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Topics - DimensionGal

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Art Gallery / What is this, I don't even... (aka Kerri's Art)
« on: April 03, 2011, 01:45:11 am »
Aha, I can't think of anything for a title. Can't say I'm a great artist, (my coloring skillz are crud), but I'll post some of my better and more recent works, I suppose. XD

The-Lily-Has-Luv is my dA name.

Before I show my work, just know that I don't draw animals, (they're very rare in my art), so... Yeah. XD At best, I'll have people with tails and wings and ears and crap, but that's about as animal as it'll get. ^.^'


First up is one of my most-used OCs, Eric Young:

No, he's not from Naruto - (ogawdno) - hence why he's an OC. The design on the back of his cape, if actually seen, is of Spanish roses. The lines look choppy because this was done with traditional inking and computerized coloring.

Another OC, an Angel-like alien named Michael:

Yep, his anatomy is "off" because he's an alien. I'm well-aware he has girl-hips. XD

Fanart! This is Gazille Reitfox, from the series "Fairy Tail":

I was really just testing new things, like lines and colors n shizz.

The guy from my avvy, Skye Sterling:

He's a fandom OC, he's so white he likes Miracle Whip on his Wonder Bread in the Sea Wing guild on dA.

Original drawings and such aside, I also do Manga Coloring, which you can find on my dA, since I'm not sure I can post it here or not. You can find some examples in the "Fairy Tail" folder in my gallery. XD

Presets & Markings / Kerrigan's Cave of Presets [Requests open!]
« on: March 15, 2011, 10:11:49 pm »
I'm not much of a preset maker, but here it goes... XD

Ferrous was one of my first presets, Ferrous being species of Dire Wolf. I made this one (above) back when sharing presets was much more complicated. Eventually I got used to using the in-game markings and even gave him a mohawk. XD Currently using his preset in-game.


Another character of mine, Aganju. He's a Courser in the Vennigan Coursers Cheetah Tribe. He's also known as "Aga the Thunder", hence the lightning-like stripey-spots~

Michael is one of my newer presets, and the leader of the Archangelis Minor. His left eye was burned out and he's blind in it. The black marks on his back are supposed to be in the shape of wings. I'm quite proud of this one. XD (I need to fix some highlights on his head and tail... but hey. XD)

Baal is one of my more well-known characters, he doesn't have a pack/pride because I simply haven't found one that's awesome enough for him yet. Baal is an earth-lava demon/creature from the center of the earth, who is VERY opinionated. XD His mane is animated, made to look like flowing oil.

Requests: Are open!

1. Anarchy99
2. Empty
3. Empty
4. Empty
5. Empty

Want a preset? Great! I just need a few things:'
Forum / In-game Username:
Canine or feline?
Ears/tail? (Just give me the name of them. For example, Michael uses the "Back" ears, "Wolf" tail, etc...)
Mane/Hair? (Again, names.)
Tufts? (See above. XD)
Some sort of colored reference. (If you want some sort of special markings, try to describe them the best you can or include them in the reference.)

Those Who Haven't Picked Up Order:
- No one!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Basegame Content List?
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:34:25 pm »
Because of the high-rate of custom content being pumped into the game, I was wondering if it was possible, whether here or in a readme file, to list all the texture, objects, etc - that originally came with FH?

After a bajillion files, it's hard to remember what came from where. XD

Forum Discussion / [large_img]HUGE IMAGE[/large_img]
« on: February 21, 2011, 05:54:46 pm »
I love pictures that people post, whether it's their art or some funny screenshots or some pics detailing a map... But what I don't like is when those pics take up SO MUCH SCREEN SPACE and stretch out my scrollbar to a tiny little speck.

And because putting a URL with the link to the pic just isn't the same as seeing it... What the [large_img] [/large_img] does is it shrinks the giant pics down into an acceptable size, and you can click on it for a popup with the fullview.

It actually surprised me that this forum didn't have this option - then again, I don't know if this is possible on this forum's type. @.@'

Screenshots / Kerrigan's Scrapbook
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:45:22 am »
LOTS OF IMAGES! - Will be updated as I find interesting shots.

Random character time!

^Irae (left) and my good friend Zephira in Ascension Island^

^Ba'al hanging around in Fluorite... He occasionally escapes from his lair in the Darklore Territories to mock the mortals in General^

^Kerrigan the Dragon having some run in Edenwood^

^Asuillez (green stripes) protecting the younger generation^

^Ferrous... doing wolfy things^

Immer Treu, a lovely rp that ran for a few months. Now may it RIP~

Some old shots of Crescent Miles~

Characters / My characters~
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:07:34 am »
All my characters, with a cool little banner and full body shot~ Will be updated as I add more.


Name: Amarok
Age: Young Adult-Adult
Species: Waheela - A bear-wolf cryptid from North America.
Mate: Okami played in-game by Saii
Pride/Pack: None
Likes: Ice, Snow, Meat
Dislikes: Rudeness
Personality: Amarok is cool-headed but awkward. He's generally pessimistic, usually preferring to plan ahead for things rather than go charging. Since he's one of the last of his kind - he feels that he should always be in contact with his roots and heritage through talking to the stars or singing. Amarok is always there for a friend in need.
Anything Else: He's got two brothers, a mother, and father that I haven't made yet. :I


Name: Asuillez (pronounced: Ah-shool-ez)
Age: Adult
Species: Extalian Liger
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: None
Likes: Children / Confrontation
Dislikes: Confrontation / Ducks
Personality: Asuillez is a guy with a rare condition known as split-personality disorder. So far, he's got two definite sides to him. The original Asuillez - who is a healer. Original Asuillez is kind and gentle, and hates fighting and confrontation. And the newer, dominant Asuillez - who loves a good fight. Dominant Asuillez still has the caring urges or Original Asuillez, but he suppresses them, for the most part. Asuillez in general randomly switches personalities, something he hates above all else, and knows no triggers to switch back and forth.
Anything Else: Asuillez and one of his foster-children, Kikya (Kikya is played in-game by BlueHeart3)


Name: Baal
Age: Unknown; appears as Young Adult-Adult
Species: Volcano Demon
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: None (But has been known to hang out with the Hyena Resistance...)
Likes: Goats, Fire, Jokes
Dislikes: Ice, Snow, Christmas, your mother
Personality: Cocky and narcissistic, Baal is a naturally-occurring entity from the center of the earth. Because he himself has no idea what exactly he is, he self-identifies as a demon. Baal will often talk in the third person, and often craves attention.
Anything Else: Can't Touch This


Name: Cail
Age: Teenager-Young Adult
Species: Magine (Magic Canine)
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: None
Likes: Good Auras, Meditating, Having Fun
Dislikes: Bad Auras, Strong Foes, Being Yelled At
Personality: Cail's a funny little fellow that has magic run through his veins... Unfortunately, he is only able to manifest his magic into healing and being able to see others' auras. His own aura is always a shade of blue. While he loves to have fun, he doesn't like to be "bad" at all. However, he tends to be overly-trusting of strangers.
Anything Else: Cail's an orphan


Name: Ferrous
Age: Adult
Species: Testu Dire Wolf
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: Beta in Lunar Pack
Likes: That's none of your business
Dislikes: Your face
Personality: Ferrous is a crude, rude, and dark-minded male - a veteran of the battlefield. Though he'll often swear and brush off packmates, he's proven in his own way that he cares for them. He tends to hang on the outside of the pack, turned away from them, simply listening to them all talking.
Anything Else: Gotta love that mohawk


Name: Kasei (Pronounced: Kah-say)
Age: Young Adult
Species: Arayashiki Lynx
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: None
Likes: Order, Justice
Dislikes: Chaos, Rudeness
Personality: Kasei is a quiet male, so much so that he'll blend into the background if not noticed beforehand. He prefers to be just and honest in his ways, and abhors anything that will bring him dishonor. He will only resort to violence as a last option.
Anything Else: He's the last of his kind D:


Name: Reavette
Age: Teenager
Species: Heroic Wolf
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: None
Likes: Compliments, Herself, A good scrap
Dislikes: Uninteresting people
Personality: Reavette is narcissistic, egotistical, shows signs of megalomania and displays a near psychopathic disregard for life. When backed into a corner she'll fight until her last breath, but when faced with a higher power than her own she will begrudgingly agree with them. Reavette will often insult others, rarely truly complimenting them. That being said, there's none better to count on - as she never goes against her promises, but she will twist words.
Anything Else: ---


Name: Spellcharm (may also be called "Spellie" or "Spell")
Age: Teenager-Young Adult
Species: Compressed Magic Feline
Mate: None
Pride/Pack: Licentus
Likes: Magic, Spinach
Dislikes: Beef, Morons
Personality: Spellcharm is a being made of compressed magical energy, created by the Magiline (Magic Feline) Garth. Though she tries her hardest to be scholarly and insightful like her "father", she has a nasty temper and is quick to judge others.
Anything Else: ---

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Custom Map Music
« on: February 19, 2011, 08:11:40 pm »
Well, first, let me ramble on about my little beef with this. XD

... It started when I was testing one of my new maps, a magma chamber for one of my elemental characters, and thought: "Gee, if I could add some background music in - it would give the place the total ambiance I'm aiming for!" And so I tried incorporating the music file in with meshes, but that just blocked out all the cool sound-effects I had installed on other objects... And generally turned the coolness into herpderp. X.x

Since I'm a bit of an audiophile, and I know I'm not alone... It'd be kinda cool if we could somehow specify background music for custom maps, (and I say background music - so that there's that option to turn it off while still hearing the sound-effects of other objects/walking/swimming/etc.), it would add a whole new level to creating maps. ^.^

Finished Maps / [v1.06] Lacroa Castle (Complete) [Music included!]
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:43:49 pm »
It's new, it's magical, it's based off of a country in an anime you've probably never heard of... I present to you, Lacroa Castle!

Lacroa Castle

DOWNLOAD - Just unzip and place in Exports~ (When you unzip, you'll get a folder that says it's v1.05 - IT'S NOT v1.05. That was just me forgetting to change that. The files are 100% v1.06)

Welcome to the Kingdom of Lacroa - a land of magic, chivalry, mystery, and Knights. In the middle of Lacroa lies the noble Lacroa Castle, nestled in the branches of the Mana Tree that is rooted in the First of the Forebearer's Footsteps.

FYI: It's not nearly this laggy in-game, that's just the recording software.
Lacroa Castle [Feral Heart map]
(I'm aware I misspelled "Castle" in the opening title. XD)

If anyone cares to see some pictures of the Lacroa I tried to base this map off of I've got two. They're of Pre-Revival Lacroa, (seems like Post-Revivial Lacroa pics are impossible to find), which made it hard to remember what the place was like when it was all pretty and magical. The Crystal Commons Cavern and Pre-Revival Lacroa Castle.

Discussion Board / Favorite songs from animated movies?
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:59:21 am »
We all know them, most of us grew up with them. What are your favorite songs from animated movies?

I'll list some I can name off the top of my head (links in quotation):
"It's Tough to Be a God" from The Road to El Dorado
"The Bells of Notre Dame", "Topsy Turvy", and "Heaven's Light / Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
"Reflection", "I'll Make a Man Out of You", and "A Girl Worth Fighting For" from Mulan
"Circle of Life", "I Just Can't Wait to Be King", "Hakuna Matata", and "Be Prepared" from The Lion King

Finished Maps / Wolfhead Lake
« on: January 07, 2011, 10:12:21 pm »
Wolfhead Lake
Tired of non-snowy maps making your Arctic/Antarctic characters sad? Well, take a trip to the remote Wolfhead Lake! As the name implies, it is a lake in the shape of a howling wolf's head. And there's snow. LOTS OF SNOW.

PICS OF UPDATED MAP! (The-Lily-Has-Luv is my dA account.)

DOWNLOAD - unzip and follow directions~!

Here's the view from the "mountain path" looking down at the lake.

And what the rest of the "mountain path" looks like from the highest point you can climb - I'm kidding, if you're skilled you can climb on top of the main den:

The hidden den!:

The den under the stongehenge-type structure seen in the first screencap:

And  here you can see the mountain and the pine forest and the little island:

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