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Topics - Pakhet

Pages: [1]
Hey, all. Pakhet here. You know how painful it is to try over and over (and over and...) to get into Fluorite during rush hour? It's a pain in the rear. So I'm attempting to make a FP wanna-be map. I just started today (1/7), but I'm making progress and decided to start a thread. My idea is to remake Ficho and Bonfire as well, and turn this into a map pack. But for now, it's just one.

I've decided it'll be public, and thus if you have suggestions, let me know. Also, I'd like to find some beta-testers in advance. Post or PM me if you want to be one.

Alright, so this project got put on a back burner a while. Life happened. (The ER played a part. Dun ask. ._.) But! After that got cleaned up, it turns out my mask somehow got deleted. (Either that or aliens abducted it...) Thus version 1 has come out, sans mask, for beta testing. If anyone would like to take a stab at a mask, I can PM you the height map.


1/30: Version one out. Still needs mask.
1/10: Most items are in, now working on details and plants.
1/8: Height map complete. Skipping the mask until I have items in.
1/8: Decided height map was too different from FP to use, and am editing.
1/7: Replaced the N/Z and moved the Compass to an island.


- KiarasBFF98
- Woofkita


Name: Fluorspar Plains
(Didn't know this, but Fluorite is a green mineral. Another name for it is Fluorspar.)

Size: 35000 W, 1500 H

Public/private: Public

Items used: All default FH stuff, put into their own group so it doesn't mess with other maps.

Release date: Currently active for V.1

Stage in creation: Testing and working on mask


I call this the Compass, because it's composed of four arrows. (The waterfalls are on the flat backsides of the arrows.) It's on the island formerly known as Cape, however will not be replacing it. Cape is being moved southward.

The new L Island: Whale Island! Now with trees!

The Steps/Glitch dens new look. Wonder if they're still glitchy....

A little camp thing I added. It's south of the Y river, and north of the Plus.

That little heart-shaped thing NE of the N/Z. Does it even have a name?

The N/Z from the Ficho side.

The Stone Bridge.

-Pictures coming soon-
Temple's makeover,
Y river,
Stone bridge den.

I'm lazy, and I gotta keep a few secrets...

Game Help / Couple more questions on presets
« on: October 05, 2012, 03:13:57 am »
So I've made a couple preset failures in trying to use the code right and all that stoof. I'd like to make a translucent, ghost-like preset, but not sure about what the code should be. I've seen it on the forum, but still skeptical to my ability to use it correctly.

Do I use the transparent code for a preset that's only semi-transparent?

If I'm making a preset that is partially opaque and partially clear on the same section, do I still use the transparent coding?

How do I put a fur texture on without drawing each hair?

Thanks in advance!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Few ideas
« on: September 28, 2012, 10:58:17 pm »
Just posted this elsewhere but, what if you could choose a species besides just canine or feline?
Could have like: Lion, Cheetah, Domestic cat, Lynx for the kitties, and: Wolf or Dog for the canids.  The sizes could be relative as well, a domestic cat only to the knee of the lion's default size. Perhaps the ear/mane/etc options would differ as well.

The option to have odd-eyes. Instead of just having an "Eyes" setting in the char maker, what if you had right and left, with a check-box for both to be the same, or coloured independently.

More ears, manes, tails, tufts would be nice too.

I was thinking about the server issue, and thought about the thousands of inactive groups with only one person in them. That's gotta take up memory. Maybe if no one in a group logs in for a month, it's deleted. Would free up names as well.

Game Help / A couple noob questions on presets
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:37:24 am »
Heyo. Two questions here.

1) Is it possible to have more than twelve presets in the character creator preset list?


2) Is it possible to rename exported presets so they have a name besides "Pakhet 1", etc?

Thanks in advance!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Holiday party things
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:12:55 pm »
4th of July's coming up and I always think of parades, so maybe there could be a huge one in the Plains. People with groups could advertise themselves by naming their chars the group's name or having the group members follow them. And there could be people with chars colored red, white and blue running everywhere. Maybe the mods would lead it.

For other holidays there might just be a party somewhere, like:

 Halloween could be celebrated in Ficho with a bunch of black/orange people. A character contest could be held and the winners get presets and the runners-up maybe a ribbon for the forum.

A Christmas party in the south pole with either players or mods dressed up like santa, elves and reindeer. Whoever was Santa could have people come up and tell them what they wanted for x-mas.

Saint Patrick's Day in Plains with green people wearing the shamrock item and leprechaun chars. Maybe really small, yellow characters supposed to be fairy gold.

I can't think of any others right now, but there's my suggestion. I think it'd be fun, although maybe a drain on the sever. Perhaps the parties would need to be before or after the actual date so people could attend, too.

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