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Topics - downey

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Downey's Map Pack! :3 (Literate Members only)
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:12:53 pm »
Hey guys, Downey here! :3
I'd just like to let you know about an epic map pack I am creating, I am in need of your ideas of what kind of maps to put in. I already have 11 inside of it, and need some more ideas for what kind of maps to put in. Bare in mind that this map pack is for literate people only. If I come across to see illiterate members inside of my map pack, there will be an instant ban from my map pack. This map pack is also created for those who are sick of Red's map pack, as those are feline based maps. My maps are for feline AND canine.
Here's what I've got in store for you already..:

Snowdown (Basically a snowy place)
JurassicPark (A place when dinosaurs roamed the earth)
WesterCityMedium (A medium sized city, which is completely made up from mesh. Mostly from Jayfeather! Cred to you! :3)
Pridelands (A place where pridelanders lived from TheLionKing 1,2 and 3)
Outlands (A place where outlanders lived from TheLionKing 1,2 and 3)
PeacfulHeavens, UpsetSigns and RestingHearts (3 Different maps for OOC)
SaivaanOasis (An Oasis and desert smashed into one! Is it hot in here? :3)

I can't remember my others, you see, I'm not at home atm. :L So when I get my laptop back and come by to my nanna's I will put the download link up and put up the rest of the maps. :D

Thanks for reading!

DeviantArt..: KodaKajun :3

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