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Topics - Wolfexpert79

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Game Help / what else to do?
« on: January 02, 2012, 06:38:09 pm »
what is there to do in FH if you can't use the chat? it would help if i got a kind of detailed answer please

after about 3 months my drawers block (is that what you call it?) is over! i can once again draw pictures.

PS: thankies courage :D (the genius french spaniel i drew when i noticed my block was over) thanks to you i can draw again XD it will be pictures of him i'll upload

what i was drawing when i finally drew something better XD

courage not getting what your saying. i know i spelled haven't wrong but i drew this when i was tired!

full body picture of courage, some things are still wrong with the body though :P
with my drawers block over that also means that i'm able to draw pages for dark sunset again so look for updates with that. now i want a super smart french spaniel named courage, maybe i'll get one when i'm old enough to get my own house :I

Game Help / crashes after character selection (at the loading screen)
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:47:28 pm »
i know probably a ton of people have this problem but yeah...what the title said.
i tried every character i have and it crashes after a select one. re-installing the game won't work because trust me i've tried.
at first the game wouldn't pull up at all until i downloaded the patch with wings in it,then i could actually open the game so i guess that's progress >_<. but does anybody know how to fix this? i see 858 people online at the top of the website and they had to get it working somehow

PS:nice wings btw :D good job kovu

PSS: (lol wut? XD) what i meant was that it crashes at the loading screen after a select a character no matter what map i'm in. the music from the map will start as a sigh that the map is loading but them it crashes >_<

Game Help / what is feralistic?
« on: December 22, 2011, 12:44:41 am »
i'm just wondering, i've heard of it but i'm just not sure what it is

Member Bio & Journals / you guys should know...
« on: December 12, 2011, 03:11:58 pm »
i think it's time to let you guys know something (you better not see this topic as me whining or ranting D:<). i bet you all have noticed all the group,art,tutorial and map,marking,and preset topics i've made and i'm sad to tell you that 90% of that time i'd have no idea what i'm doing. so here is the list of things you should know.

Dark sunset:
i know some of you may <3 that comic and want more but the truth is that i made those pages about 3-4 months ago and since then my drawing has gotten worse and changed so i don't even think i can draw wolves anymore.i've tryed drawing tutorials but i would fail at even the easiest ones so i'm sorry if you were expecting more,i'm not sure if it will progress.
The Okami Project:
sadly i've done nothing for this map pack (i'm sorry D:). i can't make maps based off of things at all and i'm not even sure what the people who wanted to help are doing. i'm also not sure if this project will go anywhere,SO sorry to those who wanted it...
alex's presets:
i am a TERRIBLE preset maker. i'm not good at adding fur textures and i have the worst drawing/designing ever when it comes to using a mouse. i can't stay focused when making one for somebody because i often stop to play FH and not do their order.
alex's markings:
i can't make markings at all. well i can  but like i said with presets, i don't have good designing or a steady hand when it comes to using a mouse.
out if all the 5+ groups i've made,none of them get members at all. i'm not good at creating plot-lines for you people and i'm sad to say that i'm done.i'm not going to be making groups in the forum anymore. i hope some of you are happy.
Literate RP's:
i hate literate rp's SO much. (dun worry i'm not hating on the people who don't hate literateness). i'm sorry to all you FH users in-game who needed members but i just can't RP literate
it's not that i lied to you all because i thought i actually could do these things but overtime i got worse/learned i couldn't. i know i probably disappointed  some people but it had to be said. once again i'm sorry


Game Help / for all of you who have normal terrian masks...
« on: December 11, 2011, 05:48:01 pm »
what does your terrain CFG file look like? because on my FH everywhere is african grass and it won't go beyond that. i've had this problem ever since i first downloaded FH about 4 months ago and i think i found the root of the problem:

material AlphaSplatTerrain1
   receive_shadows on
         vertex_program_ref AlphaSplatTerrain/VP
            param_named_auto worldViewProj      worldviewproj_matrix

            param_named_auto LightDiffuse light_diffuse_colour 0
            param_named_auto LightPosition light_position_object_space 0
            param_named_auto LightAttenuation light_attenuation 0
            param_named_auto lightAmbient ambient_light_colour

            param_named materialAmbient float4 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0
            param_named pageSize float 5000
            param_named_auto worldMat world_matrix
            param_named_auto fogParams fog_params
            param_named_auto camPos camera_position_object_space

            param_named textureTileSize float 10
         fragment_program_ref AlphaSplatTerrain1/FP
            param_named alpha0Mask float4 1 1 1 0
            param_named_auto fogColour fog_colour
            texture_alias AlphaMap1
            tex_address_mode clamp
            texture_alias Splat1
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat2
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat3
            tex_address_mode wrap
   //Fallback technique
         lighting off
            texture african_grass.jpg
            scale 0.05 0.05
material AlphaSplatTerrain2
   receive_shadows on
         vertex_program_ref AlphaSplatTerrain/VP
            param_named_auto worldViewProj      worldviewproj_matrix

            param_named_auto LightDiffuse light_diffuse_colour 0
            param_named_auto LightPosition light_position_object_space 0
            param_named_auto LightAttenuation light_attenuation 0
            param_named_auto lightAmbient ambient_light_colour

            param_named materialAmbient float4 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0
            param_named pageSize float 5000
            param_named_auto worldMat world_matrix
            param_named_auto fogParams fog_params
            param_named_auto camPos camera_position_object_space

            param_named textureTileSize float 10
         fragment_program_ref AlphaSplatTerrain2/FP
            param_named alpha0Mask float4 1 1 1 0
            param_named alpha1Mask float4 0 0 0 0
            param_named_auto fogColour fog_colour
            texture_alias AlphaMap1
            tex_address_mode clamp
            texture_alias AlphaMap2
            tex_address_mode clamp
            texture_alias Splat1
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat2
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat3
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat4
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat5
            tex_address_mode wrap
            texture_alias Splat6
            tex_address_mode wrap
   //Fallback technique
         lighting off
            texture african_grass.jpg
            scale 0.05 0.05
notice how it says african grass? i got this from C:/FeralHeart>Media>Materials>Terrain
is it supposed too look like this? plz let me know

Game Help / please install latest patch?
« on: December 10, 2011, 02:37:10 am »
i installed FH+ and i finally pulls up to the screen where i type in my username and password but
A:the ground is black and yellow (stripes)
B:it says please download the latest patch
any idea on how to fix these?

Art Gallery / Dark Sunset. Moar pages added!!! (warning large images.)
« on: December 09, 2011, 08:25:32 pm »
well here you go:

The first page was going to be a gaiden but i decided to make it the prologue so you all don't get confused later on :D

please post letting me know what you think and if you want more.

PS:Ame that is NOT your character on the cover! (just so there is no confusion)

yeah i'm leaving it as a cliffhanger until i have the time to post a bunch of pages at once when i draw them.

Site/Forum Help / is there a way to reactivate a deleted account?
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:47:41 pm »
my friend accidently deleted her account and doesn't know how to get it back.
is there a way to reactivate a deleted account?

Game Help / i can't install FH at all!!!
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:29:06 pm »
i tried every single download possible on this website and they all have this show up:

NOTE: i put the screenshots in the order that it happened

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