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Topics - gold feathers

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Forum Games / ~.::How It Ends::.~
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:26:12 am »
So basically the game goes like this. I will give you a sentence and the next person will have to write another sentence. And another person will have to write yet another sentence. This way we will make a story. Any made up character can come in at any time but it has to make sense. And don't crash in new characters all the time. Let them have a break.

Off we go.

The trees gently swayed as the wind passed through the forest. A wolf walked in the distance.

Screenshots / ~CrystalWolfTear's~ Scrapbook!
« on: July 22, 2013, 07:56:32 pm »
Right so i'm going to put just the really special ones that i spent a lot of time on. Because if i started to put all of the screenshots i take then i would be spamming feral heart. lol so i'm just putting those which show my journey in Feral Heart. That sum up my being here.

Request/Find Meshes / Where Can I get Realistic Willow Trees?
« on: July 22, 2013, 12:36:52 pm »
I would appreciate it if anyone could give me any links to realistic willow tree.meshes that i could put in my map. I will nuzzle.

Ask Me / ~.::Ask Crystal::.~
« on: July 19, 2013, 06:11:44 pm »
Not many people know me, so i made this for fun so people can find out stuff about me, whether useful or just plain fun. ^^
Don't be shy, i don't bite... well XD

Even if you know you, just ask away. You might not know everything.

~Ask me random stuff~


~Don't ask the same questions!~


~Be creative and try to think of questions that i will enjoy answering (Not that i'm fussy)~


Hope this will be somehow fun!  So ask away floofs. *SUPRISE ME! XD*


Leaving / Won't Be On For 3 Days Guys!!
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:00:36 pm »
I am going on a trip to disney land in paris and during that time i won't be going on here at all so starting from tomorrow (16th july) at 5 am i will be heading for disney land. I will be returning on the 19th july.

So Au Revoir guys ;)

Art Gallery / CrystalWolfTear's Paints ;)
« on: July 14, 2013, 06:16:08 pm »
I am taking art for GCSE and i wanted you to rate these paintings i did on canvas in RL. The paintings are of images found on google :).

Leaving / Those of you who are leaving :'(
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:38:36 pm »
To those of you who have decided to leave permanently,

You have been part of the feral heart community and we are proud, as you say goodbyes to your friends and letting others know, just look back and remember all the happy times at feral heart, Ignoring the bad times. You might change your mind but you might not. You might decide to start anew or to lay back for some time. But even though you leave this community, I'm sure your feral heart friends will remember what a wonderful friend you have been. If you have been hurt by other feral heart players then this is not the reason to leave, you can always report them and move on. So for what ever reason you are leaving just keep in mind, we are thinking of you, hoping for your return.
And if you really are leaving, I wish you find what you are looking for and i hope you do in the near or far future return to this place. I hope you will be happy outside of feral heart.

It's hard to see you go guys.

I hope you will keep feral heart in your mind, And that feral heart won't be a far off memory.

Goodbye. I am awaiting your returns. a goodbye song ;)

Member Bio & Journals / CrystalWolfTear's Bio !! :)
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:22:09 am »
So this should be deleted c: (too personal, had to delete)

Game Help / Rain Doesn't Show Up On My Map
« on: June 15, 2013, 06:54:46 pm »
ok so i created a map for my video and it is supposed to rain in, I created the weather file and saved it then i put it in my map ! i tested it and the rain showed up but when i exported my map the rain wanst showing and the sky was default. :( please help !!! its quite urgent

Other Games / Arokai Hell...... Help me!!
« on: May 31, 2013, 02:03:15 pm »
Ok so this is a true story that happened to me.
I was really excited to be part of the arokai community... and everything was great until i posted some artwork of my feral heart characters... a moderator accused me stealing art.   apparently i stole my own art... how does that work?? can someone explain?
And the same moderator kept deleting ALL my posts which contained an explanation and proof that i wasn't an art theif. She also gave me another warning for posting a poem dedicated to my deceased friend..... How sick in the head is that? i was devastated.. not only did she ruin all good thoughts about arokai but she insulted me and my dead friend.... she limited my freedom in arokai forums aswell.. and i tried to message her saying that i dont know what i did wrong.. but she ignored me... she acted like she HATED me... she was really evil.. and i dont even know what i did. she could have at least told me what i did wrong.
I then dedicated a song for my deceased friend and i mentioned that the song was by westlife.. and that it was a dedication..... so the SAME moderator came and deleted it and banned me pernamently from the arokai forums.......... i didnt even have time to say goodbye to my new arokai friends........... this time i will stick to FH where i wont be accused of art theft and i wont have to put up with rude and mean moderators...

because moderators are really kind here.... seriously i dont know what has ahppened to arokai but it is hell.

My personal hell.......

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