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Topics - Vwang

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Leaving / Forum Inactivity [LOCK]
« on: August 01, 2017, 11:55:52 pm »
I probably won't go to the forums here that often anymore, I feel like i made someone dislike me because of what i changed my username, my profile into, and basically a lot of stuff
I will still be in game, participate in the events (If i dont miss itt)
I probs will come back to the forums after a while..
EDIT: Ok actually no lock this ples I'm coming back

Member Bio & Journals / Well..
« on: July 26, 2017, 06:16:01 am »
This was such a bad day. I come on skype to see my friend group from another game and then i hear "Key You're no longer in our group for /reason i cant say/
And then after that my game gets corrupted (the same game that they use)
I'm just so devastated
That was my favorite game
I'm sorry Atomic Wolves.
Cause of not being able to play that game, not having the same day where i come on and skype my friends
I'm removed from it for a reason i cannot say.
I'm just not okay and the game here.. its just not the same. Sorry.
They wont see this note but
Rat Thank you for being a good friend and helping me. It was a good time being there
Wolf, You were an amazing leader and thank you for letting me talk with you, hang out with you. I am deeply sorry.
 Atomic wolves was the best group i have been in

Request/Find Meshes / Flower on head mesh?
« on: July 07, 2017, 10:02:33 pm »
I need a head flower mesh. Not the flower that goes behind the character's ear but like a literal flower on my head.
Black leaves and stem, white petals

Member Bio & Journals / Umm? [BIO]
« on: July 07, 2017, 12:31:00 am »
So I used to be Leahling, changed to ChildrenOfNight, then became Hindenburger, Changed to Hanazuki
I am a young child who has an unhealthy obsession of the computer.
I like way too many shows but the most important ones are basically SU and Hanazuki
Why the girly show where the plant is trying to save everything? Well Yes. Girly. But it's entertaining and I like how it has a vibe of many things.
I have favorite foods but they are unhealthy choices so i wont be getting to them now.
I play Star stable and sometimes animal jam
I am not the one for you if you dont like seeing people run around and jump in the grounds because they cannot sit still.

Screenshots / This is what happens when my ENB messes up
« on: July 04, 2017, 06:12:20 pm »

warning: bright

Discussion Board / favorite breakfast?
« on: June 29, 2017, 11:59:26 pm »
Soup, Hot pockets, pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs
pretty basic tho for a breakfast XD

Screenshots / Screenshotsss
« on: June 29, 2017, 11:52:40 pm »
It's a screenshot but with the claws edited bc im too lazy to get claw mod.

Again this is from the lion king XD

Other Games / What's your favorite horse in Star Stable Online?
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:50:46 pm »
The Lipizzaner and the Friesian are my personal favorites. they are perfect for dressage and are quite fast.

Discussion Board / But why me?
« on: June 27, 2017, 02:22:23 am »
To be honest I don't know why but. Why me? Why do they have to be okay with everyone in summer camp and they would yell at me and never let me talk to them. I don't understand what I did wrong for being myself? Wherever I go everyone keeps glaring at me,  If I try to talk the kids would usually shush me or try to get me to go away. This happened in school, summer camp, and also other places, I just want to fit in. I'm fed up with this and it's obviously my personality, But I can't enjoy myself when I want to be funny and be weird, So they are saying I can't be myself? They keep thinking they are safe by using their friends and siblings as defenses. In school why are the girls keep leaving me out? A girl said straight to me  "Stop being annoying."
Why am I the target? Why me?
I read the rules and I'm not sure if its okay to rant like this but I said nobody's name and nothing personal.
I don't want this to be taken farther.
How do I stop them from doing this? It's wrong to treat someone badly and like everyone else. Because I can't find any other things except "ignore them" because the ignoring doesn't work and the effect is still there

Game Suggestions & Ideas / this is never going to happen but
« on: June 10, 2017, 06:25:24 pm »
I really want FH to have shadows. not on the meshes On the ground and if your standing on something it can project a shadow too on that mesh. it's probably never going to happen because we dont have the source code and because i got the preset sync. I can't have the ENB mod. just an idea if this is ever possible

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