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Topics - zRichtofen

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Forum Games / Have you heard of this? [GAME]
« on: March 31, 2013, 04:15:00 am »

Person1: Have you heard of Chupacabras?
Person2: Nope. Have you heard of the Dartmoor?
Person3: Nope, have you heard of video games?

Its pretty simple, i'll start out.

Have you heard of Sheepsquatch?

Well, this is my first rant. Please no hateful comments, its my opinion, I want to get it out of my body.

Mate Centers
We've all been there, really. I've been to it multiple times before. I always looked for a literate one preferrably, but lets get to what its REALLY, used for.
Mate Centers are mostly used for people who mate beg and if they want a mate, they can just stop by there.
Now, we have all been immature children before. But here is a example I made up of people begging to go into the middle.
FW1 = Female Wolf 1
FW2 = Female Wolf 2
MW1 = Male Wolf 1
MW2 = Male Wolf 2
MCM = Mate Center (me) -i've been a mate center before, LOL.)

FW1: hey mc, can i go plz?
FW2: no, let me go first!
MW1: no don't pick them, pick me!
MCM: Guys, I only pick random people from the circle. NOT people who demand like little children.
MW2: hay, were nt chldren
MCM: Apparently you type like one *le calls another person out*
FW1: oh grt, he did not choose me.
MCM: Guys, shut up. If you wan't to be picked, shut up, be patient, and sit down, NOW. (wish I could do voice chat DX)

Rarely, there have been Mate Centers who are literate and wise. Rarely, there are mate centers in... Ficho?
yes. If you take a look in the "Whats wrong with these pictures? (FUNNY)" thread, you'll see.
Some people take the mate center very wrongingly.
sometimes, they use it for humping ._.
I've trolledhump the Mate Center there before just for fun with my friend, LOLZ WE CRACKED UP!
But some do it, harsh. Like the... i'm not gonna talk about it.

Mate centers are often used as a attraction in Bonfire to make people crash or lag. Mate centers are often used for illiterate children who don't know how to spell the word "school". There are 6 year olds who use mate center!

Now, i'll get back onto Mate Center later. Now,

we all have been a baby something, a chupacabra, jersey devil, wolf pup, and more. But there are some things that I do not understand about "Adoption Centers"

A lot of times a day, it comes out for little babies to be adopted by parents. Whats strangest is that they are most of the time, neon. Why neon? Why not make it a human, like a pet shop? And the person can understand the animals talking or something?
Now the reason I kind of don't like the adoption center is not because of neon.
Lots of times a week, when there is a adoption center and pups and cubs and babies there, there is gonna be a killer there. Why are they there? To troll. I mean its fun, but you'll be hated by everyone!

Now, another subject? Parent beggers.

I think I was one once, but not sure. Oh well.
When there is no adoption center, the pups try to find parents on their own. They try to advertise through general, local, THEY EVEN ASK YOU IN WHISPER! Why do they beg? So they can make you mad apparently.

Now PUP, beggers.
I seen a lot of em'. Usually when there are a lot of pups, there is gonna be a mom or dad or both who will beg you to be their son / daughter. Why do they beg? Did they read your bio? Did they look at your literatcy? Did they observe your pelt color? etc. Nope. They just do colors, and just say "(insert pup/cub/baby name here) will u b mi pup" and if they ask me, I just say "No. Your too illiterate" (but I would never say that to a literate person, OHNOES)


I... gotten yelled at.... BY PUPS... for calling them emo...

I can't remember exact, but some b***** smart ellic pups were being a b**** to me. They thought that they were better than me :/.

Now back to mate center, now where was I? Oh yes. Little kids using the MATE CENTER!
I'm in the 10-16 age range apparently, i'm not telling exact but thats fairly common of age in Feralheart.
Also I am very literate, and older people than me are illiterate -_-.
ANYWAY. Pretend I was a 16 year old girl looking for a mate. I am illiterate, and I head on over to Mate Center. I am up next, a boy comes up. He was hawt, I choose him, we talk for a bit, he tells his age... and.... he's 11. Bam, I unfriend him and yell "Y DU U PLAY DIS GAME WHEN UR 11! U R TEW YUNG!"
See? I would reccomend a sign that says "E+10". Or T for teen -3-.

That was my rants, next one is about Beauty Centers, the RECENT one that is now in Bonfire Centers for Illiterates.

thanks for reading! - Wolf Named Coda/codacc

Can you find whats wrong with these funny pictures? (may have to enlarge)

Give up? The centers are in the wrong places!

And wanted to update people on whats new in Bonfire Island:

A beauty center! Thats right, a person is critiquing your character... COME ON WHY NOT MAKE IT UGLY >:U Like Justin Bieber....

I actually went in it once on my wolf self, they said that my underfur needs to be tan... OMG ITS SUPPOSED TO BE BLACK. THATS WHAT MY FURRY SELF IS SUPPOSED TO BE (even though I had no fursuit)
And said to change size, I'M NOT THE HULK YOU KNOW >:U

What do you think of the Beauty Center?

Curious. Just curious.

Discussion Board / Best Field Trip EVER?
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:01:49 pm »
Okie so today I went on a Field Trip today to YMCA (YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYMCA :3) And we learned about swimming safety. There were different stations and my FAVORITE one was the one where we had this float thing! (Just to let you know, on the permission slip, we had a choice of no life jacket, life jacket, or sit out and watch people. I chose Life Jacket, I was the only one who had a Life Jacket xD. I felt offended... A WOLF HAS TO FLOAT PEOPLE -.-) And we pressed buttons to move, it was BAWS. We also had fins and goggle masks in that station :3

Now... THE BAD THING about it is getting back in dry clothes.... There was a freakin locker room where you might see people being naked... One of my classmates told me that it will happen in middle school when we get there.... *faint*

Anyway, one of my classmates ran around naked... SERIOUSLY. But I did not see it happen tho. I tried walking around with my towel and plastic bag around me, AND MY GLASSES I HAD TO HOLD IN MY MOUTH WHILE I WAS GETTING STUFF TOGETHER! But this nice adult showed me a shower room where I can change.

The most stupidest part about it was that my gym teacher hurried me. IT TAKES TIME FOR A WOLF TO GET READY.

So, what was your best field trip? Tell your best, bad, and stupidest parts about it c:

Game Help / HELP .-.
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:49:38 pm »
I'm trying to export the Holiday map cause i'm going to the party, but some of the files it says "Windows cant open this file" now i'm new to exporting maps .-. PWEASE HELPY D:

Discussion Board / Funniest Stories Ever?
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:36:56 am »
BAHAH! I once slept listening to Dubstep, and it kept repeating. I never woke up :3 Whats your funny story?

Game Help / Two Questions.
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:10:14 pm »
Okay, heres my first:

How come when I play music from my downloads file, why does it make the controls mess up? Meaning when I go foward and I stop immeately, I keep going. I dont have a example so I'm sorry .-.

Second: Where can I get the TEC pack? I am really wanting it o-o Just send me a linky to the page if you can o-o

Hope you can answer them x3.

Game Help / Lookie there o-o ---->
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:45:22 am »
Do you see Bonfire Island? Nope. Not there. Updating i'm guessing?

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