about two to three rats. It may seem like a cool place. But it is a nightmare...

The Beloved Rats (Rank Earned)
Lab Rats (Normal Rats in the lab)
Doctors (The testers. What else would they be?)
Nurses (Heals the sick doctors,rats,exe...)

Username: kayla1235
Character Name: Adder
Rat Type: Black Rat
Picture/Description: (Up Above)
Personality: Mean at times,Nice,Loyal,

The Map~


Doctor's House

Testing Room

Cage Room 1.

Bathing Room

Cage Room 2.

Surgery Room

And Finally... The Barn/Punishment Area

Now then. Here are a few rules...
1. No Bullying
2. Respect the beloved
3. Ask a doctor to be experimented on before RP starts.
4. Respect everyone (Out of RP)

Sorry. This is a remake of the thread I made before. I plan to make this nicer!

This is an abandoned prison. And this is were many fights will take place for the prison fighters. This is were they will sleep,eat,and drink. Witch means, the dogs will mostly live there. We have three fights a night but you need to sign up for each fight. Here is the other things you need to know before you sign up...

Now, this is our leader. His name is Judge. He is a fight master. He made this prison into a nice arena. And when I mean nice, I really mean nice. Sometimes there will be blood on the arena floor but Judge will clean it up depending how early it is. If its late, Judge will probably clean it up in the morning after he gets some rest.  Judge fights at times, but since his best friend Chain died he mostly judges the fights. Judge can't stand to hear other canines talk bad about Chain because once again he was his best friend. And second of all, Chain was a fight legend so every body mostly knows about Chain.

Some Rules we have are very important. If you don't follow them, consider yourself kicked out of the RP.
2. Respect all of the winners of the arena during fights.
3. Respect Judge unless you want a punishment
4. No cussing unless they are minor curses!
5. Have fun! :D

Now that the rules are done, I'll show you the map and label the areas in the arena.

The Arena... >:D

The cages.

Judge's Spot

View 1.

View 2.

That's some pictures of the arena. And you also might want to know the punishment for breaking the second and third rule.
Punishment for 2. and 3.
The punishment will be going into a large jail cell for five days without any food or water.

That's a simple punishment unless you want to get put down by the police witch I don't highly suggest you do.

Character Name:
RP Sample

I will reject your application if I see powerplaying or godmodding of any sort!

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