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Topics - hazelnut64

Pages: [1]
Request Maps / Wolf Rp Map Needed
« on: September 22, 2012, 10:18:34 pm »
Could someone make a map for a rp me and my friends are going to create? Its an unrealistic wolf rp where different packs are different elements(Ex: Fire Wolves can catch fire at will and they control fire). I would make the map myself but my objects are messed up so.... yeah. There are 10 packs so 10 territorys. But also could you add a forbbiden grounds part with 2 other camps for emergency packs? Thanks. The elements/packs are Dark, Light, Lightning, Storm, Water, Wind, Fire, Ice, Life, and Music. If you are willing to make this map just post a comment and I'll give you all the details.

Game Help / Major Help Needed.
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:12:40 am »
Ok. So when I post a map on mediafire only the objects that came with FH appear. I've already posted a help needed and I did exactly what they told me to do. But it still doesn't work. I have no clue if I'm doing something wrong or if somethings messed up. I put all the meshes I downloaded in a new group, I exported the map, I made a file, I copied everything into the file, I compressed it and I did every single detail they told me to do. But it still doesn't work. I really need help.

Game Help / Export Map? Help Needed.
« on: September 16, 2012, 12:47:06 am »
Every time I make a map I make it all pretty and I use objects that I downloaded. But when I export the map and put it up, when someone else downloads it only the objects that came with FH appear. I really need help because I talked to my friend who has made a ton of maps and I did everything she said. But it doesn't work! Please help.

Pages: [1]