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Topics - luminouskadence

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Issue with Presets {Unresolved}
« on: December 13, 2015, 04:42:22 am »
Hello there, FeralHeart members! I have searched extensively through multiple websites on how to fix my issue I am having, but I cannot seem to get it done and that is why I have come to the forums. I understand the process of having to enter the presets into the multiple preset folders and opening it in the game, but my preset will not work and it is only showing up black and white. Can someone please help me? I am putting screencaps with step by step of what I am doing, and if someone can see what I am doing wrong, please tell me!

1) I am going into my Local Disk (c:) -> Feral Heart -> My_Presets -> Preset_7

2)I have all of the images I want to use labeled as "Preset_7(bodypart)(L/R)" and they are all .png files.

3)I enter into the FeralHeart game, I go to Tools -> Preset Maker -> and I open up Preset 7.

The issue I am coming into is that no matter what I name the files to, they always come up as a black and yellow mess. Is this an issue with the way I am labeling my preset images or is it something else? Please help me if you can!

Art Gallery / Character Drawing Requests: CLOSED
« on: December 10, 2015, 01:36:36 am »
Requests Being Processed:
- Yippi [Feline] (Preach)
- Shurtle [Feline] (Shurtle)
- Iron [Canine] (.:Ozzie:.)

Hi there, Feral Heart! My name is Astynome, aka liongirlquena, and I am opening up my services to draw your original characters created through FH. If you'd like to submit a request, please post a response on this thread or PM with the following:

1) The name of your character
2) A photo or detailed description of said character
3) Your in-game FH username

Please note that these are done in my spare time and I am not guaranteeing that every request will be drawn. They make take a few hours to a few days, as I have a personal life and work. I would also appreciate (as this has happened to me before) that you do not spam me when I am online about your requests, as I am trying my best.

-Any form of canine
-Any form of feline
-Any form of reptile
-Any character with mods (wings, horns, metal, etc.)
-Any sized animals, thought med. to sm. is better
-Any coloring or shading scheme
-Basic backgrounds (they are not my strong point)
... and much more! Feel free to ask.

And for anyone who is curious about what I use: I draw on a Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch and I draw on PaintTool SAI.
Thank you so much for trusting me with your drawing needs and Id appreciate all and any comments/questions/concerns that you have! Have a wonderful day~

I'd like to apologize, as many of these are WIPs or older drawings. I am searching for newer, completed drawings. I also draw a variety of styles, from realistic to cartoon-ish.

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