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Topics - greenart6

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Game Discussion / Your In-Game Username?
« on: January 17, 2015, 05:23:57 pm »
im kinda surprised i haven't seen a thread like this before tbh

What are your in-game usernames? I've noticed some of us don't use our in-game usernames as our forum names (like myself) and I thought it would be nice to share so we could recognize some of the floofs on the forum~

My main account is Devynex, and you can find me on my character, Turtle. (He's in my avatar o3o) Once in a while I'll go on my superduper old account greenart6, which this forum account is connected to. I also have my account written in my signature c:

What are your in-game usernames? What characters do you usually go on?

Game Help / Can't Change Rendering System
« on: January 12, 2015, 02:58:42 am »
I downloaded Feralheart, and when I tried to get into one of the maps besides Lonely Cave the game crashed. Tried to change the rendering subsystem thing both through the game and multiple times by editing the ogre.cfg file, but neither worked. When I restarted the game, it would just switch back to OpenGL.

The game was also having other problems, such as being unable to load up the first time I tried to load up the game but working the second time. Is it just the computer's problem, since it's kinda old and full of stuff and basically dying lawl.

If anyone knows how to fix this please halp D:

Game Help / Mass Markings Link
« on: January 11, 2015, 11:47:27 pm »
i know this has been asked a trillion times but im lazy

Does anyone have a link to the newest Mass Markings pack? I finally downloaded Feralheart onto this computer and I can't stand to look at all my marshmallow characters xD

Discussion Board / Favorite Youtubers
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:12:52 am »
-sorry if there is a topic on this already, i didn't see one in the first few pages-

Who are your favorite Youtubers? I have way too many favorites bleh, I'll also put if they're safe just in case since I don't want anyone who hates swearing or whatever watching them (even though like almost all youtubers swear but idk)

My all-time favorite is definitely Jacksfilms/Jack Douglass. (Not4Kids or the easily offended) I also like TurtleDerp (Minecraft Youtuber, mostly safe but a few swears slip through) The Game Theorists (For those who like over-analyzing things, mostly safe) Viva IMMATOOONLINK Reverie (Brony Youtuber, I believe safe) Element Animation (Animators, usually safe) Rhett and Link (They have a daily show thing, safe) TheFineBros/React channel or whatever (React videos, safe) and Supermarioglitchy4/SMG4 (Mario 'bloopers', not4kids). wow that was way too many

So, how about you guys? Do you guys actually have like one favorite Youtuber and not a million?

Game Discussion / Roleplaying Style
« on: December 30, 2014, 06:42:28 am »
quickly posting this before i go to bed cause it's midnight bleh

How do you guys roleplay? One liners, 10 paragraphs, wolfspeak, etc.?

I change how I roleplay depending on the rp level of my rp partner. I usually roleplay one-liners with my rp buddy on Facebook, paragraphs on Feralheart, and sentences up to a few paragraphs in forum rps. My preferred rp style would be a paragraph or two. I honestly can't stand like 5 long paragraphs or more for a single rp post. Keep it short n' sweet.

Also, I prefer to roleplay in the third person unless it makes sense to use the first person point of view. First person just kinda sounds awkward to me and it limits some of the things you can do in the rp.

Btw, in case you didn't know, here's a little glossary thing that is my view on some of the terms:

One liners:

This would be just a sentence or part of a sentence. Ex: *Walks around* or Eats food in the forest.

Sentence rp:

This would be a sentence or a few. Not a full paragraph, but not a part of a sentence like one-liners. Ex: The wolf walked around in the forest. He stopped to drink from the pond and walked off. (Bad example sorry)

Paragraph rp:

Simple enough, just a paragraph or two of detailed text. Not gonna give an example because reasons (aka. laziness)

So, how about you guys? Do you like to rp in txt tlk, use wolfspeak, or rp in 20 paragraphs? How do you roleplay, and what is your preferred rp style?

Site/Forum Help / Adding In a Poll in an Already Existing Thread
« on: December 30, 2014, 04:36:28 am »
Is it possible to add a poll into a thread without having to remake it? If so, could you explain how? I'd like a poll added into my roleplay, Survive the Night.

Thanks! <3

Forum Discussion / Go-To Colors?
« on: December 26, 2014, 08:40:51 pm »
A small little question, but I was curious. If you were to post something on the forum, what color do you usually use? I am often too lazy to do so, but if I do I usually go with the color lemonchiffon (what I'm using now) or burlywood. If you are uncertain how to put colors in your post, before your text put [ color=COLORHERE ] and at the end of the text put [ /color ]. (Without the spaces)

So, what color do you use when posting, if any? Or, are there any other things you do, such as font size or italics?

Game Discussion / Re-using Names and Characters
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:28:46 am »
So, I join a lot of roleplays here on the forum as well as create them, and I am a Facebook roleplayer (a place where the most horrifying roleplays I have ever seen take place). I have to fill out applications or make a new character or whatever, and I've found that I reuse characters and names. A lot.

Sometimes I use the same character with different species and ages, such as my character Duni. I change her into a human kid, an adult murderer, or her regular 'form' as a wolf. Other times, I have a name that is reused for different characters, such as Ingi who is the name of 1. A librarian with a love of reading and learning, 2. An elder wolf who is the alpha of her own pack, 3. A girl with a brother named Carlos who is a kinda jerk, and 4. A leopard who hates lions. Soyeah

I don't know why I do this, probably just because I am one of the most lazy people you'll ever meet and I am too lazy to think of names. Plus, I tend to rush through things, so if a name pops into my head, I'll use it.

Do any of you guys have this problem of reusing names or characters but in different ways? I'm not the only one am I? DX

Site/Forum Help / Unable to post in roleplay, CAPTCHA required
« on: December 25, 2014, 07:02:52 am »
I've been trying to post in my roleplay, Survive the Night, but every time I try to post I get a screen that asks me to type in the words you see here and blah blah blah. When I then do what I am asked to do and stuff, it then gives me a message saying you cannot post new topics in this board. (Which has been happening a lot to me recently, but this hasn't happened along with it.)

I'm kinda lazy right now to post a screenshot, plus this isn't my computer, but is there anyway to fix this, or is this even... for lack of a better word, a thing that can happen on this website, or is it some virus-related thing? This has never happened before, and I just wanna post on my rp ;-;

Sorry, I explained this in terrible detail. If anyone wants a more detailed explanation or picture I'll get one.

Quick Edit: Also, I am having another problem, I changed my profile so that my online status is hidden since I was doing a bit of stalking n' stuff *Cough* but now I am unable to get it to go back on.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Forum Tutorials Board
« on: December 19, 2014, 03:45:58 am »
Just a little something I thought could be added. Underneath Member Made Tutorials, I think a child board (or whatever it's called, bleh) for Forum/Website related tutorials could be put in. The misc. tutorials board is a bit messy and cluttered in my opinion, and I think a child board for forum tutorials could clean it up, and would be much easier to find certain forum-related topics. Plus, it may even inspire other members to make their own forum tutorials.

This is just a small idea, and I hope I'm not somehow offending anybody with this o3o I hope any staffers will at least consider this idea ^^

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