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Topics - Celestiane

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Exodus Eleutheria

New/ Literate to Semi Literate/ Pack Creating Group/ Realistic to Semi Realistic/ Semi Plotted/ Unique Activity System/ Discorded/ Long Term/ Friendly/ Mature/ Wolves & Dogs

Welcome all, to the world of Exodus Eleutheria, a new feral heart roleplaying group, we will be active every Mondays to Thursdays : 00:00 Greenwich time zone and Fridays to Sundays : All day long, your presence will be required for, at least, two days a week, otherwise your character will be kicked out, and have to suffer a sin when - or if- it comes back. Fell free to join our Deviantart Group, our Discord group, and to leave us suggestions for future events. The story starts right before the events of our main plot, each pack created into the group will also have their own inner plots. We will be accepting new members every sunday before the start of the game, however, once we start the recruiting will be happinign only through the site, feral heart forum, or through our deviantart group. Exodus Eleutheria was created to have the right touch of realism, mating seasons only happen during the winter, there will be bad and lucky days that will determinate your characters outcomes, we will be playing around topics that may come out as controversial and even tabus may come to make a play at our plot in the future. Other than that, I do am searching for worthy devoted staff members to help with these project.


It hadn´t took long for the snow to have melted during that early spring, the breeze is growing warm, life is blooming in all shapes and forms through the valley, and yet, between the joys and cheers for the restart of a cycle, a new curse seams to have taken our land´s hostage, fish have been growing scarce since late autumn, and now the waters are cursed. A new sence of helplessness have overtaken the nature comunity as the risks for the delay of herbs migration grow.  A raven singed at mid morning, atracting the attention to the fallen animal nearby the stream. A wolf, its nuzzle and teeth as black as the proclaimed birds feathers, an rotting smell able to scare off even the most willing of the scavangers, its body would tremble and shake, giving the false impression of life. That was a sign, many would say, as a new light bathed the canine, and so, as simple as it could be, the prophecy was proclaimed in the wisest and powerfull mind. "When the day comes that land flows like water, that who burns and freezes may seal the fate of those around it, the rise of what was forgotten brings death and sorrow, but the answer to the riddle may be found in between those that carry the will of the lost."


Broken Shadows

"United we stand, together we stay."


Prime Alphas - Lord/Lady

-The alpha pair of Broken Shadows pack, they are normally the most well trained, being mentored since their first steps by only the best, their word is law, and shall not be taken as law, their best interest is maintain the secrets of the noble blood lineage a mystery from outsiders.-

-Heir/Heiress, selected from the first littler of the Prime Lady, the heir will be chosen at the age of 16 moons (four months), and be trained under the paws of its parents and Council, the heir will be presented in pack gatherings at their coming of age event, it will be presented in allied pack gatherings as well, in hopes for future alliances.-


Earls Lords/Ladys
-Primes alphas blood, normally a sibling from one of the leaders, or a cousin, or a sibling for the Heirs. They receive almost the same amount of trainmen as the Heirs.-

Prime Seer
- The healer master of the pack, it is responsible for the well care of all wolves, it provides the pack with herbs and prophecies, while also performing rituals.-

-The Adviser and oldest wolf from the Council, their duty is to guide and support the chief in any possible way, deciding punishments for those who have the nerve to oppose the law if needed.-

Strategos Lord
-Lead Guards of the pack, it is their responsibility to organize patrols, as well as to discuss and plan war strategies with Warlords.These wolves tend to suffer from severe headaches and digestive problems due to stress.-

- Lead Warrior of the pack troops, it relies on the Warlord´s shoulders the responsibility to prepare war strategies within the Arch Strategos, and prepare the warrior wolves for war if necessary, they can be known to be a little harsh with their subordinates, it also lies on their shoulders the responsibility to organize patrols, to punish traitors, and to take down those wolves that had receive the death penalty.-

Lord Commander
- Lead Hunter, it is its duty to inform the Alpha pair about the lands and herbs conditions of the territory, and to organize hunting parties.-

- Lead Consort, she is the one to design the Consort ladies for a Moon Lady, while also serving as a personal Consort for the Prime Blood.-

High Ranks

Prime Paladin
-The best among the Warriors, the most skilled wolves of the rank, charged with the responsibility to organize boarder patrols, fight off trespassers, slay rogues, hunt for traitors, and remark the boarders.Those are the wolves that may, one day, rise up to the rank of Warlords.-

Prime Sentinel
-The best fighters among the Guard rankings,their work, is to protect the royal Prime blood at any costs, they are the most well trained among their rank, these position can only be acquired by the most loyal and brave hearted among the guards. Those are also the wolves that may, one day, rise up to the rank of Strategos Lord.-

Prime Hawker
-The best among the Hunters, most skilled wolves among the Hawkers, skilled on flexibility and speed, those are the wolves responsible to lead the hunting parties, and choose on what herd to take down prey, also being, most of the time, the one to actually take the prey down.Those are the wolves that may, one day, rise up to the rank of Warlords.

- She wolves that have chosen to continue to care and aid for the Seeds, their duty is to support physically and emotionally the Moon Ladies, they are also the ones in charge of abandoning weak Seeds if necessary.Over the years, one of those dames can, maybe, rank up for the position of Divine.-

Middle Ranks

Moon Ladies
- Pregnant or nursing dames of our pack.-


- Warriors, their duty is to patrol the boarders, assuring the territory claim.-


- Guards, their duty is to maintain peace among the pack members.-


- Hunter, their duty is to support the Prime Hawkers during hunting parties.-


- Physicians, those are wolves that are mostly specialized to treat wounds and diseases.-

-Mentors, those are wolves with enough experience to acquire an apprentice from the nursery. They will train the young for their presentation test.

- Old wolves that have requested for retirement.-

Low Ranks

- Apprentices, usually will be designed to an Adept at the start of their six month of age, and train with it for, at most cases, two years before their presentation test. The squire can also require to present earlier if their mentor thinks it is ready for the test.

- Apprentices for the Seer position, those are normally more fragile youngsters, that are, most of the time, chosen from birth for the task of healing.-

- The squirts of the pack, also known as furballs, you should be scared.-



- Non pack related wolves that dare to enter pack territory.-

- sometimes pack related wolves, that have been banished from the group for a reason or another. They can be accepted back if the Prime alpha forgive their errors, however they will have to be ‘’purified’’ before being reintroduced to the rest of the pack.-

- Non pack related wolves that might be temporary accepted into the camp in exchange for information or other services.-


- Wolves that have threatened the harmony or the hierarchy of the pack, those are wolves that where exiled for life, with close to no chance of coming back.


1. Respect : Is the basic for every descent human communication, the ''threat others the way you wish to be threat'' applies perfectly in these section. We from Exodus Eleutheria will not allow any kind of harassment or persecution between the members of these group, there are , for what people say, around seven billion of people on earth, of course not all of them will carry the same believes, thats what make humans unique i guess, reports will be cautious investigated and, if proved guilty, your characters will be completely erased from the plot line, with no chances for a come back.

2. Drama : Please, even if we do joke around sometimes, do not bring your personal drama to our game, RP is supposed to be a fun and relaxing way to spend time with potential friends, improve your skills and make part of a wonderful adventure that in the real world would turn out to be a little close to the impossible to happen, we do it for fun, not for the bloodshed. You are allowed to dislike as many people as you'd like, however remember always that respect comes first in here.If you fell the need to vent over FH or RL stuff, fell free to do so in our discord, or, if you are in need for emotional support, please don’t hesitate to come talk to me over it.

3. Activity and Power: In order to remain in the group, you are required to show up, at least twice every week on feral heart, and keep an full updated bio of your characters within the site, you are allowed to have, up to 3 characters per account. Remember however that they MUST be active. You may have a character with a high rank as a beginner <<make sure to contact the admins and mods before it though>> however, it does NOT classify you as an Admin or Mod, if you wish to partake in our community as such, please contact us and we will discuss everything.

4. Literacy: We do not accept samples with less than three lines in these group, so my advice is, try to be as descriptive as you can, paint the backgrounds wile writing about it, don't be afraid of the consequences, we are a Semi Literate group, however discord allows a more clean writing wile pointing out some minor errors, that can be used to your advantage if you fell the need.

5. Pelts,Itens and Neons: We do NOT allow bright red neon pelts with pink and green dots in here, you want to create a character, please try to save our members eyes sake wile doing it, try to maintain a more realistic pallet pelt within the main fur of your character, brownish , chestnuts, blueish, creaming yellows and light golden pallets are allowed however, your character is allowed to have SOME minor neon markings we ask of you however to use only one color for such markings. Your character is required to pursuit at least two color variant pelts, one for the cold season and one for the warm one, we do allow items such as “flower crowns”, and “twigs”, but other than the more naturalistic stuff <unless you have a background on how the character gained the item> like weapons, cars, bubbles, wings and devil horns are definitely NOT accepted in game.

6.Gods, Garrys and Marrys and Traits: No God modding, mate baggers, or unrealistic traits, keep a balance between strengths and weaknesses within it, give as much negatives as positive traits. There will also be a limit for how many times a character will be allowed to come back to life, and there will also be a price for it to pay in game.

7.Kicked out: There are several ways that you could end up being kicked out from our group, the punishments vary from two days out to a week, one month, and in worst cases, a permanent ban. Please, take notice that once you get kicked out, your name will be dirtied by it and you will be kept a closer look upon, we highly suggest for you to try to avoid being kicked out if you do wish to continue within the history and with your character alive, there will also be a limited amount of times that your character will be allowed to come back to life, there will be character sins to pay if it stays far to long inactive - sins that may be paid by the blindness of a character to the cripple of one of its paws- and they mostly will die off from our timeline if you get kicked out so, lets just try to play safe ok dears?.

8. +16: We do not condone harassment, bullying and generally distasteful behavior IC. we allow your character to be as nasty and mean as you want them to be. Your character can be as sexist, racist, homophobic, and all the other nasty things a person/or dog/or wolf/or fox/ could be, however, that protection does not extend to out of character conduct, failure to comply Any kind of harassment , cyber humiliation, or persecution will grand you an one way ticked out of these rp.

X since i know some of you might be asking “when do mating season starts?, will it really happen?”, the answer is yeas, we do have mate seasons one time per year in rp during the Winter - like wolves in real life.-

You can visit our site on:
You can join our discord on:
Contact for more informations on Discord:Redtatulove22#7824

Code: [Select]
Character Photo:
FeralHeart Username:
Character Name:
Pack:(Delete if loner)
Matrimonial Status:
Sexual Orientation:
Rank Desired:


New Mapped Realistic Wolf RP Raven Pack is searching for  activity member wolfs to join,a new Semi literal feral heart group,here are all the Raven Pack's ranks:

-High Ranks-
->Alpha Female:Alma F RPA
->Alpha Male:Name RPA
->Beta Female:Name F RPB
->Beta Male:Name M RPB
->Delta Female:Name F PRD:
->Delta Male:Name M PRD:
->Zeta(Generals)(2x):Name PRZ
->Epsilion(Guards)(2x):Name PRE
->Kappa(Lead Hunters)(2x):Name PRK
->Theta (Head Medics)(2x):Name PRT
->Gamas (Elders):Name PRG
->Lota (Medics):Name PRL
->Eta(Warriors):Name PREta
->Lambda(Hunters):Name PRL

-Med Ranks-
->Mu (Pace Keepers)(1x):Name PRMu
->Nu(Sentries)(4x):Name PRNu
->Omicron(Lead therapist)(1x):Name PROM
->Pi(Therapist)(1x):Name PRPi
->Sigma(Tutors):Name PRS
->Ametist(Spy):Name A

-Lower Ranks-
->Pi (Pup cares)(1X):Name PRPI
->Chi(Jester)(1x):Name PRChi
->Psi(Subordinates):Name PRPsi
->Omegas(Lowest Rank):Name PRO


->Respect the Alphas,Betas,Gamas and Deltas: These are the highest's ranks off the pack, they will be listened and obeyed, if anyone got caught being disrespectful to any of these wolf ranks, he/she will be permanently kicked from the pack.

->Mates Stuff: I don't see problem in you getting a mate on the pack, but if you want have these pupmakers moments,use wishper with your partner,anyone needs to know what you two will do.

->Behave:For more high you rank is, i don't want see any cyberbully on these rp, if someone do these to you pleas, tell me and i will kick the person and ask to everyone block him/her.

->Activite: I already had a lot of problem with these stuf, peoples that enter and after never show up will be eventually kicked from the pack, but i will do it these way, i will give you 3 chances, if you got kicked 3 times from the pack, you wont be able to come back,if you wont be able to come on, please report it to someone from the pack or mysealf, i wont as well ask you to spend all day on pack if you don't want to, but you will need to apear at least 3 hours per week.

->RP: use Local or General for rp,and Group for any other tipe of stuff.

PS:The Map isnt ready, i still need added some stuff, but the two packs camps are already done.

If you got interested on out pack and wish to join raven pack, please send a replie with your character:
Rank:(the only ones unable are Deltas and Betas,for become a Delta or a Beta from Raven Pack, your wolf need prof him/hersealf for the pack.)
little bio:(likes,dislikes, etc, what you want put.)


In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Search for Rival Pack
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:31:08 pm »
New Mapped Wolf Raven Pack is searching for a rival wolf pack and activity wolfs to join as well, It will be activiti,and Semi literal,here are the ranks from Raven Pack:

->Alpha Female:Alma F RPA
->Alpha Male:Name RPA
->Beta Female:Name F RPB
->Beta Male:Name M RPB
->Delta Female:Name F PRD:
->Delta Male:Name M PRD:
->Zeta(Generals)(2x):Name PRZ
->Epsilion(Guards)(2x):Name PRE
->Kappa(Lead Hunters)(2x):Name PRK
->Theta (Head Medics)(2x):Name PRT
->Gamas (Elders):Name PRG
->Lota (Medics):Name PRL
->Eta(Warriors):Name PREta
->Lambda(Hunters):Name PRL
-Med Ranks-
->Mu (Pace Keepers)(1x):Name PRMu
->Nu(Sentries)(4x):Name PRNu
->Omicron(Lead therapist)(1x):Name PROM
->Pi(Therapist)(1x):Name PRPi
->Sigma(Tutors):Name PRS
->Tau(Lead scout):Name PRTau
->Ametist(Spy):Name A
-Lower Ranks-
->Pi (Pup cares)(1X):Name PRPI
->Chi(Jester)(1x):Name PRChi
->Psi(Subordinates):Name PRPsi
->Omegas(Lowest Rank):Name PRO


->Respect the Alphas,Betas,Gamas and Deltas: These are the highest's ranks off the pack, they will be listened and obeyed, if anyone got caught being disrespectful to any of these wolf ranks, he/she will be permanently kicked from the pack.

->Mates Stuff: I don't see problem in you getting a mate on the pack, but if you want have these pupmakers moments,use wishper with your partner,anyone needs to know what you two will do.

->Behave:For more high you rank is, i don't want see any cyberbully on these rp, if someone do these to you pleas, tell me and i will kick the person and ask to everyone block him/her.

->Activite: I already had a lot of problem with these stuf, peoples that enter and after never show up will be eventually kicked from the pack, but i will do it these way, i will give you 3 chances, if you got kicked 3 times from the pack, you wont be able to come back,if you wont be able to come on, please report it to someone from the pack or mysealf, i wont as well ask you to spend all day on pack if you don't want to, but you will need to apear at least 3 hours per week.

->RP: use Local or General for rp,and Group for any other tipe of stuff.

PS:The Map isnt ready, i still need added some stuff, but the two packs camps are already done.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / -New Warrior Cats Semi Lit RP-
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:01:28 pm »
Hi there peoples, i am SilverStar from the new warrior cats clan, *}Mist Clan{*

*}Mist Clan{*
Current Leader:Silverstar - light grey she cat with blue eyes.
Med.Cat aprendice:

to join, u just need preench the character file bellow:

Character Name:

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:09:26 pm »
Hi!, here is Silverstar (Celestiane) from the future warrior cats clan *}MistClan{*
But i am looking for more 3 clans to play with, soo, anyone arrownd want a semi warrior role play?,u can nomey ur clan as u wish,i will use a map, but first i will need take a look on dev, soo, see u arrownd i think, and have a great game!:3

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