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Topics - yourlocalcrow

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Art Gallery / I have tortured my bby
« on: December 04, 2016, 08:25:01 am »
But you're gosh darn right it was worth it.

5 quintillion universes old Alcor, and I have drawn him as an adorable little chibi. I should show myself out, but I don't quite feel like it. X3

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for rainbow foliage
« on: November 28, 2016, 10:25:20 pm »
Yep, I just need a lot of rainbow/colourful meshes, preferably trees, for my map. The most notable, and fun, feature in it will be a Doctor-Soos-esk forest of trees with all different coloured leaves. Just imagine something like this:

I'm looking for multi-coloured or otherwise simply brightly coloured trees, although any type of brightly coloured foliage would be fun! ^^

I already have a purple/blue tree and a bunch of green. I'd prefer to have more options in the red/yellow area.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Jengi Tribes -- LOOKING FOR STAFF!
« on: November 20, 2016, 01:22:27 am »

Welcome to the valley!
Enjoy your stay!

I see you've stumbled upon this thread! Judging by the title, I think it's safe to assume you're interested in running a group? Well, you're in the right place, because I'm currently searching for dedicated people to be on my staff team. I'm looking for six people who will be active both ingame and on our forum, know at least a little bit of how Proboards works, and are able to be contacted via Skype.

The positions that are currently open are as follows:
Leader of Laji, second in command of Laji.
Second in command of Rohkea.
Leader of Vesi, second in command of Vesi.

What will all the duties be? The various tribes' staff will all be in charge of creating names for a set of ranks that will be provided upon being accepted, as well as pick a camp for their tribe within their territory. A history of the tribe will be provided as well, detailing the behavior of the tribe. The tribes' staff will have to come up with unique laws for their tribe to follow that fit their behavior. For example, if a tribe is generally kind, a law may apply to excessive rudeness. Yes, certain laws like "Don't murder, fam," will be provided, but the staff will also have to come up with punishments for all laws. Staff will also have to come up with a seasonal plot for their tribe, and the outcome of it. This will be done collaboratively, as it's easier to come up with a plot when there's more people working on it.

Can I leave if it's more than I bargained for? In these early stages, yes, but you'll have to make sure that all of your work is saved, so whoever takes your place doesn't have to start from scratch. If it's after the group's been kicked off, no, unless you request that your character be killed off in the plot.

Yeah, all this is cool, but what's the roleplay? Glad you asked! The best way I can describe it is as a rip-off Warriors, but with cougars, lynxs/bobcats, ocelots, and house cats. There are four tribes, known as Jengi, that each have their own unique behaviors. I can't say that the lore and plot are any more interesting, although I'm doing my best to make this interesting and keep people tuned in. Hopefully, it won't be like suddenly starting to read in the middle of a book or series when new members join, but I can't make any promises.

Are there any non-staff roles open? Actually, yes there are! Although these ranks won't technically be open yet, each tribe will need a "council" of sorts within the high ranks, whose sole purpose is to advise the leader and second in command. I'll be keeping my eye open for people who might fit this rank, but you can't apply for it until all the staff ranks are full. ^^'

Still want to know more? I can't blame you! We have a WIP site that will have all work that's been completed so far. There isn't a lot done yet, but I've been doing my best over the past few days to get what I personally can done with my friend. Just look at what I've got done so far on the site and judge for yourself.

How do I sign up for this? Just fill out this forum! You can either reply to this thread with it or PM it to me. I'd prefer if you PMed it, but to each their own!
Position interested in:
Species of character:
BRIEF summary of character's personality:
Experience running groups:
Any questions?:

Thank you for your interest! I hope to see you around!

Screenshots / An Amalgamation of Memories
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:03:57 am »

These screenshots don't even BEGIN to cover all of my experiences within FeralHeart. As you can see, there's a whole lot of a good, and just the tiniest speck of bad. But this represents a lot of what FeralHeart has been in my almost three years here. Those screenshots with Shadedkit and Rio are absolutely ancient, though really it's only from 2014 to early 2015. I don't even really know when I actively roleplayed Sweetheart, must have been very early 2015. Everything else-- Mute, Twilightrose, Alcor/Khole, Fox, Mstari-- that's all from 2016. Alcor and Khole went from middle of 2015 to early 2016! No wonder that I remember that roleplay so fondly, as it lasted the longest, and I had so many memories with them.

Thank you, FeralHeart, for all the memories you have given me. And I look forward to many more to come!

Art Gallery / Nawal's Art || Free Requests?
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:12:17 am »
Hey guys! I haven't been drawing a lot lately, mostly due to a lack of inspiration and a lack of things to draw. So, I thought I'd take some requests.

What can you request? Besides the obvious, "A drawing," answer, you can request a sketch, a coloured sketch, a line art, proper drawing, a full-body (line art/sketc/drawing), a headshot (line art/sketch/drawing), and then background type (simple/none/scenery). Note: I cannot draw dragons/lizards, very sorry!

Here's some examples:

All of these except for the first one are very, very old.

Coloured sketches
My god, these are ANCIENT!

Line art
Not so old, but still kinda old. Newest at the top.

Full body
FINALLY! Some of my recent stuff!

Kind of recent, kind of not.

My god, I never do backgrounds. >.>
Simple backgrounds are just a simple block of colour with some spots behind the character.

Scenery backgrounds are usually a Google image put behind the character, or a game screenshot you want the character drawn into.

Need more examples? Jump on over to my dA to see more of just about everything! --->

Wanna request? Just fill this out!:
Code: [Select]
Sketch/Coloured sketch/Lineart/Drawing:

Finished requests:

Game Discussion / Group Size: Does It Matter?
« on: November 16, 2016, 03:09:51 am »
Ah, the wonderful ol' "Does size matter?" question. No, get your head out of the gutter! This is a family friendly game, IVYFUR.

What I mean is this: does the size of a group play into your decision to join?

For me, it plays a large role. If a group has over twenty active members, I find myself swamped with the struggle of learning all of their names and who they are. A handful of active members, to me, is more manageable, and I get to become better friends with them. Don't get me wrong, being suddenly shoved into a group of people and trying to learn their inside jokes and their dynamics is difficult, but it's easier when there's less people. A group shouldn't just be people that you roleplay with, you should become friends with some of them. I've carried friends over from roleplay groups, and even now that the group is dead, we still roleplay with those characters, and try to find them new groups. What could have been just another one-off group that was active for a week and then died lasted for months on end, only dying once it tried to change platforms to Skype. That's the type of group that I love: a small, close-knit family that cares so much about each other and their characters. I just feel like a smaller group is more suited to the type of person that I am.

Presets & Markings / GAAAY- I mean, Stained Glass! Haha, yeah . . .
« on: November 15, 2016, 08:53:28 pm »

Hey guys! Was a bit bored yesterday, and thought I'd try my hand at an AWD preset, with a very gay twist: RAINBOWS!

I think I did okay. AWDs are really difficult >.>

Buy it at this link!:


Introduction / I'm back, boo.
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:53:20 pm »
Okej, so, some of you may remember back in September that I went on a hiatus from the game, on charge of being fed up with the roleplay community. Well, I think I've finally finished my hiatus, as I've wedged myself back into the community and have found a wonderful new roleplay. (Cayuga Forests, to be specific. Come join the party, it's lit!)

So, yeah. I'm back. Nothing much to say.

Forum Discussion / Forum Silence
« on: October 26, 2016, 12:16:54 am »
Hey guys! We've got an issue with the community: it's silent.

"No it isn't, people are still posting!" you might be saying. Yes, but barely. The last post in either discussion board was ten days ago-- halfway to the point when you get the little red warning. That's the place where the community is free to talk about anything relating to the game, and it's gone dead. The only places I see people actively posting are the forum games, help threads, and Introductions. Not to mention that no one has entered the preset contest except me! Where'd everyone go?

Don't get me wrong, I love this community, but I think it's fair to say that something's got to change. With major people such as Preach having left, I think we as a community need to up our game. With so little participation on the forums, and the only Introductions being members returning, I believe that if we don't get our $#!% together, this game may die within the next few years. It may sound harsh, but that's how I see this game going.

So, what can we do to one-up ourselves and keep this game going? Well, it's simple: post more. I know, shocking, right? Now, I don't mean spam us with the forum games. I'm saying get involved with discussion threads like this one. Get a conversation going. If I may, I shall propose this: If you fully read a thread, reply with some sort of comment. Say the thread was someone sharing a preset, give them feedback. (Us preset creators LOVE feedback!) Don't just say, "Nice topic," as that adds nothing to the conversation. It's like just walking up to someone who presented, and saying "Cool." They put time into it, and just "Cool" or "Nice" aren't going to help us at all. If everyone can reply to one thing a day, or make a thread, do something for this community and post it here, I think we can get this game off it's crutches and walking again. It may never be up and running like in 2011 and 2012, but we can certainly try. But if we let this game fall down, end up in a wheelchair and do nothing to help, it's sad and we don't like to think about it, but it will die.

So, if you have made it all the way through my rant, please reply to the thread with your thoughts on this! Do you think that this game is dying? And don't give me that cliche "As long as people are playing, this game isn't dead." The forum is a huge part of the game, and if we lose the forum community, we lose the game community. Do you guys have any suggestions on how we can get this forum lively and bustling again?

Presets & Markings / Halloween Preset!
« on: October 22, 2016, 03:55:34 am »
Hey guys! It's been awhile since I made a preset, so I thought I'd share my Autumn Preset Contest entry!


The design itself wasn't that hard to execute, but I wanted it to just look like a black wolf got it's pelt painted for Halloween, and then got attacked by a killer clown or something.
Sidenote: Can we take a moment to acknowledge how fast literally everyone and their mother developed coulrophobia after hearing about these clowns?

ANYWAY! Onto the preset's features!

1. The little candy corn on it's shoulder just kind of shifts back and forth, kind of like how white people dance. (SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED! butthenagaini'minsultingmyselfasmuchasyou.)
2. Those cuts have three shades of red: Lightest, medium light, medium dark, and dark. They are all smudged together, the "drips" are made, and then the darkest shade is used to add that nice 3D effect. The lightest colours have the thickest lines, while the darkest are used more sparingly. (If anyone's interested in a screenshot tutorial, I'd be happy to provide one!)
3. Does the asymmetry count? Idk

Buy it over there--->

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