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Topics - Wolflover224

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Game Help / Paint tool SAI for heightmap?
« on: November 22, 2015, 05:49:09 pm »
I recently got Paint Tool SAI so I could make a heightmap for Feral Heart with it. But each time I do and convert it to .png, it either says it doesn't exist or the game crashes. Help?

Game Help / Red's Map Pack not working
« on: November 22, 2015, 01:53:31 am »
I can't get into any map in Red's Map Pack because they won't load at all.

Game Help / Can't find map file!
« on: November 22, 2015, 12:01:44 am »
Each time i try to go to Flourite Plains, it says that it cannot find the map file! Any help?

Introduction / Possibly Back..
« on: October 16, 2015, 05:03:47 pm »
Hello, floofs. I may be returning, but I will not be in game for a bit. I have shown my return with, apparently, a rant without realizing I didn't post an official return topic.
Anyways, this train may be starting up again slowly. I still am having tough decisions going on, and may need some help with getting through them.
Anyways, I'm back. Probably.

Other Games / A Rant About FooPets
« on: October 16, 2015, 04:56:54 pm »
Hello there, this is Ashyak temporarily returning, and with what? A rant. About what? A game that many of you might of heard about: FooPets.

Lets face it. We've all seen FooPets' banner adds in various places. Some of us may have dared a click, or just scrolled on. Well, if you want to play this "loveable, cuddly, friendly pet adoption game", then you will face dire concequences.

Members of FooPets have seen it flourish and fall. I was a member from the beginning; a free member. When the game first began, it was fun and all about caring for your pets. Then the admins/the people that ran the game decided to screw up everything. They became hostile, and unwelcoming. The option for images was banned. Not for just one person who abused it, but ALL members. They also began to push the pressure of the "pay to play" method on the community and members. They ATTACKED and ABUSED their members, through hurtful messages and pictures. They took away the money that members worked hard to earn. They took away pets. They added Beta, FooPoo, and new, but not improved, website formats. They milked the money out of people like a farmer milks his cows. They work members for little to nothing. The adults are treated like children, and the children like trash.
If anyone says anything bad about Foo, they are immediately banned and silenced. The workers for Foo are continuously fired, and for what reason? Because Foo cannot pay them. Or so they say.
Foo says that "they're running out of money", and put higher prices on objects and pets. The truth is that they're not. They're swimming in money. They just don't care. They don't care about anyone or anything, other than themselves and money. They use copyrighted images without the makers knowledge, and keep the profit made off of them.
Lets not forget that FooMojo (the company that runs FooPets) has the ability to take away any item or pet, and can change rules and prices without warning.

Why have I wrote this rant, you may ask? Because I have seen an increase in FooPets banner adds.
Don't believe what I have described? I have some links below that confirm my argument. Even if you do believe me, please take the time to read through them.

This has been a word from Ashyak.

Leaving / it's about time my reign came to a end.
« on: September 16, 2015, 09:01:58 pm »
II am very sad to say that I'll be gone for a very long time. I am going to be grounded, and I may not fully emerge from it. I am currently grounded, and have snuck onto the ps3 to type this. Do not expect me to be in the game or on the forum. And if/when I return, do not expect me to be my normal self. I have been extremely depressed lately, with thoughts of suicide swirling in my head; and the recent deaths of two coyotes whose spirits I've shared and the construction going on near my summer home don't help. This could be the last message I ever post.
I am so sorry that I cannot be here any longer.

Goodbye, and may the spirits be with you.

Game Help / How to put maps up for download/make group websites?
« on: August 21, 2015, 08:54:25 pm »
One of my friends and I are working on this huge group and we want to know how to make websites for groups and how to put maps up for download.
If you could help, that would be appreciated.


Species / The Raz'l (wip)
« on: August 06, 2015, 12:57:01 am »
(c) Askyak/Wolflover224 (me). Use with my permission.
The Raz'l were created in 2011, but I just now decided to make them open/show them to other people.

A New Species Begins: Like all creatures, Raz'l didn't start put advanced. In fact, they were much more primitive than they are now.
On the planet of Taakuul, a life terrestrial life thrives throughout the forests, mountains, and plains. These creatures are goat-like and possess split hooves and large crystalline horns on their heads. These creatures are both predators and prey to other animals. The creatures lived in large groups called herds, and lived simple, rather primitive lives.
However, that was changed when a hurricane hit the land they lived on.
The land was flooded, and the Raz'l were forced to seek higher land in the mountains. Their population was outnumbered by the predators, which was a sign they were going to become extinct if they didn't evolve.
But they did evolve.
The Raz'l were becoming more intelligent and were growing imaginative minds and began to walk not on four legs, but on two. These newly adapted Raz'l became more adapted to harsh life in the mountains, and when the water disappeared, they were able to return to the land below.

The Start of Agriculture: As they returned to the land, the Raz'l began to harness crops for food within pens. These crops tempted some creatures in, such as deer, cow, sheep, rabbits, and various other animals within. One farmer left his pen unguarded so he could hunt, and came back to find deer in his pen.
The other Raz'l began taking up this new task by herding or baiting animals into their pen. As they grew more advanced in agriculture, they began taking up wrangling animals for mounts. Deer, rams, horses, and asses were wrangled to put into pens. After they became trained in training and mounting animals, they began to try to tame Talibau. However, this idea failed at first, as Talibau were extremely hard to break.
However, they were able to tame Talibau with enough practice. The Talibau became their battle mounts, using their large size and fierce attitude to their advantage.
As the agriculture advanced, permanent homes began to settle. Along with permanent homes came large groups of Raz'l. As a result, tribes began to form.

Tribes Emerge: After some of the the Raz''l settled into their permanent foundations, they began to settle and form tribes. Along with the development of tribes, they also developed individual names, a language of their own, and a religion based on different gods.
The gods were named Tal, Enwa, Numa, Derru, and Anye. Tal, the sun god, was used to describe the lowering and raising of the sun. He was represented as a Talibau, which thrive on their land. Enwa, the moon god, was a Arkturis. Numa, the earth god, was a large serpentine beast with antlers. Derru, the dark god, was represented as a humanoid wolf with large dragon wings. Anye, the light god, was represented as a Raz'l-like creature with four feathered wings.
To please these beings, the Raz'l often sacrificed food to them by leaving them out in the sun to bake.
The chief of the tribes had larger horns than most and usually had very few children. The most fertile of the Raz'l were placed before the leaders and would reproduce when the tribe numbers were low.
However, as hurricanes and natural disasters became more common, live food became scarce. Because of this, the Raz'l tribes fell into a period of chaos and dispute. Wars were started between the tribes that had more territory. The war only ceased when only seven tribes remained on the land. The remaining tribes decided to build a civilization and invest in science.

Dawn of Civilization: The Raz'l began leaving their simple tribe life behind and leaving huts for better houses. They began harnessing lightning for electricity to run their city. As their yearning for technology grew, so did their want for space exploration. They left their religion behind and look towards science. The Raz'l began building satellites and launching them into space. Soon, the satellites became drones, and those drones into shuttles.
The Raz'l began to man their spaceships and send them off into space. At first, it was just to orbit their planet. Then, they began sending them to their moon.

Rise of the Space Age: As they advanced into space, they began to colonize different planets. As they did this though, the Raz'l encountered other races and species. One such example were the Takara. The Takara had the head of a wolf, the mane of a lion, the hind legs of a dragon, clawed hands, and horns of a ram. The Raz'l saw the Takara as a threat and made a desperate attempt to wipe them out.
The Takara defended themselves with technology greater than the Raz'l's, and managed to drive them out of their land. The Raz'l were desperate to wipe them out and began to advance on their tegcnology as well. After their power was equal to that of the Takara's, the Raz'l declared a war. The war went on for years until a large solar flare occurred. The massive flare destroyed the Raz'l's technology, throwing them back into the tribal age.
The Takara spared the distressed Raz'l and canceled the war. Some of the Takara were dropped down on the Raz'l's planet in an attempt to help them, but that failed. As tribes of Raz'l began growing again, the Takara either left or started tribes there as well.

Appearance: Raz'l look like humanoid goats with digitigrade legs and hooves split into thirds on their hind legs. Raz'l have thick, furred raptorlike tails. They have three to four fingers, each with hard, black, clawlike nails. Their muzzles look like a mix between ape and goat muzzles, and their teeth are omnivorous. Their top canines come before the bottom canines instead of vice-versa.
Their fur color varies from blue, black, grey, white, yellow, tan, or brown. Their markings vary, and are usually yellow, white, or tan. The Raz'l's eye colors vary from black, brown, blue, green, red, orange, and light lavender. Their horns are crystalline with varying colors and shapes; no two horn shapes are the same.

Behavior: Raz'l can be territorial and aggressive, but are not always. The females are often more aggressive towards the males, and the males often more aggressive towards females. When fighting, Raz'l will often use their horns for both defense and attack. Raz'l can be easy to ally with, but are also easy to aggravate.

Color and Marking Charts

Eye shape

Normal: uncommon
Slit: rare
Black: common
Black slit: rare
Whole: uncommon
Whole Slit: uncommon
Pupiless/Orb: rare
Contracted: uncommon
Blind: common
Blind slit: uncommon
Contracted slit: rare
Oval: common
Ring: rare
Fire: uncommon
Swirl: rarest

Eye Colors

Black: common
Brown: common
Blue: uncommon
Green: uncommon
Red: rare
White: common
Pink: rare
Lavender: rare
Albino: rarest

Pelt Colors

Blue: common
Blue-grey: uncommon
Grey: common
Yellow: rare
Black: uncommon
White: rare
Tan: common
Brown: common
Melanistic: rarest
Albino: rarest

Marking Colors

Yellow: common
Tan: common
White: uncommon
Black: rare
Grey: rare
Blue: uncommon
Blue-grey: uncommon
Brown: common

Forum Games / Best photo you have ever taken!
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:53:56 pm »
This game is very simple: you post one of the best/the best photo(s) you have ever taken, and you can add an on how/why/ you took the photo and who/what are in it.
Here's mine!:

This was my pigeon companion Dusky. I took this photo with my phone and made sure to capture every little detail on him!

Game Help / Preset help? (Still need help!)
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:08:24 pm »
I began making my preset for my OC today, and found that the mane texture and the eye texture won't appear on the preset/in game although they are in the folder.
Any help?

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