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Request Other Mods/Creations / Item pack request! (Reward!)
« on: November 03, 2013, 09:42:10 am »

Red collar with gold tag saying L on the front
White collar with a black tag saying D on the front
Dark Grey collar (Iron) with a white tag saying S on the front
Light Green collar with a black tag saying M on the front
Light blue collar (In the style of Sip's clothing) with a light blue tag saying S on the front
Light orange collar (In the style of Sjin's clothing) with a light orange tag saying S on the front
Rythian's mask (YOGSCAST)
Black collar with a dark purple tag saying R on the front
YOGSCAST Hannah's hat
YOGSCAST Kim's hat
YOGSCAST Simon's helmet
YOGSCAST Martyn's head band
YOGSCAST Simon's Red pickaxe (In mouth)
NerdCubed's glasses

Item pack name: YogsClan Property
Public: No

Thats all in my request! Take your time! Bye-O!

Reward: +Floof for 7 days!

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Site/Forum Help / How d'you like, 'name' a link?
« on: November 01, 2013, 12:24:37 pm »
I have seen many members in this community have a link in their signature that doesn't say the url. How do I do that?

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Stories / The YogsClan [W.I.P] [Print and Publish!?]
« on: November 01, 2013, 12:06:07 pm »
Heyo! So, my first story. Well well well! Its time to show my true talent! XD Lets begin!



The golden sun rised, eating away darkness, burning mobs. All the villagers were still safe. Dark blue turns to light blue. Flowers blooming. Trees swaying. What a peaceful morning! A creak of a wooden door was heard. "Morning!" It was Simon! A red-ish orange thick-furred cat appears, stretching all of his legs. He still had his rusty viking helmet and small glossy beard. He wore his iron collar and an white-ish tag saying 'S' on the front and on the back it says 'Part of the YogsClan'.
"Good morning, Simon!" Lewis dipped his head in greeting. His silky brown fur waved in the sunlight. His red collar suited him! Along with that gold tag saying 'L' on the front and says the same text on the back as Simon's tag.
"G'morning!" A blonde cat with a white collar and black goggles on his forehead stretched outside. Its Duncan! His tag was black. Same as the others he has the beginning letter of his name on front, and the text at the back. These cats call themselves...YogsClan.

"Are we ready to get working?" Simon spoke, flicking his tail in excitement.
"Yes. I shall go into the mine and get resources." But before Duncan could head off Lewis leaped in front of him and said,
"Oh no you don't! We don't want you to get in that mess like last time!" He had a teasing look on his face while continuing his speech,
"Why don't you go and hunt with Simon while I harvest the wheat? That'll keep you out of trouble!" Duncan wondered why he should hunt. Surely they had enough food?
"Wait. Don't we have enough food?" Duncan asked as Lewis headed for the wheat farm he paused and looked at Simon.
"Ah! Ok, the villagers ate all of the spuds and the creepers stole the rest. Along with some spiders..." Simon shuffled his paws when Duncan replied,
"Wait. What? Oh fine." The two cats trotted away to the edge of the woods while Lewis padded of to farm. A bit unusual for a cat but it does good for the yogsclan.

"Ok I'll head off to hunt small prey while you, Simon, shall hunt the bigger herbivores. Sound good?" Duncan had a smug look on his face when Simon complained,
"Oh why do I have to do all the hard work?" Duncan chuckled after his friend complained and bounded away. Simon was not amused. He caught sight of a pig and decided to crouch low, his underfur dragging across the ground. When he was only a tail length away, he leaped. Claws unseathed, mouth open for a bite! But the pig squealed and managed to break into a chase. Simon sprinted as fast as he could when the tasty prey made an unexpected turn, confusing Simon. Before Simon could turn as well he tumbled into another cat. He hopped back onto his paws and stood his ground with a defensive crouch, ready for a challenge. "AH! Stay away you imbecile!" The tabby he bumped into put an amused and confused look after stepping back from the iron-collared cat.
"Woa woa hey! Calm down!" The tabby spoke. "Wait, Simon? Is that you?" Simon stood up from his defensive crouch and questioned,
"W-what? Martyn? What are you doing out here?" This tabby had a light green collar with a black tag saying the beginning letter of his name on the front, and the text, 'Part of the YogsClan' at the back. He also wore a black band around his head, it was Martyn alright! The familiar cat sat down and proudly said,
"Livin' in the little woods! What about you?" Simon felt slightly puzzled but glad to see his old friend here.
"Juuust hunting! We ran out of food supplies." Martyn then stared out into this 'little wood' and purred,
"Well in the little woods, I have this tree stump." Simon listened hard, quiet fascinated by Martyn's 'little woods'. "And in front of it is this hole. Inside there are loads of chest and stuff. Pretty much everything a cat needs." Martyn turned his focus back on Simon. "Would you like to come and visit? Your friends can come too!" The thick-furred cat was excited. He definitely wanted to go visit the 'little woods'. But he asked,
"Wait, how did you know I have others?"
"I saw fellow Duncan earlier!"
"Oh. Well then, yeah! Sounds good! We'll come at sunset!" He said with a joyful feeling inside.
"Good. I'll see you then!" The wild tabby rushed back into the little woods. Simon observed his trusted friend bound away into the woods.

As soon as he was out of sight, Simon walked back to Lewis, who was already close to finishing harvesting the wheat. Simon grinned as he sneaked up on the silky cat and shouted, "Hello, Lewis!" Lewis yowled and fell into the water source that kept the farm lively, along with the wheat he was carrying. Water droplets landed on Simons nose as he burst out laughing.
"Simon!" Complained Lewis as he crawled out and shook his body to get dry as he asked, "Why aren't you out hunting?" Simon stopped laughing and spoke,
"I found Martyn!" He meowed happily, holding his head up high.
"Really? Where?" The curious cat questioned Simon. Then he said,
"At the edge of the little woods!" He pointed over the the oak trees with his muzzle.
"Ha ha, very funny!" Lewis replied in disbelief.
"No, really! He said we can come with him at sunset!" The orange cat winked as he eyed his friend.
"Well that'll be enough proof!" Lewis said sarcastically.
"You'll see!" He looked back out into the woods, filled with hope and thrill for adventure!

Duncan came back with a limp, grey mouse in his fangs. It dangled like a puppet on a string.
"Welcome back, Duncan!" Lewis said, his ears twitching as he heard Duncan pad over.
"Hurray! Fresh kill for our journey at sunset!" Simon noticed the blonde cat with the lifeless mouse. Duncan dipped his head in respect but was confused about this, 'journey'.
"What journey? At sunset?" He said, muffled by his morning kill. Before Simon could open his mouth to speak, Lewis amswered the question quite calmly,
"Simon says he's found Martyn! We're going to meet him at sunset." Duncan's confusion turned into delight as he dropped the mouse and said with excitment,
"Oh wow! I can't wait!" Then finally Simon came inti the conversation and said,
"We're going into the woods with him!" He hopped happily. Buf Duncan then had fear.
"But its dangerous out there! There's monsters and-" Lewis interupted and scoffed,
"Oh! Scaredy-cat! We can leave you on your own here, if you like!" He then had the same teasing look as before. Duncan frowned as he meowed,
"I'm not scared! Oh fine, I'll come!" After the comment, Lewis pounced and pushed him into the water with a big SPLASH!!! Simon burst out laughing more than ever as Lewis did too, almost choking. Duncan yowled and, wih fear on him, he scrabbled out of the water and complained,
"Agh! Why did you do that! Its not funny!" Then he pushed Simon in as the orange cat took Lewis with him. Duncan laughed mischievously. They played all day until the sky turned yellow.

Excited, Simon lead them to the edge of the woods, carrying a ruby pickaxe. Out jumped a pale tabby, Martyn!
"Oh it IS Martyn! Hello there friend!" Lewis galloped over to Martyn to share tongues as the others did.
"Hey there, guys!" Martyn replied, turning his muzzle to the Little Woods. He introduced them and explained what would happen, then he raced into the Woods followed by Simon, Lewis and Duncan. They approached a clearing with a tree stump in the middle with a hole in front of it. Just like Martyn said! The excitment broke as a twig snapped. A pair of red eyes came forward, followed by others. Blood Wolves! They were pitch black with red markings, they snarled loudly. 6 of them! The last one who came was the biggest, strongest wolf of them all. It was Evil! A.K.A Mutt. He had dark red daimond back markings from nose to tip of tail. Now there was 7. The 4 cats were surrounded and outnumbered.

Duncan was most fearful, his eyes as wide as the moon. While Lewis tried to look strong and Simon was trembling. But Martyn snarled at the vicious wolves. Finally, Mutt spoke, "Hey, kittypets!" He spat as he jogged over to the pale tabby. "Martyn, I see you have some friends with you." He strided over to Lewis, who began shaking slightly as the wolf approached him. Mutt glared at the collar worn on him and read it, murmuring the words. "Ha! Lewis! It suits you!" He rasped as Lewis, who calmed at the 'compliment'. But the dark wolf continued, "For a kittypet!" He chortled out loud as the other did too. Lewis looked embarrassed. Smirking, he then came to Simon and did the same thing. "Silly hat! Seriously!? Ahahahahahahahaha!" Duncan was even more fearful as Mutt came closer. Fur standing on his neck. "Duncan. You scared? Scaredy-kitty? Hahahhahahahhahahahahahha!" The blonde cat's ears drooped in fear and shame as the black wolf got back to Martyn. Before he spoke, Martyn said,
"Don't hurt my friends, Mutt. You'll get your bloody butt kicked hard!" Martyn had blurted out. Mutt's eyes burned with rage as he declared,
"Attack!" Without warning, the wolves pounced on the 4 clan cats as he cackled, "We'll see who gets their but kicked!!!"

The first cat Mutt attacked was Martyn, obviously. Martyn did a lucky dodge and gave Mutt a scratch over his eye. Meanwhile, Simon grabbed his red pickaxe and swung it at 2 wolves and gave them scars across their faces. Lewis bit a wolf on the tail hard while Duncan was on top of the rest of the woles attacking. They were hopelessly outnumbered. But suddenly, 3 more cats appeared in a suprise attack! They sent the enimies away into the deep woods. One of the cats was very, very dark grey with a digatal-looking light blue collar with a blue tag saying 'S' on the front. Sips! The nest was a deep brown cat with a short beard and mustache. He wore an orange version of Sip's collar. It was obviously Sjin. Last, but not least, there was a dark brown cat with glowing blue eyes. He had a black bandana and a rough, dark black collar with a dark purple tag saying 'R' on the front. He also had an extremely bushy tail with a very bright brown tail tip, bright brown leg stripes and eye stripes. Rythian!

The 3 cats who jumped in stared at Lewis, Simon and Duncan suspiciously. "Martyn, who ARE these guys?" Rythian asked,
with a tone of seriousness. Tentatively, Sips sniffed each cat carefully,
"Lewis, Simon and Duncan?" He meowed. Martyn then replied,
"Yes. I have brought them here to help us." He dipped his head in respect.
"Help with what?" Lewis asked. Sjin then opened his mouth to explain. Cautiously, he spoke about the blood wolves and how they wanted to kill them, they wanted to drive Mutt and his pack out. It was all so clear now, these cats were suffering the terrible danger of these species of wolf. Night was closing in, it would be moonrise soon. All 7 cats climbed down the hole. As soon as they entered there was a kitchen. There was a bar and behind it was 6 furnaces and 2 chests. On the right, there was a room. The bedroom. Thank StarClan! Simon thought, as he almst blurted it out. Without word, they all curled up to rest in peace. It was going to be a big day tomorrow. 

To be continued...


This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / How to make an animal version of a human!
« on: November 01, 2013, 11:08:53 am »
Heyo! My first tutorial! So lets begin!

Wether you're making a character in-game or an art peice of an animal version of a human, its always important for the pelt to be the same colour as the human's hair. Same color eyes and if they have clothes that makes them unique then make sure that they wear that clothing. If its a shirt or anything then here's a tip; Make a collar version of it. You don't have to but its a good idea and makes it more realistic. If they have any facial hair then its also a good idea to add the facial hair on the animal. Also, be sure to add their hairstyle to the animal version. You don't have to do that either but it makes more sense(in my opinion).


Then afterwards it will look something like this:

Thanks for reading this Epic tutorial! Pictures will be added soon! Bye-o! [NOTE: I OWN NOTHING]

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Videos / Firestar doesn't like waffles! D:
« on: October 28, 2013, 11:58:01 am »


This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Heyo! A new in-game rp! Lets get started with the story/Plot!

Food was very sacred in leafbare. (Winter) The leader of all clans has fallen and all clans were at war. It was time for StarClan to be born. These are the 4 clans of SundownValley.

The most powerful yet evil clan of the 4. Its filled with the most darkest warriors and spitefulness. They get stronger and stronger everyday. They are the most feared and hated.
Leader: Availible
Deputy: Availible
Medicine Cats: None
Mentors/Warriors: None
Apprentices: None
Kits: None
Hunters: None
Eldery: None
Mothers: None
Citizens: None

The weakest yet most social clan of the 4. No one has a dark soul. They hardly ever fight.
Leader: Availible
Deputy: Availible
Medicine Cats: None
Mentors/Warriors: None
Apprentices: None
Kits: None
Hunters: None
Eldery: None
Mothers: None
Citizens: None

The rulers of the lake. They are very serious and are very aware of others. Mostly border patrols hang about.
Leader: Availible
Deputy: Availible
Medicine Cats: None
Mentors/Warriors: Non
Apprentices: None
Kits: None
Hunters: None
Eldery: None
Mothers: None
Citizens: None

The most noble clan of all. They are in desperate need of warriors.
Leader: Icestar [EpicWolfie]
Deputy: Availible
Medicine Cats: None
Mentors/Warriors: None
Apprentices: None
Kits: None
Hunters: None
Eldery: None
Mothers: None
Citizens: None

Desired rank:
Desired clan:
Rp Sample:

Deputy(Can be mentor and warrior at the same time)
Medicine Cat
Mentor(Can be warrior at the same time)

Reds map pack: SundownValley

If you need more informafion just pm me and I will add the information onto this post! Thanks for listening!

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Praise / R.I.P Henry Allen
« on: October 23, 2013, 03:43:30 pm »

A 5 year old against Neroblastoma, has died of it. Its a tragedy for such a young person to die. All the money raised for him with be donated to other families against Neroblastoma. I would like to thank all those who took part in the appeal as I did. Rest in peace.

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Discussion Board / Any 3D RPG Makers?
« on: October 19, 2013, 10:53:30 am »
I really like to make a RPG like FH. But are there any good apps or programs that let me do so?

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Member Bio & Journals / Epic's bio! (ITS FINALLY HERE!!!)
« on: October 13, 2013, 10:43:29 am »

Epic IRL!!! [OC above]


Heyo! My real name is Hayley. Hah! Suits me well! I am 11 years old and I live at Milton Keynes, West Bletchely. I have an autistic brother at the age of 7. Hes so annoying at times. Ah well. Can't blame him right? I'm the cool sorta person. I am also a future youtuber! Lets get to the details then shall we?

Favourite Animals


Favourite Books

Varjak Paw
The Outlaw Varjak Paw

Favourite Warrior Cats

Varjak Paw

Favourite Authors

Michael Morpurgo
SF Said

Favourite Youtubers


Favourite Games

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Zoo Tycoon 2

Favourite Songs

Katy Perry- Roar
Katy Perry- Firework
P!NK- Bridge of Light
Wanted- Chasing the Sun

Favourite Tunes

Kevin Macleod- Mechanolith
Silent Hill- Not Tomorrow

Favourite Youtube Series

OfficialNerdCubed- LittleBigPlanet

Favourite TV Show

Air Crash Investigation
Nothing to Declare
Traffic Cops
Top Gear
Storage Hunters
Banged Up Abroad

My Dream

To develop my own game



Well thats all I gotta say about myself.

This is EpicWolfie, peace out!

Poems / EpicWolfingPoems
« on: October 12, 2013, 10:06:50 am »

Heyo! Welcome to my poem thread! Nothing much to say. Will be taking requests.

First one is in memory of our floof, DarkPetal. Its a free verse poem.

My heart burns to know,
That our dear DarkPetal is dead.
At seven in the evening,
She and her mother,
Were headed for the swimming gala.
A drunk driver lost control,
And caused a fatal accident.
Killing our floof,
She shall be remembered forever,
Rest in peace.

Real touching. Next we have another free verse poem to do with my favourite warrior cat, Varjak Paw

There is a cat,
He is blue,
Its Varjak!
The greatest fighter,
Cos he beat Sally Bones.
Leader of the Free Cats,
All whom respect him.
Its Varjak Paw!

EpicWolfingPoems, all rights reserved, copyright EpicWolfie

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