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Topics - unnbrellas

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Forum Games / Hashtag Game
« on: February 28, 2014, 01:57:30 am »
Only speak in hash tags! Challenge the peraon bellow you to write something (like write about there day), ans complete the challenge above you!

 #EatThePie #DescribeThePie

Request Maps / What map do you guys want to see?
« on: February 25, 2014, 02:22:12 am »
Hey guys! I've decided I want to make a map- a big one, mind you. I don't want my map to go to waste though, so I want to know what you guys want most. The map will be 100% free to the public. I will not be doing separate maps unless it is for another world, or somthing inside/underground. So here are your options!

Option One: Avatar The Last Air Bender
A map based of the fantasy world in Avatar The Last Airbender. The time point will likely be placed at some point in book/season two. While where they are exactly is difficult to figure out, I will reason my best by studying the episodes. I will have to just guess in some areas. But, any and every place seen in the show will be included. The two largest sub-maps would be the cave of two lovers labyrinth and the spirit world.
I might just make this cause I want to

Option Two: Land Of Ooo
I would have to guess around alot for this. But, overall, it would serve for more of an exploration purpose than a roleplaying one. All textures would be new and more cartoony. I would make a point to include the post apocalypse pieces. Just as with the ATLA map, every place seen would be included. The largest sub map would be lumpy space. I would have to improvise and make alot of things up for this. (Adventure Time)
Option Three: Warrior Cat (Original Territories)
Based 100% off the books. I would go into great detail into adding all the often forgoten features! All textures would be very realistic. This map may end up lagging due to the high concentration of meshes...

Game Discussion / Going AFK
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:18:28 am »
 So, I was thinking about how some users go afk (away from keyboard) for really long times. Do you guys do this? Why do you bother to open up feral heart if you know you won't be there for awhile? And for those who don't, does it bother you when people do this?

  I have my own response, but I'd like to see what you guys say first

Game Help / I think I deleted a cloud file
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:57:48 pm »
I think I deleted a cloud file, considering I have random yellow and black lines in the sky and some reflections of it in the water.... So, could someone tell me all the cloud related files I should have, and maybe once I find out which file I'm missing, send a copy to me? I'd really appreciate it! <3

Forum Discussion / Decrease in Floofs?
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:18:43 am »
I can't help but notice alot of well known floofs are leaving, becoming inactive, going on breaks, etc. Is this normal? I haven't been here long enough to know. I feel like all the "famous" floofs if you will aren't here half as much as they were when I first got here- although granted it was summer, and I guess people have school. I'm not saying that others haven't left too, I just don't tend to notice them as much. It does feel like everyone is gone right now.
So, has anyone else noticed this and is this normal?

Characters / Mochas Little Slaves
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:00:41 am »
So, I figured I'd post some of my characters. These are the main ones. Mocha is my fursona so she gets more info.

Anatolian Shepherd X German Shepherd X Border Collie
Friendly, Nerdy, Introvert
Moch is friendly, but has trouble starting conversations. If you approach her she's happy to talk and she's very kind and forgiving. She loves to talk about books and movies and actors and overall just fan girl! She loves eading and watching movies late, so she's rather addicted to coffee!

Mocha at one point was a shy little nerdy girl that most people take her to be. But she's really not.
   Mocha couldn't take the emotional pain her characters put her through. So, she decided to get rid of any emotions related to her characters. And after reading about black magic, potions, and horcurxes, what do you really expect?
   After some -ahem- dealings, Mocha had successfully taken all her character inflicted pain and conflict away. Kinda. You see, she really just restrained them until it became to much and she lets them out in  a spur of love hate and every emotion in between. It's technically still Mocha, as it's her feelings and body, but she takes on another personality and look. That side of Mocha is known by Black Passion.
  Black Passion, or Passion, is prone to mood swings, and is dangerous for her outlashes. When stable she is confident, outgoing, and sassy, but her mood swings make her violent and depressed. She doesn't realize she is tied to Mocha, and is completely unaware she is only half a personality.
   Due to Passion's completely different personality, appearance, and how she is oblivious to her other half, it is suspected Mocha simply had another soul tied to her absorbing all excess emotion.
   Mocha, while aware of the changes, is unable to control her actions when Passion is in control. It does seem like the emotion transfer is one way- Mocha may only get rid of feelings she doesn't want. So, she does keep her mellow and sweet personality, along with feel enough to care about characters and others, just not enough to go crazy.

4 years old
Clever, Sassy, Sly
When fen was a young pup, she had a family and lived in a thick forest with huge trees. When she was a year old, an earthquake hit. Trees came crashing down, and the pack fleed and split up. Fen ran afyer her father, while her sister followed her mother- the sister and mother are now assumed dead. Fens father then told her a scerect- she was blood of Loki's son, Fenir; hence her name. He taught her many tricks, and he was good to her. Eventually she set off on her own to find a mate and pass down her bloodline. She now runs a mangy pack, consistent of loners, rogues, and outcasts. She uses her wits to control them and have them do chores, while she searches for a mate.

Unknown age
Quiet, Attempted Kindness, Depressed
When Kelur was a baby, he lived in a large lion pride and was very happy. But one day a fire came through. The pride fleed, only caring for themselves, leaving Kelur behind. He was overtaken my flames, and pain grew in him until his passed out. Strangely, he woke sevral days later. He was in a strange place, with no fire. He was confused, until he saw his mother. His mothers body was burnt and covred in scars. He noticed hyena tracks surrounding them, then he realized. His mother has gone back to saw him, getting burned. When she got out of the flames, he was unconscious and looked dead, so heynas came and tried to eat him. His mother drove them off, but died soon after. Horrified, he looked around and tried to find his pride- when he noticed what he saw. He only saw blobs of grey- no color. He looked down at his paws to find a bright orange, the color of flames. His vision had been distorted and he was colorblind. Except for his vivid fur which would haunt him forever.

4 years old
Strong, Brave, Independent
As a young pup Silver was pressured into being the ultimate alpha by her father. Her father was a large Sub Ordinate, but still not as large as the alpha and could not challenge him. So he(Silvers Father) took to raising his daughter to be the perfect mate for an alpha. He succeeded, but Silvers personality was subdued in the proscess. She did become Alpha female, but she is very business focused and overly loyal to her pack.

Young Adult
Easily excited, eager, optimistic
Ricanti is a computer geek. He loves programing coding and just anything to do with computers. When he talks about a new computer he wants, you'd think he'd explode in excitement!

Images Coming Soon

Leaving / Just A Short Hatius, Thats All
« on: January 24, 2014, 02:42:09 am »
Hey Guys.
As you may have noticed, I'm not ingame as often as I used to- even if I was AFK most of the time. And if your stalking me, you would notice that I don't post much more either. It's simply that FH lost most of my attention.
I couldn't just leave you all, that would hurt to much- I would be leaving so many friends and experiences behind! So ingested I have decided to take a Hiatus from FH. I will probably come on the forums once a week or so, but I don't think I will be ingame. I will scarcely be opening FH after I finish some projects...
I'm also going because I want to devote more time to school and my art. Hopefully when summer comes I will be able to rejoin you all, if not sooner!
So, if you want to contact me, either send me a PM or note me on DA for a fast response.

I'll be back soon enough~

Forum Games / When you....
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:15:09 pm »
You know the direct TV commercial? Will, this game is basically that! The example explains it:
Person1: When you eat pie, you get hyper
Person2: When you get hyper, you run faster than a cheetah
Person3: When you run faster than a cheetah, you beat the cheetah in a race
Person4: When you beat the cheetah in a race, the cheetah eats you
Person5: Don't let a cheetah eat you- don't eat pie.

You can end it whenever you want, but just make sure it ends bad :P

I'll start: When you play feral heart, your game lags.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / I needz a new siggeh
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:24:37 am »
Derp Der. If anyone could draw me a new siggeh with mocha, a book, and coffee, I'd love ya.
I can get mocha references if ya like. :)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / New FH Game Mod (Needing Opions)
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:40:57 pm »
[Sorry if this doesn't go here]

Ok, so I am working on a new interface mod, but I would like to know what Color Scheme you all would prefer. And please, If you voted on DA, don't vote here!! (Link to DA version: )

Now, out of these schemes, which do you prefer?? You may pick 3!

Thank you for the input!

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