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Topics - Chunky_Squirrel

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 22
The Rise of Paul

Chapter 1 The Runaway

I woke up as usually tired, hungry and lazy.
I stood up, as my coloar ranged.
It kinda angered me, standing up I stretched my body as I yawned.
Hearing my name as my owner called me.
Running I saw a bowl of kittypet food.
Walking closer to the bowl I leaned down to begin and eat it.
My owner pated me, before it left a window open for me to go out and in, as soon as the owner left, I drinked some water, before I stood up and licked my tiny gray maw.
I turned to the window as I walked closr, crouching I soon leaped up near the window, before I went out.
Leaping down, I walked near the fence as I looked up and jumped up on it.
Hearing my name again, I turned as I saw Jordan, a kittypet too.
"Hey Paul!" She greeted me, as I responded. "Hey Jordan, what are you doing here? Shoulden't you be at the nest, taking care of you're kits?" I asked as Jordan sat down and spoke. "There asleep now, but hey I need my own time too you know." She gigelled, before she spked again. "So, is your owner out again?" Jordan asked, as I answered. "Yes. Like always." I turned my head towards the forest as I asked. "Do you think forest cats exist?"
I turned back as Jordan spoked. "You know there dangerouse. I once-" She was cut out as Paul spoke. "Again?" He turned back as he leaped down into the forest way. "Paul, come back here!" She spoke loudly.
"I'm just going to go and look... If I wont come back, this is a goodbye." Paul, spoked seriousely, as Jordan sight, before she jumped off of the fence and walked to her kits.

Chapter 2 Danger Lurks

Entering the dark forest, Paul looked around.
Seeing a mouse, Paul straled to his hunting mode, and crouched closer and closer.
Being near the bush, he soon setteled down, as he soon stretched his hind-legs and jumped true the bush.
Nicely catching the mouse, Paul soon heard a strich under other bushes.
Then another, and everywhere.
Paul, placed the mouse down, before he could look up, someone attacked him, as Paul hissed.
Hissing, he had to fight another cat.

{"Is it a forest cat?"}
Paul, thought for a moment.
While thinking the cat clawed his back-fur as it made Paul hiss.
Turning, he attempted to pin the cat down.
If a succsess he would place his paw by the cats neck.
And it truly was a succsess.
The cat, soon spoke up.

"Hey, take it easy."
The cat gave a chucale.
"Nice moves by the way."
The cat added, as Paul spoke.
"Who are you? And why did you attacked me?"
Paul, questioned, before the cat answered.
"I'm Stonepaw. And by now, I think you attacked me."
Stonepaw chucaled again.
"May I ask? Who are you? And could you get off of me?"
Stonepaw questioned, before he asked if he could get off.
Paul, stood up, as he walked off, soon sitting down as he spoke.

"My name is Paul. I'm a kittypet. And may I ask you? Why such a funny name? Stonepaw. Pff."
Paul, huffed. As Stonepaw spoke.
"I'm a clan cat. I'm an apprentice. My mentor is Gingerfur, the clan's deputy. Cool, huh?"
Stonepaw asked. Paul, was now confused. A clan cat? deputy? What was it?
{"Huh, I thought forest cats were..... loners or something like that."}
Paul, soon spoked up. "What is an apprentice? Mentor,deputy and clan?"
Paul, questioned. He did not knew what the it was, as he awaited for answer.
But before Stonepaw, could answer, another cat lurked in, as Stonepaw bowed in respect and spoked.

"Greetings, Ashstar."
Paul, was now totally confused. Who was 'Ashstar'?
Soon the dark gray tom spoked.

"Stonepaw, may I ask? Why are you not hunting but talking with a kittypet?"
Ashstar, now questioned, as he turned to Stonepaw.
"Well, I was hunting, but then Paul-"
Stonepaw, was paused by another cat.
"Stonepaw, do you know that you are not allowed to talk with kittypets?"
Stonepaw, looked up.
"Liontail, I, I didn't ment to, I just saw him catch a mouse, so I attacked him, but he fought back, he didn't ran like any other kittypet, I know..."
Paul, sat down, as Ashstar asked.
"So, Paul, you fought back? Eh? Why are you here?"
Paul, gazed up, before he heard Ashstar, spoke. Soon Paul, answered.
"I just waned to know that forest cats exist... That's all."
Paul, explained, before Liontail spoke up with a hiss.
"Now you know, were real, now get out of our territory!"
Ashstar, turned back.
"Liontail, leave now!"
Ashstar, ordered, as Liontail, turned and walked away. Soon, Ashstar, turned back to Paul, as he stood up, and walked closer, before he asked.
"Tell me Paul. Are you tired of your kittypet life?"
Paul, stood up, as he spoke up bravely.
"I sure am. There's nothing goodiew good to do, just lay around and stuff, that's just boring, I want action!"
Paul, explained, before Ashstar asked.
"Tell me. Do you wish to join SmallClan?"
Paul, eyes widen out.
"I would gladly join."
Paul, spoke, as Ashstar spoke up.
"Then, let it be. Welcome to SmallClan."
{"WOW! I'm a forest cat now!"}

Chapter 3 The Welcoming

The tom soon entered the SmallClan's camp as he walked where the leader went, but soon stopted sitting down as he awaited for something.
"All cats old enough to catch there own prey, gather around the small-rock."
The leader exclaimed as all cats started to gather.
"Today, we have a new member amongs us. Yes I know that he is a kittypet, but give him a chance, unless you want to take it on me."
The tom snorted as he looked at Paul.
"Paul, from now on until you reach your warrior name, you will be knowen as Bluepaw."
The tom meowed soon after looking for the right warrior to mentor Bluepaw.
"Bluepaw, your mentor shall be Foxclaw."
The tom ended soon after speaking.
"Clan meeting dissmisst."
The tom jumped off as he walked to his den.
Paul, already had his colar off his neck, as Stonepaw accured near Paul.

"Hey Bluepaw!"
Paul, turned seeing Stonepaw as the tom soon spoke up.
"Hey Stonepaw!
The tom's soon began a conversation.

Chapter 4 The Training Begins

Paul..... I mean Bluepaw had awoken from a nuge as he soon saw a large tom standing near him.
It was Foxclaw.

"Bluepaw. Get up! You're training is about to start!"
The tom spoke up with a low hiss as he trotted out of the den.
Bluepaw, haven't hessitated and followed his mentor.
Arriving at the training hall, the tom sat down as he watched his apprentice and spoke up.

"Bluepaw.... Show me you're hunting stance!"
The tom ordered as Bluepaw stood in his hunting stance.
Soon Foxclaw was impressed.
Bluepaw turned and asked.

"Anything else?"
Bluepaw asked.
"Nothing! Lets get back to camp!"
The tom spoke up.
"Shouldn't we hunt for prey or something?"
Bluepaw asked as Foxclaw turned and gave a gaze of a rage.
Bluepaw huffed as he soon followed his mentor back to camp.

Chapter 5 "You will die!"

Bluepaw stopted near the camp, but not to near it.
Bluepaw turned to Foxclaw and spoke up.

"You think you're noble? You think you're smart? You think you're swift? You think you're strong? You think you're the right one to be the deputy? I have been watching you lately.
Now I know. You will die! But soon."

Bluepaw spoke up, as he passed true Foxclaw.
Foxclaw now stood there speachless. How did that apprentice knew that Foxclaw wanted to be a deputy?
From where he heard his secret?
He never told anyone about it, nor he mentioned anything about it.
Foxclaw now started walking, before he heard a hiss.
Turning around, he saw a badger.

Foxclaw, stood there speachless. If he'll run, he'll die, if he'll fight he'll die.
Foxclaw placed his paw near his othefr paw, as the badger jumped at the tom, scarching it's face.
Bluepaw was already in camp getting some prey to eat.
Bluepaw, didn't cared about anything, he walked near a shrub and started eating.
Foxclaw, was soon to die, as the badger walked closer.
Foxclaw coulden't yell for help, as he lost a lot of blood and was to weak.
The badger hissed again and slashed Foxclaw's trougth.
Now Foxclaw lyied there dead without any life movements.

TinyTail's Request Stall!


Note: I will only be taking drawings on paper!
It may take time to finish them, most likely a day or 2. It depends on the detail you give me and how realistic you want it!
I will no longer take requests for a computer made drawing, because of a computer issue!
I am sorry!

Please Read The Note, or no Art for YOU! >:(
Hello! Welcome to my Request Stall!
I will give chu some of my art to look at, if you like it, you may request one!
Also, don't request a human because I can draw humans properly.
Re quest an animal! ^.^
Anyways, feel free to stalk this thread! ^.^

The Queen and the Horse!

The Goat!

The Bull!

The lion! (I especialy liked colouring it!)


Just a horse!

Walking horse!

Trotting horse! (I like how his leg came out.)

My puppy! (We named him Dots, well it sounds better in my language, but meh!)

Another trotting horse! ( :D )


TinyTail! (My fursona!)

A dog! (I love how it came out!)

Squirlle (Can't spell.)

A Howling Wolf!

Another howling wolf! ( :D )

Horses! (Again!)

Jumping and trotting horse!

Rearing foal! (I love how it came out!)

A cat! (I love how she came out!)

My cat! (Her name is Cara)

Lying Lioness! (I love how she came out! <3)

Another goat! (xD)

Okay... So umm... This is a gift for my mom. <3

This is a gift for my sister. <3

Leopard? Nope, a Cheetah? Maybe. Idk. xD

An Eagle!

Did you like 'em?
Reamember, when requesting, give me a full detail of what you want it to look like, or I will just ignnore you're posts!

Code: [Select]
[center][size=12pt]Forum Name~
Character Name~
Any writtings in the Drawing?
What background? (Blank, Black, A Moon? A sun? Any Trees? Rivers? Etc. Coloured? If coloured, then what color?
Pose? (Sitting, Lying, Playing?)
Look? (Where should it look? To the camera? To right? To left? Up?)
Expression? (Happy? Sad? Funny? Playful? Friendly?)
Grayscale? (Only with Pencil?)
Colored? (What Colors?)
Extra Detail~
Anything Else?
How Detailed?
How Realistic?
Any Markings?
Any Items?
Is it a a boy or a girl? (I need to know, because I'll draw something and you wont like it. So I need to know.)
When do you want it to be finished?

Slot 1~ Arkanis Void {Progress: 100% Done}
Slot 2~ ~Open~
Slot 3~ ~Open~
Slot 4~ ~Open~
Slot 5~ ~Open~
Slot 6~ ~Open~
Slot 7~ ~Open~
Slot 8~ ~Open~
Slot 9~ ~Open~
Slot 10~ ~Open~

Poems / TinyTail's short poem! <3
« on: March 22, 2014, 03:48:33 pm »
Have you...?

Have you heard?
Have you seen?
Have you looked?
Have you listened?
Have you tasted?
Have you licked?
Have you ate?
Have you died?
Have you lived?
Have you cried?
Have you sleeped?
Have you dreamed?
Have you walked?
Have you Fell?
Have you loved?
Have you lied?
Have you poked?
Have you spoked?

Site/Forum Help / Just wanted to ask...
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:37:16 am »
Okay, so I'm going to ask a question which I should know an answer for, but I don't. :(

I know this:
Newbie 0 post(s)
Junior Member 25 post(s)

and the rest is just out of my head. ::)

Art Gallery / My arts on da paper! <3 {In Real Life Drawings}
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:44:28 am »
Okay, so I once said I wish I could show you my arts here, on the paper how I draw with my own arm!
Maybe not the best art, but Meh! :D

Anyways, I'll show chu! <3
Enjoy! :3

The Queen and the Horse!

The Goat!

The Bull!

The lion! (I especialy liked colouring it!)


Just a horse!

Walking horse!

Trotting horse! (I like how his leg came out.)

My puppy! (We named him Dots, well it sounds better in my language, but meh!)

Another trotting horse! ( :D )


TinyTail! (My fursona!)

A dog! (I love how it came out!)

Squirlle (Can't spell.)

A Howling Wolf!

Another howling wolf! ( :D )

Horses! (Again!)

Jumping and trotting horse!

Rearing foal! (I love how it came out!)

A cat! (I love how she came out!)

My cat! (Her name is Cara)

Lying Lioness! (I love how she came out! <3)

My cat cara! (Tried to draw her! She came out.....well.....Oh whatever! xD)

Another goat! (xD)

Okay... So umm... This is a gift for my mom. <3

This is a gift for my sister. <3

Leopard? Nope, a Cheetah? Maybe. Idk. xD

An Eagle!

Ty for viewing! ^.^
Please leave a comment! ^.^

Praise / OMG! <3
« on: March 16, 2014, 01:52:29 pm »
OMG! <3
I can't belive I was nominated! ^.^
I'm so happy! ^.^
I can't describe how happy I am! ^.^
Ty! ^.^

Characters / My favorite Roleplay Character! <3
« on: March 16, 2014, 01:49:05 pm »

Name~ Rim BullElk
Genger~ BullElk/Stag
Age~ 9 Years & 6 Months
Breed~ Normal Elk
Personality~ A rather mighty and brave Bull/Stag. He will do anything for his own family and his herd.
Crush: Leap CowElk
Mate: Leap CowElk
Calfs(Calves)~ Delmo BullElk
Herd~ Dreams of the Beyond Elk Herd
Rank: Lead BullElk
Extra~ Has magnificent big horns.


What is Dreams of the Beyond Elk Herd?

Well hello there!
You think you know about us?
You think were your food?
You think we only look for each other only?
Well your wrong!

We are a family!
We look for each other more likely then anyone else!
Were different!
We will do anything for each other, because were a family!

A little bit about our Rp!

We are an Elk Rp!
We now live in Fluorite Plains as is the time of Summer.
We will move around like any in rl herd!
When you join us, you'll know more. ;)

Our Map Link:
You need to register to see the boards! Otherwise you will not! ;)

Game Discussion / Stop?
« on: March 12, 2014, 07:39:00 am »
Okay, so this topic in my head been for 3 days and I think I should say this.

On sunday evening somewhere around 12:30 a.m.
I was recruting members for my Rp.
You would ask every cat around Stone Bridge, bc you need to know if anyone's going to join for you're Rp and suddenly another playier said.
Ashclaw: "Leopardstar, stop asking people if they want to join you're clan and just make a movie."
Leopardstar: "So, what I'll make movies and then you'll ask me to stop spaming 'em, and then I'll ask around if anyone wishes to join my clan then I'll have to stop again? Think before you act."
Random Person: "I think it would be rude for a leader not to ask to join there clan."
Ashclaw: *Poofs*

So, have this happened to you guys?

Welcome to 'The Forgotten Spiecies' RP!


2415 January 7th Time: 15:50 PM

We have found the forgotten spiecies! There leopard's! All the big cats!
We thought they have been vanished for centuries until a man had found them at long last!
We will bring them back to our base for more research on the spiecies!
One thing, there is only a few left of them, maybe we can bring more spiecies out of the few!

2417 March 20th Time: 6:05 a.m.

We now know we had done a bad thing bringing out the spiecies back from the few!
There not even leopard's!
We have brought the danger to our city out here!
What have we done?
They looked so real!
But they had messed with our minds, inthinking that leopards had existed!
We need your help!

2425 September 9th Time: Unknown

Where are you?
Our city is at the end of becoming extinkt!
We need your help!
Oh, no! There here in our lab!
We need to get out of here!
Whoever reads this letter stop the creatures knowen as Leprazens!
Stop them!


You are in New York city, you have found a letter saying that "You are here to find the spiecies knowen as Leprazens and destroy them, before they destroy you!"
You are a very well knowen spiecy as a horse, elephant, gorilla, bird, etc. etc. But you can't be a big cat, couse the big cats had extinkt.
Yes you may be a cat.
Now reamember to find the Leprazens and destroy them before they destroy you!

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