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Topics - ~Stargazer~

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Forum Discussion / How Did You End Up Here?
« on: December 04, 2013, 01:35:57 pm »
I read through the topics and since I don't believe there's one like this I'll go ahead and post this.

You read the title, it says it all.

How did you end up in FeralHeart?

Do You regret coming to FeralHeart?

Game Help / Music Mods
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:23:12 pm »
I've been searching a while around the site but for whatever reason,
I cannot find a tutorial on how to make a music mod (by that I mean adding your own music to the game).
Can some kind floof out there please give me a link to a tutorial or post on here?
Thanks :3


Game Discussion / The Definition of Derp
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:52:24 pm »
I've seen stuff like this a lot, someone uses a word in game or on the forums and they don't seem to grasp the true definition.
They make the word seem harmless when it is actually more offensive then it seems.
So I decided to make a rant thread about all the words I've seen used wrongly or don't really make much sense :P

Examples written in green are correct.
Examples written in red are either wrong or don't make sense.


Most people that use this word don't really seem to notice what this word was originally used for. It's more offensive than it seems.

a word that is said when something stupid is said or done.
Ex. "Is there a way to make 2 + 2 = 5?" "Derp."
Ex. *shows a funny picture* "That's so derpy!"
Thought to be a later version of the word "durr".
a stupid person or thing.
Ex. "You derp! Why did you run into the door?"
when one is doing something with no meaning, usually done on the Internet.
Ex. "Why didn't you answer my text earlier?" "Sorry, I was derping around."
Ex. "What are you going to do?" "I don't know, maybe go derping around on the swings."

The term derp isn't as bad as some others maybe because this is just one of those words that you can learn to use correctly without knowing the definition.
This word isn't really used wrong, just doesn't really make much sense, but when did the definition for derp change from "stupid" or "idiotic" to "random" or "funny"?
If anyone knows more about this I'd love to have answers.


Probably the funniest word mixed with a seemingly random definition.

an abbreviation for the branch of zoology concerned with the study of reptiles and amphibians.
Ex. He was a Herp.

Wow, just.... Wow xD All I can really say here...

Herp Derp

This is probably the only reasonable definition on this list, because it relates to the definition of derp.

Herp Derp
an expression used when a person, or yourself, has done somthing extremely stupid and dopey
Ex. (text message) "Dude, today I tripped over a fire hydrant .-." "Lmao, herp derp xD"
2. another way of saying "duh".
Ex. "What if you were Fus Ro Dah'd?" "Herp Derp, you'd die"

This definition is more related to the definition of derp but what about Herp?
Why is Herp in there?


I didn't really know how bad this word was until I was in 5th grade.
Some friends and I were chatting about this "hyper" girl and my teacher told us to stop because she said it was offensive.
So we looked it up, this is what we found:

overexcited; overstimulated; keyed up.
Ex. She was very hyper when she got home from school
seriously or obsessively concerned; fanatical; rabid
Ex. You know you're hyper about the Internet when you start to search the definition of derp.[/size]

This word isn't really used wrong, it's just others use it when most of the time not knowing the real definition.
Like saying "I like being hyper." Is kind of odd now that you know the definition.
Which is why I use the word "energetically" more.


Wolf speakers use this word often however this word is used terribly.
It is a real word though, originating from Scotland. Wolf speakers use it as another term for female.
This is what it actually is:

an air fuel explosive.
Ex. The fae fell from the airplane.
Ex. The fae wolf lifted her large head towards the blood red sky.

It's official, wolf speakers are calling their female characters explosive without even realizing.



Suggested by Calliph - Another term that wolf speakers use for a male, or at least, that's what they think:

A type of fabric
Ex. The blankets were made from Hessian
Ex. The large hessian lowered his head towards the water.
A German mercenary in the American Revolutionary War
Ex. The Hessian served on the side of the English.
Ex. The Hessian was the father of the pups.

Male dogs are now fabrics and soldiers from Germany that served in the Revolutionary War x3 I like this stuff.


Suggested by Oggie Boggie - You should know where this is going ;P Those wolf speakers think they're so fab xD

a constrictor snake that bears live young and may reach great size, native to America, Africa, Asia, and some Pacific islands. Any snake that is a constrictor.
Ex. I have a pet boa.
Ex. The wolf waved his boa.
a long thin stole of feathers or fur worn around a woman's neck, typically as part of evening dress.
Ex. The Victorian lady had a lovely boa.
Ex. The wolf lowered his boa to show respect to the alpha

I guess their mother was Medusa or they have a fashionable scarf around their butt

If you have ever encountered things like this before in game or on the forums, I would love to add it to this post :3
And give some opinions on what you learned today xD
 I hope it will do you good in the future.


Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Who Nuzzled Me?
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:52:24 am »
Sometimes while browsing the forums I'll notice that my Floof-O-Meter count has gone up one. Most of the time I don't remember doing anything helpful and I would like it if the forums could show who nuzzled you. I just want to know who nuzzled me because I wouldn't think there's much of a point if you don't know who's thanking you for what you've done. It's like getting a big present that doesn't have a name tag on it.

Could this be something that could be taken into consideration about adding. Just maybe a little notification like:

"_________ nuzzled you."

I hope this gets noticed, and any reasons on why it shouldn't be added are always appreciated by me :3


Site/Forum Help / Glitch with the Floof-O-Meter
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:16:22 pm »
I have been floofing some people around the forums recently and when ever I click the little nuzzle button it says that I have nuzzled the user but the users Floof Count doesn't go up. Just today someone said they Floofed me although I didn't see the number go up. Is this a glitch with the forums? Or is my computer acting up?

Game Discussion / What Do You Do In Game When Your Bored?
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:51:25 am »

Game Discussion / FeralHeart vs School
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:35:53 pm »

Leaving / Inactive for Awhile [Updated]
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:30:42 pm »
A lot of you might have noticed that I haven't been active for a long time in FH. Ever since school started I've been VERY busy and haven't had a lot of time for fun & FeralHeart :c But trust me, I haven't forgotten about FH, and I never will. If I'm ever able to get FeralHeart it would most likely be on Fridays and Saturdays. I would be on a lot more but school has really taken its toll on my schedule. It's almost like being homesick, I hope I can see you guys again sometimes</3

To All TEC Higher ups - I will try to stay as active as I can on Skype and the Forums if I can't in game. My apologies.

EDIT 9/30/13 - Ok floofies, I have an update, Im going to be inactive until probably October 25th (which is when Football season for my school ends). Until then I've put up some times that you might find me online.

Eastern Time Zone

Weekdays - Almost never
Friday - [Until Football season ends] 4 pm - 6 pm
Saturday - 5 to maybe 9 or 10 at night
Sunday - 8 am - 10 am or 3 pm - 5 pm

Lets hope I'm not to busy that I can't get on then. I miss FH and all of my floofy friends so much :( I hope I see you guys again sometime soon<3

Praise / Happy Birthady Feareh!
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:43:03 pm »
Happy Bithday


If others push you around telling you how old you are tell them to GET OUT OF YOUR FACE :D
It's your birthday, celebrate it!


Game Discussion / How Obsessed Are You About FearlHeart?
« on: July 22, 2013, 02:50:23 pm »
How obsessed are you about FeralHeart?

What are some ways that really show you are obsessed with FeralHeart?

Well, can I just say that I'm a bit over obsessed o.o

~ As soon as I get home from school everyday I check the forums
~ Then I post stuff in the forums from my iPad because if I did it on my computer I'd get caught more often 'cuz for one thing I'm really not supposed to be on a computer on the week days. So, I post stuff using my iPad >:D
~ I started accidentally using FH Vocabulary and words like Floof, Floofy, Floofy and chu instead of you xD
~ When I'm at school my mind is thinking about FH lol
~ If I'm supposed to be doing my homework then I'll get on FH and when I hear footsteps I'll immanently  turn off the monitor and pick up a pencil and pretend to be doing my homework at my desk <--- Bad Habit
~ During break at school I tell the teacher I'm going to read on my iPad but then I just jump on the forums instead of read >:D
~ If my parents tell me to go to bed and I'm playing FH, I won't. Instead, I turn off all the lights in my room and turn the brightness setting on my computer all the way down so it looks like I'm sleeping >:D Then I stay up until 1 in the morning.
~ I almost trashed all of my other games so I can dedicated my time to FH

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