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Topics - CosmoFursi

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Art Gallery / *forces yasamin into the spotlight*
« on: December 26, 2016, 01:58:16 am »
so, i had a great christmas with Yasamin, and i wanted to share the gifts i made for her.
*yasa you better put yours here too jk you dont have to ily*

here they are!

"I always thought I might be bad,
Now I'm sure that it's true.
I think you're so good.
And I'm nothing like you."

thank you, Yasamin, for being friends with me, and accepting to be my True Friend.

i would not have known what to do without you. you've gotten me through so many things.
when i'm having a phase, i think about you and it makes me happy again.

Thank You.

Leaving / brIEF HIATUS **BRIEF**
« on: December 21, 2016, 02:01:45 am »

i have strepthroat for the foURTH TIME, so i am going to avoid touching stuff until its better.

so i wont be on the forum too much so it's technically an absence


i wont be sick forever stars no

but yeah see y'all when i get better

Screenshots / Fabulous Moon Reflection
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:08:55 pm »


Other Games / Any Good *FREE* Horse Games?
« on: December 19, 2016, 11:40:56 pm »
okay, i have been searching a lot recently for any good 3D horse games.

i would prefer a game where you /are/ the horse, but i am fine with one you care for the horse in.

preferrably a PC game, since i have horse games on my phone.

any suggestions would be great.


Praise / I Must Thank The Chicken
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:29:57 pm »
Yasamin has been such a great friend to me, she deserves praise.

i don't know where in this world i'd be without her, and i am glad she cares for me as much as she does.

of course i care for her back. i cared so much i asked to be True Friends, after all.

that's as close as i'll ever get to proposing, if you didn't know.

but still, thank you, Yasamin, for being there for me. thank you for talking to me when i feel sad, and thank you for making so many
awesome things for me. thank you for everything. i don't know how to put into words how grateful i am.

i can't say exactly what i'd be without you, because i know the staff don't allow that kind of talk, but know i am very grateful for your presence
in my life, no matter how crappy my life may be.

so thank you.

of course, there are others who deserve praise. these include Enoki, Monte, Frostbite, Zenaku Bane, and all my other friends in Creatures of Yugure.

thanks to them for also being there for me. they've helped me -and are still helping me- through my depression, and i still do not
have words to express my gratitude.

thank you, everyone, for being there by my side.

i don't know how exactly to end this, because there is so much i want to say, but i will stop here.

Introduction / Coming Back..?
« on: December 16, 2016, 12:33:55 am »
not because i missed it.


so yeah i decided to come back i guess.

all because yasamin's active here really.

do not expect me to be very active.

i won't be.

just thought i might as well be here if yasa's here too.

don't care what you call me now, but my fursona's been Cosmo Fursi for a while. so call me Cosmo if you want. Fire still works too.

anyway. hi. i guess i'm back now.

Request a Preset/Marking / Dog Preset I Ask Kindly..?
« on: December 14, 2016, 08:59:40 pm »
ok so i have a new oc and i need a preset for her

here's a drawing i made

and for a better color reference here

yes that is a scar over one eye
don't forget it please
other than that i also want shading on it
and uh the side mane
obviously a wolf model
inside of her ears is white
back mane is not important
don't care which folder it's in
no wings obviously
special effects are a no
and other than that try to stick to her reference as best as you can
(you can use the curved tail if you want but it doesn't matter)

if you need more details then ask me what either here or as a message i don't care

thanks guys.

Media / *poof*
« on: December 10, 2016, 08:06:23 pm »

Cosmo fluffs when startled

Poems / Once Upon A Life
« on: December 03, 2016, 01:33:01 am »
Once there was a little soul,
Who thought life was full of joy.
She believed nothing could go wrong,
But she was surely mistaken.

It was soon, the little soul realized,
She felt a sadness not many understood.
She noticed she begun to stare at knives,
Scissors, Gerbers, and Teeth alike.
The little soul was scared,
For she did not know how to stop.

It was then a light shone in the dark,
And the family, whom tried their best to keep her sane,
Relished in the sight of hope.
The little soul had found a friend.

Little soul, little friend,
Hung out only on the web.
They drew, played, and talked with one another,
And the little soul became happier.

Soon, however, the little soul,
Regained the fading sadness.
She did what she knew was not right,
And locked herself in her room to use that knife.
The family did not know.

The little soul told no one,
Not even her friend.
But soon her dear Therapist,
Learned what she had done.

Her friend noticed she seemed sadder,
So the little soul told.
Her sadness did not stay long.

Little soul, little friend.
Both will look out for one another.
They're best friends through and through,
But maybe they will become True.

~Will you be my True Friend?~

Request Other Mods/Creations / in need of tree textures
« on: November 22, 2016, 06:19:06 pm »

i need a mane and body/tail/head texture.

specifically for a lion.

for an idea of what textures go where, here's this screenshot.

also, the texture would need to include the spots for the blue markings. so basically make large cracks in the bark texture.

and in the head texture, possibly make the tongue/mouth have no texture.

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