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Topics - Chunky_Squirrel

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Discussion Board / I hate my life...
« on: March 07, 2014, 09:04:15 am »
I hate my life sometimes.

I joined the art club in my school, but sadly, I have to leave it.
When I told my art teacher, from nice she turned into a monster like.

I was nice and cheerful but she rejected me because I have no chance at this school I'm in.
Ugh, I wish my life could be full of people who accept me for who I am, not for who they want me to be.
I'm not asking for large stuff etc.
Agh, if only my dream came true. :'(

Game Discussion / Illiterate People
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:41:04 am »
Okay, I know that thoes people are new and never Roleplayied before, but I'm gonna talk about 'em here on this thread.

You say you hate illeterate people, right?
Well maybe look at yourself, your illiterate at some point.
Don't just go and say "There illiterates! There noobs!" etc. etc.
Don't insult people, but help them learn how to Rp!

If they refuse the help now, they'll ask for it later.

Idk, if you understood anything here, but tell me your opinions.

(MOD's is this considered to be locked do it.)

Welcome to 'The Fallen Star' Warrior Cat Rp! ^.^
I hope you'll like this new Rp! ^.^


The weather was warm, as it was night.
I sleped really peacefuly as I dreamed about my brother that now lived in the un-dead world, called StarClan.
He said.
"Be wear of the black pelt, as it may destroy you and the rest..." Then he dissapiered and I awoken. I walked out of my den as I walked out of camp as well, as I went to the river side.
I leaned down as I starte to leap the water. When I was finished, I stood up as I turned to head back to my clan camp.
But sudenly a black pelted cat attacked me.
It said.
"Nice to see you Gingerstar. Are you ready to die?" It then gave an evil smirk, as I tried to fight the cat off of the clan's territory, but the cat wasn't alone...
The other rogue's attacked me, as the black pelted cat, slashed my throut open, as I slowly lost my lives and then died...

Who will you choose to be with? The evil? or the good?


A friendly clan, full of mighty fighters, but inside there hearts, they are the true friends.
They live near a lake, where usually storm colides.
They usually hunt Rabbit's and mouse, but they might hunt snakes and frogs.


A rather un-friendly clan, full of hate and rage, but inside, they are true friends ready to help you. If needed even to take revenge for your death.
They live near a beach.
They usually hunt fish and snake, but rarely rabbits.


A rather cold-hearted cats who will never take reavenge for someone who killed you, but if you are from there clan, they'll take the reavenge.
They live in hills.
They usually hunt mouse and birds, but they rarely hunt snakes.


A rather blood-thirsty cats that want death of other cats.
They live in the mountains.
They usuaslly hunt birds and rabbits, but rarely snakes and frogs.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Could someone do this? <3
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:53:14 am »
Could someone make me a signature of my fursona TinyTail?
The picture is in my signature.
Ty. <3

Introduction / Hello Peeps! :D
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:09:06 pm »
You reamember me?

Well, I'll let you knoqw this, that I changed my forum name to TinyTail.
I was knowen as Hackers. :P

Characters / Hackers. New Fursona
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:02:21 pm »
Okay, my last fursona... Yeah, I kinda became in-active on it, so I decided to bring up, my new fursona.

Her name is TinyTail

Since I like WC very much, so I decided to make one.
So, boom, here it is. :D

I once made TinyTail as Tinystar
But, eh, I left.

Anyways, she is now my new fursona.

I might not be active in-game, but I sure shall be active at forums.
Anyways, tell me what chu think? :3

(( Note this that it's a based off my made stories.
I once Roleplayied with my friends about this story and it was an epic Rp, but sadly it died.
Anyways, to see/read about the story you can find it here: Note that also, I will change this Rp, a bit.
Also, if any MOD thinks this does not belong here, please move it where it does belong. Thank you. ;) ))

Shadowed Memories


It all started when Darken had a son. Everything was like a dream.... a wish that finally came true... A true family....
But soon... It all changed, when Darken heard his mate and son's scream.
Darken ran to them, but he was too late, his mate was dead by a monster... a creature maybe? Nobody knew what it was, or why it came... But Darken, just had the time to save his son and run away.
Soon after, when his son... Dante reached the age of 5 months, Darken, left Dante alone to go and hunt. But when he turned, he saw a black monster... creature... call it whatever you like, but his true name was Xiverent, the king of all lords and the lord of all kings, demon king, demon lord.
Darken, ran to his son, but nothing was there, only them two. Dante turned and sight of relief.
But when he turned, the black figure stood there right before his eyes. Darken turned and screamed. "Dante run and don't look back. Run my son.." And Dante did ran away, as Darken turned to face the black figure, as the black figure attacked Darken, soon after killing him, as the black figure, turned into Darken and followed Dante everywhere his paw setteled.
But the king of lords and lord of kings, the king of demons as well as the lord of the demon's, saw that Dante was saved by Long. Another pup, but Long wasn't just an ordinary pup, he was a born fighter.
Now, Xiverent, seeks to kill Dante, before it grows up, when Dante grows up, Xiverent, will have no chance before Dante, but he'll try everything he can.....
Now the question is..... Will you be by the side of Dante or Xiverent?
Choose wisely my friend, and may the god/satan follow you to victory!


You arrive as an ordinary pup at the Felix Meadow in search for Dante. To seek to kill him, or to save him.
You'll find your power's, by then when your journey.
You may have the power of forest, or you may have the power of wind, maybe fire? Or water? Or maybe earth? Also maybe poison? Maybe all of them? It depends where your born.
If in the cave, then darkness, if in the mountains, earth, if near the water, then you'll have the water power.
If your born in the forest you'll get your power of the forest, if near the volcano, the fire power.
If near all of them, you'll have all the power of the Loins Island.
The island is big.
Now, to ask you one question.... Who are you?

Discussion Board / Help with a name for a puppy?
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:03:37 am »
Okay, I've got a new puppy but Idk how we should call him.
Any ideas? :3

Praise / Happy Valantines Day! ^.^
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:09:35 am »
The title says it.
Be happy, love thoes who you hate, be happy. :D

Forum Games / Make up a challange! (Game)
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:30:55 am »
Not the best idea but eh.

Anyways, let me explain you the game examples! ;)

P1: Do you like animals?
What is your fav color? (And so on, 2 questions for the below person).
P2: 1. Yush. 2. Any!

Anyways I'll start! ;)

Do you hate snakes?
What is your dream wish to become in rl?

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