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Topics - safarirun123

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Discussion Board / Dumbest rumours
« on: September 02, 2012, 07:58:27 pm »
So recently I heard about this rumour of a girl zalmira or whatever he/she's name is I believe its not true I am a christain so if it is 1. How can It find me 2. Why would a demon play feralheart 3. How did it find feralheart 4. I wanna know what DINGLEBOB made up the rumour 5. The rumour is scaring childern So my topic is whats the stupidest rumour you have heard about Also what would you do if you came across it if it was some beast or something like if someone made a rumour about a beast that if you make eye contact with it will come to your house and light a candle then kill you what would you do? I would like to know even the the rumour would be fake. ;3 I would draw my sword and yell : YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Oh yeah lord of the rings.  8)

Stories / Evil VS Angels
« on: August 31, 2012, 03:49:30 pm »
Hi sorry Im not so good with grammar so here is the credits; username maker: safarirun123  charactors you will hear about in the story Taila, Reiaa , Takaru , Nakrato , So here it begins... once there was a tribe they wern't exactly like a family but they were a pack of wolfs so one day a tribe member Taila came up to her friend Reiaa and she spoke; who's that strange boy? sitting beyound that rock.. he's kinda creeping me out so so Reiaa spoke ; with chills shivering down from her head to her tail tip and she spoke smoothly.. I dont know hes is scary but pretty "Cute" she spoke then Taila said I-I-I-dont dissagree why dont we say hi sted of gossiping about him while after-all.. he can probaly hear everything we say so the two females came up to him and Taila spoke "Hello",  Reiaa said the same thing of course greeting herself she *Glared at him with a strange smile and spoke; whats your name"? the male replyed; Nakrato then he flicked his tail walking into the demonic forest with his red eyes glaring from a distance of each step he took Reiaa said; does he look like hes from the Dark entrance tribe? Taila spoke; He has the markings so they both stood up and ran to him and taila said W-wait! please w-wait the male stopped and he spoke; Yes? the female Taila replied: are you from the dark side? she -gulped- slowly.. the male Replied: Yes. without a struggle so Taila -Screamed and ,Reiaa screamed- and they both ran off while the male chasing them he didn't want the Eternal tribe to find out so Reiaa got lost in the forest and The male Nakrato found her and quickly he covered her mouth with his paw and he "-whispered- don't tell anyone! I hang around here... it gets tiring staying in the dark side and I wont hurt you..." he spoke then the female Taila; said nothing she was breathing so hard from her heart attack so A wolf named Takaru went up to Reiaa and he said Reiaa what are you doing here!? Reiaa cried to Tribe mate I was startled.. "There is a strange male hanging around here... the male Takaru said who? who is IT?! Nakrato.. The male yelled NO!! UGH! The female got off her back w-why whats wrong? The male replied; if he's with Taila shes in danger!! (So back to taila after the male and female spoke to each other the male offered want to see my land? Taila spoke U-uh.. I dont think a dark land thats probaly burnt up would look so pretty the male's face:  :-\ True.. he spoke so Taila said; W-well I have allways wanted to go to the falls the male replied sure.. So they began walking to the falls it was a long walk but for somereason Taila trusted Nakrato to be stranded with him within miles of a walk.. but what they dont know is Reiaa and Takaru were watching them threw out the whole walk Takaru planned to attack him for being in the lands but he needed a perfect time to do it so a few miles into the walk with Taila and  Nakrato Taila spoke; Im getting hungry how about you?" the male Nakrato spoke: Y-yea the only thing around here we can eat is well... mushrooms Taila replied: Ewwwwww........ I hate mushrooms! Nakrato replied with small laughter wich was unusal; and he said W-well thats either eat that or grub.. Taila replied I go with mushrooms so  they ate there.. As taila was eating she *Glared into Nakrato's eyes and she blushed* Nakrato spoke; I-is there something wrong?"  Taila said; N-no she blushed even more as they both finished eating there mushroom Reiaa And Takaru ate the left-overs while within minutes Reiaa spoke I-im Gonna be sick! so Reiaa threw up the mushrooms making a distinct like roaring sound Nakrato spoke; A -a monster!! he was joking he acutally though it was probaly a bear but he wasn't scared and Taila replied: Ahh... -Grrr! she growled running after him playfully and Nakrato laughed; Oh no!! he smiled with laughter as they both were running they tripped over a old oak tree root and both they tumbled down Taila landed straight on Nakrato's chest and made a noice: UMPH! Then he said your heavy For a girl.. Taila: Replied I AM NOT! She laughed  :D then Nakrato spoke; I am just kidding he said *Glaring into her eyes again* And while Takaru was watching he said K-k-ill me now... And then Reiaa said I think its pretty cute then Takaru spoke again; Well I think throwing up is my only answer.. So Taila glaring into Nakrato's eyes she licked him across the cheek and Nakrato; Coughed* he nuzzled her across the cheek and they both continued there walk to the falls so Takaru and Reiaa looked at each other and spoke both of them "Yea right!" and they continued hiding and following from behind so many stressfull hours Taila curled into a ball and shivered its pretty tonight.. " But cold  so Nakrato said dont worry I can handle that Ma'm! he said acting all brute And Taila laughed- oh Ok super man how!? And Nakrato said; By sleeping by the princess.. dont keep her warm and safe threw the night Taila smiled and spoke; How sweet so adventually they both fell asleep And Takaru -growled- And he allmost went up and slashed him and Reiaa spoke with a whisper no!' While grabbing his shoulder she said again; we have to wait till-we and they get to the falls Takaru said right.. I can handle myself sometimes so as sun rised Nakrato glared at the falls * And they both walked it was only 10 minutes away so as they got to the cliff they sat down watching the beautiful ocean crash and the waterfall come down from the rock And Nakrato smiled: Its been awhile".. but maybe do y-y-you think we could be mates..? Taila smiled; Yes Of cource" so Takaru spoke; -With deep growling- Its time and he ran out from the bushes and tree's and slashed and Nakrato he growled and claws Takaru but Takaru didn't care for the pain so He slashed Nakrato down to the eyes and bit him deep in the stomach leaving a gap while Taila screamed NO!!!!" Takaru what have you done! she cried Nakrato breath breath! Nakrato -Growled at Takru- and lowered his eyes m'love.. I expected this to happen and I probaly deserve to die A-a-and. And he breathed*  You should go home* Taila cried No.. I loved you from the beginning while your evil or not!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      So in pain she knew he had passed away after his last words and she covered him with a giant leaf but before that She licked him one last time and said; My prince.. and a tear fell from her eye  :'( And she yelled at Takaru HOW COULD YOU!!! And he replied: T-t-taila I didn't know he has gone good "Im sorry" Taila pushed him on the chest and grabbed onto Nakratos leaf and dragged him all the way back to her tribe her parents weren't there they were visiting her mothers tribe along with her father.. but the tribe was there and they had not much care for Taila arriving but they were curious seeing Nakrato lay dead in the leaf So Taila spoke: Takaru help me put him on the temple where all the dead wolfs go.. so that he did and she cried as Blue butterflys swarmed around her she cried and cried and finally she left Nakrato there.. and walked away but before that Nakrato rubbed his chest and looked -Confused and said; Huh?" he was alive... Taila heard him say Huh and she ran to him and quickly dipped her head under his head And spoke : Dont ever leave me again your my prince and it will stay that way. Nakrato: Replied N-no your my queen. so there they shared kisses  :D And her mother and father came home and spoke: Taila! please dont tell me your"" Taila replied: Yes mom. Yes daddy' im merrying Nakrato! Her father and mother smiled Ok" Lets get you read my angel.. (HA, SORRY TO CUT OFF THERE) But you have to wait till the other chapter comes out!! ;D So stay tuned in my books I wrote I hope you like them Next book: Evil Vs Angels ; Now its family.

Discussion Board / Fashion Fiesta
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:15:58 pm »
   ;D Hi there do you have any specific dream outfit? Write a description of it or post a drawing possibely if you made your own dress in real life you could post a video or A picture like the drawings Hats,socks,Dresses,Shirts,TangTops,Jeans,Pants,StretchyPants,Blankets even, What ever clothing related hats? sure jewlery etc.. Post I would like to see  8) Ha ha <3 My dream dress: plain white dress with a white sparkely belt and a big black bow on the belt So whats your idea -You may post-

Meshes / Here is moving grass
« on: August 04, 2012, 03:50:33 pm »
Well here is something someone helped me out with to get your grass Our! tree's moving first go to FH+ it dosn't matter if it dosn't work. so go in the fh folder go to tree's copy all the acacia stuff All the tree's in there our copy it all I think that would work. now go to FH Folder and go to fh's tree's.. And paste everything in there same thing with the grass sept for you go to the grass folder. 'IF THIS Is on the wrong board feel free to move it. '

Discussion Board / Post your funnies moments On FH
« on: July 18, 2012, 03:42:05 am »
 ;D So. Post the funniest Momen'ts you had if you had a video or a picture ;3. POOOOOOOST. ;P I cant think of any right now but love to hear what happend. ;3333

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