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Topics - Wyldercat

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Screenshots / TwistedLizard's Summer Party Screenies
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:03:49 pm »
WARNING: Image heavy.

We begin with some sacrifices.

Glitchin' with senpai.

Oh hallo thar Darkky

More glitches... and Facecake.

Delicious bootycake

Are we pretty yet? (also chat)

When you see da booty:


Betsy senpai selfie

Twerk bush
Party at the foods :3

More dancin'

BOOTY-ful twerk circle. *knee slap*

Hangin' by the fire

Surprise Kiki dance line with even more beautiful glitching

Last but not least, a big ol' group selfie :3

Discussion Board / Favorite Album
« on: July 18, 2015, 03:45:19 pm »
All you music lovers have got your favorite songs, favorite artists... and I'm sure you have a favorite album too. The songs within just all seem to appeal to you.

So what's your favorite album? It could be your favorite artist, or just a collection you took a liking to.

As for myself, I'm quite fond of Pink Floyd's - The Wall album. I find the war-like themes and lyrics very meaningful, and the music just appeals to me.

Discussion Board / Fandoms
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:52:59 pm »
There are lots of popular movies and TV shows, but of all of them, what fanbases are you a part of?

What shows/movies are you a fan of?
Do you often binge watch?
Do you see yourself buying merchandise for this fandom?

As for myself, I am a fan of Homestuck, Walking Dead,  Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Shingeki No Kyojin and Gravity Falls.
I've binged watched Homestuck, Doctor Who, and SNK, but I haven't had much time lately.
I have a few T-shirts from each of these, but not much.

(I apologize if there is already a topic like this, but I didn't see any on the front pages.)

Introduction / Returning
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:54:41 pm »

The gif pretty much sums this up...

So, I've been feeling a lot better lately, and more free time is starting to open up to me. Of course, I still have a few big tests coming up, but after that, I'm off hiatus.

So, yeah.

THE LIZ-PIRE STRIKES BACK I had to, I'm sorry.

Leaving / Twisted's Long Needed Break
« on: April 12, 2015, 08:59:38 pm »
Past few months haven't been fun. I've been practically living on my computer, and I recently realized how out of shape I am. As a result, I've been getting out more, and thus have not been online much.

But, on a much larger scale, I may have ADD and or SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). Again, I have to get out more and focus on school, or just neurologist appointments coming up. On top of this, as part of the lovely rainbow of foul waste that comes with SPD, I have a very short-ish temper if I'm caught on a bad day, and thus have to take often breaks from my computer to keep me from cracking my desktop. (I have a bad habit of slamming my mouse)

So, the main message of this thread is that I'll be inactive for a while, and may even take a complete temporary leave. I'll probably pop on for a half hour or so at a time in game, but I'll probably be off the forum almost entirely. When I'll be officially "back," I have no idea, but I shouldn't be gone for too long. Until then, goodbye for now. <3

Discussion Board / Music, anyone?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:45:26 pm »
There are so many music lovers that I've seen in this community.
Some make it, some listen to it, some both.

So, what about you guys?
Do you like music? Play an instrument? Sing?

As for myself, I'm always listening to music. Mostly rock, some disco and the occasional pop song (the rare few that aren't about butts and are completely derogatory). It's rare to find me at my desk without headphones on. I've also played the trumpet since 4th grade, and I plan to continue into High School.

Game Discussion / Character Inspirations
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:02:39 pm »
We all have our little original characters. But even our own, entirely self-made characters probably came from somewhere.
So... what are the inspirations for your characters?

As for myself, my characters are mostly based off of video game characters, but altered more like myself.
For example, Twist and Codon are based off of Maplestory characters (Claudine and Xenon)

Praise / Happy Birthday, Turtle! :3
« on: February 05, 2015, 08:22:49 pm »

Happy birthday, Turtle!
May your year be full of happiness, noms and of course, the great lord Shrek.
You're an amazing member of this community, and an even better friend.
So, with that, I wish you a Happy birthday.

~Le Giftie~

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / Twisty's Guide to Animatronics
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:34:04 pm »
HEY-HEY! Guess who's back with more tutorials?
Anyway, FNAFOCs are probably one of the most common roleplays nowadays. And, well, no one's really made a tutorial on them yet, so hey, why not?

Like all of my tutorials so far, this will be a tad satirical (not as much as my other guides), but it's all for the humor of the guide and not meant to offend anyone.

I'll be covering design, names and behavior, since there really isn't much else that can really be controversial.

AHAHA! Where to begin... well, I'm actually asking. There isn't really much to go over here, since animatronics can vary from neon purple rabbits to somewhat realistic pirate foxes. So, with that said, this is pretty much the ambience of the character.
FNAF has often been dubbed as the scariest game in years. Without a doubt, those things are freaken scary. However, they were actually meant to be cute at first... well, at least by children standards. Is it me, or does everything meant for little kids seem terrifying to adults? Anyway, so your robotic friend shouldn't be some bloody, red-eyed beast; but rather a smiling ducky with a busted jaw and a broken wing that just looks creepy from age. Not really much else to say, but remember that most animatronics were meant to be cute, but age and withering/tearing can seriously turn a smile and a hug into a demonic grapple.
Once again, not much to say here, except that animatronics are mostly for children. For example, the original FNAF game consisted of a bunny, a duck and a bear, with the fox being a possible "antagonist" for the floor-show. All these animals are well known to and favored by children. So chances are, instead of that nightmare pony with devil wings and saberteeth, real animatronics would be more like smiling rainbow dogs or bandit cats.

Once again, animatronics are for children. So, chances are, their names will be stereotypical and easy to say and remember. I mean, when have you gone to Chuck E. Cheeses, and said, "I used to love this place when I was a kid, but the old animatronics were much better... Otsonus the Great Leaf-Nosed Bat guardian was my favorite." Even in the games... they're all "childish" names. "Well, what about Mangle, she had a scary name, huehue." Well, Mangle isn't the official name from the Pizzeria, but rather a nickname by the employees. So, yeah. I'd also suggest names that reflect the species or job of the animatronic. Ex: Snowy the Husky, Batty the Bat, Chewy the Chipmunk, etc.

Again, not much to say here. What I really wanted to go over though, is the attacks. Even if it might seem this way, when you are attacked in the games, you aren't being brutally murdered, with your throat torn out and your eyes gouged. More like, you are being forcefully stuffed in a highly mechanized suit, full of sharp edges and dangerous machinery. So I guess it's more like an accidental killing. However, if you have a Marionette-like "hallucination" character, intended murder would be more realistic. Also, just another quick note, animatronics are actually described as being very kind and almost protective of children, and are only hostile towards adults. So a child-killing psycho teddy bear wouldn't be as realistic.

Well, that's all for my little guide. Remember, this was just my opinion on the characters, so if you disagree with my idea, that's cool too. In addition, I'm not a complete expert on the series, and a small fraction of this was just based on my perspective and reasoning.
All in all, I hope this helped you all in some way with your characters. :3

Stories / Twisted's Story (PG-13) W.I.P.
« on: January 30, 2015, 12:10:19 am »
A little tale of my fursona, how she got to where she is now, etc.
If this is at all in the wrong place, then mods please move it.
Also, some parts may have some gore and or violence, so I'd definitely say it's a PG-13 story for that reason.


Somewhere in the many mountains in this world, there remains a Laboratory. This laboratory, nicknamed "An Animal's Hell," has used many controversial methods for testing, and just their main overall focus. After several attempted shut-downs by Animal Rights activists, the insane director moved instead, to a more secretive estate. For the most part, the new location was unknown to most, and continued it's operations without disturbance. Everyone seemed contented by this faux shut-down.
The test-subjects, however, were far from content.
The lab had used many varieties of animals as their main subjects, ranging from wild lions to the classic albinoid mice. The tests mainly consisted of the testing of various compounds (often acids or extreme bases), advanced genetic engineering and the occasional attempted cyberization. Of course, many of these animals were killed by these tests; and rarely were they painless. The survivors, however, are either subjected to life in a capsule for observation, or marveled as great scientific advancements.
One of these marvels, is a small, fluffy feline, who was dubbed none other than "Doctor Twisted." At first, the name was a sort of joke, based from her intelligence, expression... as well as her hostility. This cat, had been spliced with several human genes, which developed her brain far beyond even chimpanzees. She also was taught to understand human speech, read, and even "talk," by pressing her paws to type into a voice modifier using a computer.
However, she also gained a human-like sense of lust. Although she worked willingly with some of the doctors (the few who didn't corral or bash her), she despised being owned.
She despised man.


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