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Topics - yourlocalcrow

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Forum Discussion / Locking Topics and Necroing Threads
« on: October 15, 2016, 11:59:55 pm »
Before you go ahead and lock this one saying it's redundant, I understand that there is a very similar topic that rants about the staff, but that thread is just trying to paint the staff team in a negative light. That's not at all what I'm trying to do. Just bringing fresh blood to a topic. And, after all, that topic hasn't been posted on for twenty or more days. Don't necro old threads, right?

Well, I've noticed that the staff tends to lock up threads if there's been a similar one within 2-5 months, directing people to that thread. I get it if the other thread was maybe a week or so old, but months? And yet still saying not to necro old threads? It seems, at least to me, hypocritical.

One that's pretty recent, still on the first page of the Forum Discussion board, is "Who's Online." User leahling made a thread earlier this month, which Warriorstrike then locked, directing people to a thread that hadn't been posted on since late May covering the exact same topic. We are advised against necroing old threads, yet we are being directed to something that hasn't been posted on since May.

I find this a bit strange. I'm not saying that the staff are doing their job wrong, but it feels to me that when they do this, they're cutting people off from talking about a topic that really interests them, only to direct them to a potentially months old thread, that when they go to reply to, get that little red warning asking them if they really want to reply.

Does anyone else notice this? Any other viewpoints on this? As far as I know, besides that other thread I mentioned before, no one else is really talking about the locking of threads. Sure, that other person pointed out some things, but overall had a really negative attitude about it. I don't want to come off as negative, I just am really curious as to whether or not other people seem to notice this trend of staff almost encouraging necroing threads, despite it being something that is advised against.

Media / Halloween Melody!
« on: October 11, 2016, 11:09:33 pm »
Hey guys! Remember when I said I was making a Halloween melody? Well, here it is!

Tried to use the instruments that, in that context, gave the perfect eerie feeling. The tin whistle came in handy.

There are several parts where there aren't any percussion parts, so if you choose to play this with some friends, feel free to write one in!

Media / DoE Buttswing
« on: October 05, 2016, 12:47:31 am »
Yep. I did a thing. In Dawn of Eternity. Ages ago. Only now did I decide to make it public with some jazzy music.

I originally imagined it to En Bombe I Din Lomme, but I couldn't get it, so have some fun jazzy music instead!

Ask Me / Ask Narwhal About Her Characters!
« on: October 02, 2016, 10:12:06 pm »
Hey guys! Today, I decided that I'd answer some of your questions about my characters/stories. I know that I've kept a lot of information about Alcor and his twin Mizar in the dark, but it's on purpose.

What can you ask? Anything you wish! (For example: How a character would react to a certain situation, what their original concept was, or even my first instance of using them. [Also, you can directly ask the character if you want!])

I can't do a Q+A without the Q, so please leave some!

Characters that are prepared for questions:
La Cobra

Presets & Markings / Hey, she made a Halloween preset!
« on: October 01, 2016, 01:50:23 am »
Why, thank you for noticing! I drew an extremely malnourished dog that had no fur on it's head during English, and I decided, "Why not make it a character?" As for the name Cobra, I can't give you an answer. It just felt right. Onto the character!
It'll probably just be a Halloween thing, idk, but I like it. *shrug*

Download the prest---->

"If you could only see past the appearance
     you could see who I really am."


xX Basics Xx

|X| Stats |X|
Has no identifiable sex
Age unknown
30-45 pounds

|X| Description |X|
Dark gray speckled pelt
Dark stockings and light tial tip
Head is just a skull
Wears a green bandana that is far too large
Bandage wraps around right leg
Voiced by Talky Tina

xX Relations Xx

|X| Kin |X|
Parents unkown
Only child
Borne no pups
Adopted no lucky brats

|X| Friends & Foes |X|
Acquainted with none
Friends with none
Close friends with none

Dislikes none
Strongly dislikes none
Would go as far as to say hates none

|X| Love Life |X|
Crushing on no female
Finds love in no female
Soul bound to no female
Heart broken by no female

xX Other Xx

|X| Health |X|
Strength 23%
Agility 77%
Intelligence 67%
Nutrition 12%

|X| Spars |X|
Sparred 0 times
At least 0 wins
At least 0 losses

|X| Themes |X|

|X| Copywrite |X|
La Cobra (C) narwalpanda54321 - 2016

Discussion Board / Creepiest Video Game Music?
« on: September 27, 2016, 11:07:55 pm »
Hey guys! I'm writing a creepy melody for Halloween, and I'm looking for people to suggest songs to appear in it!
The songs don't have to be from video games, they can be from anywhere (even your own songs!), just as long as they are creepy/spooky. As of now, I have room for:
-Three different woodwind parts (Ocarina, pan flute, tin whistle)
-Percussion part (snare drum/bass drum/tambourine, haven't decided yet)

So far I've got:
-My own custom song
-Lavender Town
-(Waiting on permission) Mischievous Gathering
-FNAF Song (Living Tombstone)

Please leave suggestions for creepy, spooky, or otherwise Halloween-relating songs down below with a link to a copy of the sheet music if you can find it!

Stories / The Muting of the Innocent
« on: September 25, 2016, 04:21:50 am »
Two torch-lit, rose-tinted lions stood in front of each other, one with his chest puffed and head held high in confidence. The torches provided the cavern with just enough light to navigate, but as soon as one left the camp, the tunnels were pitch black.

"You know my laws as well as I do, Jai," the confident one began, "And your son is considered a threat to my legacy as long as he can speak. You will have your wife bring him to me to be muted immediately, or be sent to the Aboveworld."

"Whatever happens to my son will happen to your daughter, then, Makari," Jai responded, giving his King a royally furious glare.

The larger lion, Makari, took a step forward, pulling his head even higher than it already was. "You will do no such thing," he growled, "Guards! Show Jai out, and someone find Shana and her son."

Makari stepped back as two, bulky lions grabbed either side of Jai and escorted him out, a scout behind them carrying a torch to light the way as they made their way to the exit, and threw him into the blinding light of the Aboveworld. Only a few minutes later, a tawny, blue-tinted lioness approached him, before extending her left leg forward and dipping her head in a bow. His gaze darted to the small cub hiding behind her, and the small black forks protruding from his skull.

"Sir, what is it?" the lioness inquired, standing up, "And why would my son have to be involved?"

"As I'm sure you've noticed Shana, he's growing antlers," he stated blandly, as though it explained everything-- and it did. That was the law. Sure, not all the lionesses of Shana's class were familiar with it, but she must have at least that much figured out of it.

Shana tilted her head, giving her King a look of pure confusion. "Yes, and he's the Creators' gift to my family. Is there any other reason that you've called me to see you?"

Makari sighed in frustration. "Shana, I know you may not be so familiar with the law, but your cub having antlers is simply not allowed. He must be muted, for the sake of the tribe."

At first, the lioness seemed as though she didn't understand, before slowly a look of shock and horror spread across her face. "My Lord, please, you can't do that! It was out of my control that he was born with antlers! I beg of you, take him as your own, the Queen would be happy to take him! You just can't mute him!" She cried, eyes beginning to burn red.

"Shana, the law is the law. It's my duty as the King to follow it."

"And you can bend it! Please! He's just a cub! Take him as your own, he won't remember me! Please, do anything else! Just let him speak!"

"The law is the law," Makari repeated sternly, eyeing as the cub quietly shifted his paws in the gravel.

"You're a monster, Makari!" Shana sobbed, loud enough that a large amount of the tribe turned to stare.

Makari glanced around quickly, before giving a low growl. "The cub. Now."

A scout came and picked up the cub by his scruff, placing him as the King's paws as Shana's sister held her back. Makari stared down at the small cub-- no older than three months. He felt nothing as he raised his paw, unsheathing his claws, before slashing the side of the cub's throat. A blood-curtling scream came from the cub's maw, gradually turning into hoarse coughing. The cub's wide, amber eyes stared up at Makari in horror as he backed away into his mother's waiting embrace. A medic came to treat the cub's wounds as he was cradled by Shana, who herself was being comforted by her sister.

"It'll be okay Maneno," she whispered, "It'll be okay."

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Testing, testing, does this look good?
« on: September 08, 2016, 09:23:31 pm »
Hey guys! I thought I'd make a thread that you can reply to with possible new signatures, or just to see if you're doing a fancy new code right. I by no means want to see all your fancy stuff, just thought I'd do something to help people. If you have any questions on codes, I suggest looking in the Help or Member Made Tutorials sections first.

Just  few basics for those of you new to the code this forum uses:

"[ ]" is the first half of a command. For example, [ b ] (without the spacing, of course). The "b" stands for "bold," and is telling the  site to bold all text after it until it sees it's end command.

"[ / ]" is the ending command; telling the site to stop whatever it is. For example, [ / b ] tells the site to end the bolding.

Let's put the two commands together: [ b ] Herp a derp [ / b ]

That should look like this when the spacing is removed: Herp a derp

Of course, you can always use the bars up top, but it's nice to know how to input the simple codes yourself.


Herp a derp
herp a derp
derp a herp
herp a derp
derp a derp
herp a herp
herpy derpy
derpy herpy
herpy herpy
derpy derpy
herple derple
derple herple
herple herple
derple derple

Characters / Maneno The Mute
« on: September 05, 2016, 09:07:11 am »

"The most meaningful things in life
                                                                                                    can come from utter silence."

M A N E N O - T H E  M U T E

xX Basics Xx

|X| Stats |X|
Lion creature
3 years
437 pounds
3'9" at shoulder

|X| Description |X|
Pale pelt and even paler underfur
Strange dark stripes
Amber eyes
Large hidden scar across neck
Small black antlers
Permanently silent

xX Relations Xx

|X| Kin |X|
No siblings
No cubs
Adopted no cubs

|X| Friends & Foes |X|
Acquainted with Phantom
Friends with none
Close friends with none

Dislikes none
Strongly dislikes none
Would go as far as to say hates none

|X| Love Life |X|
Crushing on none
Finds love in none
Soul bound to none
Heart broken by none

xX Other Xx

|X| Health |X|
Strength 45%
Agility 62%
Intelligence 87%
Unspoken personality 100%

|X| Themes |X|
Lee Brice - Hard To Love
Tim McGraw - Humble and Kind

|X| Copywrite |X|
Maneno (C) narwalpanda54321 - 2016

Leaving / Perhaps a hiatus, perhaps not.
« on: September 05, 2016, 08:03:58 am »
I've noticed that a large amount of rather well-known members are leaving due to a spike in rudeness from the community, or a rather childish sense of humor.

But that's not why I'm going on hiatus.

I've simply lost interest over the past month, and simply don't have the motivation to get on anymore. Sure, there are a few cool roleplays, but they all get so little attention that they get shut down due to inactivity, leaving my beloved characters with no place to go, being that they have such a specific category to fit into which simply doesn't exist anymore. I could change them, but then that means cutting a piece of their life away that has shaped them into who they are, and then somehow replacing it. For some characters it's just natural to create a new, improved version with a different backstory, but it leads to a slightly different personality.

There are a few roleplays which have found their way into my heart, and I will never forget the friendships I made in them, but I may not return to FH for a while. The roleplay community has just seemed to fall apart recently. There aren't any roleplays that are really new or exciting, just recycled concepts that are boring. Roleplay was the main thing that kept me interested: there were so many, all of which offered something new. But it seems like all the roleplays I've joined have that one person who just ruins it for everyone by starting OOC drama. Heck, in one roleplay group a co-leader blocked one of the members. I was blocked by an entire Clan of cats because I questioned why their leader tore the ear off their deputy. I've had my characters picked apart until I feel like I just don't want to roleplay them because they aren't my original creation anymore, they're someone else's cookie cutter character.

The roleplay community has just seemed to go downhill recently. Perhaps I'm just getting into the wrong roleplays, or perhaps it really is the community. Anyways, I don't know if I will be returning to FH. I have made several friends, and I will never forget them, but the side of the community that I have the most experience with? I have grown to hate it more than I love it. I will still be making little objects here and there, as well as presets, but I just don't think I can get on the game until I feel like the wounds the roleplay community has inflicted on me have healed, which may not be for another few months.

To those I am making maps for: Please PM me to get my Skype if you don't have it already. I'll send you the files when I'm done, though it may be a while.

EDIT: I will come on every now and then, but I can't promise that I'll roleplay.

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