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Game Help / Missing Tree Textures
« on: March 07, 2013, 12:01:13 am »
So I'm trying to fix the problem some of my members in my map are getting.
Basically the oak tree's fall and snow (orange leaves and then just branches) that are found in FH+ that are basically only have different leaves from FH's oak trees. They cannot see the leaves.

I've tried to give them the files and replace the ones in the tree folder, put it in objects, my_objects, textures, and everything I can think of but they refuse to show up. Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

Game Help / FH crashing at start up
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:54:42 pm »
So after I exported a map, Fh decides to troll me and crashes right when I click to start it.
Normally this does it when it, for some reason, wants to duplicate particles but I already removed all the ones that have a _0 at them. Is there any other issue out there that causes this?

Also please do not say reinstall. I tried and attempted to move over meshes and such.

Game Help / Own Map Server Problem
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:59:52 pm »
So one of my maps had been working good.
It had some flaws of bad tokens when entering it from time to time due to its meshes but
that never really stopped it from working for all.

Then while I was away, one of the people that use the map
and all the others who had been in that map, now say that
it is saying Cannot connect to map server. Now this is my own created map
and not one of fh original maps. Is there a way to fix this with out having to adjust the map
and exporting it again?

Game Help / Export Crash
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:36:09 pm »
So while trying to export two of my maps, it crashes in the middle of it.

Is there any known causes of this?

Game Help / Fh crashing
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:30:02 pm »
So after I made my map and exported it, I tried to fix a problem by putting my own export download into my exports in hopes of seeing some objects in game in my map that others could see but I couldn't.

The problem that is caused is the game to constantly crash after trying to open the game.
I've uninstalled it and re-installed it. The only other option I have is to delete everything and install the game again. I could try cleaning my exports completely in hopes of that fixing it. I'd rather not lose all my meshes and have to re-add or re-find them all. Same with some of my maps. Unless the game auto remembers it like my characters.

Game Help / Connection to Map failed and Bad tokens
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:25:48 am »
Now I don't get these on any other map  I am on, even the ones I have created. This is only on one map and it has caused a good rp to slowly die cause of  it. So I'm hoping some people in here might have an idea so it is possible to save the map and the rp with it.

So I either get a bad token a few times trying to connect to it OR I will lose connection to the map server and will have this problem for a good minute or more and then it is always welcomed, normally, with a bad  token or more failed connection to map server. My internet is good and I don't lose connection from it either. I have run around on many other maps I downloaded and they run perfectly fine.

Any ideas?

Game Help / Map Gate Help
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:59:39 am »
How do I get that gate into the map and not out of reach for those who enter?

Game Help / FH+ Dies
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:06:12 am »
After exporting a map I just finished making FH+ Now refuses to work. Also I still cannot even work on fh's map maker cause he game crashes when I click that button.

Game Help / Clicking Make Map Crashes fh
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:50:59 pm »
So I tested how to make a map and seeing it work, I started to make a second but then I go into FH to pop on Map Maker to throw on the meshes of my terrain and height, it then crashed... continually everytime  try. Any ideas?

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