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Topics - TheApplePie

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Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Kiquaii's comissions!
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:39:46 pm »
I will do animal comissions from now on!
Anyone can comission a drawing from me and if I accept, I will draw the character(s).
After that, you will need to pay me points on deviantart and give a floof please. ^^

What are comissions?
There are two types of comissions.
Point comissions= A point is like virtual money. I draw something for ya, you pay me the points.
Money comissions= I draw you something, and you pay me the money.

Comission info/prices:

Find examples on my deviantart ( or look at the finnished ones.

Finnished comissions:

Ask Me / Ask Kiquaii
« on: June 01, 2014, 07:35:37 pm »
Well hey der.

Ask me anything you like and I'll give my best answer/honest opinion.
If a question is asked twice, I'll still answer both of them.
Questions can be as serious/silly as you want, my lovely fingers will type back. <3
If one of the questions touches my personal life, I will answer but I'll make it as simple as possible.


Welcome to my literate roleplay guide!Many of  you want to roleplay in a more literate way than you already do, here is a simple guide to show you how to do it.
If any of you want me to edit/add on any text which I think may be useful I will be happy to edit in the extra info.

Method 1; Right and wrong in description.

For a starter, look at this thread that explains a lot about wolfpeak and why you shouldn't use it. Click here!
Example: Cranium is another word for skull.
"The small male lay down and rested his cranium on his cold paws before closing his tired eyes." Is wrong.
"The small male lay down and rested his heavy head on his cold paws before closing his tired eyes." Is right.
Because there is more on a head than just the skull y'know.

1st person or 3rd?
This makes a huge difference when roleplaying.
1st person: I rush towards the den with my bushy black tail high up in the air and fangs bared."
3rd person: She rushed towards the den with her bushy black tail high up in the air and her fangs bared."
It makes it more like a story mode, which it should be when rp'ing in literate ways.
There is no problem with rp'ing in 1st person, but you're not the one in the game, the character is. Right?

Here you can find simple ways and words standing for different words.
Example: Dog = Mutt, mongrel, canine, hound, stray, pooch, pet..ect.

Walking= Padding, pacing, strolling, prowling & roaming
Running= Sprinting, rushing, racing, charging & gushing
Sleeping= Napping, resting, taking a siesta, catnap and drowse
Say= add,announce ,answer,assert ,claim ,convey,declare,deliver  ,disclose ,do , estimate ,express ,maintain ,mention ,repeat,reply ,report ,respond ,reveal ,speak,state ,suggest & tell (And whoot there's more)
Growling= Bearing teeth, showing fangs, hissing (felines),snarling & pulling lips back into an aggressive manor
Crawling= Stalking, pressing mass down to the group and moving slowly forwards, Creeping up towards, inching forward only an inch above the ground/snow/sand-ect
Look =  Glance, Notice, Peer, See, Stare, Notice, View, Watch, Admire, Gaze, Inspect, Observe, Scan & Peak/Peek (Peaking/Peeking through a small gap)
Young= Juvenile, blossoming, infant, junior, newborn, new & childish.
Adult= Mature, youthful, fullgrown, wise, elder & old.
Smell= Aroma, trace, scent & odor
Light= Glazing, luminous, bright, rich (a lot of), glossy, glowing, polished,  fluorescent & clear
Dark= Dim, dull, misty, murky, shadowy, foggy, gloomy, dank, damp, dusk & somber
Happy= Cheerful, joyful, delighted, estatic, glad, overjoyed & pleasant
Sad= Pessimistic, bitter, dismal, heartbroken, mournful, sorrowful, somber, sorry, wistful, cheerless, down & depressed.

Animal behavior
The most important when rp'ing is behavior. You wouln't get a cheetah killing an adult lion. No no.
Here are some links with info about certain species.
If you find a good link, send me it and I'll add it.
African leopard:
African wild dogs:

That's all for now, happy rp'ing!


Most of you should have noticed that this summer will be a special and sad summer in the history of our nations.
In June 28th of 2014 (11:25 AM) it will be 100 full years from the world war 1.
It had been said that when the war started, all of the bells of the UK would ring, and then stay silent till the end of the war.
We will do the same in our part of the country (where I live) and ring them one by one from the north to the south at midnight.

The official start of WWI was June 28, 1914 when the Archduke and heir to the Austria Hungary throne, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia, were assassinated. More than 9 million combatants were killed; a casualty rate exacerbated by the belligerents' technological and industrial sophistication, and tactical stalemate. It was one of the deadliest battles (or should I say conflicts) in history, making the way for major political changes, including revolutions in many of the nations involved.

At the time horses where used to charge into battles, but the enemy had weapons that no one else had. Guns and ammunition where used to fire at horse legs to trip them over and kill the riders before they even came close to harm the enemy.
Any metal must have been rusty and old because the sun would reflect causing the enemy to spot their attackers in the distance.

Many 18-19 year old boys where given  a gun or sword and told to kill anyone that ran towards them, being friendly fire or not.
Many, many troops had died on the battle field and this summer is the time to remember them, I hope you all respect them as much as I do and that they died for  us all be free.
and play games like fh

Just a little thingy.
In my school boys dress up as lads from the army and girls as maids and women that cared for the house.
We also need to sing this to praise the soldiers:

As you may have noticed leopards are my favorite animals, so here's a small guide towards them.

Text has been extracted from various websites + my brain.

The leopard (Panthera pardus) is a member of the Felidae/feline family with a wide range in some parts of Africa and tropical Asia, from Siberia, South and West Asia to across most of sub-Saharan Africa. It is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List because it is declining in large parts of its range due to habitat loss and fragmentation, and hunting for trade and pest control. It is regionally extinct in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuwait, Syria, Libya and Tunisia.

The leopard /?l?p?rd/ is the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera. Compared to other members of the Felidae, the leopard has relatively short legs and a long body with a large skull. It is similar in appearance to the jaguar, but is smaller and more slightly built. Its fur is marked with rosettes similar to those of the jaguar, but the leopard's rosettes are smaller and more densely packed, and do not usually have central spots as the jaguars do. Both leopards and jaguars that are melanistic are known as black panthers.

The species' success in the wild is in part due to its opportunistic hunting behavior, its adaptability to habitats, its ability to run at speeds approaching 58 kilometres per hour (36 mph), its unequaled ability to climb trees even when carrying a heavy carcass,and its notorious ability for stealth. The leopard consumes virtually any animal that it can hunt down and catch. Its habitat ranges from rainforest to desert terrains.

Leopards show a great diversity in coat color and rosettes patterns. In general, the coat color varies from pale yellow to deep gold or tawny, and is patterned with black rosettes. The head, lower limbs and belly are spotted with solid black. Coat color and patterning are broadly associated with habitat type. Their rosettes are circular in East Africa but tend to be squarer in southern Africa and larger in Asian populations. Their yellow coat tends to be more pale and cream colored in desert populations, more gray in colder climates, and of a darker golden hue in rainforest habitats. Overall, the fur under the belly tends to be lighter coloured and of a softer, downy type. Solid black spots in place of open rosettes are generally seen along the face, limbs and underbelly.

Leopards are agile and stealthy predators. Although they are smaller than other members of the Panthera genus, they are able to take large prey due to their massive skulls that facilitate powerful jaw muscles. Head and body length is usually between 90 and 165 cm (35 and 65 in). The tail reaches 60 to 110 cm (24 to 43 in) long, around the same length as the tiger's tail and relatively the longest tail in the Panthera genus (though snow leopards and the much smaller marbled cats are relatively longer tailed). Shoulder height is from 45 to 80 cm (18 to 31 in). The muscles attached to the scapula are exceptionally strong, which enhance their ability to climb trees. They are very diverse in size. Males are about 30% larger than females, weighing 30 to 91 kg (66 to 201 lb) compared to 23 to 60 kg (51 to 132 lb) for females. Large males of up to 91 kg (201 lb) have been documented in Kruger National Park in South Africa; however, males in South Africa's coastal mountains average 31 kg (68 lb) and the females from the desert-edge in Somalia average 23 to 27 kg (51 to 60 lb). This wide variation in size is thought to result from the quality and availability of prey found in each habitat. The most diminutive leopard subspecies overall is the Arabian leopard (P. p. nimr), from deserts of the Middle East, with adult females of this race weighing as little as 17 kg (37 lb).

Other large subspecies, in which males weigh up to 91 kg (201 lb), are the Sri Lankan leopard (P. p. kotiya) and the Anatolian leopard (P. p. tulliana). Such larger leopards tend to be found in areas which lack tigers and lions, thus putting the leopard at the top of the food chain with no competitive restriction from large prey items. The largest verified leopards weighed 96.5 kg (213 lb) and can reach 190 cm (75 in) in head-and-body length. Larger sizes have been reported but are generally considered unreliable. The leopard's body is comparatively long, and its legs are short.

Leopards may sometimes be confused with two other large spotted cats, the cheetah, with which it may co-exist in Africa, and the jaguar, a neotropical species that it does not naturally co-exist with. However, the patterns of spots in each are different: the cheetah has simple black spots, evenly spread; the jaguar has small spots inside the polygonal rosettes; while the leopard normally has rounder, smaller rosettes than those of the jaguar. The cheetah has longer legs and a thinner build that makes it look more streamlined and taller but less powerfully built than the leopard. The jaguar is more similar in build to the leopard but is generally larger in size and has a more muscular, bulky appearance.

Leopards eat small hoofstock such as gazelle, impala, deer and wildebeast. On occasion, they may also hunt monkeys, rodents and birds. They often bring their prey up into the branches of a tree to eat it and protect it from other predators and scavengers.
When lions/hyenas or even other leopards come, the hunter gives it's prey to the larger/stronger predators below them.
The way leopards hunt is interesting since in most cases they wait on a tree and when their prey is bellow them, they jump down.
They can also stalk the prey and  chase it, but then dragging the prey back and up a tree may be a problem.

Leopards are found throughout most of Africa and Asia from the middle east to the Soviet Union, Korea, China, India, and Malaysia. Leopards live in a variety of habitats including forests, mountains, grassland and deserts. They mostly hunt at night and dawn, while looking for the prey at dusk before the midnight hunting session.

Forum Games / Story time
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:40:09 am »
Well you'll probably know what to do in this one.

Every user adds 1 WORD to a sentance.
P1: The
P2: very
P3: fat
P4: kitten
P5: was
P6: one
P7: of
P8: the
P9: fattest
P10: cats
P11: around.
P1: He
P2: was
P3: a
P4: ginger
P5: and
P6: white

So we just make a 3 lined story, and after 3 lines made, a new short story is started.

I'll start:

Game Discussion / The stereotype of feralheart
« on: May 29, 2014, 08:57:40 pm »
If you're one of the people that makes these rare characters all the time, simply just say no and close the topic. Thank you.
It gets quite boring when you keep seeing albino/melanistic characters everywhere.

Example: When you're in a clan/group of foxes to rp, 60% of the players would have black/grey/white characters.
People these days always choose that 'rare/special creature' option over the normal one because it's 'unique'.
Now that it's all over the game, it's not the albino/melanistic characters that are rare, but the normal coloured ones.

What do you think about having those 'special' characters?
Does it annoy you as much as it does me?

Game Help / A little annoying thing
« on: May 29, 2014, 09:59:08 am »
Do you ever do somthing on the internet/forums  while the game plays in the background?
(Example:You're curled up on a rock)
But when you want to go back in game, you move when you go onto it.
It sometimes annoys me a lot, mostly when I'm curled up/sitting around with friends or something.

Y'know, for example I'm talking with Genny and on a rock, and I'm also browsing the forums.
When I click back onto the game my character moves even if I clicked with my left mouse button.
It's annoying.
Halp halp.

Game Help / Preset question
« on: May 24, 2014, 06:55:35 pm »
Y'know presets, right?

Well, I was just running around in flourite on a test preset.
Here is the question then;

When I'm playing on a preset, what do other people see on/as my character?

Characters / First ever preset found c:
« on: May 24, 2014, 02:02:58 pm »
I have found my first ever FeralHeart preset.
Sure, she's insane. Yeah, it's simple. I still love it though!

Name: Amber
Gender: Female
Age: Around the same age as I am in real life, 17 then.
Species: Insane dog/mutt

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