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Topics - safarirun123

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Hanging paws?
« on: September 11, 2012, 06:25:56 pm »
Hey  ;D I just though it would be really cool for when you lay at a edge of a rock your paws could hang down sted of like pointing out if you get what I mean it would be alot more realistic and enjoyable (Sorry if there's another topic for this) I dont know if there is one.

Request/Find Meshes / Quick mesh request!
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:26:46 am »
Wasteland meshes I prefer a pack)) thank you  :-*

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Lighting
« on: September 09, 2012, 10:07:53 pm »
Hey I just thought it would be a neat idea for when its dark the light is acutally "Dark with it" like when you sleep at night the lighting is dark not just the sky so I thought that would be neat for darker Lighting.

Forum Games / Who's gonna post next?
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:56:20 pm »
""""""""""""RETYPE"""""""""      Hi so the title pretty much says it all you have to guess what the next person will be like here's a demonstration: The next person to post is gonna be literate "" or The next person thats gonna post is gonna be sad; and then you answer yes,or no if its true or not here ill start       PS. If there's a board like this Im sorry DX                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The next person to post is happy.

Request/Find Meshes / Please help "Urgent"
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:00:21 pm »
 8) Hi there visitor well I made this topic because I need some meshes of cource I would like various of diffrent tree's... something that's tastey and new something someone hasn't seen before if you could find a bundle of tree's because im really lazy in object maker  :o  Realistic,tree's,Pretty tree's,Epic tree's nothing strange please, I Also want a flower bundle of many diffrent flowers I dont want a GL Pack I allready have that just anything exotic like that would be nice also like the tree thing I said like something someone dosn't know about just "Rare I guess' if that makes sense anyways I only want ZIP. stuff please ^-3 also if you could find rotting animals or a carcass that would be nice and fall tree's with falling leaf's particles also spring tree's/pink with the same thing leaf particles I also need a frog particle and Fog
also any kind of cool new miscellaeous Would be nice and grass texture's you know how you go to the beach and you see moss and grass all over the rocks? well I would like some texture like that grass/moss stuff thank you! And I have several more .--. Sorry. And I need some clouds water particles and "smoke for waterfalls like a ball of smoke that moves" and I need fireflys and cotton grass particle and many textures dirt/etc.. crystal textures for rocks so I can retexture them and what ever you find could you add a picture? thank you I will karma for your big trouble. X.X

Forum Games / Make someone Laugh! (Game, can you Win O..o
« on: September 07, 2012, 08:38:38 pm »
  First you have to either get someone to laugh by writing something from the past or the future or something possibely made up you could also do pictures or videos or something... c; and then you rate from 1/10 of how funny it was you can do random video's pictures it dosn't have to be of yourself And when you rate say the persons name Like this for a demonstration @Randomperson I rate 7/10 That was really funny but not to much or something like that ^-& Ok here I go  :-X This is a true story Me: Plays computer- Moth: IM GONNA Fly in your face! ;D Me: SCREEEEEEEEEAM!! MOTH MOTH MOTH WHACKS COMPUTER AND everything around me -Screeeeeam!!!! Moth: X.X Geez I only flew near you! ;3 Now you may post and you kind 'of have a idea.

Forum Games / ~Wizards~ (Game)
« on: September 06, 2012, 11:21:17 pm »
Hi this is my first post on this games thing so I wanted to try ;D Anyways you can have 3 powers rock,fire,water,air Powers anything related to those you can use for Instace -Shoots person with earth and traps" then another person can come along to either try to help them or try to kill them The first poster has to say "Stands around or something like that for someone to be able to attack you or something. ;3 "I hope you get it. 2;

Discussion Board / What kind of RP
« on: September 06, 2012, 09:33:13 pm »
 8) Hey guys so I was wondering what kind of RP should I make I am really bored and I have not much other games I can play no'r I allready did my fair share in-real life So any RPS That any of you would join? or you think would be popular"?

Discussion Board / Species you created
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:55:43 pm »
Ello love,! sorry  Just the accent EPIC ;3 Anyways..  what species have you created of a wolf what kind of breed and such.. if you cant do a picture thats totally fine! xD I cant do pictures Like some people but you can post the numbers for how it looks like..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Name of breed:                   Species:              Pelt:               Underfur:                                      Above eyes:                                           Below eyes:                              Eye color:    Tail type:                         Ear type:                         Eye type:        Markings:             marking color:             Mane:     Mane color:                                                   Face:                                   Nose color:                                           And the bio:  Pretty much life style of the animal like wolfs are shy but can be agressive and there life style is they I dont know anything about wolfs so I dont know but im sure you get the idea you can copy the things I posted there for you and erase what im saying in the bio im gonna make another post for my animal so I hope you use it. ^-&

Discussion Board / Songs You made
« on: September 03, 2012, 11:02:39 pm »
 ::) If this board Wasn't posted on or read.. feel free to delete it)) anyways I am so curious has anybody made there own song do you song write by any chance? I do and I will be happy to share it with you please be honest if you like it here it is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Song1: High-heels  , Also if anyone feels like making a music video out of this please say its not yours a person from a game made it or something.. so all credit goes to them thank you. Lyrics: Time passes so fast tryin on mommas clothes now im walkin in high-heels when I say come by boys say strut your stuff I say no way step back im walkin in high-heel sho-ooes.. and im comin by comin by real fast real fast real fast.... boys say strut your stuff I say get away... step back I got high-heels on and arn't afraid to use them come near me ill show you how strong I can be oooh.... im walkin in high-heel shoes everyone is beautiful and if you say not s-s-step back im walkin in high-heel shoes and im goin crazy by everyone following me b-b-buckle up my ski-ir-irt skirt skirt... and buckle up those shoes... shoes... shoes im walkin in high-heel shoes whoa step back back.... Now im workin off these shoes hey your rockin! wer-ere-ere rolling the dice now you got enough pr-oo-oo-f Im walking in- high-heel shoes ,   Now 1 early day or sorry im alittle mixed ha,ha     4 days later after I bought my brand new shoes a boy looked at me but in a diffrent way you think he comes up to me and says I know you and I respond its probaly cause of my new shoes and the boy nodded no Ive seen you around and I acutally kinda liked you before you got new clothes and your high-heel shoes now were holding hands and sharing chairs lifes a paradise when you arn't aware Oh,oh,oh,ohh,ohh,ohh,oh,oh,oh,ohhh,ohhh... Things are simpler now Im holding a boys hand and he lets me say I love you bab-y bab-y-bab-y oh Oh... oh oh oh... 3:00 a'clock He comes to my door and im feeling butterflys in my tummy whats this now oh oh whats this now? baby I have something to show you It took my guitar and alittle bit of snooz but I finished he showed me.. a beautiful berret oh oh a beautiful berret]                                                                                                                            Yeaaaah...         Now im wearing my old pair of shoes and im feeling fine now its the end of school year And I put on my high-heels and I rock all night! y-eh-ehhh... im rocking my high-heels Yee-ehh-ehhh                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ok so this song is about a girl who steps out of sneakers and steps into high-heel shoes becoming a woman and now all these boys start to notice her now that she wears them So thats what my song is about please not to tough comments... this is kind'of my first real song so I hope you guys like it  :-\ Im really nervus to hear what you think about it but im ready PS. NOT DONE.

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