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Topics - Tenturo

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Other Games / Epilogue ? It's Only Just Beginning UPDATED!!
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:58:24 am »
Hello my fellow feralhearters! I am in the progress of making a MMORPG called Epilogue! This game will have multiple species which are in the process of all being rigged and textured and animated!
Other things, regarding objects/maps/coding etc. is being worked on!! I will supply some screenies as soon as I can, as well!! Well, let me give you a bit more info on Epilogue, mmkay?

Well, for starters, our website only has 5 members, 4 of which are staff. Our other member I honestly don't know anything about xD We have (for animals) dogs/wolves, cats, possibly a dragon (it has thousands. Possibly millions. Of triangles) and some other big cats. Roaring may be a bit complicated since most models we are using do NOT have teeth, as far as we know. As for our soon-to-be maps, I have a huge bunch of ideas for them! I would share them but it would take forever (lawl.)
And finally, we need some staff to help with game creation!! I need:

- A coding helper (1-2)
- Map Designer (1-3 of those)
- Texture Maker (1-2 maybe 3 of those)
- Object Maker (bunches of these!!)

To qualify for a staff position of these you must have:

-Site account
-Real experience
-13+ of age

Thanks!! Our site link is: Click Here!

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Site Banner Needed!
« on: November 12, 2012, 01:26:13 am »
Herroh thar! I have made a little site for a game I am working on making and I need a site banner! The game is called Epilogue at the name should be clearly stated in the banner.  Other things are a wolf under the bane somewhere but standing out. The background and everything else is up to you! The winner recieves a custom preset made by moi and they just submit a reference image and I will PM the download link to the winner if they want the preset private.  If it is private you do not have to give moi credit but if it becomes public then credit is nice : 3so yea begin! And if you would like the forum site link:

Characters / My Best Character
« on: November 07, 2012, 05:59:43 am »
Name: Kindle
Gender: Male
Mate: Yes
Siblings: Deceased
Parents: Deceased
Pups: Yes ; 10 total
FightWolf: Yes
FightMaster: Yes
FightLegend: Yes
Personality: Is a huge flirt when he really likes someone, but could be considered a demon with his nature.
Special: The First FightDog On FeralHeart

Ask Me / Ask woofkita!
« on: October 06, 2012, 04:34:11 am »
ASK ME QUESTIONS!!!!! >:DHello fellow FeralHearters! I made a little thread here so that you floofs can ask moi your fabulus qwestshuns! Oh and I have one for everyone.... How do you feel about snakes?

So Yush! Ask away floofs!
Asked by BunnyQueen:'
1.Do you like ponies?:""
2.Would you like a floof for dat?
Haven't you already floofed me in the last 24 hours?
3. Do you have any good maps?
4. Like?
 Just saw your reply :3 erm I have one that I am working on getting the download link on, but I have WhistleClan... although I prefer my soon-to-have-a-download map.

simple video of it :3
5. Will you miss me when I make a new account? cos I mean we had fun memories?
 Yes I will but I am sure we will make more awesome memories on your new one!
6. .What do you think the username should be?
 Well if I knew what all you liked or what's going on at ur place right now I could come up with something cool. Thas how I got mine :3

 Well my kitten's name is Osca..Its storming outside and I love to swim


 I think that is great but I just think maybe Ostorim?

7. wait Oscorim sounds better XD btw do you like hot or cold days
 Cold. I get to stay inside those days under a very warm computer
8. Same uhm... Feline or Canine? (personally feline)
 Well I have the hardest time with canines but I'm a huge cat lover..... feline.

Asked by puppy_12
1. Would you rather cut of your fingers or toes?
 My toes! I don't need em do I?
2. Hum.... Is that map up for download? Cheeky smile :}
 Not yet still needs some modifications

Asked by Firepool:
1. So, do you particpate in any fandoms?
 Oh yush! Most definitely :3 -refuses to tell you right now because it is a long list xD-

Asked by Chimaera:
1. Hey Woofeh, whats your favorite band?
 Hmmm... that's pretty tough xD Hmmm... I would have to say Blood On The Dance Floor.

Asked by Logic:
1. Do you feel pain when I hit you over the head with this chair?cB ~Smashes chair ver head.~
 -crumples to the groubd- I felt absolutely nothing xD
2. Are you lying?o:<
 Possibly... o:
3. Are you hungry?
 I'm always hungry xD
4. How did you choose your user?o3O
 Well back in 2007 my friend got me a webkinz (we were doing horrible gifts xD) and my friend W's saying woof all day because the webkin was a dog. The dog looked like my husky Nakita so I combined it to make Woofkita, and I decided to use that for all my other usernames. Kinda a long story xD but hey that's how it happened.
5. Wow. That's very neat.c: Are you a part of any fan groups? Like the bronies and such.
 Hmmm yes. Ima Brony, pegasister, danosaur, and random groups of HP fans and MR fans xD

Asked Wolfie_Lover:
1. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof.


Bist du mein Freund?

Und was ist Ihre Lieblings-Sandwich?

 Ugh all I understood was Lieblings whichh means children or something (read it in a book.) English please xD
2. Aw, okies.

Question 1: Are you my friend?

Question 2: What is your favorite sandwich?

 Yes and.. tuna on toast :3
3. Awesome. And, isn't tuna on toast the best?!

Another question.

Vampire Slayer or Witch Hunter?

Yes it is!! And vampire slayer.

4. Is English the only language you speak?
Nope. I also speak Italian!

5. Guardi Smosh?
that means "Look Smosh" x

6. Do you like Smosh?
there we go :3 yes I do.

7. Do you want to ask me a question in my Ask Me?
 I may already have... -forgot-

8. What's your first gaming system you've played on. (Not including computers)
Uhhh... DS.

9. What was the longest role-play you've made or been in?
The Leap, which I'm still in xD

10. Where did you find out about FeralHeart?
Youtube :3

11. Do you have main theme song for yourself?
Yep :D its a little dirty though :3

12. Do you like to sing? When do you sing, if you do sing?

And, what words could you explain yourself in?

 Yes, all the time, and... chaotic, loud, scary, energetic..

Introduction / Hello from woofkita!
« on: October 06, 2012, 04:24:43 am »
So I have had my account for like almost 6 months now, and I think I should get into forum stuff... so,  as I should say...

Game Help / Podium?
« on: October 06, 2012, 03:28:35 am »
Ok, so I got bored one day and decided to further check out my FH files, and noticed in the fhmaps folder there is: fhPodium. But in feralheart I never see it... is it an unused map or work in progress or what?

Finished Maps / The 3 Some .:Download Link Avilable!:.
« on: October 05, 2012, 12:02:32 am »
Alright, so I recently finished The 3 Some and the linking map inside of it, and I have the download available! A picture is provided of the main map, but the extra map is not >:D I torture chu... So yea, here is the picture:

ok, here is the download link:{EDIT!!!!}  that is the download link to the file. There is a read me included XD it currently only works for fh+ users as far as I am concerned, but I dont know for sure.

EDIT!!!: I added the NEW download link. It is a .zip file, so you get every file, instead of downloading everything seperately. I hope to see you all in the maps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Forum Games / Game server still not working? Try this game!
« on: September 28, 2012, 12:55:12 am »
So, the game server says its online, but it doesn't seem to be working for me, so I doubt its working for any of you. So how about we play this little game I know? Type a scentence like: Can you raed tihs? The first and last letter in each word must be the way it usually is, but the rest inside of them can be any way you want. The main thing is, you try to guess what the persons scentence about you says, then type your own. So, i'll start you guys off!

Wlcmoe to Frhelarat!

Request Maps / Woofkita's Map Making! CLOSED FOR NOW! Will be open soon!
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:13:26 pm »
Need a map made? I can do quite a variety! I cannot get on most weekdays, because high school has started up again, but all requests will be started this friday afternoon. My examples can be found in the topic about my maps (I am uploading this topic on my phone), so I will post the link later today. So yes, just fill out the following form in a comment, and a few days (possibly a week, depending on difficulty.), I will post the link in a comment here unless its a private map, then you will recieve the link in a PM.  Form:
Map Name:
Details about the heightmap and mask:
Any special objects?
if so, list them:
Land Textures:
Is this map private?
If the map is private, who else should I (if you want me to) PM the download link to?
Should I include a Read Me file?
Estimated Difficulty:

I believe that is all! Feel free to request a map!
p.s. Sorry the maps may take a while, all my homework is for advanced classes and takes forever, but I will try to complete your request as good and as fast as I can with my capabilities.

Presets & Markings / My FeralHeart Presets & Markings!
« on: September 08, 2012, 07:48:57 pm »
Alright, So Here I will show you all of my presets and markings I have Currently Made.

That is my Tabby Cat marking set. Its got the body, head, and tail.

That is the PolkaDots or ChickenPox marking availabe for the head.

Thats my -messed up- armor. The black parts of the dog are the armor XD

Now for the presets!

This is my -very- bad horse preset.

Dash meh diamond rexx preset (based upon the creature from Wizard101)

This is my favorite!! The stripes and body have rainbow pixels in them. (This preset actually took me 1 week to do, but I was not on feralheart 24/7 through the entire process)

P.S. This is what the armor looked like before it glitched whenever I transfered my things to my new computer:

In this one, the armor is grey.

The download links are currently unavailable because they will be in a pack together as soon as I can fix the armor.

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