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Topics - unnbrellas

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Game Help / Solved, please lock
« on: January 11, 2014, 01:51:57 pm »
Never mind, I just had to move the exe file. Solved, PLease lock.

Normally I can figure these things out myself, but I can't figure out this...

OKay, so I was making markings, and everything was running smoothly. I had just eported the files to test them. But when I went to open up Feral Heart, my Anti-Virus program popped up and said it was Malware. It only had one button on the pop up, and that was "Ok", so I clicked it. So I tried to open FH again, and I got this..


Game Discussion / What does realistic mean?
« on: January 04, 2014, 03:01:27 pm »
I cannot be the only one to notice this.

So, imagine you have created an amazing map, for a soon-to-be amazing group, with an amazing plot, with amazingly simple standards- Realistic, and can download maps. so you expect to be the next big thing, the largest group ever- because, why not? Your dedicated, put effort, and people have shown interest. So, you run your happy little way to Stone Bridge and start making some movies. After only one or two clips, you get a whisper! They quickly give you a fine RP sample, and you excitedly accept, and ask them to come meet you at Stone Bridge. They whisper back that they are already there and sitting right behind you. Feeling foolish, you turn around to see..... a ridiculously skinny 0,0,0 black wolf with bright cyan blue eyes.

This has happened to me many times, and I'm sick of it. 0,0,0 removes the texture and is unrealistic. Blue eyes are extremely rare in wolves. Now, we have all had our share of these Shadow-Wolves as I call them, but what about other supposedly "realistic" wolves? I have meet solid chocolate brown ones (Your not a lab, your a WOLF), bright ginger/red ones, and ones with odd markings. So, what does "Realism" even mean anymore? You already throw away a lot of realism with the now-common ranks and speaking wolves. At this point, I'm starting to think "realism" just means natural-ish colors, which isn't realistic.

I feel like no one ever has even seen a picture of a wolf. Wolves have lots of fur, they shouldn't be on minimum wait unless they have an illness or something! And simple things like the facial proportions DO matter! I see way to many wolves with default sizes!

I do realize this focus/ was all about wolves, mainly because I never roleplay as felines and have no idea about how good there realism is.

Discussion Board / Fandoms :DD
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:08:08 pm »

Discussion Board / Bing Or Google?
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:04:45 pm »
I was wondering what you all preferred, Bing or Google as a search engine? Feel free to comment your argument aswell.

As for me, personally, I choose Google, because while Bing is pretty and all, it's clouded up by all the news information that frankly I don't care about.

No fighting please

Game Help / What goes where?
« on: December 30, 2013, 01:12:34 pm »
So, I made a map, and I want to add a read me, but....I'm not quite sure what goes where.

I know the object files and map file go in exports, but what about the sky file? Weather? Do they go in exports to or.....?
I just need to know if any kind of files go anywhere special.
Thank in advance!

Request/Find Meshes / Realistic Meshes
« on: December 28, 2013, 09:40:30 pm »
Please help me find some nice meshes :3

I need very realistic meshes for a map I am making. I need things like rocks, dens, trees, shrubbery, etc. Thanks in advance~

Game Help / Preset Help!
« on: December 26, 2013, 12:41:03 pm »
For a long while, I had the sync, and it worked fine, ran smoothly. But recently, it spazzed out. The sync has broken, and my privatepresets folder has vanished. I would like to fix the sync, or atleast uninstall it (to reinstall later)

Thank you in advance~

Art Gallery / Mocha's Art [Requests Closed] Update April 13
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:35:43 pm »

My Art!
Its oldest to newest, and there is some down at the bottom that is non-FH related. The first spolier is just my older stuff, aka before I really found my style.

Oldest Artz

I like this one, done with charcoal pencils.... Sorry these picture are so bad

I tried using a texture and failed

Gift for vespian (Sorry if it's spelt wrong)

Im sorry if this one's awefulness burned out your eyes

For an art trade, I tried to deer

For a friend on da

Mocha derping in the woods

This character is fabulous, read his story:

For an art trade, I like it alot

Gift for starry! (~StarGazer~)

More of that lion^^

Mocha be smexy She just had a bad hair day don't be a perv


Gift for alpha, sorry its so bad ;-;

I hate lineart

New Character, Makinee

Another Gift for a friend on DA


I see you

Doing a monthly challenge to fit the month with a drawing.

One half of an art trade.

Other Half of a trade.

More Mocha! <33

Gift for lordeh

My OC Cherry Blossom

Art Trade

Some art Of black passion

Arkadia being a sassy sass

Quick ref of Mocha and Passion, ignore the footnotes

Doodle dump! Not all characters are mine!

Idk but atleast the green on is cute as heck

AlphaEclipe's request!

New avatar- I hate how the black bg brings out flaws.
(My Siggy)
Again, the black bg ruins it.

Neco's request! Sorry, I think you asked for no background- I wanted to try this style!

Alchala's request! I hope you like it, I had fun with it!

I might turn this into my phone case- do you guys like it?

Shenidan's request! Hope you like it :)

Anyone want hugs from Kisses?

A new Oc, Soda Pop

I can be such a fool...

Request for Icyfrost...I'm sorry about how bad it is, I really am.

Request for Vespain, Hope I got the markings right!

Request for Ryu, hope a like it!

Request for Rusty- You said CharChar liked writing, so......

YCH Auction Results

YCH Auction Results

YCH Auction Results

Dun-Dee Request!

Art Trade with Vask!


Non FH Related

One day I will //people. One day.

Hope you all like, it, updates soon to come! <3

Requests Are Closed, Sorry!

Ref picture:
Character Basics: (name, gender, personality, ect)
Backround: (Yes or No*)

*No means a solid color, so pick a color!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / LOTR RP
« on: December 17, 2013, 02:56:24 am »
*Good spelling/grammar and mapless,*
Originally, this roleplay was created with a TIGHT circle of friends. I have decided to open up a little bit. I may be picky, and sorry if I am. You are expected to be HIGHLY ACTIVE. Sorry if I end up sounding strict, this group means alot to me.

This is a LOTR roleplay.The setting is as so:
-Gondor has no king
-No ring/Gollum/eye of sauron
-No Smaug; Dale and Eboror thrive
-Saruman the wise has not "abandoned reason for madness"
Please don't lecture me on what happened when. This is our setting, be happy.

Characters Creation:

Pelt= Clothes
Underfur= Skin
Nose= Nose (Normally same as skin, unless you are wearing a helmet)
Markings= Accessories (Cloak, armor, wide variety)
Mane= Hair
Humans have normal ears, a short human is basic height

Pelt= Clothes
Underfur= Skin
Nose= Nose (Normally same as skin, unless you are wearing a helmet)
Markings= Accessories (They rarely have cloaks or anything else)
Mane= Hair (Blonde, Black, and dark brown)
Elves have back ears, a tall elf is Max height

Pelt= Clothes
Underfur= Skin
Nose= Nose (Normally same as skin, unless you are wearing a helmet)
Markings= Accessories (Commonly Armor )
Mane= Hair (Dark Colored)
Dwarves have normal ears, a tall dwarf is basic height

Pelt= Clothes
Underfur= Skin
Nose= Nose
Markings= Accessories (Rarely cloaks, mostly vests)
Mane= Hair (Light Colors)
Hobbits have sharp ears, a very tall hobbit is basic height

Character Name:

Game Discussion / Narrators
« on: December 16, 2013, 01:56:00 am »
I'm certainly not the most experienced roleplayers, but I have found out a little trick. This Narrator idea originated when I started a Lord Of The Rings roleplay, that involved alot of fighting.

Anyway, what we did was; before each roleplay session, the selected narrator would read EVERYONE'S bio- and the book's were all history, and that's it. We included the basic personality and motives as well. Assuming the narrator approved everyone to be fair, we would begin the roleplay. Here's where the narrator becomes of use.

Scenario One
Its hot in the middle of a character VS character battle or competition. It is the narrator's job to say how it ends. This is fair because nit everyone reads bios, and when two characters are evenly matched, some people start power playing. It also helps in simple contests, like a riding contest. They make sure the better rider wins.

Scenario Two
The roleplay is inching along, the characters sitting around with idle talk. Often this is when the Roleplays die, but no, narrator here to save the day! We allow narrator's to be NPCs, such as a pack of orcs, prey, predators, anything really! It's quite fun.

Scenario Three
Roleplay is fine and healthy, and every thing is good. But then...your hungry and it getting late. So you go AFK. Well, instead of your character disappearing, whisper the narrator to come up with a distraction. They may come in as a shadow and steal you away, or pop in and you follow hypnotized after them. Either way, the roleplay continues as the search for you (or not) and you get a heck lot of fun explaining what happened.

Scenario Four
Is it raining? Snowing? Sandstorm? Hot? Cold? Night? Day? Are we in Rohan or gondor? Is it loud?
The narrator knows all! They describe surroundings.

Granted, narrator was applied when only scenario one was used, and the name isn't to accurate anymore. But oh well! X3
Anyway, posted this here to see if anyone did anything similar, or if you all wanted to apply this to your own Roleplays ^_^

I think this goes here

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