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Topics - greenart6

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Game Help / Weird Line Things
« on: September 15, 2014, 01:06:52 am »
I was bored so I decided to go into one of my WIP maps, and I soon noticed on the dirt part of the map these weird yellowish lines:

I assumed that I must have accidentally added a third terrain texture that overlapped the dirt, so I checked map maker, but that wasn't what happened. It had something to do with the terrain texture, since when I put other ones there was no lines.

I did check the texture file, it was the same as before, no weird yellow lines on it or anything.

I haven't worked on this map for a while, but I do know that there was no yellow line things before. Any help would be appreciated! c:

Presets & Markings / Couldn't think of a creative title - Turtle's Markings
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:27:01 pm »
Hai there guys! I decided to make a separate post for my markings, now that I've actually been making some. :3

Just so you know, most of these will be head or tail markings, since there's so many Mass Markings and such little room ;-;

Let's get started!

Cheek Marking


Put this code in the markings.cfg file at the end of the head categories!

DT Cheek Scars;fmarkDScarsHead.png


Old Dude Marking (So good at names~)


Code to put at the end of the head sections in the markings.cfg file:

DT Old Dude;cmarkDOldGuyHead.png


Zecora Marking


Put this code at the end of the head sections in the markings.cfg file:

DT Zecora;cmarkDZecoraHead.png

Sorry if I uploaded the markings the wrong way, I'm a bit new to marking-making. XD If you want instructions on how to install one of them, please ask!

Hope chu enjoyed! c:

Screenshots / Revenge on Rustys
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:12:50 am »
Rustys messed with my character while I was AFK.

I got revenge.

Game Help / Eye-Murdering Terrains
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:06:35 pm »
I've started working on a map with two terrain masks. The terrain masks both work, but one thing I don't like is he fact that when the two terrains are put on top of each other....

..they're really bright.

I've tried playing with darker terrains but there is specific terrains I want like dirt and sand. Anyone know a way of redoing this so that I don't have to turn my brightness down just to save my eyes from death? (A bit of an overreaction)

Game Help / Italics
« on: September 03, 2014, 01:27:23 am »
A couple of times in-game I have seen people using italics in the chat. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to do that? I'm just kinda interested, I haven't figured out how to do it. Unless it's a hack?

If it shouldn't be done in-game, just tell me, since I haven't seen any rule against it or anything. I'm just curious huehue

Game Discussion / Random Group Requests
« on: August 29, 2014, 10:09:14 pm »
'Cause I was asked to. o3o

Your opinion of random group requests? I don't like them, since they don't whisper you asking if you're interested or even that species, and they usually spam you with 20 of them. e.e

Game Discussion / Random Friend Requests
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:12:11 pm »
I won't spend too much time talking about this huehue

So, what's your opinion on random friend requests?

I don't mind when people who I know/have seen from the forums or game or something send requests, but I dislike when people who I don't know and have never talked to just randomly friend me. I always accept, but then they don't even bother to talk to me or say anything, and I just sit there like "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU SEND ME A REQUEST"

So, what are your opinions? Or have you ever even had these random friend requests?

Game Discussion / What is Your Favorite Part of Making a Character?
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:41:17 pm »
Simple question, if you were to make a random character in Feralheart, what is your favorite part? Picking out the colors, picking the species, choosing the ears?

My favorite part has to be choosing the eyes, I dunno why. So, what is your favorite part? c:

Site/Forum Help / What Does Open Mean?
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:04:31 am »
*wasn't sure where to put this*

Dumb question here. In the roleplay board, I often see the title being something like "Open and Accepting!" I know what accepting is, but what does it mean for the roleplay to be open? Google didn't give me answers :c

Game Discussion / What Species Do You Roleplay?
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:25:07 am »
i am thinking of threads to make ew

Just log onto your account and look at your characters. Now, look through and name every single species you have on that account and how many, no matter how weird the character is. Just a little listing thingadoodle if you're bored :3

I have:

Cat/Dog/Wolf Things: 3
Demon Things: 1
Zombie Pigman: 1
Creepers: 1
Hyenas: 7
Pigs: 1
Enderman: 1
Wolves: 9
Spiders: 1
Griffons: 1
Cars: 1
Leaves: 1
Lions: 5
Bats: 1
Goats: 1
Zombies: 1
Cows: 2
Silverfish: 1
Chickens: 2
Sheep: 1
MateBeggarBrands: 1
Warrior Cats: 1
Ponies: 5
Foxes: 2
Blues: 1
Ufos: 1

Oh dear god.
Most of these are for my Minecraft Mobs thing, but still.
I have a UFO character. And five pony characters.

So uh, what is your list of species, and across all your accounts how many of each do you have? c: I hope this makes sense XD

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