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Topics - CosmoFursi

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Leaving / leavin' the forums. for good.
« on: October 17, 2016, 01:01:33 am »
jus don't feel like staying, 's all.

i've made too many bad decisions on here, and i feel like i'm not a very welcome person here.

so, i decided t' leave the forums.

you might find me rarely in-game, but chances are i won't be talkin' much.

anyway, bye.

Media / I Got Mechanical Cat Ears!
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:57:55 pm »
~that move with my brainwaves!!

guys guys!! i'm so excited!! (and the ears tell me that x'D)

but look at them!! (warning: selfie)

oh look i'm relaxed now

Request a Preset/Marking / x3 (nah i made it myself)
« on: October 04, 2016, 03:36:15 pm »
this thread is useless now xD i was bored so i made the preset myself.

staff can lock this <3

Discussion Board / Words Of Kindness Thread
« on: September 30, 2016, 02:42:17 am »
cause you never know who needs words of kindness.

just post words of advice, kindness, encouragement, and the like. and please, no negative words.

"you are beautiful."
"don't let others tell you what to be."
"you are strong."
"i believe in you."
"you're cared for."

Member Bio & Journals / My Family Is Weird
« on: September 28, 2016, 07:18:31 pm »
okay so this'll basically be a compilation of the random things my family has said/done. anyway, let's begin!

(my mom and sister going to starbucks. my sister has blonde hair and the whitest skin next to my brother, so of course she would do that "white girl" impression.)
sister: "my white girl senses are tingling! my uggs will lead me there!"
mom: *laughing*
(they make it to starbucks, and they get out of the car. the sun blinds my sister and my mom, cause it's so bright.
sister: "yo where you at"

(i'm upstairs in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and all, when suddenly...)
sister: *yells the first ten notes to the attack on titan themesong (you know what they are)*

(my sister and i are up in her room. she is telling me a scene from her story.)
me: "soulblade's soulbound!" (soulblade is a weapon in my sister's story)
sister: "*laughs* it binds on pickup!"
me: "it's true though!"
(we both laugh, first happily, then sadly as we think about that.)

(texting my brother about me being stuck on a chair, with my puppy on me)
                    brother i am a turtle im stuck on my back

lol, ok?

                    stuck on the chair
                    dog is on my foot
                    mom won't help

alrighty then.

                    i want to get up but i can't

(devil smiling emoji)

                    u lil

i have faith in you!

                    she got up

(thumbs-up emoji)


(texting my brother once again to check up on how my puppy's doing)
                    how's me dog

omg. (laughing face) (very upset face)
she just won't calm down and sleep.

                    xD you gotta tire her out

her energy is seemingly endless! (terrified/shocked emoji)

                    play with her!

(texting my brother onCe agAiN)

too slow again m8.

                   i was doing something for ma but then you were gone

i'm just too sneaky.

                   you're not a ninja, haven't we established that already? xD

i am only not a ninja when there's a wet floor involved.

                  xD true
(one time my brother ran across the wet hardwood floor and fell, dropping his burrito.)

brother: "i can't assassinate people when i'm thirsty."

me: *hugs sister* i love you!
sister: "love you too."
me: "oh my stars you actually said it!"
mom from other room: "awwww!"
sister: "i- uh- oh! that was just instinctive i didn't even realize"
mom from other room: "fire's feeling the love!"
me: "i am! night losers!"

(so i was sitting in my brother's chair when he caame over and gave me that look that says "get out of my chair" but i didn't leave... and thus...)
me: "you'll never get me out of this chair!"
brother: *doesn't reply*
(brother ends up fLiPPINg thE CHAiR oVER)
brother: *drags the chair-and me-over to his part of the playroom*
brother: *reaches his foot through the space between the armrest and the seat and tickles my side*
me: *laughs uncontrollably* "NO I WON'T LEAVE UNTIL I GO TO DRUMS" (i have drum lessons)
brother: *ends up dragging me out from under his chair and turns it upright, sitting in it*
me: *flops into the place where his chair goes* "well now i'll just stral your spot."
brother: *drAGS ME AWAY FROM THE SPOT* "no you won't."
me: "fine."
me: "brother!" *goes to hug him* "i love you!"
brother: *chuckles* "too."
me: "yay you still love me!"

me: "hey sister"
sister: "what"
me: "knock knock"
sister: *sighs*
me: "knock knock!"
sister: *sighing intensifies"
me: "knock knock!!"
sister: "who's there."
me: "old lady!"
sister: "fire i've heard that like a thousand times i know what it is"
me: "old lady!"
sister: "i know that one though"
me: "olD LADY"
sister: *sighs* "old lady who..."
me: "i love you"
sister: "what"
me: "i love you!"
sister: "i don't get it was that a part of the joke what"
me: "...knock knock"
sister: "no."
me: "ok"

me: "hello darkness my old friend"
(sister heads upstairs, the room goes silent)
me: "why is it suddenly silent"
mom: "because midlstrit left"
me: "wow thanks mom"
mom: "wait no i didn't mean it like that"
sister from upstairs, muffled: "i've come to talk with you again"
me: "yaaay"
mom: *laughs*

me: "knock knock"
sister: "who's there"
me: "i love"
sister: "awww i get it"

more will be added when they come up/i remember them

Request Other Mods/Creations / Realistic Shading Mod?
« on: September 27, 2016, 07:16:04 pm »
sooOOOooooo, i'm in need of a realistic shading mod (roll credits), one that's not an ENB or whatever, but one like mura the mink's.

one that includes lal the new objects and stoof from the new update.

if anyone'd be willing to do this, thank you ^.^

Videos / I Am Probably Insane
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:34:48 pm »

Introduction / A Fire Reignites.
« on: September 25, 2016, 12:25:00 am »
cause fire doesn't know what to do with her life at this point

so yeah. school made things so much worse for me, and other life things suck too.

and today was particularly bad for my mom, which made it even worse for me. and while i was laying on my bed, wondering what in the stars i was supposed to do with my life, i realized i was terribly, terribly lonely.

outside of this game, i have no friends, to say it bluntly. i mean i have two, but one i can only commune through texting, and the other we rarely see each other.

and i was lonely because of it.

and as i lay there, lonely as i've ever been, i remembered all of the great times i had here. i remembered how much i enjoyed playing with you all, and how much i enjoyed hanging out on the forums.

so, i'm coming back. as the title says, "fire reignites". i'm back, everyone.

and i literally cannot live without this game.

i'm back.

Request a Preset/Marking / Possibly Semi-Difficult Preset Request
« on: September 21, 2016, 02:59:05 pm »
heya, so i need a preset... for whenever i decide to come back to this game.

the preset is of my newest fursona, ashlee. the reason i call it semi-difficult is because of the design i went for with her.

anyway, here are the details.

model: canine

folder: 7, 8, 10, or 11

type: two-sided

extra: the stripes on her legs should be glowing. and can there be shading on the preset? like the code for it.

textures: fluffy texture for her tail, anything realistic for the rest. same with the eyes.

ears: floppy, with the revamped version someone (i can not remember who) made.

fluffs: back mane with both leg fluffs too. (is that full mane? i can not remember.)

mane: side, same color as her fur. or forward mohawk edited to look like a tuft.

must-haves: all her tail colors, including the stars (and the white tip); all the other colors too (the stripes on her legs, the pawpad on just that one side, both colors in her eyes).

not needed: the wing-like things on her back. those can just be an item. same with the long claws on her paw.

notes: the black on her muzzle is not on her chin; the colors of her tail should look like they fade in to each other (krita doesn't have a good smudge tool)

if you need anymore info, pm me and i will probably see it. (i rarely check the forums nowadays. mostly because of my hiatus ((that i am still not back from.)) )

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Simple Request
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:18:23 pm »
hello, everyone.

since it was an actually peaceful day so far today, i was finally able to design a warrior cats oc for me.

all i need is for someone or someones to draw her, cause i know i can, but i would like to have a diversity of art of her, and i am too lazy to do it myself.

there are three main scenes i want her in:
~sitting on a rock (on a plains) and staring at a starry sky
~defending someone from bullies

if anyone would like to draw her in these three situations, it would make me happy. thank you to whomever takes this up.

alright, now the details.

~about 13 years old if human, 16 moons in warrior cat terms
~in windclan
~is a warrior

basic personality:
protective over others, very kind, autistic (hey i am too), relatively calm

notes: she has a mutation called polycaudal, where the victim has their tail split in two (she's really sensitive about it); she will always defend someone being bullied or wrongly accused; she has no interest in a mate.

again, thank you for whomever draws her in the scenes i asked for.

and no, i am still not back from my hiatus. again, it was an actually peaceful day so far and i decided to pop on here.

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