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Topics - ritat

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Game Discussion / KOVU: Might Come Back!
« on: November 18, 2013, 03:17:42 pm »

Videos / Funniest FeralHeart Video's I have ever seen.
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:44:02 pm »
Welcome to the derpy poll! xD

So I found those funny videos and I guarantee that most of you will love them. Hope I made your day! :D

WARNING: I do not own any of these videos, they are only for public entertainment. :3

Art Gallery / Ritaz Artz Number 2.
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:49:46 pm »
Welcome back to Ritaz Awesomez Artz!

Yea so I have been working hard lately and still getting requests. I am not sure if I forgot anyones art

but if I did please tell me I promise to you I will post it for you on the day. As I said there should be patience on

everything because art on here is not very easy of me. Finally, colorful backgrounds have been added to the art

to make it attractive!

Now there is a choice of adding colorful backgrounds or just black. :3

1. BigBangTheory Art.

Sho yes I made a gift for bigbangtheory, I hope you like it gurl! :3

2. Rawie Art.

This ish another art for rawie, hope you like this too. (Dem eyes <3)

3. Cookieh Art.

I made this for cookieh, the background was done by me. <3

4. Devynex Art.

So this is a art for Dev, his took the most time because I had to bring the background from the

internet and all these stuff. =3



This group was started by me, it would be a good idea.

I wanted to show people who could be the life savers of Feralheart, and the point of the group is

to kick bullies out of here.
Everyone can join, but not anyone randomly.

We will choose people who have the strength to do this, not just leave the group the next day. You should

be strong courageous and unafraid, your personality should be respectful. Meaning that you never say bad

things behind others shoulders, please add me on feralheart if you want to join so I will get to know you

more. If I think you are good enough, you will join. The amounts of people who I will except are literates,

because they can help people who struggle to RP in the group. RPing is the most common thing in the

kindness group, because usually when we want to fight against the bully we should use strong language

and understanding.

Rules of the group:

1. Do not give silly excuses, solve them your selves.

2. Always report the leader if someone is being bullied, if you keep it your self while the bullies continue. Your kicked for being untrusted.

3. Don't be over dramatic, you'll be annoying.

4. Always remember to do what you are told, or you will screw things up.

5. When you see a bully, don't start being stupid and start swearing. Judging doesn't resemble who they are, it resembles who you are.

Before I say the roles, there is another activity in the group. It is simple but can make a big difference. It is called RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS. If you don't know what

it means, it means when something nice comes above your head you just do it. Like give cookies to anyone.

Roles: (For random acts of kindness)

1. Giving: Just as I said, give something nice. (Places: 0/10 so far)

2. Helping others: If someone struggles to do something, go in. Help them, don't just stand there watching them struggle. (Places: 0/10 so far)

3. Smile: If you want to be a shiny star, go talk to someone who is lonley, sad, angry. Making people smile is the only heal to heaven. (Places: 0/10 so far)

What we do in the group:

In our group we searching and get to know other people that we don't even know. I have started doing that and have

met a lot of bad people. If you think you are bad, start making a change to your self. Because we are coming to you next.

We also do meeting every sunday. There is no exact time, it only depends if everyone comes, we begin. If you miss the

meeting, no worries nothing will happen. I will tell you what we discussed for you to catch up. Make sure you are active,

if you are not, you will have to catch up with a lot of work. I know this sounds like a big responsibility, but it's worth it.

Just act normally, nothing will happen if you do more than 3 mistakes because you are part of the kind hearts.[/color

Roles: (For kindness)

RPing helpers: (Places: 0/5 so far)

RP leader: Responsible for everything linked to RP. ( 0 member )

Fighters: (Places: 0/30 so far)

Fighter Leader: ( 0 member )

Searchers: (Places: 0/7 so far)

So far, Africa (Kiraralove) has joined and is thinking of his role. If you would love to join please

send a comment below. This is a great thing to do for everybody, so please try. :3

Art Gallery / Official (Now Opened.)
« on: October 30, 2013, 06:02:13 pm »
Hello! Welcome to Rita's original Paint shop!
You may request, you may give advice and you may give information. :3
To get a signature portrait, please fill these in and it will be ready in no time:
Name: ---
Mane Colour: ---
Picture: ---
Wings: ---
Gender: ---
Further Information: (It is optional, but recommended to be given.)

If the art has alot of markings, colours etc., there is an excuse of it to be 2 weeks long so you have to be patient. 8)

This is an example that is unfinished for thrillex. The quality of the drawing and colours and shading will look like.. this:

Finished piece :3

Art Gallery / Rita's Artz! (New!)
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:49:50 pm »

I didn't have time to color some of this art so I just posted them like this. :3 I think they are amazing, I have improved alot. It is obvious because I am not using the program PAINT anymore. I got used to gimp now. I am not giving up yet! I will stay drawing forever till I become amazing! I love art!

This ish a gift for Cookie. <3

New Request: Rusty :3 :

Request by WhiskerWatcher!

Another art will be added tomorrow, and it's for Camacon! <3 Sorry for making you wait. Its a very challenging art :3

Finished Maps / Beach Party and Halloween! Please see!!
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:22:19 pm »
I have got a fantastic idea, since I am making the beach party and there is going to be the halloween soon as well how about we make them both in the same day! We will have more activities to do then! :D (I don't know if this even belongs here but I was to excited to tell everyone my idea. I'm a party girl! xD)

Screenshots / My Halloween Character For The Party! :D
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:19:43 pm »

Hello, welcome to my poll. Since I wanted to improve my art on computer I went to school to my teacher and asked her some stuff. She told me start with the face then the body, then what ever so. She teach me how to start with the faces and when she told me it got really easy I start with detail. I did three samples for a starting and I wanted to get your opinions about it. Each one took me about 2 hours because I need to check if everything was in place. I did a sample of LordSuragaha, Tariri and a random one I did. You can still give comments and if you can, you may show me your videos of how you draw them.

What I want to know:
  • Drawing Eyes.
  • Shading the fur.

I am pretty sure me and my teacher got everything in hand with everything else. So here are the faces, I guess there pretty cool:

Ritat ~ Your Life Saver! :D

Art Gallery / Rita's Art Gallery. (Improvement is obvious)
« on: October 11, 2013, 06:40:03 am »
Hello floofes and welcome to my new gallery. So I guess this is the hardest thing I have ever done and I will hopefully make more. Requests are now opened.

Date Opening: October 11th 2013        Expiry Date: April 1st 2014

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