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Topics - _Rache_

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Stories / Anonymous II
« on: January 04, 2014, 07:50:24 am »
Vinzenz rolled his head, which made his neck give a disturbing crackle in return. He innocently walked back inside and prepared himself a glass of soda. After gulping down the fizzy tooth-destroyer, he shuffled up the stairs and off to bed.
Vinzenz entered the school bus and immediately sat in the front, as close to the bus driver as he could. His soft heart stopped once his worst bully of them all, Zander, stomped up the three tall stairs, gaining his way through the creaky bus door. He approached Vinzenz and grabbed his backpack, tossing it into the aisle. That triggered the demonic figure inside. His heart raced as it turned to cold stone. Vinzenz's blue eyes flashed vivid red as he sprung to his feet. A dreadful shove is all it took for Zander to stagger backwards, trip over Vinzenz's backpack, and hit his sorry little head onto the window of the seat across from Vinzenz's. His eyes tinted back to blue as he sat back into his seat to regain his control. Once the bus approached the middle school, he was the first one into the building as usual. He paced to his homeroom, which was down the main hall, on the third floor to the left. He scrambled his locker combination into the lock and shoved his jacket and bag into the beige locker. Meanwhile, he struggled to yank out his assignment notebook, pencil case, and Core 1 binder.
Vinzenz pounded his head and tapped his foot the entire Core 4 period. He had been ever so desperate to get the U2 test back, for he studied like a maniac for that. At last, Mr. Hanester passed back the tests. Vinzenz's eyes gleamed red as they observed the big fat B- on his test. It was humane, but his parents were strict. A B was a failure to them. How will Vinzenz settle this grade with the teacher, keeping note that the demon dwells inside him?

Part III will be posted if I get enough feedback!

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / In Need of Character Art {Closed}
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:48:37 am »

There's the reference. I'd like it to be bold and well shaded/colored. Thanks! Also, it'd be cool to have a flame styled mane, colored black, but it isn't essential.

Poems / {:}Umbra{:}
« on: December 31, 2013, 10:52:55 pm »
Umbra-by NeonSlaughter

The mere moment you enter the room,
Blinding darkness raids your eyes.
This horrid darkness chokes your lungs,
This building is an unbelievable gloom.

Supernatural shadows turning every corner,
Sending chills down your spine.
The static electricity,
Is not quite former.

This building is like the bowls of hell.
Where demonic figures roam.
With no sort of light,
All evil bundled into a little shell.

If only this day was over,
All fear could escape,
Except it is trapped in these walls.
If only there was a four-leaf clover.

Crimson liquid oozes down the corridor wall,
As the whispers of these spirits
Try to warn you of the insane, shrieking demons,
It is too late, that is all.

I hope it's okay! Feedback is appreciated, as always.

Species / Drachen Races: Drachenoids and Lupadrachens
« on: December 31, 2013, 10:08:41 pm »
Introduction- 'Drachen' is German for 'dragon'. There are two forms of this mystic race: Drachen Wolves and Drachenoids.

Drachen Wolves- Also known as Lupadrachen's, they're normal form is any species of regular wolf, but have been given the ability to freely transform into a dragon, and back to a wolf again.

History behind Lupadrachen's- During the ancient times, during the medieval rein, two dragons ruled the hidden dragon kingdom, so legend states. They're names went by Sire Stygian and Lady Adelia. Sire Stygian was a black scaled dragon, with a semi-dark purple tint. He was a stern, straight forward leader who chose Lady Adelia to be his queen. Eventually, they had a royal son, named Sir Lance. At only a few months of age, Lance was dumbfounded by the astounding wolves, that made him overwhelmingly curious on how they were so small(compared to dragons anyways), yet so mighty. He flew after many wolf packs, and encountered a forsaken wolf, known as Brutus. From all of the time Lance spent lingering, he was an adult when he met Brutus. They started as aquatinted fellows, but became close friends as months went by. The two shared each others strengths. Brutus claimed that wolf strengths are: Speed, agility and fur to keep warmth. This made Lance jealous, and he claimed dragon strengths are: Scales as armor, wings for flight and fire as a weapon. That made Brutus determined to somehow collide the two species to create a mega-species. That interested Lance, and the both of them were determined to find a way to create the species. Lance remembered a legend that had been taught: The Idol. This idol, as remembered, was located in Germany. That idol could grant anything desired, except it laid deep underground, in a weak, slowly collapsing cavern. They set out, and long adventure short, they got the bronze idol. It could not collide the two creatures, due to a technical error default. Although, the idol could create a wolf with the ability to turn into a dragon. And so, Lance and Brutus accepted the grant. Then and now, the new wondersome species was created.
**Note that you would be a 'mini' dragon. You would be a dragon the size of a dire wolf at the largest!!**

Appearance of a Lupadrachen in wolf form- Semi-realistic appearance. Common base colors consist of dark purple, black, brown, gray, golden, dark orange or maroon.

Abilities of Lupadrachen in wolf form- Can breathe fire in both forms, unusually thick skin for protection.

Appearance of Lupadrachen in dragon form- Regular dragon but the size of a wolf, possibly a little bigger, but uncommon

Abilities of Lupadrachen in dragon form- Combine all dragon 'strengths' with all wolf 'strengths'

Drachenoid- Drachenoids are humans that can transform into a dragon, and back to a human as they please

History behind Drachenoids- They came way, way after the Lupadrachens. Sir Lance remained hidden in the shadows of Germany, quite somber after Brutus died of elder age. Now, things were dangerous because humans existed. He had snuck out of an underground tunnel to hunt. A human saw the beast, the first ever discovered in history of earth, and gathered bandits to help capture Lance. Eventually, hey captured him and preformed a new age of experimenting  and created the Drachenoid. Once they were created, the new species went to war with Lupadrachens, who were on Lance's side, and most survived, but Lance did not.

Appearance of a Drachenoid in humanoid form- Regular human except they have sharp teeth, and glowing, neon slit eyes.

Abilities of Drachenoid in human form- unusual strength in arms and legs, powerful bite and scorching hot saliva that is only hot when applied to skin(spitting)

Appearance of Drachenoid in dragon form- Regular dragon except size of Lupadrachen. Common colors are cream, light brown, white, and light gray.

Abilities of Drachenoid in dragon form- all traits of a human and dragon combined.

**Feedback appreciated! Hope you enjoy. Do not take credit for these species please, thanks!**

Art Gallery / Fursona
« on: December 31, 2013, 07:23:40 pm »
Heh, this is my fursona character I made on my iPad last night.

Stories / Anonymous: I. *Warning- Not for the soft of hearts!*
« on: December 31, 2013, 05:33:06 am »
   Vinzenz knelt to the ground and pulled out the laptop that laid hidden under his bed. He cautiously carried it to the crummy beige couch in the living room, and began to scan through his pointlessly bland emails. None of them were important, although one stood out. The subject read, 'Peek a' boo, I hate you.' This ruined Vinzenz's entire day, not like anything good ever happens to him anyways. He was 12 years old, and had not as much as one friend. Many people ignored him, while others bullied him. The reason why, is unknown. He seemed like a cool, happy kid with friends worshipping at his feet because he wore nice clothes, such as Aeropostale shirts, Adidas sweatpants and Osiris high top sneakers. His natural auburn colored hair was formed into a natural waft. He participated in basketball and baseball, he was friendly and had astonishing grades in each and every class. Nobody gave him the opportunity to express his charming self, because they were too busy ignoring him or bullying him. Things got the extremes, for he had cut slits down his arms numerous times, and hid the marks by wearing a hoodie all the time. Despite his wondersome appeal, he held deep emotional pain inside. He let out a displeasing sigh before closing his laptop and returning it underneath the bed. Vinzenz walked outside to gather the mail. At the corner of his eye, a silhouette of a human came into sight. The human was far, far down the street, standing next to the stop sign. It glared coldly at Vinzenz, with cunning yellow eyes that horridly gleamed in the moonlight. In a flash, the creature disappeared into thin air, and reappeared, nose-to-nose with poor Vinzenz. It sinisterly cackled like a mad hyena and a few, familiar words oozed out between a gape in its lips, "Peek a boo, I see you...and HATE YOU!!" Vinzenz nodded his head, and accepted the fact that he knew what was about to happen. The demonic beast shriveled in to a small cloud of obsidian mist, and it's shriek rumbled through the dark, silky night atmosphere as it disappeared and dreadfully collided into Vinzenz's soul, and took control of his conscious and mind. His once hazel eyes now got lost with deep blackness, that was everlasting and evil. Who knows what would happen next.

I will post a part two if I get enough views and feedback! Hope you enjoy!

Game Help / Roleplay
« on: December 24, 2013, 04:31:29 am »
I am currently a 'Literate' roleplayer. I, in my opinion, am almost on the edge to being an Extreme Literate roleplayer. I have been trying to transfer to be an Extreme Literate, except I am struggling. I believe my vocabulary is excelled, and contain the other essential skills to being Literate. I think my struggle is the structure overall. Here is a sample of a...fairly long post:
Vinzenz trekked through the forest, his slick appendages fluently gliding his frail anatomy up the horrendous hills that made the terrain displeasing to walk on. As usual, belligerent intentions flustered the hessian's mind towards each creature he encountered. The hackles of thick fur on his spine turned jagged as they rose as his azure occuli locked cold with a felidae nearby. Faint growls rumbled from the back of his throat as his obesidean, leathery lubia curved into a ferocious snarl, unveiling crimson stained ivories that merely trickled with hot saliva.

Hope that was alright. Well, there was a sample. How do you think I can transfer?

Poems / ~*{Tranquility}*~
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:41:24 pm »
A delightful breeze
Fills you with ease
Your optical lids shut
From smelling a pleasant, naturistic musk
The surrounding foliage is gratifying
None-the-less satisfying
Your frame lays on the dew-dampened atmosphere
This is your zone, free of fear
The forest is lush
You haven't ever relaxed so much
Your audits catch the sound of a waterfall
Which lays as the center of it all
The repetitious sound
Pulls you down
With pure tranquility
And ingenuity
You then fall into a deep sleep

Game Help / Roleplay help
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:06:54 pm »
Alrighty, so I have been interested in joining a WarriorCat's clan, though am clueless on how to RP as one, or just about anything else. I don't have time to read the books. I have been told 'Just think of a name involving nature, and your character such as FirePaw, and just Roleplay!'. Nu, that hasn't helped with anything. I need to know a little about Warriorcats, and how to make a proper one. Do you just make a cat with a cool name and roleplay as a cat or...?

Poems / ~**Merciless**~
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:48:09 pm »
I shall not fall
I will not blunder
I won't be the one to fall under
You aren't the strongest of them all
Your death is mere
As a fact, it is near
Say your prayers
Before your flesh is torn in layers
For you will rot
I kid you not
Your dominance attempt fell under
For you did blunder
I did not fall under

(It was about a beta attempting to denominate the Alpha, and blundered with his life. I thought of it off the top of my head. Feel free to give me feedback and exc. ^^)

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