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Topics - magicfairy

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Character & Roleplay Tutorials / A Big Guide to Warrior Cats [UPDATE]
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:38:42 am »
Some people might not read Warrior Cats and attempt to RP them, I used to be that person. So I'd kinda like to help out.
So here is a guide to it if you RP them, first lets start out with a dictionary.
I will use colors for a reason red is insult, blue is other, green is normal, and maroon is twoleg.

                 A dead prey animal that has begun to rot; Can also be used as an insult.

                A veterinarian, specifically, though not always, referring to one that spays or neuters cats.

                A recently killed prey animal caught for the purpose of consumption. Fresh-kill is hunted by warriors and apprentices, and placed on the fresh-kill pile or brought to the elders. Elders, kits, queens, and sick cats eat first, then warriors and apprentices. Extras stay in the fresh-kill pile.

                 The monthly meeting of all the Clans when the moon is full, at either Fourtrees or the Island. There is a truce on this night, and no fighting is allowed.

Greenleaf Twolegplace
                A place frequented by Twolegs during summer, such as a resort or camping spot near the lake.

                A place where horses are kept, such as ranches and stables. Often refers to the Horseplace on WindClan's territory, where cats such as Daisy, Berrynose, Hazeltail, Mousewhisker, and Smoky come from.

Hunting Patrol
                A group of cats hunting for fresh-kill to bring back for their Clan to eat. May fight if there are trespassers.

                 A domesticated pet cat. Might also be an insult.

                A cat that lives by itself and doesn't defend its territory.

               A vehicle operated by humans. Often described when cats are near Twolegs/the Thunderpath Motorboats are sometimes referred to as "water-monsters."

                A usually hostile cat who does not have a permanent home, roams around, and does not care about crossing Clan boundaries.

Sharing Tongues
                Cats grooming each other while sharing the latest gossip. A cat lies on the ground, talking, while the other grooms their fur, listening.

                 A female cat.

               A female kit.

Silver boulder
                A boulder that, when the silver disc is pulled off, holds Twoleg rubbish. To Twolegs, they are just trash cans/bins.

               The large swath of stars in the sky (believed in fandom to be the Milky Way). These stars are a direct representation of StarClan.

                A barbed wire.

Smooth boulder-thing
                Twoleg ball.

                A term used to describe slush or dirty, melted snow.

Soft boulder
                 A pillow or cushion.

                The ocean.

               A bulldozer.

                A paved road with an extremely acrid smell that cars often go across. Windover Road separated ThunderClan and ShadowClan in the original Territories. There is also one in ThunderClan territory by the lake.

               A male cat.

                A human.

Twoleg kit
               A human kid.

Twoleg nest
               A house.

               A town, city, or village where Twolegs live.

                A group of Warrior Cats.

Now I will go to name suffixes.

Goes in the name of a warrior, elder, or queen.

Goes in the name of a warrior, elder, or queen.

Goes in the name of a warrior or queen.

Goes in the name of a medicine cat.

Goes in the name of a warrior, queen, elder, or medicine cat.

Not really sure but I think it goes in the name of a warrior, queen, elder, or medicine cat.

Goes in the name of a warrior, queen, elder or medicine cat.

Same as Pelt.

Goes in the name of a warrior or queen I think.

So far I know that it goes in the name of a warrior.

Goes in the name warrior, elder, or queen. Well, I think.

Goes in the name of a warrior or queen.

Same as Stream.

Used in all leader's names.

Used in all kit's names.

Used in all apprentice's names.

So far I know that it has places in the name of a Warrior and Queen.

Take places in the names of a elder, queen, warrior, or Medicine Cat.

Found in the names of a warrior, elder, queen, or Medicine Cat.

Only in the name Medicine Cat. (So far what I've read.)

In the names of a Elder, Queen, or Warrior.

In the names of a elder, queen, warrior, or Medicine Cat.

So far I know it goes in the name of a warrior, elder, and queen.

In the name of a queen, warrior, or elder.

So far in the name of a warrior, queen, elder, or Medicine Cat.

Same as Pelt and Fur.

Same as Stripe.

In the names of a warrior, elder, queen, or medicine cat.

In the names of a warrior, elder, queen, or medicine cat.

In the names of warrior, elder, queen, or medicine cat.

In the names of warrior, elder, queen, or medicine cat.

Next, ranks.

A cat that has a mentor and trains as a Warrior.

Medicine Cat Apprentice
Like a Apprentice but trains on being a Medicine Cat.

A queen is a cat that is expecting or nursing kits.

A kitten. (Wow that was the easiest description I ever wrote.)

A cat that fights, defends, and hunts for the clan. If they can't do one/two of those options, they are not aloud to do things that others are able to do.

Basically, the leader of the clan.

A warrior, Medicine Cat, queen, or leader that has retired from their rank. They are not aloud to hunt, protect, or fight unless they have to, but you most likely won't find a elder hunting. (Breaking Warrior Code. *BEEP*)

The assistant of the leader, becomes leader once the leader has retired or has been killed.


Outsider Ranks

A cat who does not defend or have it's own territory. It is not a part of a clan, group, and etc.

Similar to a Loner but different. They cross cat's territories without bothering to break the Warrior Code mostly. Their personalities usually are mean, cold, rude, or bloodthirsty for power.

Basically a house-cat owned by Twolegs.


The Warrior Code

?What is the Warrior Code?
Your Answer is... the Warrior Code is rules that ALL clan cats MUST follow. If a cat is found breaking the Warrior Code they earn a punishment it doesn't matter what rank they are.

#1. Kits must stay inside the camp until they have reached 6 moons old and are apprenticed.
#2. Elders are NOT aloud to do the activities Apprentices and Warriors do.
#3. Defend your clan with your life. You are aloud to have friendship with other clans but you must fight when in battle.
#4. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before Warriors, the Deputy, and Apprentices are aloud to eat.
#5. Prey only has one use, it's one use is to be eaten. You must thank Starclan for it's life.
#6. Never hunt or trespass on another clan's territory unless their leader approves of you or it's urgent.
#7. A kit can never be apprenticed at any age but 6 moons.
#8. New Warriors must keep silent vigil for a night after getting their Warrior name.
#9. A Warrior can only be named Deputy once they have mentored one Apprentice.
#10. The Deputy becomes clan Leader once the Leader is dead, retired, or exiled.
#11. After the Deputy has died or retired, a new Deputy must be appointed at Moonhigh.
#12. When a Gathering has started there must be peace between all clans.
#13. Boundaries need to be watched carefully, attack any trespassers unless urgent.
#14. A Warrior can't neglect a kit in danger/pain even if from a different clan.
#15. Every word of a Leader is the Warrior Code.
#16. A great Warrior does not need to kill other cats in battles to claim victory, unless if they are breaking the Warrior Code or if your just protecting yourself/others.
#17. Every Warrior MUST not accept the life of a Kittypet.
#18. Every Medicine Cat MUST NOT fall in love or have kits.
(Cats may travel on other territories for help, safety, or something that's urgent to report)
Common Places for FeralHeart Warrior Cat RPers/Uncommon Places for FeralHeart Warrior Cat RPers

Common Gathering Place... On L Island the huge hill with steep slopes on the edges.
Common Place to Find Recruiting Clans... At a stone that is connected to other land with a river under it. Known as Stone Bridge or SB.
Common Places to Set-Up a Camp... A big rock with ferns, trees, or rocks near it.
Common Place Where Not to Find Clans... Past Stone Bridge is where it's hardest to find anybody or the + Fields.
Worst Place to be as A Warrior Cat... Bonfire Island.
Common Place to Find Mapped Warrior Cat RPs... At the Cape Isle you will mostly find people who are advertising for mapped clans.
Things Not to do When RPing as A Warrior Cat
Try to be as literate as possible otherwise there is a chance of not being recruited, but if you speak a different language and your English is bad all you have to do is tell them but if you can't that's a no.
Don't die as soon as your character has been created, we all get bored but sometimes this gets annoying. What if everybody dies once their character has just been created and then your clan is awfully outnumbered?
Do not raid other clans when outnumbered, this will just kill almost every cat in your clan or probably end existence of your clan.
Never raid a clan if they don't want to be raided, your probably saying, "But their outnumbered!" That's the part where you don't want to raid. Keep in mind everybody has feelings, and never raid just because [Insert very bad thing about raiding here].
Don't just eat other cats when you kill them, keep in mind about the Warrior Code and realism.
Never attack when something is just claiming territory, staying for a while, or etc near you, take your time before attacking you could cause serious injuries to your clan in RP.
------------------------------------(Keep in mind that you do not have to do what I say, these are just suggestions)

Finished Maps / Vura Paradise|FINALLY FINISHED!|
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:43:39 pm »
I have been working on this for a LONG time and it is finally here!
Download coming soon!

Finished Maps / Vura Paradise|FINALLY FINISHED!|
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:38:09 pm »
I have been working on this for a LONG time and it is finally here!
Download coming soon!

Meshes / :|Poke's Meshes|: Revived Because of New Mesh
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:54:39 am »
All the credit goes to the converters and creators of the textures of these meshes.

HorriblePot Simple Pot
Download: (Download by Galiou/Tetsune)
This was my first ever mesh. It was converted and textured by Galiou/Tetsune. Thanks Galiou/Tetsune for the texture and for converting it. Guys please don't be rude about this mesh, this was my first.

In Progress Feather Reef
This mesh is in need of a texture and somebody to convert it.

Fox Head
I made this in Sculptris, I may part the mouth but I may put this up for download. You may find a use for it, and it will not be textured.

Ask Me / Ask the Not Very Decisive Person Questions!
« on: December 31, 2013, 03:33:17 pm »
Ask the Not Very Decisive Person Questions!

It's alive again now that I'm back! 8D


1. Forum rules apply.
2. Ask Me rules apply.
3. Don't ask me personal questions like age, location, etc. (Less personal questions than the ones in the Ask Me rules)

Throw me some questions! >:D

Forum Games / Make a sentence before a girl posts!
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:11:41 am »
Yes I know I am a girl. But you do what the title says the boys try and make a sentence one by one posts!

Follow ALL forum rules.
Please, no arguments starting on this thread.


« on: December 31, 2013, 04:03:35 am »
Here for one of my maps screenshot trailers? Well you came to the right place!

Kids, don't mess with that.

Gosh! Are they okay?

Theirry, this is what happens when you don't share your candy cane.

The Feral Tower!

The Feral Park!

OOOO! Yard sale!

Starclan's Prophecy
(If you can't read the title, it says, "Starclan's Prophecy")

What is Starclan's Prophecy?
(It says, "What is Starclan's Prophecy?")
Starclan's Prophecy is a Warrior Cat RP. We are fourclanned, mapped, lit to semi-lit, and mapped. But if you cannot be literate, you have to be detailed enough if desired.

What is the Story of What Started the Clan?
(It says, "What is the Story of What Started the Clan?")
Their used to be clans in a large forest. They lived a blissful, serene life. Until, the felines most peril threat was to come, twolegs/humans. They started devouring the forest. Most cats deserted their clans. After the twolegs/humans devoured the forest. Nothing was left except grass and rivers. The cats who have deserted their clans came back. They teamed up though, they formed a clan called, Snowclan.


Now, I've noticed a lot of FeralHeart people might be having a bit trouble with their colors. If your new to FeralHeart most people will think your weird. (It's a true thing) But I'll fix that.

Why Should my Character be More Realistic?

Cause, you could experience insults or be ignored. (Trust me it happens.) To make this stop, at first you need to go to the character that your most ignored on or the one you want to be realistic. Now let me take a ugly character I made for example and fix it up. It'll be a fox sense this is just the basics. Now, here is our very unrealistic fox:
doesn't it just need a little fixing? I think you agree. Let's start fixing it up. First let's go on with it's shape. Let's put up the bars about here:
Seem better? Let's adjust the morph now:
Looking better? You might think we are finished but not just yet. We need to adjust the markings a bit:
Now, finally time to adjust the colors:
Notice something? The colors are similar. But they are spread apart. Sometimes they connect.


Screenshots / Poke's Screenshot Editor|Requests Open!
« on: December 28, 2013, 03:57:49 am »
As you see I am editing screenshots for people. All ya gotta do is fill out the form and post it. Don't be shy.

Examples of my Work

Things I Can Do
1. Glowing
2. Mixed, for example:
3. Text/Words
4. Other pictures added in to the screenshot
5. Can add my own artwork to the screenshot sometimes

Request Form
Code: [Select]
Character Name:
Design Idea (Please be specific):
Colors of Designs:
Your Username:
Forum Name:

Requests Done for Others
WARNING: All pictures belong to their rightful owners. You do NOT have permission to use them in any condition unless the owner of it gives you permission.

Slot 1.
Slot 2.
Slot 3.
Slot 4.
Slot 5.
Slot 6.
Slot 7.
Slot 8.
Slot 9.
Slot 10.

1 .All pictures belong to their rightful owners. You do NOT have permission to use them in any condition unless the owner of it gives you permission.
2. You may NOT use my pictures in any condition. You need my permission before using any of my artwork.
3. DO NOT CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN ARTWORK! I have worked very hard on each one of them.
4. No spamming your form please. I will eventully see it. If I do not accept it right away then my slots are probably filled or I am closed.
5. Please discuss arguments in messages. I don't like watching arguments on my threads.

~ PokemonXY

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