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Topics - Jackkdaw

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Member Bio & Journals / The Life and Times of Jimmy {New bio}
« on: May 09, 2014, 10:34:08 pm »

Basic info about me, myself, and I:
Welp, let's start with the basics.
-My real life name is Andrea. Woooo.
-I am currently 19 years old (turn 20 on October 5th.)
-I live in Florida, and a proud student at the Word of Life Bible Institute.
-Totally livin' that #singeLife. \o/
-I'm short for my age- 5'1" and I have medium length sandy-blonde hair. Lucky for me, I have an awesome metabolism, so -I can eat as much as I want and not gain a pound. >:D
-Well, for those who can't already tell, I am very proud to call myself a follower of Jesus Christ, and believe that the only way to heaven is accepting and knowing that Christ died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead the third day, defeating death and sin so that we can live. I believe that Jesus Christ is God. And that God created all of us in His image, making us all perfect the way he wants us to be.
-I am a youth leader with my home youth group, and have been actively involved with them since I was in 7th grade.
-Since 9th grade up to now and onward, I have been the drummer for our youth praise band, as well as for some Sunday worship services for church.
-My God and my church means everything to me, and God is always first.
-I have two dogs- an almost 2 year old boxer named Tyson (MY BABY.) and a stupid, diabetic, ancient dachshund named Oscar (my sister's). Here is an average interaction between the two- on a daily basis: -->

Fun facts!:
-I think Pewdiepie is hilarious.
-I still don't know what I want to do with my life.
-I have a minor addiction to Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee. -twitch-
-Thylacines are my favorite animal
-I've beaten Assassin's Creed 3 more than 8 times
-Yeah Assassin's Creed (mostly Black Flag) is probably my favorite thing in the world.
-My van's name is Jarvis
-I love Marvel
-There's more pictures in my phone of my puppy than there are stars in the sky.
-My youth group is my family and I love them SO much.
-I have about 928724 attractive males (mostly actors XD) that I consider my "husband" whether they know it or not. -eyebrow wiggle- (just ask OreoHeroz >;3)
-Jackdaw is my fursona.
-I have the attention span of a gnat
-As of late, riding in vans makes me nervous and on edge.
-I've been to Peru and Paris
-My armpit itches right now.
-I love hot tubs. And tacos.
-I love being creative!
-Goat Simulator. Is the best thing ever.

Special floofs:
These guys are all people who are just awesome to hang around with, a. C:

~Dogsgorawr (Subject 16)


You can find me on DeviantArt as JerichoJerusalem
I also have trades/collabs open (probably open requests soon) C:
Art examples:

'Tis all I have for 'ya right now.

Stay fab, my friends.

Art Gallery / Gifties for youu! [Updated]
« on: April 23, 2014, 06:31:44 pm »

I figured I'd make a thread to give some gift art to many lovely floofs around here!

Gifts! :
(Will be updated)

To Vespian as a big pile of congratulations for his recent title as a Mod in training! -Chucks confetti-

First of all, I guess this can double as a birthday gift, eh? Happy birthday! Second, Rava is just an awesome, easy-going floof who's tons of fun to hang with in-game. So here you go! c:

For OreoHeroz:
Oreo is just a very friendly, helpful person around here, and I am proud to call her my friend.

HidenShadow (Whisperingwaves)
Whisper is a joy to be around, both in-game and on the forum. #2fab4u C:

Alpha-butt, first of all, it's just totes fab, and is very helpful to the community both forum-wise and in-game- and btw, was well deserving of the MOTS title! <3

There will be more to come!

Presets & Markings / Jackdaw's New Preset
« on: April 18, 2014, 08:54:09 pm »

Well, I was rather displeased with bits and pieces of my original preset for my 'sona, Jackdaw. It being my first preset and all it had quite a few flaws that bothered me- one such flaw simply being the color scheme was way off- plus I've updated Jackdaw's design a bit since then. So, I made him a brand new one with his actual, accurate pelt colors.

So, yeah. Lemme know what y'all think. Your feedback is very appreciated and helpful.

Okay, if I did this right- still rather unsure- download here to see him in-game (hopefully o_e) : --->Link

Community Activities Hub / Jimmeh's Fab Livestream. [Offline]
« on: April 14, 2014, 07:07:04 pm »
Totes fab.

Welp, I decided to hop on the mainstream and get maself a Livestream. (heh heh.)

Just warnin' ya now, it will probably be a bit laggy, (I apparently suck at technology-ing) 'cause I'm still trying to figure stuff out. Yesh. But anyway, I will most likely be streaming some art-processes, and maybe a little in-game-ness. Don't know yet



Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Jimmy Does Trades [Closed]
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:53:43 pm »

Well, I've decided doing trades with you fellow floofs would be quite the fun!

So if you're interested hit me up either on this thread or through PM. c:

For examples of my work you can check out my DA link in my siggy, or look for my old thread on the "Art" section. (It's probably on the 2nd page. Dunno.) Because I'm far too lazy to post examples on here.

Slot 1: OPEN
Slot 2: OPEN
Slot 3: OPEN
Slot 4: OPEN
Slot 5: OPEN

The general reference for my character is here: XD :

Completed Trades:
My half:

Lakoda's half:

Oreo's half:

My Half:

My Half:

Vaskie's half:

Huggy's half:

My half:

Sura's half:

My half:

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / {Hunted} | Coyote RP | Open
« on: April 02, 2014, 03:44:33 am »
Where do you run
                                        When you are

The marshy swamplands of Western Florida hide a living secret. A creature once thought of as a symbol of the Western United States has recently expanded its range- and has now claimed the oddly comfortable wetlands of Florida as its home. The coyote. In the species' newfound home, it thrives, amazingly. The swamps not only provide a steady source of food- be it the fish, insects, birds- or even the many cattle ranches which during certain times of the year provide large meals of newborn calves. The coyote quickly adapted, and these few nomads now call Florida their home. However, there are many humans who are not happy- with the predations of not only small livestock, but household pets skyrocketing since the arrival of these canids. In fact, there are virtually no humans siding with the swamp's new inhabitants- and they want them gone- be it extermination, or relocation.

You are a coyote living in the Floridian swamps, whether you are one of the original arrivals, or one raised from the newer generation here, it's your choice. Every day gives you a new plate of choices. Making the wrong one will cost you your life. The swamp itself, while it is naturally warm and cozy, provides its obvious dangers. The deep mud can easily get a light creature such as yourself stuck, and result in starvation or predation. As well as the alligators who naturally call this place home, and wouldn't think twice before snagging an easy coyote meal. Not even a mile outside the swamp lies a small suburban community of houses, and beside that is a large cattle ranch and pasture, along with a decently busy road. Humans are the enemy. Though some of the newer generation may have yet to learn that.
Your goal? Survive. Find a mate, start a pack, do.. coyote things and raise some cain in them human establishments. >;3

Your Home:
The swamp has its many charms. Lots and lots of "fresh" water is one of them, along with its steamy, warm climate. There's a lot to explore and do around here, be it climbing across fallen logs, rock hopping, or even playing chicken with an alligator. While there is a lot of water, most of it is rather shallow, but there is a good amount of dry land, so no worries. The food found here ranges from fish, already dead carcasses, insects, birds, and maybe your occasional alligator hatchling if you're brave enough.

The Suburbs:
This decent sized suburban neighborhood lies just outside of your swampland home. It, along with the next door cattle ranch, is the only human subdivision around and is brand new. It provides tons of opportunities for food and mischief. Trash cans here are the easiest way to find food, as the humans often have delicious leftovers. If trash is hard to come by, wandering house pets or even leashed ones can sometimes be a good, but desperate option. However, it has its dangers. Be wary of the main road, people tend to not have good attention on the road, and casualties are frequent. Not only that, but if you are caught wandering the streets boldly, the humans will often take either fearful or violent action.

The Ranch:
The cattle ranch brings many thrills for a young coyote. Most times of the year it's only good for trash pickings, or mischief makings. Until Spring rolls around. This is when the calves begin to be born- and is a coyote's favorite time of the year. The young calves are normally small and easy to distract and take down with team work. Because of this, the farmers are on a stricter watch- as are their dogs. Beware of the rancher and his dogs. If you are seen on the property, or even near it- you will be shot or shot at. No in between, because a good rancher doesn't take risks.

Management Programs:
Due to the rapidly growing population of your kind, as well as the threats you pose to the ranch and suburbs, the humans often put together "management programs." This is simply a pretty name for open season. Certain times of the year- for some people (called poachers), all year- the local government allows an open coyote hunting season. This is when most of your kind is killed off. This time of year is dark for you, and you must be constantly alert. Leg traps and snares are to be avoided, as they will lead to a broken limb and, if you don't escape them- death. Humans, at all times, are to be avoided for safety purposes- though this rule won't stop some youngsters from investigating. Coyotes are hated in this area. Because of this, you are always persecuted.

Can you survive?

1.] Be literate- no one liners.
2.] Be realistic- know your animal's natural traits, behaviors, and physical limitations.
3.] You may have as many characters as you can handle
4.] If you really want, you may have a NPC mate/pups, played by yourself, or have someone else apply to do it. Up to you.
5.] Haaave fun. o3o

Code: [Select]
[center][img]-Place Image Here-[/img][/center]
[center][color=white][i][font=times new roman]-Quote-[/i][/color][/center]
[center][color=white][b]Accompanied by(family/friends):

My character:
"At the End of the Day There's Another Day Dawning."

Name: Manasa

Age: 3 Years

Gender: Male
Personality: Manasa is a bit of an adrenaline junky. He lives for the thrills, and enjoys taking risks. He lives up to his breed's reputation at being troublesome- as he is often causing mischief in town or at the ranch. He loves to screw things up, and tends to cross the line of daring to entertain himself in ways such as chasing the cattle, strolling through the suburbs, and getting into anything possible. Yeah he's gotten kicked or shot at a couple times, but just loves causing trouble far too much to stop. While he does make dumb decisions human-wise, he is actually incredibly street smart and knows how to look out for hunters and dodge leg traps. Manasa has quite the bit of a temper. Though he's usually very relaxed and careless, it doesn't take much flak from others to tick him off. He hates being told what to do, and does what he wants. He tends to be a little self centered, and only looks out for 'number one.' He can come off as snappy or sarcastic, but once he warms up to others he is very friendly and humorous.

History(optional): Manasa is a coyote of the newer generation- meaning he was born and raised in the Florida swamp. Growing up here, he was taught and learned all the ways to live in such an environment, and knows very well where to find food and what to avoid. During open season, Manasa's mother was killed, and on their retreat so was his father and other sibling. Manasa managed to escape the season by hiding out inside the tall root shelter of a cyprus tree.

Accompanied by(family/friends): None.

Game Discussion / Emotion-based Character Selection?
« on: March 11, 2014, 09:13:12 pm »
I was wondering this to myself earlier today as I was vacuuming- 'cause that's apparently when I always ponder life's mysteries-...

When you guys choose the character you are going to use in-game, do you base the choice on how you are feeling- corresponding it with that character's personality?

For me at least, whenever I'm feeling angry I get on Creon- my dire wolf charrie who's a big butt-head.
When I'm feeling happy or laid back I pick Jackdaw- 'Cause he's pretty chill.
When I'm feeling silly or obnoxious I get on Gringo or Kelso- who both have like personalities in that they are the most obnoxious creatures in FeralHeart existence. XD
Or when I feel quiet I pick Manoah- because he is naturally quiet and shy.

Get what I mean? X3

So, how 'bout y'all?

Do your emotions sometimes decide which character you will use?

Game Discussion / Naming your Characters
« on: March 03, 2014, 03:26:00 am »
Been wonderin' this for some time now.

How do you guys come up with names for your characters?

Do you make up names?
Get them from somewhere- book/tv/song/etc. ?
Foreign languages?

Please, enlighten me.


I know for me, personally, most of my names are interesting names I've found in the Bible. (Such as Manasa, Manoah, Ashera, Molek, etc.)
Or something based off an interest of mine- like my fursona, Jackdaw is named after the ship from Assassin's Creed 4.

How 'bout y'all?

Member Bio & Journals / Not Divided ~ Journal
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:03:54 pm »
This has just been an encouragement to me, so I wanted to share with you all here on FH.

As you know, my youth group experienced tragedy last week when the youth group van blew a tire and flipped- killing two of our beloved youth leaders.
Hours after the accident, one of the students- his mom, brother, and best friend were all on board (they are all perfectly fine, don't worry), returned to the crash sight to retrieve the cell phone of one of the leaders who had passed.
Obviously all of the van windows were completely blown out.
As he searched among the wreckage, he found this.
Our church decal sticker that was on the back windshield- holding together the piece of shattered glass it was on.

Well, he collected it and gave it to our pastor on Sunday- who used it as a demonstration that we "are broken, but not divided."
It is a reminder that we are going to be okay despite the horrid circumstance.

I just wanted to use this as an encouragement to you guys.
I don't know what you any of you are going through, but just know that no matter how hard the time is for you, you are held together by the love of your friends, the love of your family, and the love of God.

All things work together for good, and even when we can't see in the darkness, there is always light.

No matter what trials you are put through always be strong, because love is a powerful thing, and even in the lowest of valleys the love of others and of God can help you climb back up that mountain. <3

Thank you for reading, and please continue to keep us in your prayers.

An update on the student who is still in the hospital- he opened both eyes yesterday which is a huge good sign. He is still in critical condition, but is slowly improving.

Guys, I want you to know that it's okay to not be okay.
If any of you ever needs something or needs someone to talk to, feel free to PM me. <3
God bless.

Discussion Board / Pet Peeves?
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:55:50 am »
I need to make sure I'm not the only one who has really weird pet peeves- things that reaaally bother you.

For me, it's when the room is silent, and someone coughs. I. Hate. Coughing. For some reason.

Also, when one hoodie string is longer than the other, or when the tag of someone's shirt is sticking out.

Well, what are y'alls odd pet peeves? ouo

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