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Topics - SteampunkWolfdog

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Game Help / Preset question (solved)
« on: December 12, 2012, 02:31:38 pm »
The question we ask ourselves the most. One of the ultimate questions of life! Okay I'll stop being silly now...
I'm wondering, is it possible to make markings on your preset shiny or glittery? If so, then how do you make it shiny or glittery? :)

Game Help / Furriness (sorted!)
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:51:39 pm »
I don't really need 'help' as such, more some guidance. I'm been asked to make a preset for a wolf and the person asking said they wanted the pelt "extremely furry". I have lots of different fur textures I can use but the problem is...I'm not sure which one gives the furriest look.
I can't decide between the one in this thread:

this one:

or this one: It seems the image isn't showing up this one seems to be quite popular so I'm guessing you know what it looks like.

Someone help me out here, I'm so indecisive >.<

Game Discussion / A Feral's Army of Minions
« on: December 05, 2012, 02:51:27 pm »
No doubt that title confused you. By this I mean a FeralHeart user's amount of characters. But Army of minions sounded more exciting XD.
Anyway, now's the time to be honest and confess, how many characters do you have, who are they and what do you use them for?
I have sixteen...the majority of them are wolves or some other canid, but a few of them are cats. Most of them are used for RP purposes, some are just completely random, and one or two others are characters from some things I write that I hoped would spark some inspiration when I hit a block. xD

Game Discussion / Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:46:05 pm »
Nothing annoys me more than people being so unappreciative of what they are given. Makes me so angry! This afternoon, I sat in Fluorite Plains watching the conversations in the chatbox go by, as you do. When someone, I won't say any names, came out with,
Luckily for my own sake I held my tongue because I could have said something that probably will have hurt at that moment.

People who have these feelings towards the staff, just pause for a moment and think. You would not be able to play this game or use this forum without them! It is Razmirz who keeps the server up and running and fixes it when it has problems so that we, the users can play the game and use the FH forum. Without him, FH would most probably be non-existant.
Red and Delay work hard to help out, not only the users, but also the mods, and keep things running smoothly and 'structured', as it says in the mod FAQ thread.  Without them, I can't imagine what sort of a mess this place would be in.
Also, let's not forget the fact that these people are willingly taking time out of their own lives to do what they do, and for that, they deserve nuzzles from each and every one of us.

Maybe if you 'admin haters' out there, could take a moment to think about the things I just said above, perhaps you would grow to like and appreciate the staff here. I can only hope that you will have a change of heart.
Please, everyone be a little more respectful and appreciative of what we are given here, and of the staff. They certainly don't get the praise and appreciation they deserve.

And that's my rant over for now. Hopefully it has knocked some sense into some people...

Other Mods/Creations / Celtic items
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:01:24 pm »
If I remember correctly, there were celtic jewellery items in IW, but I'm not sure if they had them in IT. Probably did. I was wondering if it would be possible to make them an item in FH, or if anyone was planning on making some celtic items. I'd do it myself, but I don't have the tools or artistic ability to do anything with meshes xD
I would just love to see my celtic characters wearing something like them. :)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Activity status
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:34:50 am »
I just had another amazing idea!
What if we had a function, like in MSN or Skype, where we could change our status as being AFK or Busy, something along those lines. I know some people try to signal that they're not doing anything in FH at the time by curling up and looking like they're asleep but sometimes that doesn't work because people might interpret it as part of role-play.
But if you could have different statuses(sp?) we could have something like a hourglass icon above our heads or next to our nametags.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Time of day indicator
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:44:15 am »
I was in my RP the other day, in one of the custom maps that was a tunnel and thought, "I can't tell what time of day it is outside, so I don't know if it's good to hunt or not," (we hunt at certain times of FH day, but that's beside the point).
I though that maybe we could have a little dial or clock or some kind of indicator that shows what point in the daytime/nighttime cycle we are at, maybe in the top corner next to the little map. And may it could only be on the display when you're in a tunnel/cave map, because you don't really need it on the plains.
This will probably only be useful for people in RPs rather than those just having a chat, but I thought it'll be a nice addition for those who do RP and to keep track of how the day progresses.


Game Help / About particles
« on: November 24, 2012, 12:34:54 pm »
I was wondering, if one has particles in a map they've made, do you have to put the particles in the download so that people can see them or will they show up anyway?

Discussion Board / Merlin (BBC)
« on: November 23, 2012, 10:01:13 pm »
None of my friends in the world outside FH watch Merlin so I turn to you guys, in the hope that we can discuss the magical, medieval, addictive and amusing TV show that is
Merlin!  ;D

So guys, what do you think of series 5 so far  ;)

Praise / The Doctor's Book of Praise
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:14:44 pm »
There is a book upon my shelf,
Each word I wrote myself.
In its pages there are names,
But do not think they're those of shame.
Here I write about my mates,
Those who are fun and I appreciate.
Read now what I have to say,
And may we be friends for the rest of our days.

Little bit of poetry for you xD. I've never willing written a poem in my life aside from that one.
But anyway, here is my little praise, if somewhat short praise (I'm not very good at expressing myself >.<), to those particularly awesome ferals. :)

BigBangTheory (aka Buffeh)
I shall never tire of the random conversations and snuggles in Fluorite Plains ;D She's genuinely a wonderful person.

Lord Suragaha
Don't see her in game very often, but she flies around the forum like a ninja, always being her helpful and approachable self. It shows with tons of floof in that floof-o-meter of hers!  :D

There was a time when Darkness and I would just sit talking. He always offered good quality conversation and got on surprisingly well despite being so different. I don't see him much anymore, unfortunately. But won't forget the times.

The people who sneakily poke the nuzzle button when I'm not looking
You guys...I am grateful  ;D You shall be rewarded with cookies, ice cream and cake. :)

And of course all the mods and admins
We wouldn't be here without these guys!  :o And I honestly think they don't get the appreciation and praise they deserve. They willingly take time out of their own lives to keep things all nice and tidy for us, hold events like the Halloween party and the preset contests, and should all be very grateful. I certainly am.  :)

That's about it at the moment...I'll probably add more at some point.
Much love to you all  :)

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