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Topics - ~Stargazer~

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?The Tribe of Broken Shadows?
Mapless ? Plotted ? Semi Realistic ? Semi Literate

The Tribe of Broken Shadows is a wolf pack which is made up of tribal wolves. All respect the alphas whom rule over the pack and the mountains they settled in. They seek all who are of the Tribal wolf specie and grow stronger each moon. Before joining, make sure to read everything here.


    Since the beginning of time there have always been wolves who live in tribes. They worshipped the three spirits whom guard the mountains and the valleys beyond. These spirits were known as the goddess who made the tribal wolves seprate from others. Tribal wolves have mysterious designs in their fur and and speak a tounge that is different from others. Shamans were responsible for reading signs sent by the goddess and share with the alphas what their future looked like. One day the shaman had a vision. All was dark and foggy and all the forest was dead. Suddenly countless wolves rushed forward. Teeth gleaming, eyes burning, muscles rippling, they charged at the shaman. He quickly woke up and told the alphas that their future was dark and foggy. That night The Tribe of Strong Winds met with the other wolf packs that stalked the valleys. The tribe was the first to arrive on the cold moonless night. All was silent as the tribe waited for the other packs to arrive. Something made the bushes sway. Glowing eyes appeared to be staring from all around. A blood curtleing screech split the air and dozens of snarling wolves emerged from the forest around the tribe. In all of the chaos one voice seemed to fill the air. "Dont you see?!?! Your gods destroyed you!!!" Battle broke out and all the wolves in the tribe were killed. In the midst of war a small group of tribal wolves escaped. They didn't believe their gods had left them. The alpha named the tribe Broken Shadows because of how the event had destroyed most of the pack. Thus, she named it for how her tribe broke up into fragments. But they had hope, for a future. The question is, what will their future look like? Will they get stronger, and rule over the valleys like they once did? Or will the remaining Tribal wolves perish in disaster?


Note: Warriors, Etas, Pups-In-Training, and Pups are always open. Just be reasonable and understand that we can't have too many of one rank.


Breeze - Female
Vodka - Male

Betas (2nd in Command)

Tara - Female
Kendrik - Male

Deltas (3rd in Command)

(Open) - Female
(Open) - Male

Shaman (Healer)

Bec - Female

Zeta (Lead Warrior)

Aaern - Male


Naomi - Female
Zevilleer - Male
Talon - Male
Frost - Female
RipTide - Female
Jordan - Female
Zia - Male

Krepa (Lead Hunter)


Etas (Hunters)

(Always Open)


Eclipse - Male
Thunder - Male
Wind - Female
Moon - Female
Atari - Female




(Always Open)

Total Slots Filled: 15/50
Note: We will stop recruiting members for about a month once we've reached 50. This is to let everyone settle into their ranks



?The Code?

This is a Realistic to Semi Realistic wolf pack. Some purple wolves have walked up to me expecting to get accepted. Let me go over what you can look like and what you cannot look like.
What We Allow
- Unrealistic eye color
- Unrealistic markings
- Bangs/Manes (I'll have to approve them first)
- Mass Markings
- Items (Like bangs/manes I'll have to approve them)
- Preset (You'll need to post the link when you join)
What We Don't Allow
- Wings
- Neon/Bright/Unnatural colors
- Crazy hairdos
- Tailless wolves (Sorry)
- "Unnatural" eyes (You know what I mean by that)
- Odd items

You should be on at least on the weekends. If you have school and homework I understand you can't be on much in the weekdays. If you go on vacation make sure to PM me and say when your leaving and how long you are and beside your name write the word "Gone" Ex. "Breeze Gone" Even I have a life, we must acknowledge that we can't be on 24/7.

Please, respect those around you, even if we're RPing. If we're RPing, you can disagree but don't get up in someone's face.

We can all be in mature at times, but don't go over the top please. There is plenty of time for derping around. We can do it, just not in the middle of RP. Please wait until afterwards to go wild.

Your Bio
Your characters bio is there for a reason. If your name was Sky, instead of doing "Sky M Beta" place all your character's personal info and background in their bio. That's what it's there for.

This goes along with respect. You cannot run around and harass or attack members or other players and taint the name of the clan. Any other misbehaving acts such as "buttswinging" another player is not allowed unless it's someone you know on FH.

?RolePlaying Rules?
When it comes to RPing there are still rules. Here are some of the major ones.

It would be most appreciated if RP did not consist any  type of "text-talk". Please, adding the 2 other letters won't hurt.

No, never and thats final. If you are seen power playing you will be warned. If done three times you will be kicked.

Wolf Speak
NOOO! No, no, no, no, no and no. I'm against wolf speak (incase you couldn't already tell xD) Wolf-speak isn't english, period. If you wanna see what I'm talking about click here. That's final, the only wolf-speak word that you will be allowed to use is pads/padded/padding.

If your and a pack member there are rules. You can only dodge 5 times max. When your fighting you can't just say "Slices open stomach and pulls out entrails" that's not fair to the other wolf and also it takes A TON of strength to rip out someone's entrails. Also if you attack someone please wait for them to respond. And please under stand that you can't get your belly sliced open 3 times and still be fighting. Please try to be as realistic as possible. Look at the stuff below and refer back to that.

Fatal places
If your character is attacked in the gut, chest area, head or spine, it could easily kill them.

Possible fatal, permanent damage
If your character is attacked on the legs, shoulder or any place like that, it could result in permanent damage.
Of course, it could possibly be enough to kill your character, but it's not certain.

Harmful places, although not fatal
If the tail, ears or fur got ripped of/attacked by someone else, it would greatly hurt your character, although possibly not kill them.
Places like the tail and ears; if they got ripped off, there is a chance your character will bleed to death, though.

What You MUST Download

Ringo and Delay's Item Pack

?To Join?
If you wish to join please type in this format
Code: [Select]
Username (in game) :
How active?
Character Name:
Do you have a preset?
Age (optional):
Mass Markings (optional) :
Items (optional) :

Username (in game) : ~Stargazer~
How active? Weekends mostly, occasionally 4 - 5 pm EST on weekdays
Character Name: Breeze
Gender: Female
Rank: Alpha
Personality: Calm, kind, modest, and patient, Breeze is also very quiet and shy at times. She will stand up for what is right and fight to the death for her pack and family.
Do you have a preset? No
Age (optional) : 2 years
Mass Markings (optional) : None
Items (optional) : Ear Feather

Then get on FearlHeart and go to Group >> Search >> The Tribe of Broken Shadows >> Send Join Request >> Your done ;)

If you still have questions about the pack/rules/appearance/ranks make sure to PM me ;)

Discussion Board / In School, Home Schooled, Or In College
« on: May 20, 2013, 11:25:10 am »
I've been at school thinking of FH and sometimes I'm able to get on the forums. When I'm on the forums it says there are 400 something people on. Then I thought of how many people go to school, are homeschooled or in college.

So... Are you...

In School
Home Schooled
In College

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Alt Symbols
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:09:31 pm »

Game Help / Publisher Couldn't Be Verified ~ Help?
« on: May 19, 2013, 02:58:32 pm »
Help please, I'm trying to download Feral City and whenever I try to save it this pops up "The publisher of FeralCity (3).exe couldn't be verified" So.... What do I do

?The Tribe of Broken Shadows?
Mapless ? Plotted ? Semi Realistic ? Literate

The Tribe of Broken Shadows is a wolf pack which is made up of tribal wolves. All respect the alphas whom rule over the pack and the mountains they settled in. They seek all who are of the Tribal wolf specie and grow stronger each moon. Before joining, make sure to read everything here.


   Since the beginning of time there have always been wolves who live in tribes. They worshipped the three spirits whom guard the mountains and the valleys beyond. These spirits were known as the goddess who made the tribal wolves seprate from others. Tribal wolves have mysterious designs in their fur and and speak a tounge that is different from others. Shamans were responsible for reading signs sent by the goddess and share with the alphas what their future looked like. One day the shaman had a vision. All was dark and foggy and all the forest was dead. Suddenly countless wolves rushed forward. Teeth gleaming, eyes burning, muscles rippling, they charged at the shaman. He quickly woke up and told the alphas that their future was dark and foggy. That night The Tribe of Strong Winds met with the other wolf packs that stalked the valleys. The tribe was the first to arrive on the cold moonless night. All was silent as the tribe waited for the other packs to arrive. Something made the bushes sway. Glowing eyes appeared to be staring from all around. A blood curtleing screech split the air and dozens of snarling wolves emerged from the forest around the tribe. In all of the chaos one voice seemed to fill the air. "Dont you see?!?! Your gods destroyed you!!!" Battle broke out and all the wolves in the tribe were killed. In the midst of war a small group of tribal wolves escaped. They didn't believe their gods had left them. The alpha named the tribe Broken Shadows because of how the event had destroyed most of the pack. Thus, she named it for how her tribe broke up into fragments. But they had hope, for a future. The question is, what will their future look like? Will they get stronger, and rule over the valleys like they once did? Or will the remaining Tribal wolves perish in disaster?

Discussion Board / What Other Games Do You Play?
« on: May 17, 2013, 11:43:17 am »
Come on guyz, I know FeralHeart isn't the only game you play. What other games do you like?

PS: I didn't know wether or not to post this in Discussion Board or in Other Games...

My VideoGame List
~ Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
~ Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
~ Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
~ LittleBig Planet 2
~ Call of Duty Black Ops
~ Minecraft
~ WolfQuest
~ Super Smash Brothers Brawl (xD)
~ I, Predator

Game Help / Downloading Presets From DA ~ Solved
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:56:24 am »
Hi guyz, recently tried to download a preset that I really wanted and I have to do it from DA. I've never downloaded anything from DA before. I would really appreciate it if someone would give me some very detailed instructions to download it. Thanks ;)

Preset That I Want To Download -

Leaving / I'm leaving... Who knows how long...
« on: May 12, 2013, 02:16:24 am »
The title says it all guyz.....I'm leaving. Sad, I've only been here for a month and I already have to go. I will miss my new friends.God knows how long I'll be gone, a month, a year, maybe even 3-4 years ;( There are reasons of why I'm leaving but I wish to not share it. Don't try to reply to my threads because, I'm not there. I might check out what's going on in the forums every now and then... but I won't post. I will never forget the ones I met here. my heart still lies here and I will never let go. Good bye floofs, I'll miss you.

Game Help / Invisible Items ~ Help?
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:21:47 pm »
Hi guyz, recently downloaded Ringo and Delays item pack but when I put on the item, it's invisible. I've done everything right, but I can't see the items. Help please?

Characters / Star's Characters ~ Major Update 7/26/13 (WIP)
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:58:22 pm »
Star's Many Characters

Name: Starry

Age: 4 Moons

Gender: Female

Species: Feline - Domestic Cat - Silver Tabby

Personality: Being a happy-go-lucky kitten, Starry doesn't have a care in the world. She's very playful jumpy kitty and still hasn't learned when to speak and when not to. She is normally very cheery and is rarely sad.

Background: Starry was born in a human's house along with her three siblings, all toms. She was playful from the start and loved to play rough with her litter mates. When she was 3 moons old (12 weeks) more humans came and played with her and her litter mates for a while, then left. Starry asked her mother why the humans came and her mother answered that they were going to be adopted.
A half-moon (a week) later, the humans came again, this time with boxes. Starry, was put in the box, but not with her litter mates. Everything went dark and suddenly the box was lifted and put down. The cardboard started to become wet and cold. starry peeked through the top of the box. A loud roar of a car engine filled the air and then seemed to fade away. (Basically, the people who adopted her dumped her on the side of the road and left ._.).
As Starry realized what had happened her life suddenly became rough as she tried to live on her own. Today, Starry now lives as a stray, snacking on anything she can find in Fluorite Plains.

Other: She is the recarnation of the first Starry.


Name: Star

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Canine - Wolf - Timber Wolf

Personality: {Soon to be added}

Background: {Please forgive me of how I am too lady to come up about this characters past :(}

Deku TEC

Name: Deku

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Canine - Undead - Kreptis

Personality: Deku is a pretty subtle and quiet Kreptic. Laughter, yeah, that's something pretty much bound to be seen and happen the majority of the time but long speech, pff, no thanks. Because the things you know about him would be true as well but there is a hidden side to this him that you will never know.

Background: He forgets his entire past and how he died.

Other: He has an odd attraction to brightly colored tail tips

When I get the time I'll add the rest of my characters~

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