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Topics - Shayne

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Member Bio & Journals / Meeee
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:05:34 am »
Heyy guys :D little about me.
|Name(FH): Shayne Sholto|
|Real Life Name: Shayne!|
|Date of birth: August 21, 1995|
|Gender:| male durr.|
|Main Character: Terrace L. Sholto|
|Brother: Trey R. Holmes (User is a secretttt)|
|*LIKES*: Friends, food, meshing, doodling, hanging with friends, cuddling, watching movies, trolling the movie theatre, breathing, singing in the shower, riding my magical unicorn, general chat, feralheart, tigers, unicorns, mystical creatures, dragons, funny videos, mexicans, and friends!!|
*Dislikes*: nothing really, unless you want me to. o,o |
|*Friends*:| everyone :D|
|Favorite song: i have a lot, but i mostly like movie soundtracks|
|Favorite movie:| Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes 2 (friend got me addicted)
|Reading right now:| general chat, comments, ya know.|
|Eating right now: most likely food.|
|Can I think of any thing else?: Nope!|
Picture of me in rl?: i'll post it soon, gotta take it first!!!|

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