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Topics - Hallucination

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Other Mods/Creations / Meshes Needed Please~
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:15:17 am »
Hello, I need some meshes for some of my maps, I would highly appreciate if you could make them!
I need:
Household Objects
Human's Outdoor Stuff
Medical Things
Animal Stuff(Like toys, treats, dishes, etc.)
Will update if I need anything else, thanks!

Ask Me / ~.:Ask Hallucination:.~
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:05:52 pm »
Want to ask some questions? Go ahead! I can answer questions of:
FeralHeart Problems
Forum Problems
Computer Problems
Questions about Animals! <3
Problems Around the House(Like, your microwave stops working)
Cars!(Like, when your car is brokeny, all answers come from my daddy, he's a mechanic, well not really, he used to work on our cars... Until he cut out a quarter inch of his nerve in his right hand on a Sherwood Williams paint can. >_>)
Why and How Questions
Things About Me
Why your Tongue changes colors when you eat certain things. Just kidding. XD
And everything else! Basicly, you can ask anything. I am like a zooligist when it comes to animals. ^.^ And I am like a mechanic, comes from daddeh. And I am like a phycho- whatever it's called that answers people's problems... And I am a little computer geek, also from my dad. I am a good doctor. ^^ Oh, and I am great at music. Can tell you exactly what intruments are used to certain songs. ^^ I am great at alot of things, really...
So go ahead, ask some questions for me to answer! By the way, whoever asks me for my name, your onleh gonna get mah fake name: Scarlet T.(Tears) Reaper, there's your full name. That's as close as your gonna get.
A shadowest sincere,

Species / Flamewood Species
« on: May 11, 2012, 09:49:36 pm »
Welcome to the Flame Wood species. This will prevail the species of a special bird-like wolf.
Hello, I have created a special species. These wolves have reddish-brown pelts, with a gray underfur, markings and tail tip.
Markings are usually ALWAYS some sort of striped pattern, I reccomend using Hamilton's Mass Markings. Let me Tell you the basics.

Adult Wingspan: 20 Inches on each Wing.
Young Wingspan: 10 Inches on each Wing.
Chicklet Wingspan: 5 Inches on each Wing.
Lifespan: Sixty to one hundred years.
Chicklet: Ages 0 to 5
Young: Ages 6 to 8
Adult: Ages 9+
Females lay eggs in groups called Clutches, 2-5 eggs, Eggs take 5 days to hatch.
Habitat: Can live in Safari and woodland areas, taking places in burrows underground in complex tunnels, never tree nests.Li
Lifestyle: Living in Clans/Cults, Flamewoods are protective over underground tunnels. They make them at leastly 20 meters into the ground so they have fly through the tunnels if not walk. They can stay under the tunnels for at leastly 2 days at a clip without seeing sunlight.

Flame Woods come in groups called 'Clans,' or 'Cults.' They are usually started by a dispersal male. Once a male reaches maturity at the age of 6(Human), they will either stay with there Clan/Cult, or create there own. They can not get out easily at another time, so they usually decide right aways to avoid bringing attention to themselves. Females also reach maturity, and are brought to the decision to either stay with there Clan/Cult, or join a male's cult. Unlike males, once the decision is reached, they are trapped into it and cannot change there mind. It is in rare cases that a female will start it's own Clan/Cult, but is possible.

Males, like the females, share a reddish-brown pelt. They usually have 'Angel wings.' They have back ears, and there eye color can be anything but red, black, or white. Males tend to have a yellow to orange mane, containing the head mane and the back mane. Females look the same as males, but do not have a mane.

Courtship, Mating, and Parenting
Courtship can take place at any time. Courtship is when a female and male try to lure each other and become mates. During Courtship, females can perk there ears forward to lure males, while males whirl through the sky in patterns. Mating Season takes place whenever the male and female are ready, because the tunnels and in-ground nurseries are insulated there will be no fatalties due to freezing to death. Gestation time is 5 months. During the first month, the female puts on alot of weight-this provides room for the chicklet to form. During this month, the female's cheekbones also expand outwards. This is because unline regular animals, the female cannot regirgitate food to the offspring, so the cheekbones expand outwards for the female to hold food. The male does not take part in the child's younghood. The chicklets will be blind at birth, they will have their eyes opened, and be able to hear, although they cannot see.  After 1 week, they can see.

This is all I have so far, if anyone is interested in becoming one of these critters... I should probably make them a group. Names will have something to do with something of nature or fire for the characters, as there clans/cults would. A clan/Cult example would be... Cult/Clan of Everburn, or Clan/Cult of Rumor. Or something like that.
If you want to join a Clan, I created a group, Last End's Prevail. So just fill this out, send a join request, and I will get to it. I created Cult of Essence to start with... Once everything's organized, I will give people the ability to create there own Cults among the group. <3

Short Summary:
Extra Details:
Picture(Really needed):

Please fill that out. So, now, I created a story line to make things fun, here it is:
When wolves fly...
The land became barren in the woods, and the flamewoods were a new species. The humans claimed that they were of Hell, descendants a murdur itself. The wolves were called Flamewoods, due to there pelt color. Humans studied these creatures highly, to try and figure them out. They just marked them as 'Winged Wolves.' They came to a conclusion that the creatures were beasts of Hell when they saw them creating slim passage ways into the Earth, undermining many places. Unable to see in the dark dwellings, they believed the tunnels led down to Hell. Such suspicion was only because of the year 2200 being the time. Finally, out of the 10 billion people worldwide, 1.5 million people vanished... This caused scientists to blame the innocent creatures for there disappearence. The Flamewoods' are at a high risk, and something has to be done. Have the animals come at a sickening end to mankind? Will they pay for their innocence? Only time will tell.
This roleplay is based on this, and I am hoping to create some other species for it.

Accepted Members:
Username: Hallucination
Name: Bright Flame
Age: 6
Species: Flamewood
Short Summary: Bright Flame didn't quite enjoy being one of the 'meek' females, not allowed to create a Clan. She created one called Cult of Essence to set things right, as she wasn't soon enough to change her mind. Bright Flame can be quite picky, but doesn't seem to care.
Extra Details(Optional): Seems to carry a grudge.
Picture(Really needed):

Meh real life name is- Do you think I'd tell you? Ha, sorry, I only go by some fake name I made up... Seriously, all my friends barely know it anymore! XD It's Scarlet. Just call mah Scarlet.
I will never post le picture of myself... Never... You know how much I'd love you, but my mother's rules are rules...-Doesn't wanna listen- :c
Alrighy, my favorite le things: Creature Feature/Rufus Rex(Don't get me started. XD), FeralHeart, mah friends, mah groups.
Mah age would be 11. -Ish too smart- ^^
-Peoplez I secrelty admirez- Both CFs... That means Creature Feature and CloudFish. That's pretty much all. -Hopes le Cloud no come around and read this- Wait, now it's not a secret anymore. XD
Now you may ask, anything big goin' on in mah lifez right now? The only thing in REAL LIFE would be the fact that, I am tryin' to learn how to play geetar(guitar), and then make a band as soonz as my friends get ready too! c:
Anything in FeralHeart now? YES! I could use quite some help with one HUGE project, not so much my other one since it doesn't really have goals. I am going to try and create a map network of MANY places in North America, at leastly one town per state, and at leastly 3 towns per Canada and Mexico. So if you want more detail, find .:||North America||:. in Group threads to learn more about my amazing project.
Now that that's over, let mah continue on.
I haven't had muuuuuuch interesting in life, so, your gonna have to ask mah some questions if you want anymore info... Byyyeeeee!

Welcome to the thread for my Group, .:||North America||:. Please help me if you can!Hello, if you haven't already seen me in-game advertising, here's your chance to learn about this. This groups has many aims right now.
Aim 1: I want to make this as 'realistic' as I can, so I must have realistic characters and literate roleplayers in it.
Aim 2: I need to work very hard to make the huge maps of North America, but I can't do it without the encouragement that people are gonna join, and that I'm not wasting my time.
Aim 3: I want to try and help people learn plenty of facts about animals as they have fun entering the amazing world of the conflicts between humans, nature, and reality itself.
 If I find I cannot get any members, I may slow down harshly on studying towns to place in the maps, gathering objects, and creating maps. I need active members, not people that are going to come one day, and never show up again. If you enjoy my goals, please karma me so I know someone cares about this project! Until I have the maps created, we will be focusing on Artic Wolves, just to give people the feel of this project, and some of the things we will be doing. ((The temporary map is small and not so detailed, I am very sorry))


Short Summary:
Taking Part now or when Finished?:

((P.S, Human is a selectable species!))

To look at our temporary map for the group, focusing on artic wolves, please go here:
Thanks for reading, and an even bigger thanks if you sign up. :)
Want to help with the progression of this map? You can help me in:
Looking for Reasonable Towns/Locations
Finding Meshes and/or Textures/Retextures
Helping me with the Height Maps!((This is so important that I will not do height maps, I'm afraid I'll screw up. I'll only do terrain masks.))
Finding new Members!
Help me work on my Forum for this place! It needs an amazing forum skin- does anyone have the talent?

You ask for a plot? Well, the plot is like real life, animals meet dangers, an everyone must work together in the way nature's balance is to live through the current things:
Global Warming
Unfair Hunting
Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty goes for the things of taking animals and slaughtering them for there pelts, beating, not feeding, etc.
Unfair hunting means people that kill animals that shouldn't be killed, and hunts out-of-season animals, etc.
Poaching contains taking wild animals for 'Exotic' pets, taking eggs where they shouldn't be taken from, etc.

Later, I will be giving quests for members to teach them a bit about an animal's true life, but that will be when everything is organized.

What will change? We will go into a fun world as time progresses forward, changing things up in a order that could be possible.

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:49:47 pm »
Hello, I am here to show you some things about literacy, and what most roleplays want to see in their members. Let's begin with the types of roleplaying.
There's first person, something barely used.
There's second person, which is highly unused.
And then the good old third person, which you may see much.


First person, being literate, would look like this: I walked through a lonesome valley, darkness fleeting into every corner.
Second person is only used in books that are putting 'you' in the scene of everything. Using it on FeralHeart would basicly be playing for the other person.
Third person is addressing the character you use and/or are talking about. A sample would be like this:
Anyname sat down, his/her eyes focused on the great unknown beyond the valley, the sun illuminating the steep and rocky edges that surround the deep abyss below.

How to Improve

The main objective of roleplaying literate, is act as if your writing a good book the someone would read, like a best seller. Use descriptive words to give a good visual effect in the 'reader's' minds.
For example, everyone that roleplays like this: -Kills, claws, bites- That is not a quite style of 'major' roleplay at all. Apparently, according to EvilSock, it is used highly in begginers, but otherwise, I believe you should try to break away from this after awhile. In most cases when you talk, you use these: " Those surround the words you are saying, diving it from the rest of the words. For instance, here is a sentence using those: Anyname stared over at the other animal, eyes focused. "You travelled long, countless hours..." He/She said, curious of where the animal came from.
Here is what the sentence would sound like without them: Anyname stared over at the other animal, eyes focused. You travelled long, countless hours... He/She said, curious of where the animal came from.
That's very confusing, is it not? Another huge thing about literacy is grammar. Without proper grammar, it makes sentences hard to understand. There is a word in describing an object's location, usually. Their is used in possesive form. They're is used only for the contraction, 'they are.' Next is capitalization. Capital letters always go at the begining of a sentence, pronoun, and also I. A pronoun announces a specific person, place, or item and events. For instance, you can see I start my every sentence with a capital letter. A good example of pronouns are this: "Me, Simba, and Scar are going to Bonfire Island to the Annual Bakesale to get Granny's Homemade Cookies." ((I don't know why I chose that sentence, it just sounding god to fit everything in. Lol))
 Always try to  use proper grammar, you can sometimes annoy people and confuse them with misspelling, wrong capitalization, and misplaced homonyms.
I will be adding more as soon as I come accross such information, hope this helps for now. Be sure you check back. Next thing will be a section on Godmodding and Powerplaying and how to break that habit if you use it.

Game Discussion / A Very Interesting Few Godmodders...
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:27:35 pm »
Today, I was happily flying through the skies of Bonfire on my 'Elder God' character, the first stupid thing of the day would have to be this:
Me: Overheat lands on the rock, digging claws in as it sits down, mantaining balance.
Random Person: godmodder -kills you-
Me: ((What the heck dude?))
Random Person: -kills you-
Me: O_O

What's with that? You can't dig your claws into a rock anymore? -Facepalm- Here's another thing I saw.
Horse: -Flicks tail and whinnies, facing oppenent-
Hunter: -shoots horse dead-
Horse: Dude what the heck?!

Why do people be so illiterate? Here's something I saw in a roleplay I joined, to remind you, it said it was very literate. So what happens? This:
Leader: -shoots fire, kills-
Have you ever noticed there so aware of godmodding though? I decided to fight fire with fire on one.
Person: -kills-
Me: -Ressurects-
Me: Your doing it too. -.-
Person: AM NOT -KILLS-
Me: -Facedesk- I'm leaving.

Now here is a good one, someone messed up:
Me: Overheat lands on a tree, bristling waves of the palm leaves flying upward in the braising wind scurries over the land.
Person: -jumps on tree, shakes animal out-
Me: Overheat's wings flailed outward as it fell from the tree, swooping backwards until regaining it's footing in the air, swiftly flying through the sky.
Person: awwwwww that idiot had wings

What's with that? -Facepalm- I should make a literacy tutorial... I will post more of the funny godmodder of FeralHeart soon...
Comment if you think godmodding is just lovely...


{}Lost Era of Time{}
Post #1: Guideline
Post #2: Species
Post #3: Groups/Ranks
Post #4: Form

The simplicity of the dying race- the humans? How can that be? Let me take you back to the beggining of time, a lost part of history. There were gods much more powerful then those mentioned in the Greek and Egypt legends, but even gods can't take pain... Picture yourself there; the sun is newly risen, wolves are held in cages, Egyptian and Greek myth makers are gathered, yelling out things in there different language- one shared by both the cultures- one never written. You are among the wolves trapped in a cage, but you can now understand what the myth makers are screaming about. "I say, we keep them a secret, wolves could become vital to us some day." Says one of the Greek myth makers. "I say if we keep them a secret, everyone will kill for it!" Shouts an Egyptian. "Guys, guys, it's useless, keep the animal Gods mainly a secret, if we only tell some, no one will have suspicion." Replies one of the Greeks, resting there hands behind there head as they sit on an old golden rocked chair. "Then tell the ones that mean nothing, the unimportant ones... Keep the powerful ones sacred." An egyption says. "Then let's  begin the legends." One of the Greek myth makers announce, preparing a tablet, the rest following command. So you see, they all kept a secret. But still, you may ask, why is humans extinct?
Well, time to picture yourself 499 years from present date, 2012. Wolves and lions are gathered everywhere, but this time, there are strange species. These species will be explained later. For many years, the gods mentioned by the Egyptians and Greeks have been in hibernation, sentenced from there cage to there iced over grave in the Artics. But today- the creatures awake. "Come forth Gods, turned to Elders over the rotting years!" Cried a descendent. The sky lights up, the Northern Lights from afar bring the chill in and stretches it forth the the Artic. There's a rumbling everywhere, and no more are the human Gods to come. The sky flamed into a deep blood red, and white enscences spread through the Northern Lights crossing the sky. The Elder Gods mold into shapes, leaving there sillhouette forms. The Gods- mostly winged- are now Elder Gods, the beasts have awoken. But before the descendents and guardians can announce the rebirth of the gods, a human hunting party making it's usual rounds come through. Five guys dressed in white camo suits come surging through into the sight, suddenly dropping there guns. "Oh dear Lord, what is this!" Yelled one of the men- the head of the search party. Suddenly a large rumble comes, the sky seemed to split in an Earthquake, and Overheat- a strange god, one of demons, flames, and the Underworld- emerges from the bright sky. "This is... Extinction, extermination..." It shrieked, it's wings flailing through the air as it grazed the sky in swirls until landing on the ground, paws firmly planted in the soil. The humans spoke not a word as animals overwhelmed them- some of the strange creatures. This is the start of the extinction of all humans. Now it's a year later, and all the humans are gone, but it was a mistake- without humans, the balance of life is gone. Gods have come now, other than the Elder Gods. They needed not a scroll to there name to show they were truly of the blood. Guardians still guarded all the gods, and the descedents were there usual selves, mixed in the world of the members of the forlorn Earth... Will you join the story of a lifetime?

                                                                1. No swearing
                                                                2. No powerplaying/godmodding. Not even gods. Gods only have the ability of special powers. For instance, though they can not die, if they recieve too much damage, they will be forced back into a hibernation of a FeralHeart day or more, depending on how much damage was taken. Same applies if they lose there wings. If a god player needs a vacation from there character, they always have an option to go into a hibernation.
                                                                3. Be literate, must be in thirdplayer view. No -I walked around-, no -Walks around- and most of all, you can't just say -Kills.- You must win a fight fare and square, and the person recieving the damage must act like it. Always be fair!
                                                                4. When your character is killed, they remain a 'Soul' until someone revives them, or they can remain dead if they would like, forever to roam the underworld and come to contact the real world often.
                                                                5.  Put LET behind your name.
                                                                6. Have fun! ((More rules to come for the map, when complete, huge W.I.P.))

Alright, so here is the basics.
Unrealistic to realistic.
We are mapping!

Website 100%:
Map 0% ((Making temporary))
Maps((Key: * Means has community camps for societies, # means has barracks for armies)):
Main Vein((Somewhere on the east coast of America)) *#
Forlorn Seas((Old Atlantic Ocean)) *#
Deserted Desert((Old area in Egypt, Africa had been literally flipped arond during an Earthquake)) *#
Misery Mire((Immortal zone, beneath the surface, underworld.))
Frostbite Fields((Old Antartica)) *#
This is because I am working on a temporary Main Vein for us all, then make the whole network.

One roleplay year is four months, one month for every season.
One real life week is a month.
One real life day is a week.
Our days are gone by FeralHeart days.

Winter: Global warming stopped after the flame and storm gods allowed ice to take back over there season- and lands.
Spring: This is a time where everything blossoms, said to be brought on by the life gods. This is a usual mating season for animals, so that the offspring will be born by or in summer, and grown by winter to avoid fatality. This does not apply to Sawbones who are immune to the north winds, and well-sheltered.
Summer: Warm, flame enjoys taking over the heat, while storm enjoys crashing down on flames with thunderstorms and rainshowers.
Fall: The harvest gods, and all other dark element gods take over this season for the holiday humans once celebrated.

If you like this project, please Karma me  to show taht you enjoy it!~ Enjoy realism? Then .:||North America||:. my other project!
This group here has a few Aims:
Aim 1: Teach literacy.
Aim 2: Show people an amazing world of fun, exiciting twists.
Aim 3: Give people a fun and enjoyable thing to use.

Characters / Hallucination's Souls
« on: May 08, 2012, 12:20:54 am »
Welcome to my place of many charries.

*Bio will be done later*

Presets & Markings / First Preset <3
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:40:58 pm »
Elloz everyone. My first preset... If you like this, I will turn this thread into a preset big thing, but for now, I am just giving you my first preset. This is not to wear, only to see my charrie in. :P
This goes to my Burial Murdurs's main character Murdur. She looks adorable in the preset. <3

The fur texture is of Tearless.
Making markings on it took awhile.
All in all this only took me about 3 hours.
If you think I should make it available to wearing, answer the poll.

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