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Topics - Lady_Alizarin

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Game Discussion / Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« on: September 08, 2013, 12:58:28 am »
"If you don't get out of my territory I will kill you!"
"Stay away from my cubs, or I kill you!"
"If you don't be mates with my son, I will kill you!"
"If I catch you on my turf again I will kill you!"
"I KILL you!"

Why is it that whenever someone threatens another character in this game, it's always got to be the "kill" threat? Is it supposed to be the most intimidating threat? Should I be scared for my character's life?  ::)
Okay, being serious now... is there anyone here who gets sick of hearing this line? Do you think it's over-used? I know it's mostly just an empty threat in a roleplay, but I think it's used too much. Why is it that most charactrs want to resort to that kind of violence instead of doing something different?

Forum Discussion / What Makes A Good Member of Feral Heart?
« on: July 25, 2013, 04:51:53 pm »
What Makes a Good Member of Feral Heart?

What's Your Opinion?

Just curious as to what others think of such a question. What do you think makes a good member of Feral Heart? Is it someone who respects the rules? Is it someone who helps the community? Is it a good roleplayer? Is it someone who makes good maps or presets for others? Is it one of the above or all of the above? What's your opinion?

I think a good member of Feral Heart can be anyone who follows and respects the rules. Someone who respects others, other's opinions, feelings, etc. Someone who is kind and helpful to others in the community.

What do you think makes a good member of the community?

Game Help / Need Help with Preset Wings
« on: July 03, 2013, 04:30:04 pm »
I'm working on a preset that has wings. Whenever I look at the preset in the Preset Maker, only one wing has the preset while the other comes up white.

Is there something I'm doing wrong in the coding? What should I do to fix this?

Game Discussion / How is that Powerplay?
« on: June 15, 2013, 06:31:11 pm »
Why is it that some people assume that unrealistic characters, such as demons, angels, dragons, vampire, withces, etc. are all powerplayers or godmodders? I know that some people use the story of, "Oh I'm an immortal creature, therefore I cannot die or be killed by a mere mortal like you!" But that doesn't mean that they play unfairly.
Earlier this week someone accused me of being a powerplayer all because my character, the unicorn fox, impaled them with her horn because they attacked her. It went something like this...

--*Names were made up--
Cougarleap M: -The tom pounced at the white fox and pinned her-
Amalthea fox: -She let out a yelp as the cat attacked her. She felt her horn impale through his body. "Oh no!" she gasped.
Cougarleap M: Horn! What horn? That's powerplaying!))
Amalthea fox: I'm not powerplaying. You jumped on me and just impaled yourself.))
Silverfur F: Goddmodder!!!)
Amalthea fox: No it isn't. It's not like the impact killed him. It just injured him. Besides, I could heal his injury with enchanments.))
Cougarleap: o_o Oh))
Silverfur: Lets just get out of here. This is a realistic roleplay not a fantasy))

And that's what happened. Is it my fault that they didn't bother to read my character's bio? If they would have, they would have known what they were dealing with. They would have known that this character is immortal, but NOT invincible (she can be injured or killed) But oh no! They automatically accuse me of being a powerplayer all because my character is a supernatural animal.
I've seen it happen to other players who play as supernatural creatures. They were playing fairly with others, but then they get accused of being powerplayers when a realistic animal goes up to them and tries to insta-kill them. It's only considered powerplaying when someone plays unfairly, tries to insta-kill your character, ignores your attack, etc. It really all depends on what the character is.

Have you ever played as a dragon, vampire, werewolf, griffon, etc, and ever considered a powerplayer or a godmodder for whatever reason?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Markings Idea
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:17:58 pm »
I don't know if an idea like this has been made yet, or not. But here is my little idea. You know how we have the option to make the markings any color we want? Well I was wondering if we could have the option to color the different markings on different parts of the body. You know, like "head markings" "body markings" and "tail markings". If someone wanted to make the markings on their face black, and wanted to make the markings on their body red, they could have that option to do so. What do you think?

Game Discussion / There's No Such Thing as Evil Animals
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:50:31 pm »
I've noticed that some people consider some kinds of animals to be evil. Most commonly I've seen people say such things like...
"All snakes are evil because they bite and kill people"
"Coyotes are evil because they killed my cat"
or even "Sharks are mean"
"Bats are evil because they suck blood"
"Wolves are bad because they kill farmers sheep"
"Foxes are no good because they all kill and eat kits"
Out in Bonfire Island I was watching these two players roleplaying as a crocodile and an aligator. Most of the time, they were just laying on the beach like most gators and crocs do to relax. Well a few people would come up to tease them or harass them, even though they were just laying there doing nothing. This one pup character came up and said in quote -Growls at the crocodile- "Why are you so evil? Answer ME!" And then there were a couple of times when I was just sitting around out in Flourite Plains as my fox characters, and some Warrior Cat roleplayers would come up to me and start accusing me of being evil. One warrior approached me (I was my grey fox at the time) and asked OCC "Excuse me? Are you by any chance an evil fox?" I said to her. "Of course not. Why would I be?" and she replied. "Well because most foxes are evil," and walked away.

Is there such thing as an evil animal? No!

There is no such thing as an evil animal. The only evil animals that exist are those in fiction literature, folklore, fairy tales, movies, and other media. In fiction stories, anything can happen. The villians can be anyone or anything. In many fiction stories, wolves were percived to be evil animals of the night. The only ones who think they are evil are people, because of old superstitions and folklore. They are not evil monsters, they're animals. Snakes are another animal that are often associated with evilness. Snakes aren't evil either, they are just animals.

Snakes don't bite people out of meaness or because they are evil. Snakes bite when they feel threatened or when they feel their life is in danger. Snakes have bitten people because they felt like the person was going to do them harm, even if that person didn't see the snake hiding in the grass. Crocodiles and alligators don't attack animals out of meaness. They do it because they need to eat. Carnivorous animals do the things they do in order to SURVIVE. It's not evil, it's NATURE.
I once saw a video that showed a mother moose trying to defend her calf from a pack of hungry wolves. In the end, she lost the calf to the wolves. A bunch of people commented hateful things by saying that the wolves should have been shot to save the calf, or someone should have stepped in to save the calf. There were some sane people who said, "That's not a bad thing. That's nature!" Those wolves probably had their own pups to feed. Wolves don't attack baby moose to be evil, they do it to feed the pack and feed their own young.

Evil animals? No such thing!

Have you ever played an animal that was considered "evil" by someone else? Got any stories or opinions to share?

Hunting and Eating Habbits: For Realistic Roleplays
A guide by Lady Alizarin

Okay folks, it's time to learn how animals eat their food!

No, not in that kind of way. I meant it's time to learn how wild animals hunt and eat their food out in nature. This is a guide for people who do realistic roleplays, but are unsure or unfamiliar with hunting/eating habbits of the animals they are roleplaying as. I have seen so many roleplayers make mistakes on a particular animal's diet. I've seen some who think that a single lone wolf could take down an elk all by himself, or a fox that could hunt down a deer. FAIL! Often times it's because some people just don't know much about the animal they are playing, or aren't very familiar with that animal's diet. Well, I'm here to help with that. So let's get started!

How Members of the Feline Family Hunt & Eat

Big cats, as well as other members of the feline family, are excelent hunters. Most felines are solitary hunters, and can take down prey bigger than they are. There are some who are scavengers, while others have the mentality of "If I didn't catch it myself, I won't eat it."


The king of the jungle eats a variety of animals out in the plains. When it comes to hunting for food, the lionesses of the pride will work together as a team to bring down a meal. The most common animals on the menu are zebras, wildebeast, antelope, impala, and warthog. IF a pride is big enough, they will sometimes go for larger game such as a young elephant, cape buffalo, giraffe, or a hippo. It's VERY rare, but it has happened before.

A single lion is capable of hunting prey by himself/herself, BUT it's going to depend on what prey they can handle and it's more difficult since they aren't being helped. A single lion can take down a zebra, antelope, or wildebeast,  but the prey would have to be either small, weak, old, or sick. Remember, a predator always goes for the one that can't keep up with the herd or is the smallest/weakest in the herd.

Lions can also be scavengers. If they find a fresh carcass, they will try and take it for themselves.


Cougars are solitary hunters, and have a big variety of prey on the menu. A cougar can hunt and eat deer, mountain sheep, elk, fish, rabbits, birds, and rodents. A full grown cougar is capable of taking down large prey, such as elk or young moose. Most young cougars will stick with the small prey, until they get big and strong enough to go for the big game.

Lynxes and Bobcats:

Lynxes are solitary hunters and mostly go for small prey such as rabbits, rodents, birds, and fish. A full grown bobcat/lynx is capable of taking down prey larger than they are. They can attack and kill deer, if they are strong and healthy enough. They often times go for the fawns or does, and will also go for old, injured, or weak deer. They will sometimes scavenge for food too.


Being the fastest land mammal, a cheetah likes to eat some fast food; gazelle, antelope, hares, and rodents. Cheetahs are one of those picky eaters. They will not eat something they didn't catch. Even if it's a starving cheetah, they will not eat the meat from a carcass that wasn't taken down by them.
Cheetahs aren't the kind that go for zebras, wildebeast, or large antelope. Those are much too big and powerful for a cheetah to take down by itself. They go for the small gazelles and antelope, and leave the bigger prey to the lions and the leopards.


Jaguars are solitary, quiet hunters that rely on stealth. Their diet consists of tapirs, pecaries (javellinas), monkeys, small deer, fish, and rodents. They mostly hunt at night.

Domestic Cat:

A domestic cat eats more species of prey animals than any other member of the feline family. They can eat rodents (mice, rats, voles, moles, shrews), rabbits, birds, fish, and even insects. I've seen my cat eating grasshoppers and crickets before. One of my cats even at a green caterpillar with a spike at the end of it's tail.
Even though domestic cats have a big list of prey to eat, they have their limits on how much they can kill. I've seen a few Warrior Cat roleplayers do things such as "-The she-cat caught 20 fish and took them all back to camp-".....

How Members of the Canine Family Hunt & Eat

Most canine speices hunt and eat in packs. They will rely on team work to bring down large prey for the pack to eat. Canines are also scavengers, and will look for carcasses to eat on if they are not able to hunt. There are few species that are solitary hunters and scavengers.


Being pack animals, they work as a team to bring down prey larger than they are. A good-sized pack of many members can take down deer, elk, moose, and bison. It takes time, patience, and teamwork to bring a large game animal down. Some small prey they like to eat would be rabbits, and rodents.

A lone wolf is often times a scavenger. A lone wolf CANNOT take down big game by him/herself. Often times, I see people making that mistake in wolf roleplayers. Since a loner doesn't have the help of a pack to hunt down big meals, the loner will find large carcasses to feed from. A lone wolf is capable of hunting small game such as rabbits, and rodents.

African Hunting Dogs:

An African hunting dog pack functions just like a pack of wolves. They use their numbers and teamwork to bring down prey. A pack of hunting dogs will hunt for antelope, zebras, wildebeast, gazelle, impala, and kudo. If the animal they are hunting is too fast for them to catch, they often times set up an ambush plan. They will drive the animal to some waiting members, where they will block the path of the prey and have it surrounded. African hunting dogs are also scavengers.

A lone hunting dog is only capable of hunting small game; such as rabbits, and rodents. A loner will also scavenge for food.


Coyotes are smaller than wolves, but they can take down large prey... if the pack is big enough. A pack of coyotes is capable of taking down a deer or pronghorn antelope. Coyotes are not big enough to attack elk, moose, or bison. Coyotes can also hunt for rabbits, rodents, and birds (pheasants, quails, doves, prairie chickens). Coyotes are scavengers as well, and will often times try to take their fair share of a large elk carcass that was brought down by wolves or bears.... but it can be risky buisness.

A lone coyote CANNOT hunt down a deer on its own. A loner can hunt and eat, rabbits, rodents, and birds, or can scavenge on carcasses.


Foxes are small canines, and often times hunt alone. Being small, they hunt for small prey such as rodents, rabbits, birds. They will also eat bird eggs, and berries. Foxes are scavengers too, and will often times wait for a good opportunity to take some scraps of meat from a carcass.
Some roleplayers I've met thought that foxes could take down deer, or elk. They CAN'T! Foxes are way too small to take down animals larger than they are. They do eat large game carcasses such as elk, moose, deer, and caribou, BUT the carcass was already killed by a bigger predator.

Domestic Dogs:

There are many street dog roleplayers who beleive that domestic dogs can hunt down animals like a wolf pack can. THINK AGAIN! Domesitc dogs, including dogs that were bred for hunting, don't hunt in packs like wolves can. Many breeds are too dependant on humans to feed them and provide for them. Most dog breeds have special needs that need to be met every single day.
Street dogs try to survive by scavenging for food in dumpsters, trash cans, or even eating road kill. Some stray dogs get their food from people leaving out scraps for them to take. A stray dog isn't going to go out and try to hunt down a big deer or an elk to feed itself. Terriers might survive if they find some rodents to eat.
If a pack of street dogs was hungry enough, they would kill and eat the smallest or weakest one of the pack. It's harsh, but that's reality. There are some dogs that can live a good long while out on the streets, but they won't live a healthy life. Most of them die from starvation, disease, or injury.


One important thing to remember is that when a predator animal hunts it's prey, it always goes for the weakest/slowest one of the herd/group. As you've seen in the videos above, the pack/pride predators sorted out which prey animal of the herd was the weakest or the slowest. They won't go for the strongest animal, because they would waste too much energy trying to bring it down. Even the big cats who hunt alone always go for the weakest one of the herd. A mountain lion wouldn't go for the biggest bull elk of the herd. Bigger isn't always the best. They take what they CAN handle. I've seen some roleplayers try to attack someone's prey animal thinking "Oh I'm so strong I can take down the lead bull or the lead stallion!" Yeah, in reality if a predator were to do that, they would get killed. OR they would get seriously injured.... and THEN die, because they were too injured and weak to go out and hunt more.
So it's important to remember that predators go for the slowest/weakest prey animal in the group.

Animal Sounds for Realistic Roleplaying

When it comes to roleplaying different species of animals, there are some who don't know what kind of sounds different canines and felines make. Not all felines go "meow" or "roar", and not all canines can go "bark" or make the same howling sounds as wolves and dogs do. Different animals in the animal kingdom make different sounds, even if they are part of the same groups or families. For this tutorial, I have provided some videos I gathered from YouTube that demonstrates different sounds animals make.

Feline Calls

I've seen people make a few little mistakes about the sounds some felines can and can't make. For one thing, not all big cats can roar... that's a fact. The following members of the feline family CANNOT roar.

~Domestic cat, Cheetah, Jaguar, Snow leopard, Bobcat, Lynx, Serval, Caracal

Most people would think that all big cats have the ability to roar like a lion or a tiger. WRONG! Not all big cats can roar. However, they can make other sounds. Here are some videos that depict what kind of sounds non-roaring big cats can make.


So they pretty much sound like squeaky toys. Cheetahs can make chirping sounds, croaking sounds, and purring. Whenever they get angry, they can hiss and spit. The hiss they make is sometimes loud enough to sound like a gunshot.

Cheetah Call List

Roleplay Examples
The Correct Way:
1.) -The cheetah squeaked happily as she played with her siblings- "You can't catch me!" she chirped with enthusiasm. "I can run the fastest!"
2.) -As the hyena approached the carcass, she began to hiss angrily- "This is my kill!" she spat "Go find your own."

The Incorrect Way:
1.) -The male cheetah roared loudly to scare away the group of hyenas-
2.) -As he charged at the rival cheetah, he let out a roar of anger- "Get out of my territory before I kill you!" he growled.

Bobcats and Lynxes

Bobcats and lynxes cannot really roar, but can make similar sounds. They yowl when they are angry, and challenging an intruding bobcat in their territory. They make chirping and croaking sounds to call at each other. They don't neccisarilly meow like domestic cats do. They can also squeak, and screech.

Bobcat/Lynx Call List

Roleplay Examples
The Correct Way:
1.) -The wildcat (bobcat) stretched up to rake his claws down the trunk of the tree. He made chirping sounds as a way to let other bobcats know of his presence.-
2.) -She didn't like seeing a domestic cat trying to take what was rightfully hers- "Not so fast!" the lynx growled hoarsly. "What makes you think you can take my fresh prey, huh? You got some nerve!" She crouched low and started snarling in a harsh meowing cry.-

The Incorrect Way:
1.) "Get away from my cubs, you fiend!" the mother bobcat roared angrily. "Stay away from my babies!"

Cougar (Mountain Lion)

A cougar's roar is different from the roar of an African lion. It's more of a screaming sound than a roar. People often say that a cougar's roar can sound like a woman screaming or a baby screaming. I once heard those kind of calls in the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. People tell me "Oh that was probably just a mountain lion." .... What a haunting call 0_o

Cougar Call List

Roleplay Examples
The Correct Way:
1.) -The cougar stalked her prey very quietly, waiting for the right moment to strike. When she felt the time was right, she chased after the weakest elk in the herd. She leaped on the elk, dug her claws into his shoulders, and sank her teeth into his neck. As he tossed her off, she let out a slight screeching sound.-
2.) -The mountain lion flicked his ears as he saw the two wolves approaching. Being naturally afraid of large canines, he let out a low hissing sound- "Oh great," he croaked. "More wolves have come to take my food."
3.) -She made a loud cry that sounded like a woman screaming in sheer terror, or pain.-

The Incorrect Way:
1.) -To show that he was more powerful than his opponent, the cougar let out a loud roar that could be heard for miles around.-

Here is a video that shows many big cats making different sounds and calls.

Canine Calls

Canines can make different sounds as well. There are some canines that can't bark or can't howl. Foxes, for example, make a variety of noises besides "barking" and "howling". Most people would argue that foxes can't howl. Some would say that it's more of a yowling, or a wailing cry. I'll let you be the judge of that. All members of the canine family can make whimpering sounds, and high pitched whining sounds.


Most people believe that wolves can bark... but they really can't. From doing research on sites like and other places, wolves cannot make any barking noises like domestic dogs can. However, they can make yipping and yapping sounds, whinning sounds, and yelping sounds like domestic dogs can. Wolfdog hyrbrids are more likely to make barking noises.

Wolf Call List

Roleplay Examples
The Correct Way:
1.) -As the lead wolf approached the pack, she got down in a submissive position and started whimpering. "How was the hunt?" she said while licking his muzzle.
2.) -He jumped around happily as he played with his fellow packmates. "I'm gonna get ya!" he yapped playfully as he bounded over to his friend.

The Incorrect Way:
1.) "Hey you!" he barked. "What do you think you're doing with my scrap of food?" He began to bark angrily as the sneaky fox took off with a small scrap of meat.


As you can see, foxes make a variety of strange noises. Their howling is more like a wailing sound, and they are the only members of the canine family to make gekkering sounds. One mistake I saw someone doing was making their fox character meow like a cat. Even though some people believe foxes are related to cats, they CANNOT meow. Even when a fox was raised in a clan of cats in an RP, they can't meow.

Fox Call List
~Alarm bark
~Chirping -some species-

Roleplay Examples
The Correct Way:
1.) -Seeing a hungry mountain lion in the distance made the vixen very nervous. "There's a cougar coming this way!" she said in an alarm bark to her kits. "Everyone get inside the den! Now!"
2.) -The fox kit gekkered happily as he tackled his brother- "Tag! You're it!" he chirped before running off to hide in the tall grass.-

The Incorrect Way:
1.) -The lonesome fox made low howling noises like a wolf-
2.) "What do you expect me to do about it?" he meowed to the clan leader.


The coyote call is a bit of a yipping/barking, followed by high-pitched howling. A coyote's howl is much more high-pitched than that of a wolf.

Coyote Call List
~High-pitched howling

Roleplay Examples
The Correct Way:
1.) -The lone coyote began to bark and howl to see if there were any others of his kind around. His howls were short and high-pitched. "Hello out there! Can anyone hear me?"
2.) -The pack leader howled and barked to get everyone's attention- "Listen up everybody!" he barked. "It's time for us to go out on another hunt. There is a small herd of deer not too far from here."

The Incorrect Way:
1.) -She howled a long sorrowful howl that could be heard hundreds of miles away.- "I'm so alone!" she called out.

I hope this helped some of you who like doing realistic roleplays. I may add more animal sound samples later on. All of this was based on research. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. You can also do some research of your own to find out what sounds other animals can make. Class dismissed!

Game Discussion / Where is This Talk Coming From?
« on: May 09, 2013, 07:23:34 pm »
Stahp it = Stop it

Naaooo!!! = Now!

Shadap = Shut up

Nuuuu! = No!

Plz = Please

These are common ways I see people spell out words in the chats. I've seen people use those words in roleplays and even just in conversations. I don't.... know where... players come up with this stuff. I guess they use those just for fun and laughs, but I don't know why some would use them in roleplay posts. Why not spell out "stop" instead of "stahp"? Why not say "now" instead of "NAO"? I sometimes see people say things like "Stahp fooling around and get out of my territori right nao!!!"  :-[

I do know where the whole "Nu!" thing came from...

And of course, Plz is just a short abreviation for "please". But where in the world did "stahp" and "nao" come from? I'm sure it came from somplace out in the great wide world of the internet.... or did it? Why do some people mispell "stop" "now" and other words like that? It kinda gets on my nerves when some people use those words in a serious roleplay. I don't mind it when it's just used in OOC chats or when me and friends are derping around. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I just want to know why.  :-\

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