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Topics - Vwang

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / A roleplay that wont dump me
« on: June 10, 2017, 04:24:55 am »
I need a good roleplay that does not make me write 16k paragraphs like just short posts. because i'm not gonna spend a lot of time posting about "sitting" because i run out of things to do in the post. and A map with no gore meshes. I dont like them. And the roleplay should allow people under 13+ because i get thrown out easily because someone will ask "how old are you?" just gonna hope there is a roleplay like that. because I cant make my own RPs cause they are failures.

Media / this isn't much about FH but
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:58:36 pm »
I made an old and disgusting animation before but i tried my best to remake it. it was my animal jam (and she's in other games but her origin was in AJ) character's dad dying. warning: blood. just a little trickle of blood but still
feel free to move this if its in the wrong place
EDIT: actually this is in the wrong place.

Art Gallery / i thought she cant draw.
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:28:31 am »

yup i drew a lion.
still not ready for requests. sorry.

Characters / Hindenburg and Graf
« on: May 30, 2017, 12:20:33 am »

Two cats that were board the Hindenburg, their owner named both of the sisters after those two zeppelins, They jumped off with some other friends under the zeppelin during the disaster, their owner didn't survive the disaster by getting smashed when the zeppelin fell. as the animals also got hit. apparently i decided to break the laws of science and they get saved by a miracle and then they get powers so they can break logic even further and travel time and alternate universes
im bad at making character backstories-

Discussion Board / What's your favorite Galaxy in space?
« on: May 30, 2017, 12:11:04 am »
I love the cartwheel galaxy. it looks so cool XD

Request/Find Meshes / hindenburg mesh
« on: May 10, 2017, 03:24:46 am »
lol it sounds impossible but i want it so i can make a map of it. maybe to film a series about it idk

« on: May 03, 2017, 10:49:26 pm »
my computer is broken and it's going to be fixed later, but if all is lost i lose everything.
sowwy i'll see you after a while, maybe. T^T

Member Bio & Journals / what is this thing-
« on: May 03, 2017, 01:48:28 am »
I am a little girl who loves to play computer games and is hugely misunderstood by  most of the other kids in my class and yes. my username is named after a zeppelin (its a nice name tho)
I play Star Stable and so many other games like this one,
Find me on other games
Larame - Dragons Den
Ruby Desertheart - Star stable

loves candy, undertale, steven universe, feral heart, and computers, OBVIOUSLYYYYYYYYY ANIMALS-
and the I survived series. i lov em
being annoyed
tantrums- i mean huge ones
rude people
books, books, more bookz
bugs except for flies- i love to examine them-
snails and slugs (plez don't make fun of me its a horrible phobia)

basically a bio
I live in the US which i should NOT go any farther into information
I always lived there, i was born there and i barely go to any other continent (only been to Asia)
I started TK a long time ago and was being annoying and stuff. i got better through the other year of ACTUAL kindergarten. and then i discovered computers around kindergarten. I started to turn into some weird internet person and then because my odd personality everybody hated me- i actually shouldn't whine for attention here but yes it happened I went to 1st grade and was being annoying and then so on, until 2nd grade where i only met 1 person who could relate to me, on 3rd grade I found 2 people. One day i broke my computer. to be continued
i also love the 'I survived' series and INEEDTOGETALLTHEBOOKS
gonna update this later- OH NO MY TASKBAR DISAPPEARED

Game Help / Water reflections looking Off..
« on: April 27, 2017, 01:34:58 am »
I installed a sweetfx and then i realized the water reflections are messed up

*do you notice the land in the water reflection is floating?*
I wanna keep the water reflections on but that problem looks horribly ugly in my screenshots.

Other Games / Star stable poll What horse should I get?
« on: April 20, 2017, 06:21:42 pm »
So uh I really want a horse and if i ever get the money i'll buy whatever wins the poll.

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