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Topics - Morag

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Stories / BETTER! How the Dragon Became a Zombie
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:51:30 am »
So... if you've read my first one, which was crap, I made a new one. This one will be much better with more details. I hope you like it better. Enjoy.~

The blue dragon shifted her gaze towards the green one, her blue eyes narrowing. "What? Are you chicken?" she taunted, leaning closer.
  The green dragon snorted, twisting his neck around so he could glare the female in the eyes. "No, I am not, Sappire. You just want me to do it because you're too scared to do it," he challenged, a smirk coming to place over his lips.
  "And you keep thinking that." Sappire spread her partially transparent wings, taking to flight. "I'll see you around, Blade."
  Blade watched the blue colored beast fly off, muttering beneath his breath. Suddenly, he heard a stick snap, turning his head to see what caused it, he noticed a yellow dragon nearby, noming on some berries. "Oh, great," he muttered, recognizing the creature. It was Chrome, the snobby dragon.
  "Oh, hello, Blade." Chrome giggled, raising his body off the ground. Tilting his head back, he quipped, "Would you care to join me on this beautiful night?"
  "No, thank you," Blade answered, turning away.
  "Are you too scared?" Sappire had flown back in, and was plastering herself to Chrome's side. Chrome gave her an uneasy look.
  "No, I just don't want to be around you two. I've had enough for one night."
  Chrome scowled. "Oh, just come on," he snapped, spreading his wings, ready to leap up there if Blade refused.
  But, Blade knew better. Slithering down the rock side of the hill, stopping in front of Chrome. "Alright, alright."
  "Come closer..." Chrome smirked. Blade leaned closer. "No, closer...." Blade moved closer still. "bsfdjskdfhj CLOSER." Blade looked startled, and scooted closer.
  The yellow dragged parted his jaws, revealing yellow teeth to match his hide color.
Ew.., Blade thought.
  Chrome's foul breath stung his nostrils. It made his eyes water. Then, without warning, Blade dropped dead.
  Now, he has returned as a zombie, to extract revenge on those who did him wrong...
  He is Blade.... and everybody fears him...

Yay. xD There you have it. The new and improved version. Erm... I hoped you liked it? And please be nice. I like suggestions, but let's not overdo it.

Characters / Ghoulstar & Greedstar from Morag
« on: June 29, 2013, 03:54:24 am »
Ghoulstar: Leader Of MonsterClan
Past Name(s): Ghoulkit > Ghoulpaw > Ghoulscar
Sex: Tom / Male
Nobility: Leader of MonsterClan
Scent: Oak leaves
Voice: Rune (Cow Of The Wild)
Mother x Father: Birchfur x Whitesky
Mentor: Blazefur; Scarface/star
Description: Large jet black tom with a burnished gray underfur tinting. A white stripe crosses both eyes. When alive, his eyes were green; now that he is with the Dark Forest, his eyes have turned a red color. He is a sadistic cat; he loves to kill and fight. But he also had somewhat of a heart.
Past: As a young kit (about 3 moons), he watched his parents get killed in a large tidal wave that crept up the beach and grasped his mother and father away. When he became an apprentice, his mentor was the deputy of his Clan. But, apparently the deputy didn't like him, because Blazefur (deputy's name) worked him too hard and pushed him around. After learning to fight, Ghoulpaw slaughtered the deputy, then left the Clan. He came to another Clan, where their leader was wanted dead. So when that leader was weak, Ghoulpaw murdered him. The next leader of that Clan made him a warrior: Ghoulscar. He went on to become deputy, then leader, renaming the Clan MonsterClan. He became mates with another leader named Emberstar, who had four kits: Greedkit, Hazekit, Bloodkit, and Jaggedkit. Then Emberstar betrayed Ghoulstar, and the two leaders fought. Ghoulstar was the winner, and he ended up dying later on in a fight.

Greedstar: Son Of Ghoulstar
Past Name(s): Greedkit, Kitty, Greedheart
Sex: Tom / Male
Nobility: Leader Of MaliciousClan
Scent: Dried blood, pine
Voice: Fang (Cow Of The Wild)
Mother x Father: Emberstar x Ghoulstar
Mentor: Ghoulstar
Description: Even larger tom than his father, Greedstar is a slick, jet black tom with lime green eyes. His face is scarred from many fights, along with his body and tail, plus, he has torn ears. His tail is rat-thin, not fluffy. He is sadistic, sarcastic, murderous, slick, and a bully, but he knows his limits, unlike his father did.
Past: Greedkit was a lone-type kit, always getting in trouble. One day, he and his sister, Hazekit, ran off from camp. They were taken by twolegs. Greed was taken to a farm, he didn't know about his sister (she was taken to a house and became a kittypet). On the farm, he was abused: Beaten with a whip, chained up so tight he bled, metal burned onto his claws, attacked by dogs (and other cats), barely fed, and some weird liquids were poured onto him. He escaped, and began his journey home. Along the way, he met a beautiful she-cat named Viper, who knew how to get to the Clans. The two became so close, that Viper soon bore Greed's kits. Sadly, she died from an unknown cause to Greed, fore he was away when it happened. So he took his kits to MonsterClan, was trained swiftly by Ghoulstar, became the deputy, then leader, and renamed the Clan to MaliciousClan. He dislikes when his Clanmates purposely attack each other to kill. And he is very intimidating.

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