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Topics - Lady_Alizarin

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Game Discussion / Nobody asked for help, so why get involved?
« on: May 02, 2013, 05:03:55 am »
Have you ever had some random player come interupt a roleplay fight, squable, hunt, because they feel the need to step in and take sides? I've noticed that whenever I roleplay in a voluntary RP fight or hunt, sometimes some random stranger would come out of nowhere and try to help out in the fight or save the prey animal from being hunted.
Don't know what I mean? Here are a few example incidents.
This one warrior she-cat ASKED me to be a fox and kill her character as part of a roleplay plot. I even asked her "Are you sure you want me to kill your character? Is that really what you want?" and she said, "Yes. This character needs to be reincarnated."... or something like that. So I agreed and played as a rabid fox character. This is how the scene went. (The names were made up for the scenerio, since I don't remember all of them.)

Dovewing F: "The she-cat warrior saw a feild mouse scuttling through the grass. She crouched down and began stalking it."
Rabid Grey Fox: -The rabid fox clumsily stumbled his way down the hill. He was foaming at the mouth, and was disoriented and confused. He saw the she-cat hunting and began to snarl madly, foam dripping from his mouth.-
Dovewing F: -She was too busy hunting to notice the fox coming up behind her-
Rabid Grey Fox: -With a gurgling snarl, he charged forward at the she-cat.-
Dovewing: -She looked up and screached in terror- "Oh no!" :O
All of the sudden this random apprentice, who wasn't even in her clan showed up. But I went along with it
Greypaw: -She jumped on the fox and knocked him over-
Rabid Grey Fox: -He fell to the ground with a thud. He tried to get up, but he was too wobbly and weak from his illness.-
Random Red Fox: -She leapt at Dovewing and started tearing into her shoulder-
Dovewing: -She yowled in pain as she was being attacked by now two foxes.-
Greypaw: -He jumped foward and bit down on the red fox's paw- "Leave her alone!" she hissed.
So the fight goes on and on and on... skip ahead a few lines
Dovewing: I don't need you to fight for me Greypaw))
Greypaw: Well I was only trying to help you. How come you won't fight back?))
Dovewing: I'm supposed to die. I asked the fox to kill me))
Rabid Grey Fox: She asked me to attack and kill her))
Rabid Grey Fox: This was a voluntary fight))
Greypaw: Oh sorry. I didn't know ))

Here is a different scene that I witnessed. This took place in a lion pride out in Flourite Plains.....

Mother lioness: "I told you to stay near the pride. You disobeyed me again. Do you realize you could have been killed?"
Dawn lion cub: "I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't mean to wonder off far. I just got lost."
Mother lioness: "Lies!" she roared. "This is the third time you've run away from the pride territory. You leave me no choice but to punish you."
Dawn lion cub: "No please, Mother! I promise I won't do it again!" he cried. D:
Mother lioness: -She took her son by the scruff of the neck and started swatting his behind- "No means no," she said angrily.
Dawn lion cub: -He began to cry as his mother spanked him.- D'X
Random wolf pup: -He jumped at the mother lion and bit  throat- LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Mother lioness: -She pushed the wolf pup off her- "He's my son, and I am teaching him a lesson."
Random wolf pup: Hey I bit your neck. you should be bleeding. Why are u beating on him?
Mother lioness: This is part of the RP))
Dawn lion cub: Please go away, wolf pup))
Random wolf pup: Im helping you dawn!!!
Dawn lion cub: I don't need your help. She is playing my mother and she is doing what she is supposed to do))
Mother lioness: Yeah))
Random wolf pup: FINE!! Let her b a bad mom to you!!
and the pup storms off

I've seen other roleplays where people who were not part of the RP would get involve in the fight, or interupt the hunt, or want to step in. It's understandable that some people want to step in and help with a little RP disagreement, but sometimes help is not wanted. In fact, I sometimes find it rude that some people want to jump in the fight with their powerplaying/godmodding. For one, they didn't even ask.
When I was new to FH, I would do that too. Often times they would tell me to "go away" or block me, because that squable was part of their RP. So from then on, I don't get involved unless someone were to ASK for my help. I don't get involved unless someone says "Somebody save me!" or "Someone help!" Other than that, I just stay out of it and play as a spectator.

There have been times when someone would step in to help one of my characters, because they found themselves in a sticky situation. There was one time where this wolf wanted to protect Kopper and a fox kit from being harrassed by a clan of warrior cats. He wasn't the powerplaying kind of wolf either. In fact, he handled the situation really well in RP mode. But then there were times when I was fighting someone (Voluntarily) and some random person would come along and attack me with powerplaying moves. Really now?

Has this ever happened to you? Do you have any similar stories to share? Anything at all?

Game Discussion / Elder Characters: What Age Do You Classify as "Old"?
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:27:02 am »
"Your wolf character is 5 years old? Dang thats old!"
"Why so old?"
"I should call you grandma from now on."
"3 years old!? Thats old for a cat!"
"Old timer!"

You know what I noticed? I've met many characters around FH that range close to the same age. In character profiles, many state that their character is 2 years old, or 23 moons old (for Warrior Cats), or young adult, or teenager. I do see a few elder characters every now and then. But I also noticed that some people think 3-6 years is old for a wolf, or old for a cat. How? These ages would come up between 24-45 if the characters were humans. How is that old?

Life in the Wild
I know that living a life out in the wild will decrease an animals life expectancy, since they have their natural enemies, weather, sicknesses, and finding enough food to worry about. I know for a fact that wolves can live much longer than 4 years, if given the chance. If any wolf out in the wild were to make it past the age of 7 years, that's really rare and considered lucky. They don't even start sprouting little grey and white hairs until they are 7-10 years old. The same goes for any other animal in the wild. Most don't live out their full life span because of all the harsh things nature throws at them. The average wolf lifespan in the wild goes from 3-5 years old. That's like a human living to their 30s before dying.

In Captivity
I know for sure that cats can live longer than 6 years. In captivity wolves can live up to 12-14 years, while cats can live 11-16 years. 3-6 years old isn't that old for a wolf, it would be like a human in their late 20s or their 30s really. Being in captivity, they get to live a full long lifespan than what they would in the wild.

Older = More Experience
There's nothing wrong with having an older character. In fact, most of my characters are around the age of 4-6 years old. I have one grey fox character that is considered elderly, and she is only 6 years old. If she was a human, she would be 36-37 years old. That's not very old for a human. I have a warrior cat character is is around the age of four years old, yet some others in the RP think he's old... Really now. If he were human, he would be in his late 20s. Does that seem old to you? At least he has more experience when it comes to being a warrior. I play as different characters that range in different ages, from cub to elder.

I think the older the character is, the more experience and knowledge they will have of the world around them. Knowledge and experience is gained over time, the older you get the more you have. Am I right? A 6 year old fox would have better hunting skills and fighting skills than a 1 year old fox.

Perhaps the reason why players consider these ages so old is because... well, most players on this game are kids. The majority of the kids on this game range from 12-16 years old, so they might be playing as younger characters more often, since it's a character close to their age. Apparently most kids on this game think that someone in their 20s or 30s is old. Trust me, when they get to be those ages, they will be singing a different tune. When I was 12, I thought 21 was a good mature age. Now I'm here at 22 thinking "This isn't old at all."

What do you guys have to say about this? What do you classify as old, as far as character ages go?

Species / The Unicorn Fox
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:39:03 am »

Game Discussion / It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent
« on: April 24, 2013, 12:22:02 am »
"Ello govenor! If you chaps need me, I'll be over 'ere with these fine blokes."

"I ain't even gonna talk about them poor ole' helpless youngins over there. There ain't nothin' you can do for em."

"Yall want some of this here elk carcass? There's plenty to go around."

"Well, I didn't want to bother yous."

"I use to run all round these hills with me mum and dah when I was just a wee lass."

"Zhere ist one thing I can't stand about ze volves of ze Black Forest, und its hard to speak of ..."

"I'm gone back to New Orleens to wear dat ball an' chain. Once a gamlbin' man, always a gamblin' man."

Do you have a character, or had a character that had an accent of some kind? Have you ever seen someone roleplay with a character that had some kind of foriegn accent? I have a few of them, and I have seen other characters with accents or dialects. I have 3 different characters that have a very Southern American dialect. Burgundy the WC rogue has a Cajun accent since he's from New Orleans. Kojak the bobcat has a bit of a Texas accent, and Abigail Grey Fox has a bit of a Georgia accent. Bakura the fennec fox has a faint British accent. Whenever Pharaohstar speaks, he has a faint Egyptian dialect to his words. I once had a wolverine character that had a Russian accent, but I no longer have him.

I have seen a few people say to someone whos character has an accent that they were being "illiterate" or had poor grammar. Some have asked, "Why are you talking like that? Is there something wrong with you?" "Do you have a grammar issue?" Well, maybe the character is supposed to say things like that because it's an accent! Some of my characters use words that are considered improper grammar "ain't", "this here" or missing/silent g's at the end of ing. I tell them that I do that on purpose because my character has an accent and is using a few slang words. It's not entirely illiterate, because I am potraying a dialect or an accent. I know, you can't really hear an accent by reading a post on a computer... but you can at least try to potray one with a few changes in grammar and spelling.
Slang words also help make that character seem more... accented. Of course, you need to know what those slang terms mean and how to use them.

Some accents are difficult for me to type out in a roleplay. I tried talking like someone from New York city during an RP, but you wouldn't really "hear" the accent, unless I was really speaking instead of typing. But I try. For me, potraying Southern accents, Brithish accents, German accents, and French accents are easy to type in roleplay.

Here are some character accents I like to use in roleplay




Some kind of Southern Cajun


New York/ New Jersey

So there you have it. What do you guys think?

"Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes

In the game of Feral Heart, have you ever come across a character that had the word "pretty", "beautiful" or even "hot" in their name? I have run into a few animal characters that proclaimed themselves to be very beauitful, or very attractive to other characters. Some of these character designs looked nice, while others just looked really tacky (not trying to be mean, but that's what I thought about some of them). I find nothing wrong with them putting "beautiful" or "pretty" in their name, but some other people may have different opinions about it.
I have seen a couple of these "beautiful" characters that would get into a squable when it came to grabbing the attention of a mate, or proving who is more beautiful. I have seen it a few times in Bonfire Island and once out in Flourite Plains. There was one time in Bonfire that these two lionesses were arguing over which character was prettier, and the male lion was sitting there with a O_O look on his face. It went something like this. *Names were made up for this skit*

Kayla Pretty Lioness: I'm much more prettier than you!
Mina F Lioness: No you not! I AM!!!
Kayla Pretty Lioness: Soul, don't choose her as a mate! I'm prettier! I have beautiful white fur and ice blue eyes. That makes me the prettiest!
Mina F Lioness: NO IM PRETTIER!!!!
Soul M Lion: O_O
Soul M Lion: I think u girls are both pretty
Mina F Lioness: See?! He says we are both pretty.
Kayla Pretty Lioness: NU UH! I'm the PRETTIEST!!

So the arguement went on, and on, and on, and on....  ::)  I kind of felt sorry for Soul there.

Everyone Has Different Taste When it Comes to Beauty~
Some people may find a character to be beautiful, while others may not. Everyone has different tastes. Not EVERYONE likes the majestic white wolf with the bright blue eyes. NOT EVERYONE falls for the pink-eyed lioness with the peach colored fur. Some people like the emo-looking wolf with the emo haircut, while others do not. Some people like the white tiger with bright green eyes, while others don't. It all depends on what they find attractive.

Some of my characters get judged by other players when it comes to their appearances. Take Kopper Fox for example.

There are some people who have complimented on how cute she is, whether they were talking In Character or Out of Character. And then there were times when Kopper was called ugly, unrealistic, plain, or disgusting. There was this one time when this random warrior she-cat confronted Kopper and her fox friend. This is what happened...

Kopper Fox: "Well hello, pretty kitty," she chirped.
Warrior Cat: "Hi, ugly dog." she said with a hiss.
Kopper Fox: -She giggled cheerfully at the cat's comment.-
Meeko M Fox: "You would seem to know about being ugly now wouldn't you?" he asked the cat.
Warrior Cat: -She growled and hissed angrily at Meeko- "Just what are you foxes doing here anyway?" she spat. "What is it you want?"
Kopper Fox: "Nothing really," she replied.
Meeko M Fox: "We were just sitting here, minding our own buisness, until you came along."

.... and so that's what happened. All of us were speaking in character, so I wouldn't know if the warrior cat was being serious or not about the appearance of Kopper. I will never know.

Even some of my other characters got different reviews on their apperances. Some say they look nice, some say they look, cute, pretty, or adorable. There are others that have different opinions by saying they looked tacky, plain-jane, unimpressive, or even ugly. Does it matter to me? Of course not!!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So that proves that everyone has different tastes. We can't all agree with each other.


Some say Marik the fennec is cute, while others may disagree.

The original Marik Ishtar character wasn't even my idea. I just took one character from a show that I liked, and turned him into a fennec fox... just for some RP fun. But there have been some people who told me "He looks all wrong! You should have put these markings on him instead...!" They would be singing a different tune, if they could see his preset.


Even Pharaohstar gets some different comments about his character design and apperance.

Some people have said the following things about this Warrior cat leader:
"He definatly looks like an Egyptian mau."
"He looks pretty."
"Pharaohstar, you look creepy O_O"
"He creeps me out. It's those eyes man ._."
"He looks nice."
"Why is he wearing eyeliner and eye shadow?"  :o
"He looks too feminine to be a tom."
"Why does he look so bored?"
"He looks too unrealistic to be a Warrior cat"
"Wild cats don't wear jewlery or make-up!"
"You shouldn't play as a Warrior leader. You're too unrealistic!"  >:(
The list goes on, and on, and on...

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder~
Ever hear the term "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? Well it's true. Everyone has their own ideas of what they think is beautiful. Some think simple looking characters are nicer looking than characters with many bright neon colors. What someone thinks is a pretty pink wolf, is considered an abnoxious sparkledog to someone else.

All these women and girls are considered beautiful in the cultures they live in. Some of you may say that some of these women are beautiful, while others may disagree. It all has to do with what you find beautiful.

In conclusion, I think the only thing that really matters is what the creater of the character thinks. It's their character, it's their design, they can call it beautiful if they want to. They can call it whatever they like.
So what do you guys think? Have you ever seen a situation like the one about the lions in Bonfire Island. Have you ever seen a character that proclaimed to be beautiful, but you thought otherwise? Do you have any similar experiences to share?


There is something that I noticed when it comes to roleplaying as a fox out in Flourite Plains (and other maps of FH). Often times if I play as ANY one of my fox characters, and come across a clan of Warrior Cats I never met before, 9/10 they want to RIP my head off and kill me. Even when I play as one of my fennec fox characters, they want to beat the living floof out of my little fennec character.
For those who aren't too familiar with Warrior Cats, there is a reason why they do this in their roleplays. According to the Warrior books series, foxes are dangerous enemies to clan cats. Foxes will attack warriors, and steal the kits to eat them. Here is some stuff I found on I know I shouldn't trust since anyone can edit it, but this is what I found.

Foxes are not friendly, and in the Warriors series, they are mentioned to be harsh and cruel. Most foxes have bushy tails and straight, pointed ears. They are solitary, nocturnal animals, mainly active at twilight and at night. They have ginger or reddish-brown/auburn coats, with a white underside, white-tipped, bushy tails, black ears and legs, and golden eyes with vertical-slit pupils. Foxes have sharp teeth and a pointed muzzle, and a strong, unpleasant smell. Although they do not appear in the Original Arc more than once, they make regular appearances later.

Relation to Clan cats
Foxes are dangerous to cats. They are highly territorial, attacking other animals that step on their territory, so even if they don't eat cats, they will likely attack them on sight. They are usually dealt with by being driven out by the Clan cats, episodes being described in several books. A strong and healthy cat can chase away a fox by him/herself, though it was mentioned that an adult fox can kill a cat.[6] Foxes play a major role in the Clan cats' life. Several cats are named Fox-, like Foxleap or Foxwhisker.[7] They have expressions pertaining to foxes, like fox-length, fox-hearted, or fox dung.

In The New Prophecy Arc
When the six questing cats confront Midnight (the badger), she mentions she can also speak fox, but all they talk about is killing.

The six questing cats are about to be attacked by a group of territorial foxes, but Midnight convinces them to leave the cats alone. One fox says that he had tasted cat before, and he liked it.

Alright, so from what read in chapters of the books and some websites online, it seems like the foxes in these Warrior books are pretty sinister and bloodthirsty.... WAIT A MINUTE! These foxes don't sound anything like foxes of the real world. After reading all of this, they sound more like wolverines, or Tasmanian devils, or some rabid bloodthirsty beasts that come from out of Hell itself. What kind of nonsense is this?  >:(
I know these books are all FICTION and fantasy, and every good story needs antagonists. However, I think that the foxes don't seem all too realistic in these stories.... even though its fiction. I just feel like they over-did it... but that's just my opinion.

More from
Relation to Twolegs (Humans)
Foxes are troublesome creatures as they steal poultry from around Twoleg nests. Twolegs usually set up traps to catch and kill foxes. They can attack baby Twolegs and adult Twolegs. They also eat chickens, animals that Twolegs buy and feed to make them bigger and eat them or lay eggs. Foxes also will attack Twoleg pets, such as rabbits, guinea pigs and kittypets if they don't run or stay out of the fox's way. They are as much as a danger to Twolegs as they are to cats. Some are even made pets by Twolegs, though foxes aren't really good pets, as they are dangerous, wild animals.

-Facepalm- What kind of rubbish is this?  ::)  Yes, foxes can be a pest by stealing poultry from farms and ranches. BUT they don't attack people! Foxes are too afraid of humans to go up and attack them, unless the human had the fox cornered, caught in a trap, or the fox had a bad case of rabies (I did hear of a case where a woman was attacked by a rabid fox). Other than that, foxes want to avoid being seen by people.

Just look how shy and cautious this wild red fox is toward this man and his daughter.

The Truth:
In reality, foxes are more skitish and shy than you think. It's true that they will defend their territory and their food from other animals. If the animal invading their territory is a lot larger than they are, they won't try to fight an animal they can't win against. They will try to scare it away by barking and yapping. It's also true that foxes will kill domestic cats, even though it is rare. NO fox in their right mind would attack a clan of cats, unless it had rabies or was suicidal. They aren't that bold as the books say they are, since it's just FICTION. Foxes are shy animals that just want to be alone and live their own life. Like most predator animals, a fox won't go around looking for fights, because they don't want to risk injuries that could handicap them for survival. They don't have time to pick fights with other carnivorous animals.

Some Warrior Fans Take it too Serious:
I do have many fox characters, they range in many sizes, shapes, and speices. Out of all the fox characters I have, NONE are really evil.... well maybe except for Marik and Bakura the fennecs, but they aren't big enough to steal kittens or fight clan cats. There have been times when clan cats wanted to kill either Marik or Bakura all because they were foxes. COME ON! They are FENNEC FOXES! They are alot smaller than a domestic cat and are certainly not big enough to steal a kit. They are pretty much the size of a kit!
All of my fox characters are friends with clan cats in some way, whether it's just aquaintences, pals, amigos, cuddle buddies, pets, etc. None of my fox characters are evil enough to go out and do harm to clans. But almost more often than not, I get harassed by clan cats that don't know me. They automatically accuse me of being some evil, kit killing, beast. NOT all fox roleplayers are out to steal your kits! Alot of them are out minding their own buisness, doing their own little foxy roleplay, until some clan cats come around and want to harass them by saying, "We must get rid of these foxes! They know where our camp is! They will kill all our kits!" Oh please, a sparklewolf is more likely going to steal your kits than me.  ::)
Not only that, clans cats have killed my fox kits during roleplays. Some powerplay kill the kits, while some others did it in a realistic way. I've lost more fox kits to clan cats that I pretty much lost count. Some of the Warrior roleplayers thought it was okay to kill baby foxes, but they throw a big fit if someone tries to touch their kittens. What's wrong with this picture?

Now there are some Warrior roleplayers who aren't like that. I've met some who DON'T attack a nearby fox, unless the fox is bothering them. Some warriors or warrior leaders will be reasonable and say, "If it's not threatening us, then we don't have a reason to attack it."

Not all Fox Characters are Evil!

Do these foxes look evil to you? Do you think if you saw them running around in FH that they would want to steal kits and harm clans?

What about this one?

Or these ones?

There are More Dangerous Animals Than Foxes
I have some non-fox animal characters that could be just as dangerous than a fox. I got one bobcat character and a coyote character. In reality, a bobcat can be more dangerous than a fox. Since bobcats are not mentioned in the books ((since the books take place in England where bobcats aren't native)) some of the clan cats don't take him as a serious threat. WAKE UP CALL! Bobcats are bigger and more dangerous! I've had a neighbor who lost some of his chickens and his kitty to a bobcat. The bobcat was eventually trapped and relocated.
Rant over.... Okay... -takes a deep breathe-... I'm calm now

What do you think of all this?

Member Bio & Journals / Lady Alizarin's Bio
« on: April 02, 2013, 07:49:30 pm »
Lady Alizarin's Biography

Welcome to the bio page of Lady Alizarin, yours truly. Bio is likely to change over time

Basic Feral Heart Info:
Username: Lady Alizarin
Forum name: Lady_Alizarin
Age: take a guess  ;D
Main FH character: Alizarin Vixen
Favorite Roleplay Characters: Kopper Fox, Marik Fennec Fox, Bakura Fennec Fox, Kojak Bobcat, Pharaohstar, Burgundy the Rogue, Abigail Grey Fox, Amalthea the unicorn fox, Melina Manticore.

About Myself:
~How I found Feral Heart: I found out about the game of Feral Heart when I was playing WolfQuest. Some players recommended that I check it out. I hesitated at first because some didn't give it good critisism... but I looked at it eventually and registered an account in the spring of 2012. I've been playing Feral Heart ever since.  ;D Since then I've met some nice people in the FH community, and made many friends. I have made some good roleplaying friends, and friends that I can just chat with and cuddle up with in a floof pile.

~Personal Life: I am currently a college student studying in Fine Arts and Graphic Design. I am working on obtaining a Bachelors of Arts degree. Whenever I'm not on Feral Heart, I'm either in class doing work, or I'm out having a good time with some friends. You know how college life can be... it can be alot of work, but you can still find time to go out a party ALL NIGHT LONG with some good friends!  :D

I'm usually a nice person. I am nice to those who treat me nicely and kindly. I don't talk much unless I can relate to the conversation, I'm more of a listener. I don't like to draw attention to myself... therefore, I'm not the kind of person you would see jumping up, dancing on a table, and making a complete clown of myself.

Things I Like:
Good books
Fine Arts
Graphic Arts
Graphic novels
Classic Disney movies
Classic Rock
Digital Photography & Macro Photography
Video Games (I have an old school PS2)
Adobe Photoshop... is my favorite canvas! o3o
PC Games
Small cute animals
Going out with friends
Art Club friends
Campus activities
Betty Boop

Music Preferences
When it comes to music I like, I'm pretty much stuck in the past. I like classic rock and classic hits from the 60s-90s. I like some of the modern stuff too, but I usually listen in on some old classics.
REO Speedwagon
ZZ Top
Green Day
No Doubt
Savage Garden
My Chemical Romance
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Maroon 5
Black Eyed Peas
There are others, I just can't name them right now ^^"

Things I Don't Like:

Attention seekers who whine alot
Those who have narrow minds
Those who think they are better than everyone else
Trolls.... except for the Homestuck kind

Animals I like to roleplay as:
I like to roleplay as small carnivorous animals. Why? Because I like to play as animals that can be both predator AND prey! I prefer small animals over big animals any day. I like to be a character that is small enough to fit in anyone's lap... like a lap dog. ^w^
I rarely have any large animal characters. I have two large animal characters; a unicorn, and a pitbull.
I mostly like to roleplay as; foxes, cats, bobcats/lynxes, weasles, birds, other small animals.


Character Fan Arts!

Here is some lovely artwork of my characters made by members of the Feral Heart community. Thank you for making these pretty pictures. I will treasure them dearly. :3

My Feral Heart Creations and Pages!

The Alizarin Vixen

Name: Alizarin Vixen
Age: 4 years old (24 in fox years)
Gender: Female
Species: Red fox
Fur color: Crimson Alizarin Red
Eyes: Medium Green

Personality: Alizarin is one of the most social foxes in her group, and she will tolerate almost anyone's company. She is easy to get along with, and likes to be involved in conversation. She is sweet tempered, open, lovable, and swift. She has the temperment of a laid-back little lap dog. Even though she is social, she can be cautious around strangers. She is especially cautious around big lions and wolves.

Background: Alizarin was born and raised in a normal red fox family. Her family came in all shades of red: crimson, maroon, mahogany, rusty red, rally red, etc. When she was old enough, she went off on her own and lived the life of a loner fox. She felt very unhappy living as a loner, so she went off in search of a fox skulk to live in. She searched far and wide for others of her own kind. She made her way to Flourite Plains, because it seemed like a suitable, natural habbitat for a common red fox. In the plains, she met many other animals. Being new to the forest, she was often times shunned away by the other animals, and often times found them very hostile and inhospitable. Many of the larger animals would giver her the cold shoulder, or want to do her harm.  After many days of searching for other foxes, she got very tired and almost gave up in her search. One day, she was approached by a red fox that was taking a stroll on her own. Alizarin was overjoyed to see another of her kind, so she approached the fox to greet her. The other fox greeted her by saying, "Hi I'm Vixie". The two vixens instantly began a conversation and Vixie informed Alizarin that she was part of a skulk of foxes known as "The Hidden Foxes". Alizarin was thrilled to hear such good news, and asked Vixie to take her back to her fox family. Vixie lead Alizarin across the plains to a cave were a few other foxes were hiding. That's where she met the leader known as Sly Fox. He immediatly accepted Alizarin into his group of foxes, despite her unusual fur color. Alizarin was so glad to finally be part of a group of foxes.

~Theme Songs~

That's pretty much everything. Thanks for taking the time to read my little bio. More might be added soon.

Game Discussion / That's Nothing to Joke About!
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:10:39 pm »
This post is a bit of a rant and it's been on my mind for a while now. This thread is in no way intended to offend anyone, I'm just ranting my opinions.

Lately on this game I've seen some players get harrassed by others because they were believed to be "too old" to play Feral Heart. I've seen younger players call older players such offensive names and say such rude things to them all because they are older. There was one situation where it happened to me too.

((In this situation, these character names were made up))

Dustypaw: -Uses a whole bunch of wolfspeak and many scientific words in her roleplay post-
Tornado: Woah man! Was that even English? o_O))
Ambertail: Speak English))
Dustypaw: That is English. Those are real words.))
Chipmunkkit: I didn't understand a word you just said))
Fox: Who do you think you are, Jimmy Neutron?))
Dustypaw: No :\ ))
Dawnstar: Let's just continue with the RP shall we?))
Dustypaw: I just learned all these words in biology class. I'm 12 years old and I seem to know more about anatomy than any of you.))
Ambertail: I'm 14 and I don't know any of those words))
Fox: I'm 21 and I don't know them either.))
Dustypaw: GET AWAY
Dustypaw: Get away pedo!

Fox: That's not funny, Dusty ))
Dawnstar: Stop it! She is a good friend, no matter what her age is.))
Dustypaw: I was just kidding. sheesh -_-))

After that whole incedint, I pretty much lost all my respect for that player (Dustypaw).

No matter if she was kidding or not, it's NOTHING to joke about. Calling someone a pedophile like that is very offensive, disrespectful, insensitive, and VERY immature. It's not a name that can just be thrown around so carelessly. It's a very VERY serious accusation to throw on someone, and shouldn't be thrown around as a way of being a joke. When you call someone a pedophile, you are calling them a sick low-life that likes to prey on children and do very nasty things to them.
You're probably thinking, "Oh come now, Lady... they're just kids. They don't know what they're talking about. They don't know any better." That's NO EXCUSE! No matter if they are ignorant about the severity of such an accusation, it's still no excuse for them to go around calling older players that name all for fun. It's inexcusable!  >:(
There are some that think if you're like 20 years old, you're OLD. Give me a break  ::). 20 is no where close to being old. Yes, it's older than you, but it's not like its they are "old timers". I've come across such conversations like this...

Bob cat: I'm 14
Julie cat: Me too! ^3^
Kyle skunk: I'm 17. How about you?
Angela cat: I'm only 3 years older than you. I'm 20
Bob cat: Dang that's OLD! XD
Julie cat: Wow you're old o.O
Being in your 20's is NOTHING close to being old. A human can live much much longer, 75+. When you're in your teens and 20s, you still have much more life to live.

I once ran into a  converstations on General chat where someone was saying that the game of Feral Heart should only be for kids and teens, and that everyone else should stay off. They also said that anyone older than 20 shouldn't waste there time playing an RPG game like FH and that it could lead to pedophillia. That's NOT true! And I have seen in other places in FH where people would say rude things like "Anyone 20+ on this game is a pedo! They should be avoided!" Not only is that a big lie, that's VERY poor judgement. A few of the mods are over the age of 18 and 20. Are they considered pedophiles too? I think NOT! They are here to help the players and take care of the game.

Many people tend to think that this game is only meant for kids. That's not true. This game is made for people of ALL ages, including adults. There are just as many young adults who play this game (in their 20's) as there are teens and pre-teens. This game is described as "an escape from reality", and that's what many of us want to do. There are plenty of college students who play this game, myself included. We want a little escape from the stresses of the real world; classes, work, paying rent, paying bills, etc. We DON'T come here to be judged by kids by being called pedophiles. We came here to play and have fun, like everyone else! Many of us have come to escape the stresses of reality.

The last time I checked the rules, I found this rule in the list. It seems like this rule is broken by so many players more than the others.
Respect Each Other
If you are caught Harassing and/or threatening other players inside the game it can result in a warning/kick/ban all depending on the severity of the case, having conflicts or arguments is one thing but personally attacking users with hurtful, racist and/or offensive language within the game will not be tolerated. FeralHeart has a wide user-base and a lot of different users log on every day to play the game. As a member of the game you should be polite to everyone no matter which age, gender or views they might have. If there's a problem within the game, block/ignore the users instead attacking each other for various reasons, possibly post a report to the Mods and Admins here on the forum if seen needed.

I cannot deny the fact that there are such players in this game who act inappropriatly to other players. Truth of the matter is, such players range in all different ages, not just adult ages. I've come across a few 13 year olds acting in sexually inappropriate behaviors.
It's not nice to stereotype someone over the age of 18 or 20 as being a "predator" that comes after kids online. It's true that there are some out there who do that, I can't deny that. However, NOT everyone is like that. But, if someone does start acting in an inappropriate manner the best thing to do is BLOCK them. They won't bother you anymore once  you block them.

Rant over.
What do you guys think? Do you think I'm just blowing off too much steam... or what?

Game Discussion / Mates on FH: Sometimes it can be Risky!
« on: March 13, 2013, 11:48:31 pm »
Will u be my m8?
I need a mate! Can you please by my mate?
I like you! Let's be mates! :D
Do you have a mate?
Do u need a mate?
I can be your mate!!
She can be your mate
He can be your mate

There's no doubt that everyone in this game has encountered people who go around seeking companionship on this game. It's happened to me, it's happened to my FH friends.... and I'm sure it's happened to YOU too. Since this game allows people to have mates, many people, especially the younger ones, feel the need to have a mate in the game. Every now and then you will come across what we all like to call "mate beggers". They will go around the map and ask anyone to be their mate. That's cute and all, but do they know who they are really asking? The mate-begger could be some 13 year old girl asking people who are much older than she is, or much younger.  

There are some people on this game who take having a mate WAY too seriously. I've met some people who do desperate things to get a mate on this game. I'm not talking about just a mate for RP, but a real relationship on the game.
I have one friend who took her relationship with her Feral Heart mate VERY seriously. She and this guy were mates, in and out of RP. Whatever animal they were roleplaying as, they would play as mates and have little pups/kits/cubs etc. Whenever they weren't roleplaying, they would just cuddle with one another and chat privatly. One day, they both had some kind of misunderstanding and they both got really upset over it. She got really mad at him and told me about it. I didn't know how to help her since I didn't really know what the situation was. All I was thinking was, "This is why I don't have online relationships." Even though they are mates in the game, they probably don't know each other in reality.
There was this other friend I had who was seeking a mate in the game. I thought it was just for the sake of roleplaying,  but she really wanted an online relationship with someone. I told her it was a bad idea, because you don't know who the person is, he's a total stranger, and you don't know what he is like in reality. How do you know he is telling you the truth when he tells you he is 15? How do you know he's not 10, or 31, or even 42? How would you know? She finds one eventually and they start hanging out with each other. She one day tells me that she wants to meet this guy over video chat... O_O Wait what?! You can't be serious. What if he wasn't what you expected him to be? It could be very risky. You don't know who this person is at all.

Mates can be okay for Roleplaying
I think it's okay for people to have a mate for the sake roleplaying. I have some characters that have mates in certain roleplay groups, while some of my other characters remain single. The people who play the mates of my characters are really good friends and really good roleplayers, and we don't have any kind of "romantic" relationships. Me and some of my friends have characters who have different relationships with each other; brothers, sisters, parents, offspring, in-laws, allys, aquaintances, friends, or even enemies. They may play the role as my mate in one RP, but in another they play the role of my mortal enemy.

Do you love the person, or the character they play?
That's what I want to ask people who say that they are in love with the handsome lion with the bold heart, or in love with the cute little sassy red vixen. It seems like the reason people ask someone to be their mate is because they like the character, not the person playing the character. Sounds really silly doesn't it. Sure, the character seems nice but what about the person playing the character? Is he/she a nice person too? Just because that character looks nice or seems cool, it doesn't necessarily mean that the person playing him/her is like that in reality. I have one or two characters with my personality, while the rest are totally different from me. Roleplayers are like actors, they can play any kind of character; hero, villain, damsil in distress, and can make it believeable.  

Truth about the Internet

On many of these RPG sites, blog sites, and chat sites, there are many people who aren't honest about themselves. Even on dating sites, some people aren't honest about who they really are, what their age is, where they are from, what they do for a living, etc. It's the same thing here on Feral Heart. You meet so many interesting looking characters in this game, but you don't see the true faces of the people playing them. You don't get to see the true person, you only get to see their creativity. They can be whatever they want to be, and whoever they want to be. They can say anything they want as well.
I myself don't believe in online relationships, and therefore don't get into "romantic" relationships with people I don't know. It's just awkward for me, since I don't know who is on the other side of that computer screen. I don't know what the person looks like, what their real age is, where they live, etc. They might tell me that they are 19 or 20, but how do I know they are really telling the truth? They could be older, or even much YOUNGER.  

I had an awkward experience with someone I roleplayed with. He ((I will call him Joe for this story)) was in love with one of my fox characters and asked to be her mate. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I told him that my character could be his mate. Joe was really happy about it to that he jumped for joy. So we continue on with our little fox roleplay, and had a little drama between another male fox who wanted to be mates with my character as well. Skip forward, Joe won the affection of my vixen character and we lived our happy little fox lives together as mates for the entire RP. A few days after the RP ended, I had to get back to some other RP groups I was managing. Wouldn't you know it, Joe wanted to be part of my other RP group too. So I allowed him to join in. But then he started whispering me asking me if ____ was my mate or not. Okay? I told him that he wasn't my mate because he was my brother in the RP. So he was like, "Oh okay." So we continued on with the RP.
In many of my other RP's he wanted to get involved and be the mate of whatever character I was playing. He would keep whispering me, asking if I had any other mates in the RP. When I told him that I have a few friends who play as the mates of my other characters, he just went "O__O"  He didn't want to be mates with just that one character I had, he wanted a real relationship with me and be official mates in every RP. I eventually said my goodbyes to Joe, because I didn't want that kind of relationship with someone online. I have a relationship with someone out in the real world, and I plan on keeping it that way.

My advice
I'm not trying to scare anyone with this post, I'm just telling you what I think about this whole mate buisness. If you want to have a serious online relationship with someone on this game, that's fine. I wouldn't recommend giving this person any personal information; name, address, phone number, etc. Not only is it against the rules, but it can be very dangerous since you don't know this person in reality. Other than that, enter at your own risk. It's the internet after all.

What are your thoughts on all this? Do you agree, kinda agree, or deeply disagree? Everyone's opinions are different on this subject.

Forum Games / Cute or Creepy?
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:52:47 pm »
Cute! ^w^
Creepy! O.O

This game is kinda like "Yum or Yuck" but a bit different. The object of the game is for someone to name an animal and the person below has to say whether they think that animal is cute or creepy. It can be any kind of animal... it can even be make-believe animals; unicorns, dragons, griffons, etc.

Person 1: A bunny rabbit?
Person 2: Cute! A python snake?
Person 3: Creepy! A sheep?
etc etc.

I'll start off... a skunk?

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