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Topics - painfulVeracity

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Registration Fail
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:26:41 pm »
EDIT: For anyone just now reading this thread, I'd like to make my intentions clear so there are no misunderstandings of this thread.
The problem here is not with judgement that has been put upon me by any such staff member.
I am also not claiming an unclaimed username.
I'm trying to claim a username that has already been claimed by myself, which I have proof of (the image included later), but I can't because the game and site are treating it as though it doesn't exist.

So there's been a lot of issues with a FeralHeart user (-Paramore-) that have yet to be resolved by anyone. I've asked multiple friends of mine to fix this, and I myself have tried to fix this, but no one has been successful.

The problem: Towards the end of 2014, during one of the registration periods, I was able to snag another username, one that I promptly used all day while I was able to for roleplaying purposes (to be more specific, if it helps, it was in use for the Warrior Cats roleplay Viridity, and it was pretty important). Now, I intended to use it more, and to even come back the next day on the same character to continue on with the plot I had going, but when I tried to access it the second day, I was completely unable.

The attempted solutions: No matter how I put in the username and/or password, I could not access the account either on the forum here, or in-game. I asked my girlfriend to try it on her computer, and that also didn't work. I asked another very trusted friend, and she couldn't figure it out either.
I consulted email to make sure that I hadn't imagined the previous day, and to make sure I had the username right. I did, and I certainly had it.

I have not been banned or restricted in any way. I have broken no rules. And if I have been banned or restricted in any way, I have not been informed, and I have especially not been informed as to why I have been. I don't think that's wholly fair at all.

Now, I'm trusting everyone here NOT to steal a username that is CLEARLY ALREADY TAKEN by me OFFICIALLY, as seen in the included image. But I would really like to know why it's not working out and why I was able to be on it one minute, and the next, I am told that the account does not and has not ever existed. It is my account, and I want it back. Please, please someone help me.

Game Help / Unable to log in
« on: October 07, 2013, 04:50:32 am »
So, I haven't been online in a good while. I had a random urge to go online, though, just a little while ago. As used to be my daily routine, I went down to my lovely little FH icon on my taskbar, opened it up, and waited for it to load. Once I got to the main screen, I typed in my username and my password as always.
Access denied.
I frowned, confused, as I knew I had typed it in correctly, without a doubt, but nevertheless, I tried again, carefully re-typing it.
Access denied.

Long story short, tl;dr, I'm banned right now, despite the fact that I typed in my password and username correctly each time. How am I sure that it was correct? I put the same exact, identical information into the site here, and I'm clearly logged in.
Does anyone know what's going on right now?

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