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Topics - Deltawolf

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Apparently ban.
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:26:38 pm »

I am curious as too why I have been ban, because I have done no such thing as for breaking any rules that I know of. Unless this is a glitch, then I'd appreciate it if it could be fixed.

Game Help / Invalid token?
« on: February 24, 2013, 01:31:22 pm »
Alright, a friend of mine that I used to play feralheart with has just messaged me on facebook that she doesn't remember her password. And has done all the requirements to submit the token, but it only ends up with 'invalid token'. She asked me if I post asking for help, is there anyway to fix the 'invalid token' situation?

Oh and her user is ShallowBlood I believe.

Presets & Markings / Deltawolf's Presets [TAKING TWO REQUESTS]
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:55:58 am »

Belligerent and Skirmish was once one pride, But hatred and pain filled the hearts of many. Shardians are a peaceful creature, But the hatred between two brothers had grown through the pride. The pride split into two, Sharing the same land but keeping their lives seperate. Shardian Belligerent or Shardian Skirmish, Which side will you chose?

Shardians are a species created by me/Deltawolf. The prides are made up of Shardians, please make a suitable Shardian if you wish to join, Link to the description of the species.

General Rules
Be respectful to all RPers
No godmodding/powerplaying
No course language please
Please be active
This is a literate-RP, please use more then two sentences for RP
Our RP day is Saturday
Most of all, have fun

Group forum
It's still a WIP

The king is the one who rules over the pride. He knows the laws and the rules well. He commands the warriors and Sheriff.
Belligerent-  Taken
Skirmish - Taken

The mate to the king, The Queen commands the Baron and hunters.
Belligerent - available
Skirmish - available

The heirs are the cubs of the king and queen, if either the king or queen step down or pass on, the Heir will take their place.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Lead warrior, The Sheriff is responsable for training the warriors. Sheriff must be Male.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Lead huntress, The Lead huntress is responsible for training the hunters. Baron must be female.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Warriors of the Pride, Warriors protect the pride from danger. Accepts both Males and Females.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Hunters hunt for the pride, they hunt anything thats edible.  Accepts both Males and Females
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

A trainee is a lion/lioness that will be pointed in the subject they wish to train for.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Elders of the pride, Elders are lions/lionesses that have stepped down from their rank.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Scouts patrol the territory of the pride. they report anything they see to the King and Queen.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Any lionesses that are expecting are to be well cared for by the medics.
Belligerent - Available, must be with child
Skirmish - Available, must be with child

The Shantain is an elder lion/lioness that can heal and use spiritual methods to help the wounded. Can be either male or female but must be an elder.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Medics of the pride. Medics use herds that the pride Scouts collect on their scouting missions. Medics care for the Mothers and the wouded and sick. Medics can be male or female.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Cubs of the pride, Cubs dont have official ranks but their main objective, is to have fun.
Belligerent - Available
Skirmish - Available

Map comming soon

Copy and paste this form to join. Thank you :)
Code: [Select]
Picture here:
Ingame username:
Character Name:
Desired Rank:
History[Not really required]:
RP sample:
Pride you wish to join:

Species / Shardians
« on: September 03, 2011, 02:36:03 pm »


Shardians Lived in the eighteen hundreds, but went extinct in the eighteen forties, the species was hunted for its delicate fur and unique markings. The species inhabited North America and Siberia. A recent sighting in Siberia by a 42 year old woman had risen the hopes of many archaeologists that the species still exist.


Like regular lions would, Shardians live in prides. From at least three to well over thorty members can be in one pride. Shardians are well coordinative, they work well in groups and will be more successful in hunts.
Shardians can be greatly affectionate towards each other but some Male can be aggressive toward other Males treat females and cubs with great affection, showing hardly any aggression.

Natural Habitat

Shardians live in cold, high areas, Siberia and North America are the perfect places. Shardians live in dense snow and forest areas. Shardians prefer to live close to their prey source, They will hunt just about anything they see, Including other large felines.


Males reach sexual maturity at the age of two and a half years, and females two. The best breed season for Shardians is Autumn, the Cubs are born during winter, since the cubs are white, its the best solution for camouflage in the snow. But breeding can be all year round, But a less chance of a cub surviving during spring or summer, their white pelt will stand out, making them a direct target.


Male Description
Males have black to dark grey pelts, a light to a dark grey under fur. They have Bright red markings, brighter than females. their manes can vary from white to black, and they have bright blue, whole eyes.

Female Description
Females can have a dark grey to light grey pelt and a light grey under fur. Females have dark red markings. and dark whole, blue eyes.

Cub Description
Cubs are born with light grey pelts, almost white. They are born with bright blue eyes and bright red ear rims with no other markings

Male Adolscent Description
A Males pelt starts to darken when they become an adolscent, Their manes start to develope and their ear rim markings to to disappear, and there Bright red markings start to appear. Their eyes DONT darken, they stay their bright blue colour.        

Female Adolscent Description
A females Pelt start to darken when they become an adolscer rims fade and their markings start to appear and darken. Their eyes start to darken once their markings have fully appeared.

Their markins are between spots and stripes, so basicly any markings that are either spots or stripes.

Example of a male Shardian

Thanks for reading this e.e no need to ask for permissions to create a Shardian :)

Introduction / hi
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:05:22 am »
hey my names rain and i just joined feralheart but im familiar with role play and stuff, can wait until the servers are up to meet some new peepz  ;D

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